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By using a combination of X-ray (HXIS), H (Haleakala), white-light corona (Solwind), and zodiacal light (Helios) images on 21–22 May, 1980 we demonstrate, and try to explain, the co-existence of a coronal mass ejection with a stationary post-flare coronal arch. The mass ejection was seen, both by Solwind and Helios, in prolongation of the path of a powerful spray, whereas the active region filament did not erupt. A tentative comparison is made with other occurrences of stationary, or quasi-stationary post-flare coronal arches.  相似文献   
The temporal association between the kinematic parameters of chromospheric dark features (DF) and the production of radio type-III bursts is investigated during a period of five months. The Doppler shifts inside six different DF are measured by means of the Meudon Multichannel Subtracting Double Pass Spectrograph (MSDP) during periods of some minutes around 24 type-III bursts. The position of the radio bursts has been checked to be associated with the same active region observed by MSDP, by using the Nançay Radioheliograph. It appears that 23 out of 24 bursts take place when the DF is totally or predominantly blue-shifted. In 18 out of 21 cases, a maximum of the outward velocity is observed in the optical image closest in time to the radio burst. The following peculiarities are also shown by the analyzed DF:
  1. All of them present a lengthened shape, in most cases pointing toward a sunspot: a bright region coinciding with a parasitic polarity is observed in between.
  2. Horizontal velocities along the DF major axis are often observed, always in a direction opposite to the sunspots.
This association is interpreted by assuming that a shock wave, generated by the moving chromospheric material, is able to accelerate coronal electrons (according to a mechanism proposed by Leroy and Mangeney, 1984) thus producing type-III bursts.  相似文献   
In this paper the unsteady laminar free-convection flow of a viscous incompressible fluid, past an accelerated infinite vertical porous plate subjected to a constant suction (or injection) in considered. Numerical results for the skin-friction on the plate are obtained for the class of accelerated motions whose velocity is of the formU 0 t n wheret is time,U 0 a constant, andn is a positive integer. The skin friction tends to zero with increasingt when the Grashof number Gr=2, the Prandtl number =1,n=0, and >0 which corresponds to suction.On leave of absence from the Department of Mathematics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.On leave from absence from the Department of Mathematics, University of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.  相似文献   
The data of Paper I (Doddet al., 1986), representing a catalogue of parameters measured for bright galaxies in field 444 of the Southern Sky Survey, are examined in a search for non-random effects. A global trend of bimodal alignment of galaxies in this field is found. This effect is present even for galaxies of large apparent ellipticity (e0.5) and is interpreted as revealing a real physical phenomenon on the large scale in this field. Analysis of nearest neighbouring pairs of galaxies reveals evidence also for small-scale interactions. The difference in apparent ellipticities between close pairs is larger than would be expected if the galaxies were randomly distributed. Nearest neighbouring galaxies also show a strong preference to be aligned with their major axes parallel. The results are discussed with regard to theories for galaxy formation.  相似文献   
Global oscillations of the Sun (r-modes) with very long periods 1 month are reviewed and studied. Such modes would be trapped in an acoustic cavity formed either by most of the convective envelope or by most of the radiative interior. A turning point frequency giving cavity boundaries is defined and the run of eigenvalues for angular harmonics l 3 are plotted for a conventional solar convection zone. The r-modes show equipartition of oscillatory energy among shells which each contain one antinode in the radial dimension. Toroidal motion is dominant to at least the 14th radial harmonic mode. Viscosity from convective turbulence is strong and would damp any mode in just a few solar rotations if it were the only significant nonadiabatic effect. Radial fine splitting which lifts the degeneracy in n is very small (20 nHz or less) for all n 14 trapped in the envelope. But, if splitting could be detected, we would have a valuable new constraint on solar convection theories.  相似文献   
A nonpolytropic model of a polar coronal hole at 2 R R 5 R is constructed. Our main assumptions are: (1) the magnetic structure of the Sun can be described by a combination of dipole-like and radial fields; (2) in the magnetically dominated region [(v 2/2) < (B 2/8)] the influence of the outflow on the magnetic structure is negligible. The magnetic and thermodynamic structures are obtained by solving the force balance equation for plasma with the observationally derived electron density. Profiles of velocities in the acceleration regime are presented and the influence of the outflow on the thermodynamic structure of the solar corona above the polar region is discussed.This paper is the first part of a joint project of the Space Environment Laboratory, the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, and the High Altitude Observatory, NCAR. The second paper by Munro and Tzur is in preparation.Work done while at the Space Environment Laboratory, NOAA, ERL, Boulder, CO 80303, U.S.A.1982–83 Visiting Fellow at the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, National Bureau of Standards and University of Colorado.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.Visitor at NCAR.  相似文献   
The frequency of binaries with degenerate secondary components was evaluated according to the spectral types of the primaries. It appears that this proportion is 25% for binaries with giant primary components, and less than about 17% for dwarfs.Communication presented at the International Conference on Astrometric Binaries, held on 13–15 June, 1984, at the Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg, Germany, to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel (1784–1846).  相似文献   
The production of X-rays and gamma-rays in bursts is believed to be due to the rapid burning of matter accreted onto a neutron star surface from its companion, most probably a giant star. The accreted matter consists mainly of hydrogen and helium and a very small amount of heavy elements. Due to the infall of matter, the temperature at the bottom layers is raised to a value of the order of 108 K. The neutron star surface density is>107 g cm–3. As hydrogen burning is a slow process under any temperature and density conditions, we consider the helium-burning reactions as the source of gamma-rays in the neutron star surface. Under high-density conditions the ordinary laboratory reaction rates should become modified. At high-density conditions, the strong screening effect due to the polarising cloud of electrons around the ions become important and enhances the reaction rates considerably. The helium-burning reactions are calculated under such conditions. The abundances of helium-burning products such as12C, 116O, and20Ne, etc., are computed. Under high-density and temperature conditions carbon is found to be more abundant than oxygen. Neon is completely absent in almost all the relevant physical conditions in which a strong screening effect is operative. It is suggested that explosive burning of accreted helium of 10–13 M will account for the observed energy of gamm-ray burst.  相似文献   
Recent computations (D'Antona and Mazzitelli, 1982), together with the general scheme of evolution of cataclysmic binaries (CBs), lead to conclude that the secondaries in those CBs having periods shorter than 4.5 hr have a large3He content in the envelope, ranging from 10–4 (P=4.5 hr) to >2×10–3 (P=3 hr) in mass fraction, if the nova systems have an age of some billion years. The consequence on the frequency of novae outbursts is shortly examined. If lithium is produced by galactic novae, the7Li content of old disk stars should be very close to the Population II content.Presented at the 5th European Workshop on White Dwarfs, Kiel, 1984.  相似文献   
Wave conversion mechanisms causing large-frequency shifts are considered for an electron-positron plasma in a strong magnetic field. In particular, we discuss the effects of the nonlinear erenkov as well as the cyclotron resonances in order to associate pulsar radio-emissions with our present model for nonlinear conversion of high-frequency radiation into the low-frequency region.  相似文献   
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