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Based on the monthly NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, OLR (outgoing longwave radiation) data, and tropical cyclone data from the Typhoon Annual and Tropical Cyclone Annual edited by China Meteorological Administration, the relationship between the number of tropical cyclones (with the strongest wind ≥17 m s-1, including tropical storm, strong tropical storm, and typhoon, simply called typhoon in this paper)engendered over the Northwest Pacific and South China Sea in summer and the associated climate conditions is studied. First, the characteristics and di?erences of the climatic conditions between the years with more typhoons and those with fewer typhoons are compared. The results show that the summer typhoon has a close relationship with SST (sea surface temperature) and ITCZ (intertropical convergence zone) anomalies in the preceding winter and spring. With a La Niena like SST anomaly (SSTA) pattern in the preceding winter and spring, the ITCZ will move northwestward and be enhanced around 160°E in the equatorial central Pacific from the preceding winter to spring.The activity of the Pacific ITCZ is in general stronger and its location is more northward than usual, especially in the typhoon genesis region in West Pacific. This background is propitious to have more typhoons in summer. On the other hand, an El Nieno like SSTA pattern in the preceding winter will be companied with weaker ITCZ activities, and its location is more southward over the equatorial western Pacific from the preceding winter to spring; this background is propitious to have fewer typhoons in summer. In the year with more typhoons, the warm SST over West Pacific in the preceding winter provides a favorable condition for typhoon fromation in the following summer. It enhances the convergence in the troposphere and increases the water vapor supply to the warm SST region. In the following spring, the perturbation of the tropical ITCZ plays a more important role.When the ITCZ moves northward in spring, anomalous convergence will appear over the warm SST region and inspire the positive feedback between the large-scale moisture flux at low levels and the latent heat release in the atmosphere, which benefits the typhoon genesis in summer. Otherwise, if cold SST maintains over the northwestern Pacific during the preceding winter and spring, the convergence in the troposphere is disfavored and the water vapor supply to the cold SST region is reduced, which will bring about weaker ITCZ activities and the perturbation is lacking in the following spring. It then results in fewer summer typhoons.  相似文献   
川西北中二叠统栖霞组发育厚层白云岩储层,成为近年来四川盆地油气勘探开发的重点领域,但栖霞组有利相带分布和储层发育的主控因素并不明朗,制约了该地区油气勘探进展。根据野外露头、岩心、薄片、测井和地震资料,结合区域地质演化,对川西北栖霞组沉积特征、沉积格局以及古地貌进行研究发现:川西北栖霞组主要为碳酸盐岩台地沉积,自西北向东南方向依次发育盆地—斜坡相、台地边缘相和开阔台地相,并发育台缘滩或台内滩等若干亚相类型。其中栖一期沉积水体较深,为弱镶边碳酸盐岩台地形成期,台缘滩厚度薄,展布范围有限;栖二期为栖霞组主要成滩期,滩体厚度大,展布范围广,具典型镶边碳酸盐岩台地特征。栖霞组白云岩主要为台地边缘高能滩相沉积背景,栖霞组沉积期,研究区具西北高、东南低,西南高、东北低的古地貌格局,其不仅控制着台地边缘高能滩相的沉积分布,并进一步为该区白云岩储层发育奠定了基础,白云岩具有西北向东南、西南向东北逐渐减薄的特点。结合沉积演化和古地貌分析结果,认为古地貌为栖霞组白云岩发育的主要控制因素,西北及西南方向等古地貌高地为研究区栖霞组白云岩储层发育的有利沉积相带。  相似文献   
青海地区海拔高、无霜期短,4000 m以上海拔常年存在20 m不等的永冻层,在该地层钻进过程中受冲洗液冲刷和钻杆高速转动摩擦产生热量等因素影响,化冰过程中产生地层溶蚀,进而逐渐崩坍,造成钻进难、成孔难;加之气温低造成高分子溶解困难,冲洗液流变性差,性能难以发挥。通过改进开孔钻具接头和优化冲洗液性能,较好地解决了高原矿区施工难题。重点介绍了钻具接头的改进以及现场冲洗液技术。  相似文献   
新发现榴辉岩带位于拉萨北东方向,产在青藏高原拉萨地体中东部。观察到的榴辉岩带宽度约500~600m,呈近东西向延伸,已知规模10km以上。榴辉岩为常见的金红石榴辉岩、石英榴辉岩和多硅白云母榴辉岩。榴辉岩的单斜辉石中含硬玉分子变化较大,Jd=16%~44%,但均落于绿辉石成分区间;石榴子石中镁铝榴石(Pyrope)端元组分16%~33%,铁铝榴石(Alm)40%~54%,钙铝榴石(Gross)22%~31%。利用Grt-Omp-Phe和Grt-Omp矿物组合对变质温-压初步估算,获得金红石榴辉岩样品06Y-334的变质p、t分别为2.58GPa、635℃和2.67GPa、730℃,样品06Y-345的t主要在680~780℃区间,样品06Y-336的t主要在640~740℃区间,3个样品获得的结果相近。显微镜观察表明多硅白云母可能为折返阶段的退变质矿物而不属变质峰期的矿物,推测峰期的压力值有可能高于2.67GPa而进入柯石英稳定区间(p>2.8GPa)。石榴子石和绿辉石中出现的一些类似柯石英假象的石英包裹体与这一推断相吻合。以上初步研究结果表明,拉萨地体的榴辉岩带可能是中国境内又一条高压/超高压(?)变质带。  相似文献   
The chemical weathering can consume atmosphere/soil CO2. Human activities such as pollution, fertilization and acid precipitation have exerted a large impact on CO2 intake by carbonate weathering. Thus, based on the analysis on chemical component change of the karst groundwater in the karst ridge watershed of Conglin Village, Fuling District of Chongqing City, the influence of human activities such as fertilization, sewage discharges from mustard tuber processing, breeding industry and acid rain precipitation on carbonate weathering and CO2 intake in 1980, 2003 and 2006 was studied. The results showed that CO2 intake by carbonate rock declined with year. Because H+ derived from acid sewage discharge, fertilization and acid precipitation reacted with carbonate rock when mustard tuber production and swine breeding were developed fleetly after 2000 as well as the burning amount of high-sulfur coal augmented persistently, which led to the increase of (Ca2++Mg2+)/HCO3-. The difference on charge between Ca2++Mg2+ and HCO3- was balanced by NO3-+SO42-. The control on pollution and acid rain, especially the pre-neutralization of acid waste water, would rejuvenate the atmospheric CO2 intake strength of carbonate weathering besides the protection of water and soil environment  相似文献   
汶川8.0级地震前定点形变异常特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
对汶川8.0级地震震中周围800 km范围内近50个定点形变台站资料作小波变换处理,发现从震前3个月开始,30个台站资料处理结果显示有异常出现.距震中200 km以内的台站,其异常信息主要集中在小波分解的细节部分第6层;距震中200-550 km范围内的台站,其异常主要集中在第7层或第8层;距震中550-650 km范围内的台站,其异常主要集中在第8层或第9层.表明异常信息的频率随着各台站距离震中的远近呈现由低到高的特征.  相似文献   

利用南北地震带2014-2017年期间的流动重力观测资料,系统分析了区域重力场变化及其与2017年8月8日四川九寨沟7.0级地震发生的关系.结果表明:① 区域重力场异常变化与北西西向塔藏断裂和南北向岷江断裂带在空间上关系密切,反映了沿控震断裂在2013-2017年期间发生了引起地表重力变化效应的地壳变形和构造活动.② 九寨沟地震前,测区内出现了大空间范围的区域性重力异常,而震源区附近产生了局部重力异常,沿塔藏断裂带形成了重力变化高梯度带,其中,甘肃玛曲、迭部、青海河南蒙古族自治县、四川若尔盖、九寨沟一带重力差异变化达100×10-8m·s-2以上;这些可能反映九寨沟地震前,区域及震源区附近均产生与该地震孕育、发生有关的构造运动或应力增强作用.③ 九寨沟地震震中位于重力差异运动剧烈的鞍部等值线附近,与断裂走向基本一致的重力变化高梯度带零值线上,这一观测事实进一步佐证了重力场动态变化图像对强震地点预测具有重要的指示意义.

山坡表层关键带结构与水文连通性研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
山丘区是洪水的"策源地",山丘区坡地、沟谷及间歇性河道为洪水的形成提供了通道,同时也是水文连通时空变化最为强烈的地带。然而,对流域表层关键带结构特征及其水文连通机制等的认识尚存不足,限制了产汇流理论及模型方法的发展和应用。通过对比国内外山坡水文实验,发现山坡物理结构连通性控制并深刻影响着水流的连通过程,现有水文连通实验侧重孔隙等微观尺度的规律研究,与水文模型理论存在尺度上的巨大偏差。为此,提出水文连通性应侧重揭示水流在山坡地表、地下的宏观表象通道及分布特征,探索径流连通的动力学机制,即山坡水文连通性研究重在剖析其结构特征的水文累积效应,应保持关键带结构特征合理概化与产汇流理论适度复杂之间的平衡。  相似文献   
分布式星载合成孔径雷达干涉测高系统提供了多个通道的观测数据,给定位和测高带来冗余信息,基于此提出了一种无需控制点支持的干涉测高方法.介绍了该方法的原理,推导了定位与测高方程组,采用一阶近似进行了误差敏感度分析,并通过Monte-Carlo仿真加以验证.仿真结果表明:(1)可以直接采用误差理论分析结果为系统分析和设计提供支撑;(2)测高精度对系统干涉相位差的误差十分敏感.  相似文献   
根据关联指数的定义,推导了GP法计算关联指数时的观测数据误差与关联指数误差的关系,导出了任意两个嵌入空间维上关联指数之差的表达式,并提出了一种确定样本容量限的方法。  相似文献   
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