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A simple matching technique is developed which allows us to compute the response of the solar envelope to perturbations which occur within the solar convective region, and in timescales of importance to climate. This technique is applied to perturbation of the convective efficiency (-mechanism), and of the non-gas component of the pressure in different regions of the convection zone (-mechanism). The results indicate that while either perturbation affects the solar luminosity, the -mechanism has almost no effect on the solar outer radius, regardless of the affected region, whereas the -mechanism produces radius changes which may be large if the location of perturbation is deep enough.  相似文献   
The structure of a stationary sunspot of circular shape is considered. Schluter-Temesvary theory, based on the similarity assumption is criticized. It is shown that this theory does not describe the observed inclination of magnetic field lines in a sunspot. A new assumption is proposed taking into account field lines which return to the photosphere. On the basis of this assumption, the main equation of the new theory is obtained and the results compare well with observations.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
The main results of a study of a catalogue of physical parameters of 1041 spectroscopic binaries are presented. The distribution of spectroscopic binaries over all main parametersM 1, a, e, M1/M2, P, and certain dependencies between some of them have been found.
  1. It appears that among bright (m v?3 m –5 m ) stars withM?1M , about 40% are apparently spectroscopic binaries with comparable masses of components.
  2. The majority of spectroscopic binaries with the ratio of the large semiaxis of the orbit to the radius of the primarya/R 1?20, have eccentricities close to zero. This is probably a consequence of the tidal circularization of orbits of close binaries by viscous friction.
  3. The discovery of duplicity of double-line spectroscopic binaries is possible only if the semiamplitude of radial velocityK 1 is almost 10 times higher than the semiamplitude of the radial velocity of a single-line spectroscopic binary of the same mass.
  4. Double-line spectroscopic binaries witha/R ?6(M 1/M )1/3,M 1M 2?1.5M are almost almost absent, and the number of stars witha/R ?6(M 1/M )1/3,M 1≈1.5M is relatively low.
  5. The distribution of unevolved SB stars over the large semiaxis may be described by the expression d(N d/Nt)≈0.2 d loga for 6(M 1/M )1/3?a/R ?100.
  6. The intial mass-function for primaries of spectroscopic binaries is the same Salpeter function dN d≈M 1 ?2.35 dM 1 for 1?M 1/M ?30.
  7. It is possible to explain the observed ratio of the number of single-line spectroscopic binaries to the number of double-line binaries if one assumes that the average initial mass ratio is close to 1 and that the mass of the postmass-exchange remnant of the primary exceeds the theoretical one and/or that half of the angular momentum of the system is lost during mass-exchange.
  8. The above-mentioned distributions ofM 1 anda and assumptions on the mass of remnant and/or momentum loss also allow us to explain the observed shapes of dN/dM, dN/dq, and dN/da distributions after some selection effects are taken into account.
The propagation and interference of Alfvén waves in magnetic regions is studied. A multilayer approximation of the standard models of the solar atmosphere is used. In each layer, there is a linear law of temperature variation and a power law of Alfvén velocity variation. The analytical solutions of a wave equation are stitched at the layer boundaries. The low-frequency Alfvén waves (P > 1 s) are able to transfer the energy from sunspots into the corona by tunneling only. The chromosphere is not a resonance filter for the Alfvén waves. The interference and resonance of Alfvén waves are found to be important to wave propagation through the magnetic coronal arches. The transmission coefficient of Alfvén waves into the corona increases sharply on the resonance frequences. To take into account the wave absorption in the corona, a method of equivalent schemes is developed. The heating of a coronal arch by Alfvén waves is discussed.  相似文献   
The equatorial photospheric rotation rate has been observed on 14 days in 1978–1980. The resulting rotation rate, = 14.14±0.04°/day, is 2% slower than the rate as observed for long-lived sunspots.Stationed at Kitt Peak National Observatory.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
Photoelectric observations of the light intensity from the solar crescent before and after totality were made during the eclipses of 7 March, 1970 and 26 February, 1979. Effective wavelengths were determined by interference filters of 20 nm bandwidth. To obtain the limb darkening function, the resulting intensity curves were analyzed by an extension of the method of Julius in which we take into account the actual lunar limb profile. The limb darkening function at 433 nm was obtained for the region 0.937 < sin < 0.9999. Our results are in good agreement with existing center-to-limb measurements in the region of overlap which extends to sin = 0.99. Additional data were obtained at 600 nm for 0.994 < sin < 0.9999. The curves at both wavelengths show a distinctive limb brightening effect at sin = 0.999.  相似文献   
Aiming to study the relationship between Venus surface heights and surface roughness, the Pioneer Venus surface altitude map and map of r.m.s. slope in m-dkm scale have been analy sed for the Beta and Ishtar regions using a system of digital image processing. To integrate the data obtained, the results of geomorphological analysis of Venera 9 and 10 TV panoramas as well as gamma-spectrometric and photometric measurements were used. The analysis gives proof that Venera 9 and 10 landing sites represent geologic-morphologic situations typical of Venus, thus enabling the results of observations made at landing sites to be extended to large provinces. Apparently this conclusion is also applicable to the Venera 8 landing site. No strong relationship exists between the roughness of the surface and its altitude or the amount of a regional slope; neither for the Beta nor for the Ishtar region. A weak direct correlation observable for roughness-altitude pairs for the Beta region and roughness-altitude, roughness-slope pairs for the Ishtar region are quite obviously a consequence of regional roughness control, i.e. of an overall character of geological structure. On Venus the factors contributing to higher surface roughness on the m-dkm scale are, obviously, mostly volcanic and tectonic in their nature whilst those responsible for smoothing-out of the surface are chiefly exogenic. The rate of exogenic transformation of the Cytherean surface may be fairly high. On Venus, similarly as on the Earth, active tectono-magmatic processes have possibly taken place in recent geological epochs. One of the places where they are manifest is an extensive zone running from north to south across the Beta, Phoebe and Themis highlands. Within its limits occur both the process of basaltic shield-type volcanism and areal basalt effusions at low hypsometric levels accounting for the formation of lowland plains at the expense of ancient rolling plains. The basalts of the shield volcano Beta show some differences in composition compared to those of areal effusions at low hypsometric levels. The overall character of Cytherean tectonics in the recent geologic epoch is apparently block-type with a predominance of vertical movements. Against the background of the sinking of some of the blocks the other ones are rising and, possibly, such compensation upheavals have been responsible for the formation of the Ishtar region.  相似文献   
Observations of the lunar luminescence are reported for a dozen of specific Moon features using the line-depth method with a high resolution spectroscopic technique. The data indicate a variation of the Moon proper emission as a function of the phase angle which is interpreted as a proof of the thermoluminescent origin of this emission.  相似文献   
We consider a system of planets defined by a given distribution of mean mean motions and masses: we represent the osculating elliptic elements of their heliocentric orbits by quasi-periodic functions of time, through a method adapted to the commensurability case; these functions are the sum of the general solution of a critical system, expressed in long-period terms, and of a particular solution. As in the B. Brown's method (applied to the galilean satellites), the critical system contains the secular terms, the longperiod terms (great inequalities), and the resonant terms; the particular solution consists of short-period terms only, whose amplitude is an explicit function of the solution of the critical system.If all the long-period terms in the critical system are harmonic of one fundamental term, we can perform a simple change of variables which transforms the critical system in an autonomous one, and thus we reduce the resolution to an eigenvalue problem. Applying that to the galilean satellites of Jupiter and neglecting the solar perturbations, we obtain a differential system with constant coefficients, whose linear part concerns all the variables (including the major-axes and the mean longitudes) and gives, as a first approximation, the great inequalities, the free oscillations and the libration; nevertheless this solution agrees already with known results, but should be improved by taking into account the non-linear parts and the solar terms in a new approximation.

Proceedings of the Conference on Analytical Methods and Ephemerides: Theory and Observations of the Moon and Planets. Facultés universitaires Notre Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgium, 28–31 July, 1980  相似文献   
Summary Most finite-difference numerical weather prediction models employ vertical discretizations that are staggered, and are low-order (usually second-order) approximations for the important terms such as the derivation of the geopotential from the hydrostatic equation, and the calculation of the vertically integrated divergence. In a sigma-coordinate model the latter is used for computing both the surface pressure change and the vertical velocity. All of the above-mentioned variables can diminish the accuracy of the forecast if they are not calculated accurately, and can have an impact on related quantities such as precipitation.In this study various discretization schemes in the vertical are compared both in theory and in practice. Four different vertical grids are tested: one unstaggered and three staggered (including the widely-used Lorenz grid). The comparison is carried out by assessing the accuracy of the grids using vertical numerics that range from second-order up to sixth-order.The theoretical part of the study examines how faithfully each vertical grid reproduces the vertical modes of the governing equations linearized with a basic state atmosphere. The performance of the grids is evaluated for 2nd, 4th and 6th-order numerical schemes based on Lagrange polynomials, and for a 6th-ordercompact scheme.Our interpretation of the results of the theoretical study is as follows. The most important result is that the order of accuracy employed in the numerics seems to be more significant than the choice of vertical grid. There are differences between the grids at second-order, but these differences effectively vanish as the order of accuracy increases. The sixth-order schemes all produce very accurate results with the grids performing equally well, and with the compact scheme significantly outperforming the Lagrange scheme. A second major result is that for the number of levels typically used in current operational forecast models, second-order schemes (which are used almost universally) all appear to be relatively poor, for other than the lowest modes.The theoretical claims were confirmed in practice using a large number (100) of forecasts with the Australian Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre's operational model. By comparing test model forecasts using the four grids and the different orders of numerics with very high resolution control model forecasts, the results of the theoretical study seem to be corroborated.With 8 Figures  相似文献   
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