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针对大气环流形势,从天气系统的定义出发,面向气象业务MICAPS格点文件数据格式,在矢量旋转追踪法等值线分析的基础上,有序提取等值线的控制点。经过滤波、查找各等值线特性点、剔除异常点等处理,获取沙尘暴高空影响天气系统的基本节点。利用多种特征参量设计了方便可行的算法,完成了槽脊系统的数据构建、分析并确定其地理位置。通过对数据场数值结构分析,建立了确定闭合天气系统位置及其高、低性质的算法。使用Visual Basic语言,开发了相应的沙尘暴高空基本影响天气系统类别自动分析软件,为实现概念模型自动预报系统、提高沙尘暴业务预报现代化水平打下了基础。  相似文献   
利用TM数据提取干旱区土地覆被信息的方法比较   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
以柴达木盆地香日德绿洲作为研究实验区,对该区域ETM遥感数据经过空间分辨率融合、主成分分析等方法进行空间信息增强及专题信息增强处理,组合最佳视觉背景图像,分别在不同背景图像上选择训练样本,利用最大似然法监督分类方法(MLC)、多空间尺度分层聚类(SSHC)和基于知识的模糊聚类方法(KFC)等分类器,分别用各自训练样本初始化各类别信息特征值,形成类别特征值模式库,分别以此为基础对待分样本进行分类,对初分类的结果经过类别合并、碎斑滤除以及重新编码赋色等分类后处理,得到最终分类结果及分类精度评价结果。从所获数据可以得出如下结论:从总体精度和Kappa值可知,SSHC和.KFC分类方法所获结果精度较高,总体精度比MLC分类结果约高于3%,SSHC之结果精度略高于KFC之结果;SSHC、KFC和MLC三种分类方法对该区域地表覆被信息的提取分类中,SSHC分类方法对耕地、石砾地、河滩和荒漠分类结果较好,KFC分类方法对耕地、沙地、河滩和荒漠分类结果较好,MLC分类方法对耕地、河滩和荒漠分类结果较好,三种分类方法对耕地、河滩和荒漠等三种地类的分类精度较高,用户精度都在80%以上,而对沙地和石砾地的分类结果其用户精度大都低于80%。  相似文献   
在收集国内外高光谱技术发展、地质应用与研究实例资料的基础上,主要介绍了国内外高光谱地质应用的现状及其主要进展,并简要介绍了高光谱地质应用的主要技术。结合地质应用成功的实例,分析了高光谱遥感卫星技术在矿物识别与填图、岩性填图、矿产资源勘探、矿业环境监测、油气渗漏监测等地学方面的应用优势与前景,同时指出了目前高光谱遥感卫星技术地质应用存在的主要问题与发展趋势。  相似文献   
新一代星载激光雷达卫星ICESat-2首次采用了微脉冲光子计数激光雷达技术,由于单光子探测的灵敏性导致数据在大气和地表下层产生了大量噪声,因此对光子计数激光雷达点云数据实现信号和噪声的分离是开展进一步应用研究的前提和基础。本文选择美国俄勒冈州和弗吉尼亚州2个研究区,采用MATLAS数据,根据光子点云数据的特点构造了12个光子点云特征,对所构造的特征利用随机森林进行变量筛选,用机器学习方法对光子点云进行分类,并将建立好的模型推广到整个研究区。研究结果表明,本文构建的分类器分类总精度达到了96.79%,Kappa系数为0.94,平均生产者精度和用户精度分别为97.1%和96.8%。在相对弱噪声、平坦地形区域和强噪声、复杂地形区域都取得较好的分类结果。本文结果显示了基于少量样本通过机器学习的方法构建模型,可以推广到较大范围区域的光子点云分类应用中。  相似文献   
The loess area in the northern part of Baoji City, Shaanxi Province, China is a region with frequently landslide occurrences. The main aim of this study is to quantitatively predict the extent of landslides using the index of entropy model(IOE), the support vector machine model(SVM) and two hybrid models namely the F-IOE model and the F-SVM model constructed by fractal dimension. First, a total of 179 landslides were identified and landslide inventory map was produced, with 70%(125) of the landslides which was optimized by 10-fold crossvalidation being used for training purpose and the remaining 30%(54) of landslides being used for validation purpose. Subsequently, slope angle, slope aspect, altitude, rainfall, plan curvature, distance to rivers, land use, distance to roads, distance to faults, normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI), lithology, and profile curvature were considered as landslide conditioning factors and all factor layers were resampled to a uniform resolution. Then the information gain ratio of each conditioning factors was evaluated. Next, the fractal dimension for each conditioning factors was calculated and the training dataset was used to build four landslide susceptibility models. In the end, the receiver operating characteristic(ROC) curves and three statistical indexes involving positive predictive rate(PPR), negative predictive rate(NPR) and accuracy(ACC) were applied to validate and compare the performance of these four models. The results showed that the F-SVM model had the highest PPR, NPR, ACC and AUC values for training and validation datasets, respectively, followed by the F-IOE model.Finally, it is concluded that the F-SVM model performed best in all models, the hybrid model built by fractal dimension has advantages than original model, and can provide reference for local landslide prevention and decision making.  相似文献   
新疆塔里木河流域水资源承载力评价研究   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
结合塔里木河2002年自然、社会和经济以及水资源资料,选取了耕地灌溉率、水资源利用率、供水模数、需水模数、人均供水量、生态用水率6个主要因素作为评价因素,应用模糊综合评判模型对塔里木河流域水资源承载能力进行了评价研究。结果表明,流域水资源开发利用已经达到相当规模,在现有经济技术条件下,该地区的水资源承载潜力已相对较小,水资源供需矛盾突出,应由耗水型经济结构向节水型经济结构转变,加强水资源的综合管理,以便科学、合理地利用流域内有限的水资源。  相似文献   
西藏自治区洛扎县冰湖溃决危险度评价   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
西藏自治区湖泊星罗棋布,在高山极高山地区分布大量冰湖,受各种因素的影响,有时会产生冰湖溃决并形成灾害。本文根据最新TM遥感影像对西藏自治区洛扎县283个冰湖进行了初步评价。依据冰湖类型、规模、后方现代冰川与冰湖的距离及冰湖离居民地、公路等设施的距离等,将冰湖溃决分为高危险度、中危险度及低危险度。并针对高危险度的冰湖提出防护对策。  相似文献   
The prominent types of Danxia landform in Fangyan include enclosed valleys, mesas, peaks, stone columns and grooves etc. Their spatial combinations have regular configurations along the northwest–southeast direction: typical grooves and caves are located in the northwestern Wufengshuyuan mainly; abundant fresh collapsed stones may be observed in central Jimingfeng and Taohuafeng; stone drums and stone columns are in the southeastern Shiguliao particularly; enclosed valleys are encircling joints of peaks and plains from three directions east, west, and south. Their spatial combinations reflect that the developments of Danxia landform have undergone stages of geomorphic cyclical erosion in the form of weathering, collapse, transportation, sedimentation and other processes, together with the “sculpture” of external forces mainly as tectonic uplift. The picturesque Danxia landform began its formation at that point. Danxia landform developed mainly in the strata of Fangyan Formation (K1f) caused by the alluvial fan-braided river phase of anterior fan in the late period of the Early Cretaceous. Regular patterns of weathering of stones and features of braided alluvial phase sediments may be verified by the analysis of three groups of experimental data. Danxia landform of Fangyan is a unique representative of the “adolescent” development type in the application of the World Natural Heritages status in China, by virtue of its outstanding universal aesthetic and scientific value.  相似文献   
标准农田规划空间决策支持模型的研究与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国工业化与城市化进程加速的背景下,部分地区耕地的质与量难以得到保障,因此迫切需要在平衡粮食安全与经济社会增长的基础上对其做出科学规划,而空间决策支持模型的建立有助于该规划的编制。基于对标准农田规划过程的分析,将模型的概念框架分解为以下三个步骤:①构建标准农田资源评价模型:利用群体层次分析法和土地适应性评价模型评估标准农田资源;②构建标准农田规划备选方案生成模型:采用0 ̄1整数规划模型生成若干标准农田规划备选方案;③构建标准农田最优规划方案决策模型,采用非确定型决策模型辅助评价选取最优规划方案。文章对概念模型的规范化过程进行详细探讨,最后以浙江省桐庐县石阜镇为实验区,对模型进行实现和初步验证。  相似文献   
通过对比分析美国洛杉矶县住房供应规划中空闲地和低效利用地整治与我国县级城乡建设用地增减挂钩规划中农村空闲地和低效利用地整治在目的、空闲地和低效利用地确定、公共参与、与总体规划关系方面的差异,分析了我国目前县级城乡建设用地增减挂钩规划存在的不足,并进行了讨论。  相似文献   
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