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Xihuashan tungsten deposit is one of the earliest explored tungsten deposits in southeastern China. It is a vein type deposit genetically associated with the Xihuashan granite pluton. Here we report new dating and zircon geochemistry results. Re–Os isotopic dating for molybdenite intergrowth with wolframite in the oldest generation of the Xihuashan pluton yielded an isochron age of 157.0 ± 2.5 Ma (2σ). Zircon U–Pb laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS) dating shows that the pluton crystallized at 155.7 ± 2.2 Ma (2σ). This age is similar to the molybdenite Re–Os age for the ore deposit within error. This, together with published data, suggests that the major W(Mo)‐Sn mineralization occurred between 160–150 Ma in southeastern China. These deposits constitute a major part of the magmatic‐metallogenic belt of eastern Nanlin. The lower Re content in molybdenite of the Xihuashan tungsten deposit shows crustal origin for the ore‐forming material. The limited direct contributions from the subducting slab for the tungsten mineralization in the Nanling region suggest a change of the style of the paleo‐Pacific plate beneath southeastern China.  相似文献   
The pollen and spores found in the Early Cretaceous strata of two cores from the Shuangliao Fault Depression were studied systematically, and two palynological assemblages have been recognized. Assemblage Ⅰ from the Yingcheng Formation is named Paleoconiferus-Pinuspollenites; the assemblage is characterized by an extremely high content of Paleoconifer pollen. Assemblage Ⅱ from Member 1 of the Denglouku Formation is named Cicatricosisporites-Cyathidites-Pinuspollenites; the assemblage is characterized by the abundant presence of Laevigati spores, but less Paleoconifer pollen. According to the palynological data and zircon U-Pb dating, the geological age of the Yingcheng Formation is thought to be Aptian-Albian, and that of the Denglouku Formation is thought to be Early Albian. On the basis of the composition of each assemblage, we can infer that during the depositional period of the Yingcheng Formation, the paleovegetation was mainly conifer forest, the paleoclimate was consistent with the temperate climate of today, and the paleoenvironment was humid feature. During the depositional period of Member 1 of the Denglouku Formation, the paleovegetation was mainly conifer forest and shrubs, the paleoclimate was consistent with the subtropical climate of today, and the paleoenvironment was humid. The results significantly improve our understanding of the stratigraphy in the Shuangliao Fault Depression, provide biostratigraphic evidence for the division and correlation of Early Cretaceous strata in the Shuangliao Fault Depression, and provide new data for analyzing paleovegetation and paleoclimate in the Songliao Basin.  相似文献   
地下水水化学分类是按一定的规则将地下水中的化学成分归类,是认识地下水形成的重要途径。然而,在地下水受污染的条件下,污染质将成为地下水化学组分的一部分,指示着区域地下水化学类型受污染质影响。针对该问题采用了在舒卡列夫分类法中加入NO_3~-指标的方法,发现计入NO_3~-后水化学命名发生改变的点占17.2%,水化学类型新增了NO_3、Cl·NO_3、HCO_3·NO_3型水3种;原舒卡列夫分类中HCO_3型水所占面积略有增加,其它3种水化学类型面积有所减少。常规水化学分类法主要用于判断地下水的自然成因,而人类活动使浅层地下水的原生环境发生了较大变化,在进行与人为污染组分有关的地下水化学分类工作时,并不适用。因此,水化学分类中计入NO_3~-这一典型污染指示因子,有助于从污染角度研究地下水。  相似文献   
程彦博  毛景文 《地质学报》2008,82(11):1478-1493
在云南个旧地区发育大量与成矿时空密切相关的侵入岩。个旧东区的老厂-卡房花岗质岩体为一隐伏的花岗岩体,侵入于三叠纪个旧组灰岩和碳酸盐地层中,岩性主要为中细粒黑云母花岗岩,是个旧地区与成矿关系最为密切的花岗岩体之一。岩石的ACNK值大多在1.0以上,属于高钾钙碱性系列岩石;U、Th含量较高,应归属于HHP花岗岩;岩石类型属于S型花岗岩,但经历了高度的分异和演化;n(Rb)/n(Sn)- n(Rb)/n(Ba)与n(CaO)/n(Na2O)-n(Al2O3)/n(TiO2)图解均暗示岩石的源区性质为由粘土岩所派生的岩浆。锆石LA-ICP-MS定年结果表明,老厂-卡房岩体形成于85±0.85Ma,相当于晚白垩世。根据区域地质和花岗岩的地球化学特征,暗示个旧地区燕山晚期处于伸展构造背景。  相似文献   
正1研究目的(Objective)银额盆地查干凹陷位于阿拉善地块北缘地区,盆地西部被大面积沙漠覆盖,盆地向东可与兴蒙造山带相连。近年来,前人对阿拉善地区古生代岩浆活动做了大量研究工作,并且积累了大量的高精度年代学资料,特别是晚古生代时期。但是,对阿拉善北部地区早古生代岩浆活动的报道比较少见。本文通过对查干凹陷钻井样品中的锆石进行U-Pb  相似文献   
亚甲蓝分光光度法测定地下水中硫化物的水样保存方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
董建芳  李义  冯锐  赵婕  禹海清 《岩矿测试》2012,31(5):868-871
硫化物是评价地下水污染的重要特征指标之一。为了使硫化物的测定结果更加准确可靠,在硫化物水样采集过程中通常加入乙酸锌溶液和氢氧化钠溶液作为固定剂,以抑制硫离子被氧化生成硫化氢从水样中逸出。但已有的标准方法和文献中对加入乙酸锌溶液和氢氧化钠溶液的顺序和加入量不尽相同,回收率范围为65%~108%。本研究采用亚甲蓝分光光度法测定地下水中的硫化物,考察了采样时乙酸锌溶液和氢氧化钠溶液的加入顺序和加入量对硫化物回收率的影响。结果表明,在采样过程中应先加1.0 mL乙酸锌溶液,再加500 mL水样,最后加入2.0 mL氢氧化钠溶液,其低浓度和高浓度加标水样的回收率达到94.2%~98.0%,优于文献的回收率,硫的测定结果令人满意。对硫化物浓度高的水样,可增加乙酸锌溶液和氢氧化钠溶液的加入量,硫化物同样有着较高的回收率。  相似文献   
矿井深部巷道围岩变形浅析及控制   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
矿井深部巷道开挖后处于裂隙、塑性、弹性围岩包围范围内。通过计算对包围巷道围岩的3种圈层范围的力学性能进行分析,进而阐述了巷道的变形机制,得出了塑性圈层围岩内的应力应变表述式。对于选择巷道的支护机制,经济有效的控制裂隙化圈层范围的扩大,改善其应力状态,提高其自身的残余强度和承载能力,对深井巷道锚杆综合支护体系的选择,提供了一定的理论支持。  相似文献   
应用电弧直读发射光谱法测定化探样品,样品无需消解,采用固体进样的方式可以同时测定多个元素。但目前化探分析中常采用的固体缓冲剂(如焦硫酸钾、氟化钠)的电弧温度较低,只能分析银、硼、锡、铅、钼、铜等易挥发元素,而不能分析铬、锰、钛等沸点较高的难挥发性元素。本文通过碱金属控制较低的电弧温度,并利用难挥发元素能在高温条件下与氟离子发生化学反应降低其激发温度,配制了一种以氟化铝、聚三氟氯乙烯等氟化效率较高的化合物为主要成分的固体缓冲剂,通过优化分析线对的选择、曝光时间、电极形状等分析条件,实现了一次制样可同时分析地球化学样品中14种易挥发和难挥发元素。方法检出限为0.016~46.93μg/g,相对标准偏差为4.1%~12.3%,通过国家标准物质验证了准确度,测定值与标准值相符,各项参数都能满足地球化学普查规范要求。本方法分析效率高,在化探分析中具有一定的实用性。  相似文献   
大洋岩石圈和大陆岩石圈的元素丰度   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据大洋地壳、大陆地壳、上地幔和球岩石圈的元素丰度资料,本文初次分别求出大洋岩石圈和大陆岩石圈的元素丰度.可用作研究化学元素在洋圈或陆圈内各地区分布特征的地球化学背景值.  相似文献   
硅灰石表面改性实验研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
池波  沈上越等 《岩矿测试》2001,20(1):57-59,64
实验以湖北大冶硅灰石为原料,初步探讨了硅灰石表达改性的工艺条件。经沉降体积法、表面接触角、红外光谱等方法检测和填充橡胶试验证实,硅灰石得到了改性且其填充性能有明显的提高。  相似文献   
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