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Mongolia is an important part of the Belt and Road Initiative “China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor” and a region that has been severely affected by global climate change. Changes in grassland production have had a profound impact on the sustainable development of the region. Our study explored an optimal model for estimating grassland production in Mongolia and discovered its temporal and spatial distributions. Three estimation models were established using a statistical analysis method based on EVI, MSAVI, NDVI, and PsnNet from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) remote sensing data and measured data. A model evaluation and accuracy comparison showed that an exponential model based on MSAVI was the best simulation (model accuracy 78%). This was selected to estimate the grassland production in central and eastern Mongolia from 2006 to 2015. The results show that the grassland production in the study area had a significantly fluctuating trend for the decade study; a slight overall increasing trend was observed. For the first five years, the grassland production decreased slowly, whereas in the latter five years, significant fluctuations were observed. The grassland production (per unit yield) gradually increased from the southwest to northeast. In most provinces of the study area, the production was above 1000 kg ha -1, with the largest production in Hentiy, at 3944.35 kg ha -1. The grassland production (total yield) varied greatly among the provinces, with Kent showing the highest production, 2341.76×10 4 t. Results also indicate that the trend in grassland production along the China-Mongolia railway was generally consistent with that of the six provinces studied.  相似文献   
以已有的数据、理论和模型为基础,在我国南方亚热带山地对MTCLIM模型的辐射估算方法进行了改进,对模型参数作了重新估计。经过改进后,辐射子模型中的参数B的变化不再用月平均温差表示,而是用月平均水汽压来表示。交互验证估计参数的方法能消除不良数据的影响,获得较好的模拟效果,最后估计的参数T0 nadir.dry、α、C、a和b分别为0 823、0 000039、1 7、0 0173和0 0000122。与用原来参数估计的结果相比,参数估计后预测的日总辐射结果有明显改善,相关系数R2从原来的0 55~0 73提高到0 65~0 82,总平均绝对误差从原来的3 81MJ/m·d-1降低为2 90MJ/m·d-1,减少了约1MJ/m·d-1。  相似文献   
利用IGRA提供的全球593个无线电探空站2014年的探空资料,对Bevis 经验公式、GTm-Ⅱ和GTm-Ⅲ模型进行精度验证,对各模型随纬度、季节的变化规律进行分析研究。结果表明,在全球范围内,GTm-Ⅲ模型的总体精度(MAE=3.26 K, RMS=4.10 K)要优于另外两个模型;3种模型的精度在中低纬度地区较高,高纬度地区较低;Bevis公式和GTm-Ⅱ模型的精度在南北半球具有不对称性;各模型精度的季节性变化规律基本一致,模型的RMS在不同季节相差2~3 K。  相似文献   
在对大洋洲优势矿产资源的成矿地质背景、成矿区带划分、矿床类型和资源潜力进行初步研究的基础上,对澳大利亚及巴布亚新几内亚等国的投资环境和中国地勘矿业“走出去”工作现状等进行分析,认为澳大利亚和巴布亚新几内亚两国的铁、锰、铜、铝、镍,以及具有战略意义的金、铀、稀土等矿产的资源储量潜力巨大,与中国形成良好的矿产资源互补性,是中国企业“走出去”进行矿业开发的理想对象,并结合自身经验提出长期和短期 “走出去”的相关建议。  相似文献   
The influence of ecological technology measures on the annual sediment loads of rivers complies with the principles of statistics. In this paper, the annual sediment load of the Wuding River is taken as the dependent variable and the rainfall, rainstorms during the flood period of the Wuding River and areas of ecological technology measures are taken as the independent variables to analyze the influence of ecological technology measures on the annual sediment load of the Wuding River during the years 1956 to 2007. This research uses a stepwise regression method. The result shows that 1) the non-linear regression equation composed of three independent variables including 7-8 monthly rainfalls along the Wuding River, areas of ecological technology measures and maximum daily rainfall along the Wuding River has been calculated and set up; the correlation coefficient is R2=0.857 and the significance level is α=0.001. 2) R2=0.717 is adjusted and the regression equation reveals a change of annual sediment load exceeding 71.7% over 52 years; 3) The standardized regression coefficient for ecological technology measure area has the maximum absolute value of the three independent variables shows maximum influence on the change of annual sediment load; and 4) Because of implementing the ecological technology measures, until to year of 2007, when the 7-8 monthly rainfall and maximum daily rainfall are the maximum values in the research section, the annual sediment load is calculated as 149million ton, which is 36% of the maximum value in the history.  相似文献   
“流空间”是人文-经济地理学关注的重要议题。基于城际客运交通流数据,运用ArcGIS空间分析、城市联系强度模型等方法对长江经济带长三角、长江中游、成渝三大城市群城际客运联系网络结构特征进行刻画,结果表明:①长三角城市群城际客运联系网络以上海市为主核心,苏州、南京、杭州为次核心,通过核心城市向外延伸的交通轴线组成相互之间联系紧密的城市网络,西部与南部地区的联系相对较弱;长江中游城市群城际客运联系网络以武汉、长沙、南昌三个省会城市为核心节点,周边次中心城市与其省会交通联系紧密,但城市间跨省联系较弱,本省城市仅与另外两个省会城市存在突出的向心性联系;成渝城市群高等级联系网络大多指向成都、重庆主城区,次级区域中心城市发育不足,成渝城市主轴线在强交通联系推动下发育成型,但川渝接壤地区的城际客运联系存在“断层”。②长江经济带三大城市群在网络化演化进程中,具有城市群“等级-网络”的基本演化特征,其中成渝城市群、长江中游城市群仍处于“核心-边缘”的双核或三核结构,长三角城市群已出现多核网络化发展趋势。③高速铁路作为新兴要素流,对公路、普通铁路等传统要素流具有明显的替代效应,增强了三大城市群核心城市向外延伸的轴线联系,是驱动城市群城际客运联系网络结构演变的新动力。  相似文献   
2019—2021年期间,由中国地质调查局油气资源调查中心牵头组织实施的“南方页岩气地质调查工程”,以实现“新区、新层系、新类型、新认识”四新领域油气调查战略发现和突破,推动创建页岩气勘查开发新格局为目标,按照总体部署、分步实施、点上突破、面上评价原则,重点开展了南方复杂构造区页岩气地质调查与评价工作。圈定并优选了一批页岩气远景区和有利区,部署实施了二维地震、参数井和压裂试气工程,实现了长江上游新区新层系页岩气重大突破和发现,完成垭紫罗裂陷槽、皖江、川西南等重点地区页岩气资源潜力评价。这些成果大大提振了南方复杂构造区页岩气油气资源勘查的信心,推动了油气地质调查与科技创新的深度融合,形成了页岩气成藏理论新认识和调查评价新技术,发挥了公益性油气资源调查的引领和带动作用。  相似文献   
李冰  毕军  田颖 《地理科学》2012,(4):471-476
通过对太湖流域重污染区1999年、2007年遥感影像数据解译结果的分析,获取了太湖流域重污染区主要土地利用类型的信息,分析了8 a来研究区内土地利用与覆被变化趋势,对区域土地利用类型的生态系统服务价值进行评估。结果表明,1999~2007年,太湖流域重污染区内耕地面积从2 033.53 km2减少到1 401.04 km2,而林地、建设用地、园地、水域总体呈增加的趋势,其中减少的耕地主要转化为建设用地。1999~2007年太湖流域重污染区的生态系统服务价值呈减少趋势,土地利用变化使研究区生态资产减少了2.40亿元,除气体调节和原材料以外,各单项服务功能的价值量均呈现递减的趋势。  相似文献   

为研究登陆台风引发的龙卷过程特点,从而提高对其监测、潜势预报预警能力,通过2018年8月18日安徽灵璧龙卷的现场灾情调查,并利用地面加密自动站、欧洲再分析资料(ERA5),结合蚌埠多普勒天气雷达和阜阳S波段双偏振雷达资料,分析了龙卷发生时的气象要素、大气环流、关键物理量及雷达回波特征。结果表明:此次龙卷发生时伴随有气压陡降陡升、气温剧烈下降、大风和短时强降水等,强度为EF0级,位于台风“温比亚”中心东北象限,具有对流有效位能(CAPE)和风暴水平相对螺旋度(SRH)的最佳配置,0—1 km SRH最大值为149 m2·s-2,当垂直螺旋度(H3l)增大时,龙卷发生。两部雷达均能探测到超级单体的钩状回波,中心反射率达60 dBz左右,存在有界弱回波、回波悬垂。当中气旋的形状由椭圆形向圆形转变、龙卷涡旋特征(TVS)的低层径向速度差迅速增大时,灵璧发生龙卷灾害。另外,双偏振雷达可探测165 km处超级单体的钩状回波,对龙卷的探测范围更广,并能识别出更明显的正负速度对和龙卷碎片特征(TDS),对龙卷有更强的探测能力。

在总结和分析山东济宁任城区采煤塌陷地治理现状和治理模式的基础上,辅以具体案例,分析探讨了任城区采煤塌陷地治理存在的主要问题,提出了有针对性的措施和建议,如:加大国土空间规划统筹力度,建立系统治理机制等,为提升采煤塌陷地综合治理和生态修复提供一定的参考。  相似文献   
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