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刘志强 《地质论评》2024,70(1):250-250
依据文献计量学的原理和方法,经研究人员对相关文献的检索、统计和分析,以及学科专家评审,中国地质学会主办、合办、协办期刊《地质学报》《地质论评》《矿床地质》《岩石矿物学杂志》《岩矿测试》《西北地质》《沉积学报》《石油与天然气地质》《地质与勘探》《石油实验地质》10本中文刊物入编2023年版《中文核心期刊要目总览》(即第10版)之 “地质学”类的核心期刊。  相似文献   
笔者等通过电子背散射、二次成像和能谱分析,结合薄片和反射显微镜观察,发现松辽盆地古龙凹陷青山口组页岩中发育了大量由生排烃扩张形成的微米孔和微米缝。生排烃高压扩张微米孔的特点有:①一般只发育在超高压的页岩油储层中;②一般只发育在黏土质长英页岩中,纯黏土岩少见;③多为近圆形或半圆形,直径多在0. 5 μm到数微米,一般1~2 μm,最大可达8 μm;④孔缘一般为以绿泥石为主的黏土,形成不连续的圈环;圈环上缘的黏土多呈弧形或眉状,绿泥石化明显,在背散射图像中呈亮色;⑤孔内多有自生的纳米级葡萄状或豆渣状黏土,是构成封存油气的物质基础;⑥生排烃高压扩张微米孔可以组合成4种类型:即垂向联结成垂直的排烃烟囱型、垂向联结成倾斜的排烃烟囱型、水平联结成顺层的排烃管型和竖面上联结成更大的片状大孔型。排烃烟囱直或微曲,直立或倾斜;宽1~3 μm,最宽可达200 μm;高十几到30 μm,最大可达1500 μm;顶部多与顺层微米缝(或毫米缝)联结,是排烃烟囱的最终泄压和泄油气的总库;生排烃扩张微米孔孔隙度变化大,面孔率一般在5%~6%,局部面孔率最高可达39. 66%。生排烃高压扩张微米缝的特点有:①一般只发育在超高压的页岩油储层中;②一般只发育在黏土质长英页岩中,纯黏土岩少见;③多以顺页理为主的微米缝为主;④略曲的张性缝,多呈锯齿状,绕过刚性矿物;⑤宽度多在0. 5 μm到数十微米;最宽可达150 μm;⑥多与黄铁矿、白云石、磷灰石等自生矿物伴生;⑦多与生排烃扩张微米孔和排烃烟囱相连。生排烃扩张微米孔缝的形成动力主要有两种:一种是烃类流体的高压扩张力;第二种是烃类流体的化学溶蚀力。笔者等计算了形成这种生排烃微米孔和微米缝的压力,形成生排烃扩张微米孔从1500 m的44. 74 MPa到2500 m深的74. 81 MPa;形成生排烃扩张微米缝的排烃压力稍大,在相同深度比形成生排烃扩张微米孔大3 MPa。生排烃扩张微米孔缝与其他孔缝相连构成了一个储运网络,使储层的储集能力和渗透性大幅增加,是可动用储量的主要贡献者,为古龙页岩油的开发创造了有利条件。生排烃扩张微米孔缝的发现对于古龙页岩油的勘探开发具有重要意义,同时对于页岩油储层的研究具有启发作用。  相似文献   
Inkisi组是刚果盆地西南缘最古老的沉积地层之一,岩性主要为一套紫红色、红褐色细粒、细中粒长石砂岩、杂砂岩。通过对安哥拉东北部Inkisi组长石砂岩开展碎屑锆石测年、岩石地球化学研究,探讨其沉积时代、物质来源、沉积环境和大地构造背景,为研究刚果盆地演化提供科学依据。结果表明,碎屑锆石206Pb/238U年龄主要集中于3个年龄峰值区间2350~1900 Ma、1150~850 Ma、850~500 Ma,最年轻的锆石峰值年龄为531±9 Ma,据此,笔者等认为Inkisi组的沉积时代上限应厘定为早寒武世。Inkisi组砂岩地球化学特征显示,物源具有长英质物源近源搬运特征,沉积时期的水体为陆相开阔的淡水环境。通过碎屑锆石年龄谱特征、主微量元素物源判别及构造判别图解,本文认为,West Congo构造带为安哥拉东北部地区Inkisi组主要物源区,Lufilian构造带、Angola 地盾等是其次要物质来源,物源区构造环境主要为活动大陆边缘和被动大陆边缘构造环境背景。  相似文献   
郭力菲  潘宝林  王均平  程馨琳  杨勇  周锐  刘秀英  蔡卓昀 《地质论评》2024,70(3):2024030010-2024030010
青藏高原东北缘河西走廊形成了一系列新生代盆地,是研究盆地沉积演化的重要区域。武威盆地位于河西走廊东部,盆地内沉积了较厚的新生代冲洪积地层。为了厘清武威盆地晚中更新世以来的沉积演化历史,笔者等在武威盆地石羊河中上游处钻取了长207 m的WV3 钻孔岩心,获得了上部17 m岩心的 19 个钾长石两步法 pIR200IR290 年龄和 2 个多步法 MET-pIRIR 年龄,结合粒度资料,重建了武威盆地石羊河流域中下游晚中更新世以来的光释光年代学框架和沉积历史。结果表明:两步法 pIR200IR290 和多步法MET-pIRIR年龄在误差范围内一致。220~128 ka时期,沉积速率最小,为 0.35 mm/ka,水动力条件较强,以侵蚀为主;128~108 ka (MIS 5d、MIS 5e) 时期沉积速率为 1.94 mm/ka,沉积物粒径由粗变细,表明此时水动力条件由强变弱;末次冰盛期到全新世早期 (19~9 ka) 沉积速率为2.78 mm/ka,沉积物粒径较细,表明此时水动力条件较弱,沉积速率最大,沉积为主。该地区新构造运动比较活跃,在末次间冰期至末次冰盛期期间存在逆冲活动。该研究对于揭示晚中更新世以来祁连山东北部石羊河流域沉积演化特征具有重要意义。  相似文献   
The green vegetation fraction(GVF) can greatly influence the partitioning of surface sensible and latent heat fluxes in numerical weather prediction(NWP) models. However, the multiyear averaged monthly GVF climatology—the most commonly used representation of the vegetation state in models—cannot capture the real-time vegetation state well. In this study, a near real-time(NRT) GVF dataset generated from an 8-day composite of the normalized difference vegetation index is compared with the 10-yr averaged monthly GVF provided by the WRF model. The annual variability of the GVF over North China is examined in detail. Many differences between the two GVF datasets are found over dryland, grassland, and cropland/grassland mosaic areas. Two experiments using different GVF datasets are performed to assess the impacts of GVF on forecasts of screen-level temperature and humidity. The results show that using NRT GVF can lead to a widespread reduction of 2-m temperature forecast errors from April to October.Evaluation against in-situ observations shows that the positive impact on 2-m temperature forecasts in the morning is more distinct than that in the afternoon. Our study demonstrates that NRT GVF can provide a more realistic representation of the vegetation state, which in turn helps to improve short-range forecasts in arid and semiarid regions of North China. Moreover, our study shows that the negative effect of using NRT GVF is closely related to the initial soil moisture.  相似文献   
The availability of satellite and reanalysis climate datasets and their applicability have been greatly promoted in hydro-climatic studies. However, such climatic products are still subject to considerable uncertainties and an evaluation of the products is necessary for applications in specific regions. This study aims to evaluate the reliability of nine gridded precipitation and temperature datasets against ground-based observations in the upper Tekeze River basin(UTB) of Ethiopia from 1982 to 2016. Precipitation, maximum temperature(T_(max)), minimum temperature(T_(min)), and mean temperature(T_(mean)) were evaluated at daily and monthly timescales. The results show that the best estimates of precipitation are from the Eart H2 Observe, WFDEI, and ERA-Interim reanalysis data Merged and Bias-corrected for the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project(EWEMBI), and the Climate Hazards Group Infra Red Precipitation with Station data(CHIRPS) datasets. The percentage biases and correlation coefficients(CCs) are within ±15% and 0.5, respectively, for both EWEMBI and CHIRPS at the two timescales. All products underestimate the drought conditions indicated by the standardized precipitation index(SPI), while the EWEMBI and CHIRPS datasets show higher agreement with the observations than other datasets. The Tmean estimates produced by the ECMWF ReAnalysis version 5(ERA5) and the Climate Hazards Group Infra Red Temperature with Station data(CHIRTS) are the closest to the observations, with CCs of 0.65 and 0.55, respectively, at the daily timescale. The CHIRTS and EWEMBI datasets show better representations of Tmax(T_(min)), with CCs of 0.69(0.72) and 0.62(0.68), respectively,at the monthly timescale. The temperature extremes are better captured by the ERA5(T_(mean)), CHIRTS(T_(max)), and EWEMBI(T_(min)) datasets. The findings of this study provide useful information to select the most appropriate dataset for hydrometeorological studies in the UTB and could help to improve the regional representation of global datasets.  相似文献   
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