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运用GC—MS的方法和荧光分光光度法,研究鲈鱼分别暴露于0.1、1.0和10.0μg/dm^3质量浓度芘溶液中7d,水体中芘及其鲈鱼胆汁中芘和1-羟基芘含量的变化,实验结果显示:(1)鲈鱼对水体中的芘具有非常显著的去除作用。(2)随着芘暴露浓度的增大,鲈鱼对芘的代谢去除作用增强。(3)随着暴露时间的延长和芘暴露浓度的增大,胆汁的1-羟基芘浓度递增。(4)鲈鱼胆汁具有较高的芘浓度,对海水中的芘具有较强的富集作用。(5)鲈鱼胆汁的1-羟基芘及芘的浓度与水体芘浓度均具有很好的相关性,对于指示水体的芘污染程度具有一致性;可作为指示水体芘污染程度的生物标志物。  相似文献   
A seamount chain with an approximately WNW trend is observed in the northeastern Ulleung Basin. It has been argued that these seamounts, including two islands called Ulleung and Dok islands, were formed by a hotspot process or by ridge related volcanism. Many geological and geophysical studies have been done for all the seamounts and islands in the chain except Anyongbok Seamount, which is close to the proposed spreading ridge. We first report morphological characteristics, sediment distribution patterns, and the crustal thickness of Anyongbok Seamount using multibeam bathymetry data, seismic reflection profiles, and 3D gravity modeling. The morphology of Anyongbok Seamount shows a cone shaped feature and is characterized by the development of many flank cones and flank rift zones. The estimated surface volume is about 60 km3, and implies that the seamount is smaller than the other seamounts in the chain. No sediments have been observed on the seamount except the lower slope, which is covered by more than 1,000 m of strata. The crustal structure obtained from a 3D gravity modeling (GFR = 3.11, SD 3.82 = mGal) suggests that the seamount was formed around the boundary of the Ulleung Plateau and the Ulleung Basin, and the estimated crustal thickness is about 20 km, which is a little thicker than other nearby seamounts distributed along the northeastern boundary of the Ulleung Basin. This significant crustal thickness also implies that Anyongbok Seamount might not be related to ridge volcanism.  相似文献   
晋江河口及泉州湾湿地生物分布特点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林永源 《台湾海峡》2005,24(2):183-188
泉州湾受晋江河口径流影响很大,导致湿地生物的水平分布与盐度的分布紧密相关.大致分为湾外和外湾种、内湾低盐种、感潮河段咸淡水种.长腕和尚蟹、扁平蛛网海胆和文昌鱼仅分布在外湾或湾外的砂质海底.3种红树植物、互花米草、招潮蟹、弹涂鱼是内湾泥滩的优势种.咸水草是感潮河段咸淡水指标种.河蚬虽是淡水种,也分布在低盐河段.  相似文献   
-The hydrodynamic forces on a smooth inclined circular cylinder exposed to oscillating flow were experimentally investigated at Reynolds number (Re) in the range 40000-200000 and Keulegan-Capenter number (KC) in the interval from 5-40. In the test, Re number and KC number were varied systematically. The inertia force coefficient (Cu) and the drag force coefficient (CD) in Morison equation were determined from the measured loads and the water particle kinematics. In this analysis a modified form of Morison equation was used since it uses the normal velocity and acceleration. Thus, the applicability of the Cross Flow Principle was assumed. This principle, simply stated, is as follows: the force acting in the direction normal to the axis of a cylinder placed at some oblique angle with the direction of flow is expressed in terms of the normal component of flow only, and the axial component is disregarded. Both the total in-line force coefficient (CF) and transverse force (lift) coefficient (Cf) were analyzed  相似文献   
"莫拉克"强热带风暴暴雨分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
林云萍 《海洋预报》2005,22(2):53-58
本文利用天气学分析、物理量诊断、卫星云图及雷达回波分析等方法对0309号强热带风暴“莫拉克”(MORAKOT)暴雨过程进行分析研究。结果表明,在这次暴雨过程中,西南季风的发展和冷空气的侵入作用十分突出,二者共同作用,造成热带风暴“莫拉克”外围云系的增幅发展,从而促进暴雨的发生发展。850hPa较大的正涡度、700hPa较明显的垂直上升运动、以及热带低压东南侧较大的压能梯度都对暴雨的形成和发展起到一定作用。卫星云图、雷达回波图上也比较清楚地揭示这次暴雨形成和发展的演变过程。  相似文献   
现代黄河三角洲粉土触变性研究及其应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对现代黄河三角洲砂质粉土和粉质粘土触变性的对比试验研究,阐述了黄河口粉土的触变性。试验结果对解释粉土的失稳机制、解决工程地基的稳定性和防止地质灾害等具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
中国海兔科的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海兔科(Aplysiidae)是一类有经济价值的后鳃软体动物。人们很早就了解了它的食用价值,许多地方的渔民都有食用这类动物的习惯,如南太平洋博腊博腊岛(Borabora I.)的居民常以Dolabella teremidi Rang作食品;社会群岛(Society Is.)和友爱羣岛(Friendly Is.)的居民喜爱生食海兔;在朝鲜也有熟食这类动物的习惯。 我国福建(厦门、东山)也有个别渔民捕食蓝斑背肛海兔Notarchus (Bursatella)leachii cirrosus Stimpson , 但如食用过多则易引起头痛、眼睛失明等,严重时,甚至引起死亡。海兔卵群的干制品俗称“海粉”,在日本俗称“海素面"。除供食用外,据说还可做医药用。福建厦门渔民养殖蓝斑背肛海兔已有上百年的历史;广东沿海渔民近年来也养殖黑斑海兔Aplysia (Varria) kurodai (Baba)生产“海粉”,销售于国内外各地。 对于我国海兔科的种类以往仅有一些零星记载,据我们所掌握的文献统计,记载分布我国的种类有:朱仲嘉报告1种;李国藩报导1种;张玺报告1种;张玺、齐钟彦报告了4种;蔡英亚报导1种;Sowerby报告的2个新种;Stimpson报告1个新种; Pilsbry报导4种;高桥定卫(Takahashi)报告1种;马场菊太郎(Baba)报告5种;Eales报告5种。在上述文献中,李国藩的Aplysia kuropdei (Baba)是Aplysia (Varria) kurodai Baba之误,Takahashi的Aplysia punctata (Cuvier)是Aplysia ( Varria) kurodai Baba的同物异名。Baba的Aplysia hirasei (Baba)是Aplysia ( Varria) oculifera Adams & Reeve 的同物异名。Baba 的Aplysia sibogae Bergh是Aplysia (Aplysia) juliana Quoy & Gaimard 的同物异名。Stimpson 的Notarchus cirrosus Stimpson,朱仲嘉的Notarchus (Bursatella) leachii leachii Blainvelle var. freeri (Griffin),蔡英亚、张玺、齐钟彦等的Notarchus (Bursatella) leachii freeri(Griffin),都是Notarchus (Bursatella) leachii cirrosus Stimpson的同物异名。Sowerby的Aplysia orientalis是Aplysia (Pruvotaplysia) parvula M?rch的同物异名。总结上述情况,报告过分布在我国的海兔种类实有5属、9种和1亚种。  相似文献   
牙鲆鱼苗长途运输技术的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本实验对10个批次,总数为19047尾的不同规格和产地的牙鲆鱼苗长途运输效果进行了研究。结果表明,规格为9-12cm的鱼苗,在水温6-12℃,运输时间为35-50h,采用空运和低温活水车运输,运输死亡率为664尾,死亡率为3.39%,低温活水车短途运输是可行的,尽管长途车运方式成本较低,但由于应激强度较大,对鱼苗的生长性能影响较为严重,驯养10d累计死亡率最高达18.1%,这种模式不可取。低温(6℃)、小规格(9cm)的空运较适合牙鲆鱼苗长途运输。此外,本文还就运输应激反应、预防措施和药物防治进行详细的讨论。  相似文献   
林卫强  李适宇 《海洋学报》2003,25(3):129-137
珠江沿岸城市排污量大,对污染源治理能力十分有限,大量污染物通过河流或直接排放到珠江口,河口区半封闭的地形及潮水顶托使得污染物不易输送出外海,致使珠江口水质恶化,原有海洋生态环境遭到破坏,反过来制约了经济的发展.  相似文献   
60Co-γ辐照对坛紫菜原生质体诱变的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用^60Co-γ射线对坛紫菜(Porphyra haitanensis)原生质体进行辐照诱变,发现原生质体对^60Co-γ射线有极强的耐受性。前期的培养结果表明,原生质体是一种理想的诱变材料。诱变结果表明,^60Co-γ射线对坛紫菜可诱变剂量范围很大,从200-1300 Gy均有突变株生成。诱变后细胞的存活率不宜作为坛紫菜诱变最佳剂量的指标。  相似文献   
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