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牙形石的分离方法简介   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
在简述牙形石的一般分离方法的基础上,重点介绍了用三溴甲烷和丙酮配制的重液来分离牙形石的实验装置、操作流程、注意事项以及重液的回收再利用;建议将重液的密度配制为2.80—2.81g/mE,这样可有效地分离出牙形石,采用自然蒸发法回收重液,处理50g样品仅损耗5mL的重液;对几种国际上曾经或正在使用的杜列液、M—45及多钨酸钠等重液的优缺点进行了简要阐述。  相似文献   
The Late Triassic igneous rocks in the Yidun terrane can provide vital insights into the evolution of Plaeo-Tethys in western China. We present new zircon U-Pb, whole-rock geochemistry, and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic data for the Litang biotite monzogranites, Yidun terrane. The biotite monzogranites have a zircon U-Pb age of 206.1±1.0 Ma(MSWD=1.9,n=30), which indicates Late Triassic magmatism. The biotite monzogranites display I-type affinity, high Na_2O(3.38-3.60 wt%) contente,medii SiO_2(67.12-69.13 wt%), and low P_2 O_5 contents(0.10~0.12 wt%). They enriched in Rb,and Ba and depleted in Nb and Ta, with negative Eu anomalies(Eu/Eu*=0.74—0.81). They have evolved Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic composition, i.e.,(~(87) Sr/~(86 )Sr)i=0.714225 to 0.714763, negative ?_(Nd(t)) values of -2.0 to-2.6 with two-stage Nd model ages ranging from 1.01 to 1.05 Ga, negative ?_(Ht)(t)) values o f-3.4 to-4.1 with two-stage Hf model ages of 1.85 to1.88 Ga, suggesting a matured crustal sources. Their low Al_2O_3/TiO_2 ratios and medium Cao/Na_2O ratios, medium Mg~# and SiO_2 contents, low [molar Al_2O_3/(MgO+FeO~T)] values, and high [molar Cao/(MgO+FeO~T)] values indicate that the Litang biotite monzogranite was formed by partial melting of metabasaltic rocks. Based on the previous studies, we propose that the Litang biotite monzogranite derived from the westward subduction and closure of the Ganzi-Litang ocean during the Late Triassic-The mantle wedge-derived mafic melts provided sufficient heat for partial melting of ancient metabasalt protolith within the middle-lower crust.  相似文献   
Q油田是渤海大型河流相沉积的稠油油田,其北区NmⅣ1主力含油砂体为复合曲流带沉积,经过16年的注水开发,油水关系复杂,平面注水受效不均的问题日益严重,如何优化注釆结构来改善开发效果已成为急需解决的问题。优化现有注釆井网的关键是认识复合曲流带砂体内部不同单河道砂体的切叠关系及展布特征,即对目标砂体开展内部不同单河道的构型单元分布特征研究。首先,依据岩电标定的测井曲线特征、局部发育的薄夹层以及曲流河纵向下切模式,对复合砂体内部不同单河道砂进行划分与对比;然后基于单井沉积微相划分结果,开展井间剖面相对比分析,表明复合砂体内部存在5种不同单河道砂体切叠模式;建立5种正演概念模型,利用地震正演模拟合成地震记录,总结了不同单河道砂体间顶面高程差异、点坝边界、废弃河道等曲流河砂体构型边界的波形特征;利用地震属性提取及多种地质构型方法,综合分析,最终实现了海上大井距条件下复合曲流带砂体内部不同单一曲流河砂体构型边界的精细识别;最后由注采动态资料的响应关系评估不同的切叠模式对注水效果的侧向遮挡程度,并以此为依据,优化现有的注釆井网并取得了非常好的生产效果。  相似文献   
基于OWA的大理市土地生态安全评价研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
张洪  王安琦  宋贝扬 《地理科学》2017,37(11):1778-1784
从自然生态环境角度出发,从自然因子、生态环境因子、景观因子3个层面选取16项评价指标建立大理市土地生态安全评价体系,并运用IDRISI软件中的MCE模块进行有序加权平均算子(OWA)多准则决策评价,得到不同决策风险系数下的大理市土地生态安全评价结果。结果显示,由于决策者风险态度不同,得到土地生态安全评价结果差异较大,在实际应用中,必须结合研究区的实际情况以及规划的目的选择不同的风险系数进行评价,才能得到更加真实有效的结果。  相似文献   
2000-2010年广州市人口老龄化空间分异及形成机制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
分析2010年广州市人口老龄化空间分布特征,并采用因子生态分析方法、聚类分析方法划分老年人口社会空间地域类型,将两者叠加分析,得出广州市人口老龄化空间分异可划分为8种类型区并呈圈层和扇形分布的特征。通过与2000年的人口老龄化空间分异进行比较,归纳出广州市人口老龄化空间分异的变化具有历史继承性、随城市开发进程而结构趋于复杂化、出现类型更新和类型区范围变化等特征。广州市人口老龄化空间分异模式主要分为四种:老城区延续发展模式、中心城区更新转变模式、近郊区急剧转变模式、远郊区分异发展模式。最后从城市历史发展传承、城市规划建设引导、住房等制度变迁影响、房地产发展等方面探讨了广州市人口老龄化空间分异形成机制。  相似文献   
Cellular automata (CA) models can simulate complex urban systems through simple rules and have become important tools for studying the spatio-temporal evolution of urban land use. However, the multiple and large-volume data layers, massive geospatial processing and complicated algorithms for automatic calibration in the urban CA models require a high level of computational capability. Unfortunately, the limited performance of sequential computation on a single computing unit (i.e. a central processing unit (CPU) or a graphics processing unit (GPU)) and the high cost of parallel design and programming make it difficult to establish a high-performance urban CA model. As a result of its powerful computational ability and scalability, the vectorization paradigm is becoming increasingly important and has received wide attention with regard to this kind of computational problem. This paper presents a high-performance CA model using vectorization and parallel computing technology for the computation-intensive and data-intensive geospatial processing in urban simulation. To transfer the original algorithm to a vectorized algorithm, we define the neighborhood set of the cell space and improve the operation paradigm of neighborhood computation, transition probability calculation, and cell state transition. The experiments undertaken in this study demonstrate that the vectorized algorithm can greatly reduce the computation time, especially in the environment of a vector programming language, and it is possible to parallelize the algorithm as the data volume increases. The execution time for the simulation of 5-m resolution and 3 × 3 neighborhood decreased from 38,220.43 s to 803.36 s with the vectorized algorithm and was further shortened to 476.54 s by dividing the domain into four computing units. The experiments also indicated that the computational efficiency of the vectorized algorithm is closely related to the neighborhood size and configuration, as well as the shape of the research domain. We can conclude that the combination of vectorization and parallel computing technology can provide scalable solutions to significantly improve the applicability of urban CA.  相似文献   
The abrupt changes of zonal circulation in the Tibetan Plateau (TP) region and their likely causes are derived from National Centers for Environmental Prediction and the National Center for Atmospheric Research reanalysis data. The zonal circulation over the TP abruptly changed in summer (31st pentad) and winter (59th pentad). The switch from summer to winter circulation is characterized by a sudden northward shift of the westerlies and the zero-velocity curve and disappearance of the westerly jet. The winter–summer switch is characterized by the reverse pattern. Therefore, the circulation conversion between summer and winter can be judged from the position of the zero-velocity curve. Curves located north of 20 °N indicate summer circulation over the TP and vice versa. The abrupt change of zonal circulation is mainly caused by the thermodynamic effect of the TP. In June, this effect causes a huge monsoon circulation cell extending from the TP to low latitudes. Consequently, the westerlies jump to the north as easterlies develop. This process, which is enhanced by the strong northerly in Coriolis, establishes the summer circulation. In October, the Hadley cell recurs as the thermal effects of the TP diminish, the westerlies rush southward, and the winter circulation is established.  相似文献   
提出一种GPS/BDS双系统组合的土壤湿度多星线性回归反演模型,并以GNSS接收机实测数据为例,对比分析不同GPS和BDS卫星组合反演土壤湿度的效果。实验表明:1)GPS和BDS双系统组合相对于单系统在短观测时间内可以提高有效卫星数,通过多元线性回归原理可实现双系统多卫星的有效融合,提高土壤湿度反演的精度;2)当GPS和BDS组合卫星数达到6颗以上时,反演效果趋于稳定,反演结果与土壤湿度的相关系数均优于0.90,RMSE相对于单星至少提高25.8%。  相似文献   
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