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分析了上海石化总厂化工物料码头周围水下地形工程前后的变化。指出在淤泥质岸段,由于沿岸工程的影响,造成工程附近水域动力环境的改变,水下地形随之作出相应的调整。特别在淤泥质岸段附近流急、含沙量高的水域中构筑沿岸工程,工程的水流下方一侧,水流减缓,水流挟沙能力大大减弱,出现明显的局部淤浅地形,为提高工程效益,对各工程之间的相互影响,应予以重视。  相似文献   
为了解胶州湾大沽河口潮间带沉积物中底栖微藻和有机质含量的季节变化,于2010年4月至2011年2月,分4次(春、夏、秋、冬)测定分析了沉积物中的叶绿素含量和有机质含量,并分析了沉积物的粒度组成及现场温度。结果表明,表层(0~2cm)沉积物叶绿素a含量为0.42~6.06mg/kg,有机质含量为0.48%~3.71%;次表层(2~5cm)叶绿素a含量为0.13~3.53mg/kg,有机碳质量为0.31%~3.78%;深层(5~8cm)叶绿素a含量为0.14~1.95mg/kg,有机质含量为0.47%~3.72%。经统计检验和Pearson相关性分析得出,胶州湾大沽河口沉积物中的叶绿素a含量春冬两季最高,夏季和秋季最低;叶绿素a含量与深度和温度呈负相关;与所处潮带、有机质含量、粉砂黏土含量在本实验中均无显著的相关性;有机质含量与季节关系不大,高潮带最高,其含量与粉砂黏土含量呈正相关,与叶绿素含量、深度和温度关系不明显。  相似文献   
Rare earth elements (REEs: La-Lu) in surface sediments collected from the mouth and middle tidal flats of Gomso Bay, South Korea, in August 2011 and May 2012 were analyzed to investigate the fine-grained sediment provenance. The upper continental crust (UCC)-normalized light REEs (LREEs: La to Nd) were more enriched than the middle REEs (MREEs: Sm to Dy) and heavy REEs (HREEs: Ho to Lu), resulting in large (La/Yb)UCC (1.9 ± 0.4) to (Gd/Yb)UCC (1.4 ± 0.2) ratios. The monthly (La/Yb)UCC values differed between the mouth and middle tidal flats due to deposition of fine-grained sediments that originated from distant rivers (the Geum and Yeongsan) and the Jujin Stream, located on the southern shore of the inner bay. We observed relative reductions in the (La/Yb)UCC value and REE content in the sediments from the mouth of the bay compared with those from Jujin Stream sediments. Confined to the middle tidal flat around the KH Line of Jujin Stream, the sediments, most enriched in LREEs but depleted in Eu, were distributed in August as strong Jujin Stream runs. Here, we suggest that an increase in LREE/HREE and decrease in MREE/LREE ratios can be used as a proxy to identify the Jujin Stream provenance in mixed riverine sediments and to trace Jujin Stream sediments within the Gomso Bay tidal flat, especially in the summer rainy season.  相似文献   
蓝藻的暴发通常是藻类之间竞争的结果,了解环境中蓝藻与其它藻类的竞争特点和生存策略对揭示藻华暴发的机制及治理具有重要意义。本文以营养竞争为例,以铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)和小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)为受试对象,通过测定细胞密度、胞内C、N、P、S四种主要元素含量以及培养基中总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)的消耗,研究不同营养等级(超富营养、富营养、中营养、贫营养)以及单独N、P限制下两种藻在单独培养和共生培养条件下的生长特征和竞争行为。结果表明:(1)在超富营养、富营养、中营养、贫营养条件时,单独培养下的两种藻生物量与营养丰富程度呈正相关;(2)共培养条件下,在高营养水平时铜绿微囊藻在竞争中占优势,低营养水平时小球藻具有竞争优势;(3)胞内C、N、P、S的测定发现,随着营养水平的下降,两种藻胞内N、P的百分含量逐渐减少,而C、S并未呈现显著变化;(4)N限制时,铜绿微囊藻的半饱和常数Ks及最大比增长率μmax均大于小球藻;P限制条件下铜绿微囊藻的半饱和常数Ks小于小球藻,而最大比增长率μmax大于小球藻。综合分析,同一营养条件下,铜绿微囊藻竞争优势的先决因子是N,小球藻是P。因此,从营养竞争与生物适应力角度考虑,降低水体中富余的N或适当提高P的浓度可让小球藻获得竞争优势,对限制单一物种的形成具有平衡作用,可作为防治藻华的潜在方法。  相似文献   
The summer distributions of planktonic microbial communities (heterotrophic and phtosynthetic bacteria, phtosynthetic and heterotrophic nanoflagellates, ciliate plankton, and microphytoplankton) were compared between inner and outer areas of Lake Sihwa, divided by an artificial breakwater, located on the western coast of Korea, in September 2003. The semienclosed, inner area was characterized by hyposaline surface water (<17 psu), and by low concentrations of dissolved oxygen (avg. 0.4 mg L1) and high concentrations of inorganic nutrients (nitrogenous nutrients >36 μM, phosphate <4 μM) in the bottom layer. Higher densities of heterotrophic bacteria and nanoflagellates also occurred in the inner area than did in the outer area, while microphytoplankton (mainly diatoms) occurred abundantly in the outer area. A tiny tintinnid ciliate, Tintinnopsis nana, bloomed into more than 106 cells L1 at the surface layer of the inner area, while its abundance was much lower (103-104 cells L1) in the outer area of the breakwater. Ciliate abundance was highly correlated with heterotrophic bacteria (r = 0.886, p < 0.001) and heterotrophic flagellates (r = 0.962, p < 0.001), indicating that rich food availability may have led to theT. nana bloom. These results suggest that the breakwater causes the eutrophic environment in artificial lakes with limited flushing of enriched water and develops into abundant bacteria, nanoflagellates, and ciliates.  相似文献   
大沽河是胶州湾最大的入海河流,每年都会给胶州湾带来大量泥沙。本文利用三维的ECOMSED水动力-泥沙数值模型对洪水期的大沽河进行了数值模拟,得到了洪水存在期间以及洪水结束后胶州湾的余流分布、大沽河河道上中下游各层盐度、泥沙浓度随时间变化的趋势以及入海冲淡水和泥沙对胶州湾的影响。  相似文献   
Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) play an important role in minimizing the release of many pollutants into the environment. Nineteen congeners in two WWTPs in Korea were determined to investigate the occurrence and fate of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) during wastewater treatment processes. The concentration of total PBDEs was 69.6 and 183 ng/L in influent, which declined to 1.59 and 2.34 ng/L in the final effluent, respectively (Tongyeong and Jinhae WWTPs). PBDEs were found to exist mostly in the particulate phase of wastewater, which rendered sedimentation efficient for the removal of PBDEs. BDE-209 was the predominant congener in the influent and sludge. Most of the PBDEs entering the WWTPs presumably ended up in the sludge, with < 2% being discharged with the final effluent. According to the mass loading estimation, every day 2.55–9.29 g PBDEs entered the two WWTPs, 2.8–10.4 g were disposed to landfill sites in sludge form and 0.06–0.12 g were discharged to the surrounding water through final effluent, respectively. Preliminary results indicated that the ecological risk to organisms in soil exposed to PBDEs through the usage of sludge application to agricultural land was relatively low. To our knowledge, this study is the first to report on the removal efficiency of PBDEs in a WWTP in Korea.  相似文献   
我国在神狐海域钻探发现了高饱和度天然气水合物,由于该地区受迁移峡谷影响,水合物在空间的分布变化较大。本文把测井数据和地震数据相结合识别了BSR并解释了侵蚀面等层位,沿水合物稳定带底界提取多种属性,并对属性结果进行优化分析。发现振幅类属性对水合物显示较为敏感,不同站位水合物矿体展布特征不同。在W19井和SC-02井水合物矿体呈马蹄状分布,W18井矿体呈斑点状分布,分别位于埋藏水道天然堤的局部高点和水道头部高点上,矿体形态与构造高点形态一致。测井异常指示的水合物层在SC-02井伽马值较高,而W18和W19井水合物层伽马值较低,表明不同站位含水合物层泥质含量不同。而地震解释和属性分析发现水合物层位于一个规模较大的气烟囱构造上部,流体运移是控制该区域水合物成藏的重要条件,气体组成分析表明热成因气为水合物的成藏提供重要气源。  相似文献   
1970云南通海大地震造成15 621人丧生,是1949年建国以来仅次于唐山地震与汶川地震死亡人数最多的地震。由于在特定历史时期发生的地震,因而在社会上对这个地震的情况产生了质疑,质疑最终的结果是贬低本次地震的部分工作,这与过去所做的结论有冲突,就此,本文就质疑的地名、震级、伤亡人数及公布方式等相关问题,从文献与档案资料进行调查研究和分析,回复质疑并对历史真实情况及事件发生的原委得出结论。  相似文献   
Earthquake early warning (EEW) systems are one of the most effective ways to reduce earthquake disaster. Earthquake magnitude estimation is one of the most important and also the most difficult parts of the entire EEW system. In this paper, based on 142 earthquake events and 253 seismic records that were recorded by the KiK-net in Japan, and aftershocks of the large Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan, we obtained earthquake magnitude estimation relationships using the τe and Pa methods. The standard variances of magnitude calculation of these two formulas are ±0.65 and ±0.56, respectively. The Pd value can also be used to estimate the peak ground motion of velocity, then warning information can be released to the public rapidly, according to the estimation results. In order to insure the stability and reliability of magnitude estimation results, we propose a compatibility test according to the natures of these two parameters. The reliability of the early warning information is significantly improved though this test.  相似文献   
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