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本文研究了1938—1958年间,太阳γ及βγ黑子磁場区的3級与3~+級大耀斑的地磁效应。用相关及迴归分析法,計算了太阳赤緯、日軸方位角及耀斑的日面經緯度等因素对于磁扰的彭响。根据分析結果,繪出了日面地磁扰动等值图。利用水手2号飞船上量譜仪測出的太阳风速度和相应的地磁A_p指数,算出了相关关系,并用此和上述日面地磁扰动等值图配合,推算了在耀斑发生以后,太阳风的径向分量沿地球軌道的分布。参考文內各相应的曲线,可以約略估計出耀斑发生后地磁A_p指数的大小。  相似文献   
泥岩有水热解产生低分子量有机酸实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
直接采用泥岩岩屑进行有水热解,测定实验后水溶液中几种常见低分子量有机酸.结果表明,在实验的水溶液中检测到了丰富的低分子量有机酸,组成上主要为一元羧酸,其中又以乙酸占优势.讨论了不同热解条件对有机酸产率以及组成的影响.实验结果表明,有机酸总量随加热温度和时间增加而增加,并且溶液中不同有机酸相对组成也发生变化.当温度高于1...  相似文献   
阵形估算是水听器阵列应用中的关键问题,基于时延的水下声基阵大地坐标标定方法利用声源发射和声阵接收的CW脉冲之间的时延获得空间中的三个声源发射点到阵元的距离,并以这三个声源发射点为圆心,以声源发射点到阵元的距离为半径做球面,得到的交点即为阵元的大地坐标.通过实验数据分析结果可以得出如下结论:基于时延的球面交汇法得到的阵形标定结果的绝对误差均值为0.13 m,可以把该方法运用于实际的工程测量当中.  相似文献   
The flux-variance similarity relation and the vertical transfer of scalars exhibit dissimilarity over different types of surfaces,resulting in different parameterization approaches of relative transport efficiency among scalars to estimate turbulent fluxes using the flux-variance method.We investigated these issues using eddycovariance measurements over an open,homogeneous and flat grassland in the eastern Tibetan Plateau in summer under intermediate hydrological conditions during rainy season.In unstable conditions,the temperature,water vapor,and CO2 followed the flux-variance similarity relation,but did not show in precisely the same way due to different roles(active or passive) of these scalars.Similarity constants of temperature,water vapor and CO2 were found to be 1.12,1.19 and 1.17,respectively.Heat transportation was more efficient than water vapor and CO2.Based on the estimated sensible heat flux,five parameterization methods of relative transport efficiency of heat to water vapor and CO2 were examined to estimate latent heat and CO2 fluxes.The strategy of local determination of flux-variance similarity relation is recommended for the estimation of latent heat and CO2 fluxes.This approach is better for representing the averaged relative transport efficiency,and technically easier to apply,compared to other more complex ones.  相似文献   
电网磁暴灾害风险影响因素研究综述   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
磁暴是源自太阳磁场剧烈变化的地球空间效应,随着电网规模的增大和电压等级的增高,磁暴灾害已经成为诱发电网故障风险的威胁之一.研究电力系统磁暴灾害风险的影响因素可为预防与控制其引发的电网事故提供重要参考.在分析历史典型磁暴事件的基础上,剖析了磁暴诱发电力系统故障的机理,阐述了故障传播与电力系统响应的过程,总结了近年来关于影响电力系统的地磁感应电流水平及其产生的变压器无功损耗方面的研究成果,从磁暴本身的特点和电力系统的参数与结构两方面将影响因素分类.以GIC标准模型,通过改变磁暴扰动环境和电力系统参数,说明了各因素对电网磁暴灾害风险的影响程度,并比较了不同因素影响后果的差异,最后指出了尚未解决的问题和可能的研究方向.  相似文献   
岩石热破裂是高放废物地质处置工程中需深入研究的课题。对我国高放废物重点预选场址甘肃北山的花岗岩开展室内热破裂模拟试验研究,采用多通道温度测试仪、声发射、波速层析成像和数码显微镜等手段研究了该花岗岩热破裂过程。试验表明,(1)热破裂从试件端部开始产生,逐步向内缓慢扩展,表现出分段性和独立性;(2)根据声发射撞击率可将热破裂可分为稳定热损伤、宏观裂纹形成、宏观裂纹扩展、裂纹冷却闭合4个阶段,声发射定位的时空演化规律清楚地揭示了裂纹从试件上端部向内部扩展的规律;(3)波速层析成像指示了宏观裂纹位置及高温对岩石造成显著损伤的区域,热应力产生的损伤集中在试件边界,范围小,损伤严重,高温造成的损伤集中在钻孔附近高温区,范围较大,损伤略轻微;(4)监测多通道温度,获得了试件内的温度场并为数值模拟参数选取提供验证,采用有限元程序进行了热力耦合数值模拟,从机制上初步解释了热破裂现象,研究认为综合声发射实时监测热破裂过程和波速层析成像能实现对热损伤的量化的特性可实现岩石热破裂的动态监测和损伤量化,为今后地下实验室相关试验的开展和认识高放废物处置长期稳定性做了有意义的探索。  相似文献   
韩敏  刘宇明  汪恩良  高占坤 《测绘科学》2013,38(1):75-76,79
针对野外恶劣自然环境条件制约冻土温度现场采集和远程监控的问题,本文设计和开发基于通用分组无线业务(GPRS)的冻土实时监控软件和监控中心网站。冻土远程实时监控软件实现野外冻土温度数据的自动采集、实时显示、数据存储和远程控制等功能,降低数据采集的成本,提高数据采集的效率,已经成功应用于野外现场监控。配套开发的监控中心网站将冻土温度数据发布至Internet网络,解决冻土数据共享问题,扩大冻土温度监控的范围,实现多用户的实时数据远程监控。  相似文献   
In this study, we analyzed the spatiotemporal variation of cold surges in Inner Mongolia between 1960 and 2012 and their possible driving factors using daily minimum temperature data from 121 meteorological stations in Inner Mongolia and the surrounding areas. These data were analyzed utilizing a piecewise regression model, a Sen+Mann- Kendall model, and a correlation analysis. Results demonstrated that (1) the frequency of single-station cold surges decreased in Inner Mongolia during the study period, with a linear tendency of -0.5 times/10a (-2.4 to 1.2 times/10a). Prior to 1991, a significant decreasing trend of -1.1 times/10a (-3.3 to 2.5 times/10a) was detected, while an increasing trend of 0.45 times/10a (-4.4 to 4.2 times/10a) was found after 1991. On a seasonal scale, the trend in spring cold surges was consistent with annual values, and the most obvious change in cold surges occurred during spring. Monthly cold surge frequency displayed a bimodal structure, and November witnessed the highest incidence of cold surge. (2) Spatially, the high incidence of cold surge is mainly observed in the northern and central parts of Inner Mongolia, with a higher occurrence observed in the northern than in the central part. Inter-decadal characteristic also revealed that high frequency and low frequency regions presented decreasing and increasing trends, respectively, between 1960 and 1990. High frequency regions expanded after the 1990s, and regions exhibiting high cold surge frequency were mainly distributed in Tulihe, Xiao’ergou, and Xi Ujimqin Banner. (3) On an annual scale, the cold surge was dominated by AO, NAO, CA, APVII, and CQ. However, seasonal differences in the driving forces of cold surges were detected. Winter cold surges were significantly correlated with AO, NAO, SHI, CA, TPI, APVII, CW, and IZ, indicating they were caused by multiple factors. Autumn cold surges were mainly affected by CA and IM, while spring cold surges were significantly correlated with CA and APVII.  相似文献   
南水北调西线一期工程调水区所涉及的6条河流(泥曲、达曲、色曲、杜柯河、玛柯河、阿柯河)坝址处均无实测的径流资料,开展该地区的水文研究属于无资料水文预报问题(PUBs)。利用年径流量的变差系数Cv值、年际变化绝对比率P和不均匀系数α对坝址下游的朱倭、朱巴、足木足、绰斯甲4站的实测年径流的年际变化进行分析,计算结果为各坝址径流年际变差系数Cv为0.15~0.26,表明调水区的多年径流量变化不大;年际变化绝对比率P为1.88~3.00,其中朱倭站的径流年际变化最大,最大径流量是最小径流量的3倍,绰斯甲站的最大径流量是最小径流量的1.88倍,4站的径流变化都不剧烈;径流不均匀系数α为0.58~0.75,表明该流域径流量的年际变化较为均匀;利用水文比拟法对坝址处的径流进行了计算,并根据R/S分析法对坝址处径流序列的未来趋势进行了初步分析,各坝址处的年径流序列的赫斯特系数均大于0.5,说明各径流序列的未来趋势具有持续性,即未来趋势与历史呈正相关,6个调水坝址中只有扎洛和克柯处的径流未来是减少的,其余坝址处径流都是增加的,这样西线一期工程调水区的河流有利于水资源的可持续开发利用。  相似文献   
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