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Onthespatialcharacteristicoftheshort┐termandimminentanomaliesofundergroundwaterbehaviorsbeforestrongearthquakeXUE-BINDU(杜学彬)... 相似文献
半叶马尾藻多糖对辐射损伤小鼠骨髓细胞集落生成的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
探讨半叶马尾藻多糖[Sargassum hemiphyllum(Turner)C.Ag.polysaccharides,SHP]对辐射损伤小鼠骨髓细胞集落生成的影响。检测辐射损伤小鼠脾集落生成单位、红细胞集落生成单位、爆裂型红细胞集落生成单位、粒细胞.巨噬细胞集落生成单位、巨核细胞集落生成单位、混合集落生成单位的变化。5Gy7射线照射后小鼠CFU-S,CFU—E,BFU—E和CFU—Mix明显减少,而SHP(20mg/kg-40mg/kg)可以抑制CFU—S,CFU—E,BFU—E和CFU—Mix下降。辐射损伤也可以引起小鼠CFU-GM显著降低,但是,SHP(10mg/kg-40mg/kg)具有拮抗辐射损伤的作用,使CFU-GM增加。单纯照射组小鼠CFU—Meg显著低于正常对照组,SHP(40mg/kg)加照射组小鼠CFU-Meg却显著高于单纯照射组。SHP对辐射损伤小鼠多能干细胞和造血祖细胞具有保护作用。 相似文献
利津县城区的地热资源主要赋存于新生代新近纪和古近纪碎屑沉积岩中,热储类型为层状孔隙-裂隙型热储,地热资源类型属热传导型。新近纪馆陶组热储层组与古近纪东营组热储层组是主要的热储层。该文在论述利津县地热地质条件的基础上,对地热开发的经济、社会、环境效益及开发利用前景进行了分析,对地热开发中的尾水排放和回灌问题进行了探讨,最后提出了地热资源开发与管理方面的建议。 相似文献
通过STK软件对GPS、BDS、GLONASS、Galileo四个系统的星座结构进行仿真,并选择单系统与多系统组合定位的方式对中国区域内的可见卫星数、GDOP值和定位精度进行覆盖分析。结果表明,GPS/BDS/GLONASS/Galileo四系统组合定位在我国的GDOP值可达0.7~0.8,定位精度可达3~4m,优于其他方式的组合定位;同时四系统组合定位下的GDOP值降低,定位精度更好,GDOP值与定位精度的波动异常得到了抑制,导航定位的性能与稳定性也得到了相应的提升。 相似文献
Abstract: 3–D velocity images of the crust beneath the northern margin of the North China Plate have been constructed using P-wave travel time residuals of the latest earthquakes, with the data supplied by Chinese seismic networks.
The seismic image results indicate that there is a lateral heterogeneity in the crust beneath the northern part of the North China block. The velocity images of the upper crust show features closely related to the tectonic features on the surface. It can be seen from these velocity images of the vertical sections, and from the horizontal slice images at depths of 11 and 16 km that there exist East-West and North-East structures. The images indicate that the juncture zone of basin–and–range terrain is between the blue-colored high–velocity block corresponding to the Yanshan mountain range that developed during the Yanshan period in northwest Beijing and the green low-velocity area corresponding to the North China basin in southeast Beijing (Fig. 5). The juncture zone between high-velocity and low–velocity, and EW and NE fault zones have significant ore-control effects. From the chart of epicenters in the northern region of North China, we find that the epicenters of earthquakes are almost entirely distributed within the NE strip. Almost all major earthquakes took place in the transition strip between the high and low-velocity zones in the crust. The distribution of epicenters also reflects the strikes of known NE–faults. From the image sections along the latitude, we find that in the area between 114.0 E –118.0 E , there is a blue high-velocity block standing upright from the Moho to the upper crust (Fig. 6), from which can be deduced that some materials such as magma moved upward from the upper mantle during the history of its geological development. 相似文献
The seismic image results indicate that there is a lateral heterogeneity in the crust beneath the northern part of the North China block. The velocity images of the upper crust show features closely related to the tectonic features on the surface. It can be seen from these velocity images of the vertical sections, and from the horizontal slice images at depths of 11 and 16 km that there exist East-West and North-East structures. The images indicate that the juncture zone of basin–and–range terrain is between the blue-colored high–velocity block corresponding to the Yanshan mountain range that developed during the Yanshan period in northwest Beijing and the green low-velocity area corresponding to the North China basin in southeast Beijing (Fig. 5). The juncture zone between high-velocity and low–velocity, and EW and NE fault zones have significant ore-control effects. From the chart of epicenters in the northern region of North China, we find that the epicenters of earthquakes are almost entirely distributed within the NE strip. Almost all major earthquakes took place in the transition strip between the high and low-velocity zones in the crust. The distribution of epicenters also reflects the strikes of known NE–faults. From the image sections along the latitude, we find that in the area between 114.0 E –118.0 E , there is a blue high-velocity block standing upright from the Moho to the upper crust (Fig. 6), from which can be deduced that some materials such as magma moved upward from the upper mantle during the history of its geological development. 相似文献
基于人口集聚度的中国人口集疏格局 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
人口集聚和疏散是人口空间分布格局最直观和最集中的体现,研究一个地区人口集疏的空间格局,不仅可以揭不该地区人口集疏的内在规律,也有利于深入研究该地区的整体人口分布的态势和规律,更能够体现出区域内经济格局以及城市化格局的发展.基于人口集聚度的中国人口集疏空间格局的研究,有助于准确把握中国人口空间分布的基本脉络,具有一定的学术价值和实践意义.本研究采用了人口集聚度分级评价的方法,依据人口集聚度的不同,将各个地区划分为不同等级的人口集聚区,并对其分别讨论.在此基础上,结合中国人口分布格局、自然条件空间格局、人居环境自然适宜性评价结果以及经济发展格局和城市化格局,对中国的人口集疏的空间格局进行了归纳,得出了中国人口分布"西疏东密"的传统空间格局突出,人口集聚以平原地区为依托并呈现"沿海、沿江、沿线"高度集聚的特征的结论. 相似文献
西安市土地利用格局动态演变及其驱动力研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于多时相TM/ETM+数据,以RS和GIS技术为支撑,采用监督分类、非监督分类等方法,辅助土地利用动态度和土地利用耗减度等定量指标,分析了西安1995-2010年的土地利用时空动态变化。结果表明,15年间西安市城区土地利用空间格局发生了较大变化,土地利用时空演变以速度加快,强度显著,建设用地急剧扩张,占用大量耕地、林地为主要特征;景观斑块破碎化程度高,不稳定斑块呈现出先分散后集中的特点,土地利用类型的空间稳定性低;经济增长、城市化、人口增长等因素是其主要驱动力。 相似文献
阿西克剖面记录的西天山地区黄土磁学性质及古气候意义初探 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
选取阿西克剖面作为研究对象,对伊犁地区末次间冰期以来的沉积的黄土地层的磁学特征进行分析。结果发现,伊犁地区黄土地层的磁性矿物有磁铁矿、磁赤铁矿、赤铁矿、针铁矿,磁学性质受亚铁磁性的磁铁矿(和磁赤铁矿)控制;MD和PSD是地层中亚铁磁性矿物的主要磁畤状态,随着成壤强度增加,地层中的SP和SD颗粒相对含量逐渐增加;亚铁磁性矿物含量与地层并不完全对应。对磁学参数控制机制的分析表明,本剖面磁学性质受控因素比较复杂,磁性矿物含量主要受控于物源的磁学性质,成壤作用对地层中细粒磁性矿物含量具有很大影响,还原作用可能对底部古土壤层的磁学性质造成一定影响,但对整个剖面的磁学性质影响相对较小。 相似文献
PM2.5导致大气能见度下降,造成雾霾天气.本文基于2016年四川省89个空气质量监测站的PM2.5数据,对2016年四川省PM2.5浓度时空分布特征进行研究分析.结果表明,2016年四川省PM2.5浓度空间分布呈现出西北部PM2.5浓度较低、空气质量较好,东南部PM2.5浓度较高、空气质量较差的趋势;时间分布呈现夏季PM2.5浓度较低、空气质量较好,冬季PM2.5浓度较高、空气质量较差的趋势,从而得出四川省PM2.5浓度时间和空间分布规律及分布图. 相似文献