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Sedimentary successions and internal structure of the coastal barrier-lagoon system of Boao, eastern Hainan Island were studied through utilizing data from test holes and trenches and ground-penetrating-radar (GPR) profiles. During late Pleistocene, fluvial and delta plains developed over an unevenly eroded bedrock during low sea level stand, followed by the formation of littoral and lagoon facies and defined coastal barrier-lagoon-estuary system during the post-glacial uppermost Pleistocene-lower Holocene eustatic rise of the sea level, and the upper Holocene high stand. GPR results show that Yudaitan, a sandy coastal bar backed by a low-laying land (shoal) just east of the active lagoon, is a continuous, parallel and slightly-wavy reflectors indicating homogeneous sandy or sandy gravel sediments, and inclined reflectors partly caused by progradation and accumulation of beach sand and gravel. Quasi-continuous, hummocky and chaotic reflectors from the shoal of Nangang village correspond to mixed accumula  相似文献   
在蒙古南戈壁的Bayan—Khoshuu Ruins剖面原归入到志留系Mandalovoo组尕屋(Gavuu)段的地层中发现了牙形刺Caudicriodus woschimidti woschmidti,这是泥盆纪最早期牙形刺带化石在蒙古的首次发现。尕屋(Gavuu)段的下部属志留系,但其上部,即采集牙形刺样品M-9~M-12的层位肯定属下泥盆统(下洛霍考夫阶),而不是下志留统。Mandalovoo组应当改为Mandalovoo群,它的三个段应提升为三个组。  相似文献   
This paper continues the investigations of Clemens and Hartwig from 1992 on the proportion of garbage used as nesting material in the Kittiwake colony at Bulbjerg in the Jammerbugt in Northwest Denmark. Whereas in the year 1992 plastic garbage items were included in 39.3% of 466 Kittiwake nests in the Bulbjerg colony, in 2005 57.2% of 311 nests contained plastic debris. Although it has been forbidden to dispose of plastic garbage into the marine environment since the implementation of the MARPOL 73/78-Agreement/Annex V (Regulation for the Prevention of Pollution by Ship Waste) of 1989 and especially since the declaration of the North Sea as a MARPOL-Special Area for garbage in 1991, the pollution of the oceans and the North Sea is still an ubiquitous problem, particularly with regard to plastic waste. Plastic waste is presumably not used preferentially for nest-building, but in the context of available nesting material in the waters surrounding the breeding colony. Therefore the share of garbage parts in nests of certain species of birds is an indicator of the amount of waste in the natural environment in the vicinity of their breeding site.  相似文献   
本文利用有限差分方法,计算了全地幔对流模式和双层地幔对流模式下日本海沟俯冲带热结构、浮力及P波速度异常分布,基于亚稳态橄榄石相变模型推测亚稳态橄榄石的存在范围,同时分析了热传导系数、热膨胀系数和热源对俯冲带热结构的影响,以及俯冲带所受浮力与俯冲带形态的关系.结果表明,双层地幔对流模式下模拟的P波速度异常分布与层析成像结果更为相符,也与深源地震的分布有较好的相关性.板块内部亚稳态橄榄石的存在范围随热传导系数和热膨胀系数的减小而增大,同时忽略相变潜热和剪切生热的影响也会造成模型所预测的亚稳态橄榄石范围偏大.俯冲带所受负浮力在400 km深度附近达到最大值,亚稳态橄榄石的存在使负浮力逐渐减小,甚至在板块内部产生正浮力,不利于俯冲带穿透660 km相变界面.  相似文献   
lINTRoDUCTlONTheSouthernPiedmo12tph}siographicregioninthesoutheasternUnitedStatescoversaboutl6.5millionhae\tendingl2OOkmtYomsouthernVirginiatoeast-centralAlabamaandliesbetweentheAppalachianMountainsandthesouthernCoastalPlain(Carrekeretal.,l977).ThePiedmontslopessoutheast\\ardtbrapproximatel}25Oto3ookmtYom35omabovesealeveladjacenttothemountainsto]OOmabo\7esealevela1ongthesoLltheasternedge.Thislbothillsregionisdissectedbymanystreams.Thetopograph}isgentI}rolling,x`ithgentletomoderates…  相似文献   
The aim of this work is to review studies to evaluate how emissions from fish cage farms cause eutrophication effects in marine environments. The focus is on four different scales: (i) the conditions at the site of the farm, (ii) the local scale related to the coastal area where the farm is situated, (iii) the regional scale encompassing many coastal areas and (iv) the international scale including several regional coastal areas. The aim is to evaluate the role of nutrient emissions from fish farms in a general way, but all selected examples come from the Baltic Sea. An important part of this evaluation concerns the method to define the boundaries of a given coastal area. If this is done arbitrarily, one would obtain arbitrary results in the environmental consequence analysis. In this work, the boundary lines between the coast and the sea are drawn using GIS methods (geographical information systems) according to the topographical bottleneck method, which opens a way to determine many fundamental characteristics in the context of mass balance calculations. In mass balance modelling, the fluxes from the fish farm should be compared to other fluxes to, within and from coastal areas. Results collected in this study show that: (1) at the smallest scale (<1 ha), the "footprint" expressing the impact areas of fish cage farm often corresponds to the size of a "football field" (50-100 m) if the annual fish production is about 50 ton, (2) at the local scale (1 ha to 100 km2), there exists a simple load diagram (effect-load-sensitivity) to relate the environmental response and effects from a specific load from a fish cage farm. This makes it possible to obtain a first estimate of the maximum allowable fish production in a specific coastal area, (3) at the regional scale (100-10,000 km2), it is possible to create negative nutrient fluxes, i.e., use fish farming as a method to reduce the nutrient loading to the sea. The breaking point is to use more than about 1.1 g wet weight regionally caught wild fish per gram feed for the cultivated fish, and (4) at the international scale (>10,000 km2) related to the Baltic Proper, the contribution from fish farms to the overall nutrient fluxes are very small. We have also given two case-studies at the local scale where the impact of the fish farm emissions are greatest and the idea is to identify coastal areas unsuitable and suitable for fish cage farms and the reasons why. It should also be stressed that the results presented here are exemplified using emissions from fish farms, but that the underlying principles to evaluate the ecosystem effects of nutrient discharges from point source emissions are valid in a wider and more general perspective.  相似文献   
正Work is currently underway to produce a map in Arc GISTM 10 of the mafic dyke swarms and related units(volcanics,sills and layered intrusions)of Russia and adjacent regions at a scale of 1:5,000,000.Over the past  相似文献   
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