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G. F. Hartman 《GeoJournal》1996,40(1-2):147-164
Hydroelectric development, forest exploitation, agricultural land use and related human population numbers have increased rapidly during the last 40 years, in the basin of the Nechako River, a major tributary system of the Fraser River. The Kemano project of the Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd. begun in 1950, was the largest industrial scheme in the area. A key feature of the first stage of it was a dam which diverted about 40% of flow of the south branch of the Nechako River, through a tunnel in the mountains, to the Pacific Ocean. In 1987 an agreement for the Kemano Completion Project (KCP), which would have diverted 87% of the flow, was signed. This final phase of the project would have put important fisheries resources of the upper Fraser River at high risk. Mitigation for fisheries protection were inadequate or untested in the system at the time. Potential cumulative impacts of water abstraction, elevated pollution levels, increased water temperature and natural sediment were not addressed. In January 1995 KCP was cancelled but there remain at present no adequate measures to protect the fish and the river ecosystem. These measures are to be negotiated in the future. Future management of the whole Kemano development must provide biologically realistic flow and temperature regimes in the Nechako River, and must deal with cumulative impacts of population and industrial growth. To achieve sustainability of fisheries in the Nechako River and upper Fraser watershed the present approach to the Kemano development must be changed fundamentally. The future of the Kemano development must be set in the context of the whole future of the upper Fraser system. Continued growth and development, as has occurred in the upper Fraser and total basin, can not go on without inimical changes to ecosystem conditions and loss of fisheries resources.  相似文献   
Extreme value analysis provides a semiparametric method for analyzing the extreme long tails of skew distributions which may be observed when handling mining data. The estimation of important tail characteristics, such as the extreme value index, allows for a discrimination between competing distribution models. It measures the thickness of such long tailed distributions, if only a limited sample is available. This paper stresses the practical implementation of extreme value theory, which is used to discriminate a lognormal from a mixed lognormal distribution in a case study of size distributions for alluvial diamonds.  相似文献   
Pliocene volcanics on the island of Bequia comprise two interbeddedsuites of basalts and andesites. The isotopically homogeneoussuite (IHS) has a limited range of Sr—Nd—Pb isotopes(87Sr/86Sr 0.7040–0.7046, 143 Nd/144 Nd 0.5130 and 206Pb/204Pb 19.36–19.51), and mantle-like 18O values (5.5in clinopyroxene). The isotopically diverse suite (IDS) is characterizedby much wider ranges of radiogenic isotopes (87 Sr/86Sr 0.7048–0.7077,143 Nd/144 Nd 0.5128–0.5123 and 206 Pb/204 Pb 19.7–20.2),in which all of the Sr and Pb ratios are higher and Nd ratiosare lower than those of the IHS. The IDS is also characterizedby high 18 O values, up to 7.6 in clinopyroxene. The Sr andPb isotope ratios are too high, and the Nd isotope ratios aretoo low in the IDS for any of these lavas to be derived fromunmodified depleted mantle. Both suites are petrologically very similar and their majorelement compositions and phenocryst contents suggest that theywere formed largely by fractional crystallization of a hydroustholeiitic melt at pressures <3 kbar. The isotopic ratiosand enrichments in large ion lithophile elements (LILE), andto some extent light rare earth elements (LREE), as comparedwith mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB), of the IHS lavas suggestthat they were derived from a depleted mantle source which hadbeen re-enriched by the addition of 1–4% of a subductioncomponent. This component probably comprised a mixture of dehydrationfluids, and perhaps minor siliceous melts, released from subductingsediments and mafic crust. The extreme isotopic ranges, largeenrichments in incompatible elements, more fractionated LREEpatterns and higher 18 O values of the IDS lavas are interpretedas resulting from 10–55% assimilation—fractionalcrystallization of sediments, derived from the Guyana Shield,which are present in the arc crust, by IHS type melts. KEY WORDS: trace elements; radiogenic isotopes; arc lavas; Lesser Antilles *Corresponding author.  相似文献   
We present an updated model for the photochemistry of Io's atmosphere and ionosphere and use this model to investigate the sensitivity of the chemical structure to vertical transport rates. SO2is assumed to be the dominant atmospheric gas, with minor molecular sodium species such as Na2S or Na2O released by sputtering or venting from the surface. Photochemical products include SO, O2, S, O, Na, NaO, NaS, and Na2. We consider both “thick” and “thin” SO2atmospheres that encompass the range allowed by recent HST and millimeter-wave observations, and evaluate the possibility that O2and/or SO may be significant minor dayside constituents and therefore likely dominant nightside gases. The fast reaction between S and O2limits the column abundance of O2to ∼104less than that calculated by Kumar (J. Geophys. Res.87, 1677–1684, 1982; 89(A9), 7399–7406, 1984) for a pure sulfur/oxygen atmosphere. If a significant source of NaO2or Na2O were supplied by the surface and mixed rapidly upward, then oxygen liberated in the chemical reactions which also liberate free Na would provide an additional source of O2. Fast eddy mixing will enhance the transport of molecular sodium species to the exobase, in addition to increasing the vertical transport rate of ions. Ions produced in the atmosphere will be accelerated by the reduced corotation electric field penetrating the atmosphere. These ions experience collisions with the neutral gas, leading to enhanced vertical ion diffusion. The dominant ion, Na+, is lost primarily by charge exchange with Na2O and/or Na2S in the lower atmosphere and by diffusion through the ionopause in the upper atmosphere. The atmospheric column abundance of SO, O2, and the upper atmosphere escape rates of Na, S, O, and molecular sodium species are all strong functions of the eddy mixing rate. Most atmospheric escape, including that of molecular sodium species, probably occurs from the low density “background” SO2atmosphere, while a localized high density “volcanic” SO2atmosphere can yield an ionosphere consistent with that detected by the Pioneer 10 spacecraft.  相似文献   
A broad emission band over the wavelength range 6000–7500 Å in submicron dust in the galaxy and in M82 can be explained by fluorescence phenomena in low-temperature chloroplasts and bacterial pigments. Alternative explanations do not appear to be promising.  相似文献   
An analysis of the Rayleigh problem in MHD for a porous wall in a slip flow regime is considered. The normal velocity of suction/injection at the wall is assumed to be time dependent. The solution of the problem is obtained in the form of a power series, in terms of known functions. The variations of the velocity field and the skin friction are shown graphically and are followed by a quantitative discussion.Science Update, The Pioneer, India, 21 July 1995 edition  相似文献   
This paper is designed to bring to the attention the fact that the effect of focusing of solar energetic particles is always essential as compared with scattering, no matter how small the value of the mean free path may be. That is why, an ordinary (focusing-free) diffusion approach can not be applied to the solar cosmic ray transport. In the case of high-energy solar particles, the focused diffusion is demonstrated to lead to a power law decay of energetic particle intensity much like an ordinary diffusion. However, the power law index of the decay is renormalized by the focusing.  相似文献   
The solar active region (AR) 7530 was observed at 6 cm on July 3 and 4, 1993 with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope, using a multi-channel receiver with very narrow bandwidth. We compare the radio data with Yohkoh SXT observations and with the magnetic field extrapolated from the Marshall vector magnetograms in the force-free and current-free approximations. The comparison with soft X-rays shows that, although a general agreement exists between the shape of the radio intensity map and the X-ray loops, the brightness temperature, T b, obtained using the parameters derived from the SXT is much lower than that observed. The comparison with the extrapolated photospheric fields shows instead that they account very well for the observed T b above the main sunspots, if gyroresonance emission is assumed. In the observation of July 4 an inversion and strong suppression of the circular polarization was clearly present above different portions of the AR, which indicates that particular relationships exist between the electron density and the magnetic field in the region where the corresponding lines of sight cross the field quasi-perpendicularly. The extrapolated magnetic field at a much higher level ( 1010 cm), satisfies the constraints required by the wave propagation theory all over the AR. However, a rather low electron density is derived.  相似文献   
Surface renewal analysis for sensible and latent heat flux density   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
High frequency temperature measurements were recorded at five heights and surface renewal (SR) analysis was used to estimate sensible heat flux density (H) over 0.1 m tall grass. Traces of the temperature data showed ramp-like structures, and the mean amplitude and duration of these ramps were used to calculate H using structure functions. Data were compared with H values measured with a sonic anemometer. Latent heat flux density (E) was calculated using an energy balance and the results were compared with E computed from the sonic anemometer data. SR analysis provided good estimates of H for data recorded at all heights but the canopy top and at the highest measurement level, which was above the fully adjusted boundary layer.  相似文献   
Turbulent fluctuations have been investigated in the internal boundary layer (IBL) which forms after a dry-to-wet surface transition. The IBL is defined as that part of the atmospheric surface layer where the influence of the downstream surface is noticeable. The results of the application of three different quadrant analysis techniques are presented. The three techniques, in increasing order of the amount of information supplied, provide:
  1. the diurnal variation of quadrant contribution (C i), number fraction (T i) and conditional average (% MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafeart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXafv3ySLgzGmvETj2BSbqefm0B1jxALjhiov2D% aebbfv3ySLgzGueE0jxyaibaiiYdd9qrFfea0dXdf9vqai-hEir8Ve% ea0de9qq-hbrpepeea0db9q8as0-LqLs-Jirpepeea0-as0Fb9pgea% 0lrP0xe9Fve9Fve9qapdbaqaaeGacaGaaiaabeqaamaabaabcaGcba% GaeyykJeUabm4DayaafaGabm4CayaafaGaeyOkJe-aaSbaaSqaaiaa% dMgaaeqaaaaa!4215!\[\langle w's'\rangle _i \], with s = T or q) of vertical sensible and latent heat fluxes,
  2. the quadrant contribution and number of samples of different sizes depending on the relative magnitude of each sample, and
  3. the distribution of the nondimensional probability density function.
The results show that in the IBL the vertical flux of sensible heat is maintained by (i) a small fraction of large samples with warm air carried upwards, and (ii) a larger fraction of small samples with cool air carried downwards. Both processes are almost equal in importance. In the morning and near the top of the IBL negative temperature fluctuations are limited by the near-uniform temperature conditions upstream and above the IBL. This limitation reduces, at that location, the conditional average of the sinking motions of cool air. Closer to the wet surface the negative temperature fluctuations are less susceptible to the above mentioned limitation. As a consequence contributions from all four quadrants are almost equal leading to a very small vertical heat flux. In the presence of a temperature inversion over both the upstream and the downstream terrain, shear-generated turbulence appears to be the cause of the relative abundance of sinking motions of warm air and rising motions of cool air, leading to a reversal of the sensible heat flux. The latent heat flux is positive (i.e. directed away from the surface) at all times and is maintained in almost equal amount by (i) a small number of large magnitude samples with moist air carried upwards, and (ii) small magnitude samples with sinking motions of dry air. These sinking motions of dry air are far more numerous, especially in the morning, but their conditional average is very small. The abundance of sinking motions of dry air is attributed to the fact that over the downstream terrain evaporation is greatly enhanced, leading to a skewed w′q′ signal. This skewness is clearly visible in the w′q′-probability density distribution of the morning runs. In the evening the asymmetry between these two different contributions disappears. This is because evaporation is greatly reduced and large positive humidity fluctuations no longer occur.  相似文献   
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