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正Objective Located at the interface of terrestrial and marine ecosystems,mangroves are particularly sensitive to environmental changes.They provide a sedimentary sink for organic carbon,whereby core samples could provide detailed records of mangrove evolution.Human induced,rapid environmental changes in recent years require a better understanding of the mangrove ecosystems evolution in the past,by reconstructing the past mangrove  相似文献   
The Basic Ocean Law (BOL) and Basic Ocean Plan (BLP) are important guarantee for the maritime strategy of Japan, which has established a complete policy system for the development of marine science and technology. On the other hand, the Japanese Government has started some major marine strategies and plans to promote the BLP. In this paper, the marine science and technology plans launched by the Japanese Government and its participation in the international cooperative research projects were introduced. The research of Japan Marine Science and Technology Center and the University of Tokyo Institute of Oceanography in the long-term planning and focus on the layout features, deep sea research technology layout, contents and advanced equipment were analyzed. At last, some recommendations for China’s development on marine science and technology were proposed, such as strengthening the legislation work and process, carrying out research and development of marine infrastructure with independent intellectual property rights, actively participating in international large-scale ocean plan, improving the discourse right and enhancing national maritime awareness and suggestions and so on.  相似文献   
透明类岩石内置三维裂纹扩展变形试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱珍德  林恒星  孙亚霖 《岩土力学》2016,(4):913-921,928
采用力学试验手段探究岩石受压情况下内部裂纹扩展贯通机制是了解岩石破坏失稳机制的重要手段。由于无法观察真实岩体内部裂纹扩展过程且CT扫描实时性不足等原因,自行研制了一种各项性质与岩石接近的透明类岩石材料,以观察研究其内部三维裂纹的扩展贯通机制。这一方法克服了真实岩体不透明的特点,可更方便地观察岩体内部裂纹萌生、扩展不同阶段的形状。然后制作了一批内置单裂隙和双裂隙的试件,在RMT-150B多功能全自动刚性岩石伺服试验机上进行单轴压缩试验,详细观察研究了单裂隙和双裂隙试件在不同岩桥角和裂隙间距情况下的裂纹扩展贯通模式以及裂隙数量和间距对试件抗压强度的影响,并从理论方面对翼形裂纹的扩展过程进行了解释。试验表明,在不同的岩桥角和裂隙间距下,次生裂纹将呈现不同的扩展贯通模式,试验中观察到的次生裂纹有张拉翼裂纹、与翼裂纹反向生长的反翼裂纹和拉剪作用下的花瓣状裂纹等,试件最终破坏是各种形式的裂纹汇合贯通的结果。裂隙的存在极大地降低了试件的抗压强度,且随着裂隙数目增加,试件峰值强度呈降低趋势,同时裂隙间距也对试件的峰值强度产生一定的影响。试验成果对分析真实岩体的破坏失稳机制有着重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
通过1999年和2010年夏季同期7月在白令海(169°E~166°W,50°N~67°N)获取的94份浮游植物样品分析,获得了近十年的始末两个时间节点的浮游植物群落结构与时空变化,探讨了浮游植物群落动态及其与环境因素的关联。研究结果显示,共鉴定浮游植物(>10μm)5门58属153种,分为3个生态类群。硅藻是浮游植物的主体,种类多丰度高,占总种类数目的66.7%,占总丰度的95.2%。鉴于样品属性和空间范围的不同,物种组成有细微差别,丰度有较大差异且空间分布明显不同,高丰度区受控于上层营养盐供给和表层环流系统。优势种从北方温带大洋性硅藻演变为广温广盐性与冷水性硅藻,1999年以西氏新细齿状藻为第一优势种,柔弱伪菱形藻次之;2010年以丹麦细柱藻为第一优势种,冷水性的诺登海链藻次之并在陆架和陆坡占优。浮游植物群落结构较为稳定,由深水群落和浅水群落组成。深水群落分布于太平洋西北部和白令海盆,种类组成以温带大洋性的西氏新细齿状藻、长海毛藻、大西洋角毛藻和广布性的菱形海线藻、扁面角毛藻、笔尖根管藻为主,丰度低,种间丰度分配均匀,优势种多元化,物种多样性高;浅水群落分布于白令海陆坡和陆架,主要由冷水性的诺登海链藻、叉尖角毛藻、聚生角毛藻和广布性的丹麦细柱藻、旋链角毛藻组成,丰度高,种间丰度分配不均匀,优势种突出,物种多样性低。白令海夏季浮游植物种类组成及丰度变化直接受控于表层环流、营养盐、春季冰缘线等环境因素。  相似文献   
对一株分泌热稳定κ-卡拉胶酶印尼热泉菌进行了种属鉴定, 并采用响应面法对该菌发酵产酶条件进行了优化。鉴定结果表明, 该菌株属于芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus), 命名为Bacillus sp. Car19(GeneBank: KT865196)。发酵条件优化结果显示, 9个环境因子影响Bacillus sp. Car19产酶量。其中影响Bacillus sp. Car19产酶量的三个主要因素分别为培养温度、培养基中Cu2+浓度和培养基中NaCl浓度。综合次要因素对Bacillus sp. Car19产酶影响, Bacillus sp. Car19最佳产酶发酵条件为: 培养温度52.31℃、Cu2+浓度6.93 mmol/L、NaCl浓度37.03 g/L, 培养基pH为6, 接种量1%, 培养时间36h, 半乳糖浓度0.3 g/L,硝酸铵浓度7g/L, 卡拉胶浓度0.5g/L。优化后发酵上清液酶活力达到15.21 U/mL, 与优化前相比提高了1.5 倍。  相似文献   
为提高对虾养殖过程中的饵料利用率并减少养殖废水的排放,作者以凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)为实验对象,研究了不同饵料种类、投喂方式、体质量、充气量、光照强度、水温及盐度对其相对摄食量的影响。结果表明:配合饲料组对虾的相对摄食量显著高于冰鲜虾肉组;连续单颗投喂时对虾的相对摄食量较高;相对摄食量随对对虾体重升高而显著(P0.01)下降,而且不同规格的对虾在竞争条件下平均相对摄食量会降低;充气量6 L/min组对虾的相对摄食量明显高于另外两组;弱光环境下对虾的相对摄食量较高;水温和盐度对相对摄食量的影响极显著(P0.01),在32℃时对虾获得最大相对摄食量,在盐度为5时相对摄食量最小,高盐度下组间差异不显著(P0.05)。因此,在实际生产中应采取少量多次的投饵策略,并根据环境条件的变化合理的调整投饵量。  相似文献   
海洋水下文化遗产是不可再生的文化资源,在全球海洋开发的浪潮中,做好海洋水下文化遗产的调查和保护是迫切和急需的。文章概述世界上传统海洋大国对海洋水下文化遗产保护和管理的经验,分析我国海洋水下文化遗产保护和管理存在的问题,并提出相关对策:查清海洋水下文化遗产的分布、数量和特征等信息,了解海洋水下文化遗产分布区的地质地貌环境、水动力环境和保存环境条件,建立海洋水下文化遗产档案馆和数据库系统;完善与海洋水下文化遗产保护相关的法规、政策和标准规范等,提升执法效率,做好海洋水下文化遗产保护和海洋开发利用的协调工作;建立海洋水下文化遗产保护示范区,传承和弘扬蓝色文明,实现海洋水下文化遗产的社会利用和可持续保护。  相似文献   
文章讨论海岸资源质量管理的计量手段,根据海岸的类型、资源功能以及自然演变和开发利用过程中出现的问题,探讨海岸资源质量管理的内涵和海岸综合整治修复的对策。建议制定《海岸线修测技术规范》,明确海岸线修测技术方法和海岸线长度计量方法,为海岸资源质量管理奠定计量基础;针对不同的海岸类型和开发利用方式,制定《海岸资源质量评价技术标准》,适应差别化的海岸管控政策;加强海岸资源综合统筹规划管理,强化海岸综合整治修复,保护自然海岸和人工海岸生态环境,修复恢复严重影响海岸生态环境和废弃的人工海岸,最大限度地保育自然海岸。  相似文献   
21世纪以来,海洋生物医药业作为我国战略性新兴产业,对山东省实现产业结构升级起着重要作用。文章从国内外海洋生物医药业发展现状入手,对山东省海洋生物医药业现状进行研究,分析其发展的优势和存在的问题;从社会、资金、科研、环境等4个层面选取6个影响因素,运用Pearson关联模型进行实证分析;根据分析结论,提出实现山东省海洋生物医药业可持续发展的相关政策建议。  相似文献   
The calculation of surface area is meaningful for a variety of space-filling phenomena, e.g., the packing of plants or animals within an area of land. With Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data we can calculate the surface area by using a continuous surface model, such as by the Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN). However, just as the triangle-based surface area discussed in this paper, the surface area is generally biased because it is a nonlinear mapping about the DEM data which contain measurement errors. To reduce the bias in the surface area, we propose a second-order bias correction by applying nonlinear error propagation to the triangle-based surface area. This process reveals that the random errors in the DEM data result in a bias in the triangle-based surface area while the systematic errors in the DEM data can be reduced by using the height differences. The bias is theoretically given by a probability integral which can be approximated by numerical approaches including the numerical integral and the Monte Carlo method; but these approaches need a theoretical distribution assumption about the DEM measurement errors, and have a very high computational cost. In most cases, we only have variance information on the measurement errors; thus, a bias estimation based on nonlinear error propagation is proposed. Based on the second-order bias estimation proposed, the variance of the surface area can be improved immediately by removing the bias from the original variance estimation. The main results are verified by the Monte Carlo method and by the numerical integral. They show that an unbiased surface area can be obtained by removing the proposed bias estimation from the triangle-based surface area originally calculated from the DEM data.  相似文献   
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