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The Vangorda orebody is a small stratiform massive sulphide orebody located in Anvil District, Yukon, Canada. The orebody consists of fineto medium-grained semi-massive and massive sulphides with a common sulphide mineralogy of pyrite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, galena, and minor chalcopyrite. The host rocks and the sulphide lithofacies have been complexly deformed during two phases of deformation (D1 and D2) and associated metamorphism (M1 and M2). The effects of d1 and M1 are penetratively overprinted by D2 and M2. D2 and M2 resulted in tight to isoclinal F2 folding of the orebody, remobilisation of the sulphides, recrystallisation and development of shear zones along the limbs of the F2 folds. Chlorite thermometry and sulphide thermobarometry have been carried out on the host phyllites and on the sulphides. Chlorite was analysed from the S1 and S2 foliations in the phyllites to determine M1 and M2 temperatures, respectively. However, no difference was found between chlorite compositions in these foliations and a mean temperature of 363 °C was calculated from the tetrahedral A1IV occupancy. Arsenopyrite thermometry yielded a comparable mean temperature of 336 °C. Sphalerite inclusions in M2 pyrite porphyroblasts from D2 shear zones were analysed for pressure using the sphalerite + hexagonal pyrrhotite + pyrite barometer. Inclusions were analysed in an attempt to determine if relic m1 sphalerite, and hence pressure signature, was preserved. Inclusion compositions appear to reflect only M2 conditions and yielded a mean pressure of 4.0 kb. Sphalerite + hexagonal pyrrhotite assemblages were analysed from D2 shear zones to determine the M2 pressure using the sphalerite + hexagonal pyrrhotite barometer. These calculations yielded a mean pressure of 6.1 kb. The M2 temperatures and pressures calculated using these calibrations are in good agreement with those estimated from petrogenetic relationships.  相似文献   
The abundance of coexisting structural units in K-, Na-, and Li-silicate melts and glasses from 25° to 1654°C has been determined with in-situ micro-Raman spectroscopy. From these data an equilibrium constant, Kx, for the disproportionation reaction among the structural units coexisting in the melts, Si2O5(2Q3)SiO3(Q2)+SiO2(Q4), was calculated (Kx is the equilibrium constant derived by using mol fractions rather than activities of the structural units). From ln Kx vs l/T relationships the enthalpy (Hx) for the disproportionation reaction is in the range of-30 to 30 kJ/mol with systematic compositional dependence. In the potassium and sodium systems, where the disproportionation reaction shifts to the right with increasing temperature, the Hx increases with silica content (M/Si decreases, M=Na, K). For melts and supercooled liquids of composition Li2O·2SiO2 (Li/Si=1), the Hx is indistinguishable from 0. By decreasing the Li/Si to 0.667 (composition LS3) and beyond (e.g., LS4), the disproportionation reaction shifts to the left as the temperature is increased. For a given ratio of M/Si (M=K, Na, Li), there is a positive, near linear correlation between the Hx and the Z/r2 of the metal cation. The slope of the Hx vs Z/r2 regression lines increases as the system becomes more silica rich (i.e., M/Si is decreased). Activity coefficients for the individual structural units, i, were calculated from the structural data combined with liquidus phase relations. These coefficients are linear functions of their mol fraction of the form i=a lnX i+b, where a is between 0.6 and 0.87, and X i is the mol fraction of the unit. The value of the intercept, b, is near 0. The relationship between activity coefficients and abundance of individual structural units is not affected by temperature or the electronic properties of the alkali metal. The activity of the structural units, however, depend on their concentration, type of metal cation, and on temperature.  相似文献   
Quaternary lavas and pyroclastic rocks of Mount Mazama, CraterLake caldera, and the surrounding area have variable Sr, Nd,and Pb isotopic compositions. High-alumina olivine tholeiites(HAOT) have 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.70346–0.70364; basalticandesite, 0–70349–0.70372; shoshonitic basalticandesite, 0.70374–0.70388; and andesite, 0.70324–0.70383.Dacites of Mount Mazama have 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.70348–0.70373.Most rhyodacites converge on 0.7037. However, rhyodacite ofthe caldera-forming, climactic eruption has 87Sr/86Sr=0.70354because of an admixed low-87Sr/86Sr component. Andesitic tomafic-cumulate scoriae of the climactic eruption, and enclavesin preclimactic rhyodacites, cluster in two groups but shownearly the entire 87Sr/86Sr range of the data set, confirmingpreviously suggested introduction of diverse parental magmasinto the growing climactic chamber. Pb and Nd isotope ratiosdisplay less variation (206Pb/204Pb= 18.838–18.967, 207Pb/204Pb=15.556–15.616,208Pb/204Pb=38.405–38.619; Nd= +3.9 to +6.1) and generallycovary with 87Sr/86 Sr ratios. Radiogenic isotope data fromCrater Lake plot with published data for other Cascade volcanoeson isotope ratio correlation diagrams. The isotopic data for the Crater Lake area require sources ofprimitive magmas to consist of depleted mantle and a subductioncomponent, introduced in variable quantity to the depleted mantlewedge. Variable degrees of melting of this heterogeneous mantle,possibly at different depths, produced the diversity of isotopiccompositions and large-ion lithophile element (LILE) abundancesin primitive magmas. Trace element ratios do not indicate presenceof an ocean island basalt (OIB) source component that has beenreported in lavas of some other Cascade volcanoes. Crustal contamination may have affected isotope ratios and LILEconcentrations in evolved HAOT, where initial LILE concentrationswere low. Contamination is more difficult to detect in the calcalkalinelavas because of their higher LILE concentrations and the smallisotopic contrast with likely contaminants, such as mid- tolower-crustal rocks thought to be equivalents of igneous rocksof the Klamath Mountains and associated lower crust. Crustalassimilation appears to be required for calcalkaline rocks onlyby 18O values, which vary from lows of +5.6 to + 6.0% in HAOTand primitive basaltic andesites to a high of +7.0% in dacite,a range that is too high to be explained by plagioclase-dominatedclosed-system fractional crystallization. Elevated 18O valuesof differentiated lavas may be attributed to interaction withrelatively 18O-rich, 87Sr-poor crustal rocks. Variably fused granitoid blocks ejected in the climactic eruption,and rarely in late Pleistocene eruptive units, have 18Opl of–3.4 to +6.5% and 18Oqz of –2.2 to +8.0% but haveSr, Nd, and Pb isotope ratios similar to volcanic rocks (e.g.87Sr/86Sr0.7037). Rb and Sr data for glass separates from granodioritessuggest that the source pluton is Miocene. Glass from granodioritehas 87Sr/86Sr ratios as high as 0.70617. Oxygen isotope fractionationbetween quartz, plagioclase, and glass indicates requilibrationof O isotopes at magmatic temperatures, after 18O/16O had beenlowered by exchange with meteoric hydrothermal fluids. Unmeltedgranodiorite xenoliths from pre-climactic eruptive units have18O values that are consistent with onset of hydrothermal exchangeearly during growth of the climactic magma chamber. Assimilationof such upper-crustal granodiorite apparently lowered 18O valuesof rhyodacites without significantly affecting their magmaticcompositions in other ways.  相似文献   
A comprehensive Sr–Nd–Pb–O isotopic study is reported for rhyolites from the Maroa Volcanic Centre in the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) of New Zealand. The Sr–Nd isotopic compositions of the rhyolites (87Sr/86Sr=0.705236 to 0.705660 and Nd = 2.0 to 0.2) are intermediate between those of primitive basalts (87Sr/86Sr=0.70387 and Nd = 5.3) and the Torlesse basement (87Sr/86Sr=0.709 and Nd = -4.5). The relatively low mantle-like oxygen isotopic compositions of 18 O = 7 ± 0.5 are consistent with the Nd-Sr isotopic constraints in that they can be accounted for by 15% to 25% crustal contamination of a basaltic parent by relatively 18 O-rich Torlesse metasediment. High precision Pb isotopic analyses of plagioclase separates from the Maroa rhyolites show that they have essentially the same compositions as the Torlesse metasedimentary terrane which is itself distinctive from the Western or Waipapa metasediments. Due to the high concentration of Pb in the Torlesse metasediments (>20 ppm) compared to the basalts (<2 ppm), the Pb isotopic composition of the volcanics may be controlled by relatively small amounts (>10%) of crustal contamination. All these results are shown to be consistent with derivation of the rhyolites by 15% to 25% contamination of relatively primitive basaltic magmas with Torlesse metasedimentary crust, followed by extensive, essentially closed system fractionation of the basalt to a magma of rhyolite composition. It is argued that the processes of assimilation and fractionation are separated in both space and time. The voluminous high silica rhyolites, which make up >97% of the exposed volcanism in the continental margin back-are basin environment of the TVZ, therefore appear to be a product of predominantly new additions to the crust with assimilation-recycling of pre-existing crust being of secondary importance.  相似文献   
A petrographic, geochemical, and oxygen isotopic study of the Bali CV3 carbonaceous chondrite revealed that the meteorite has undergone extensive deformation and aqueous alteration on its parent body. Deformation textures are common and include flattened chondrules, a well-developed foliation, and the presence of distinctive (100) planar defects in olivine. The occurrence of alteration products associated with the planar defects indicates that the deformation features formed prior to the episode of aqueous alteration. The secondary minerals produced during the alteration event include well-crystallized Mg-rich saponite, framboidal magnetite, and Ca-phosphates. The alteration products are not homogeneously distributed throughout the meteorite, but occur in regions adjacent to relatively unaltered material, such as veins of altered material following the foliation. The alteration assemblage formed under oxidizing conditions at relatively low temperatures (<100 degrees C). Altered regions in Bali have higher Na, Ca, and P contents than unaltered regions which suggests that the fluid phase carried significant dissolved solids. Oxygen isotopic compositions for unaltered regions in Bali fall within the field for other CV3 whole-rocks, however, the oxygen isotopic compositions of the heavily altered material lie in the region for the CM and CR chondrites. The heavy-isotope enrichment of the altered regions in Bali suggest alteration conditions similar to those for the petrographic type-2 carbonaceous chondrites.  相似文献   
Experiments with cultured aerobic methane oxidising bacteria confirm that their biomarker lipids will be significantly depleted in 13C compared to the substrate. The methanotrophic bacteria Methylococcus capsulatus and Methylomonas methanica, grown on methane and using the RuMP cycle for carbon assimilation, show maximum 13C fractionation of approximately 30% in the resultant biomass. In M. capsulatus, the maximum fractionation is observed in the earliest part of the exponential growth stage and decreases to approximately 16% as cells approach stationary phase. This change may be associated with a shift from the particulate form to the soluble form of the methane monooxygenase enzyme. Less than maximum fractionation is observed when cells are grown with reduced methane availability. Biomass of M. capsulatus grown on methanol was depleted by 9% compared to the substrate. Additional strong 13C fractionation takes place during polyisoprenoid biosynthesis in methanotrophs. The delta 13C values of individual hopanoid and steroid biomarkers produced by these organisms were as much as l0% more negative than total biomass. In individual cultures, squalene was 13C-enriched by as much as 14% compared to the triterpane skeleton of bacteriohopaneaminopentol. Much of the isotopic dispersion in lipid metabolites could be attributed to shifts in their relative abundances, combined with an overall reduction in fractionation during the growth cycle. In cells grown on methanol, where there was no apparent effect of growth stage on overall fractionation there were still significant isotopic differences between closely related lipids including a 5.3% difference between the hopane and 3 beta-methylhopane skeletons. Hopane and sterane polyisoprenoids were also 13C-depleted compared to fatty acids. These observations have significant implications for the interpretation of specific compound isotopic signatures now being measured for hydrocarbons and other lipids present in sediments and petroleum. In particular, biomarker lipids produced by a single organism do not necessarily have the same carbon isotopic composition.  相似文献   
Summary Early Proterozoic ultrapotassic dikes, lava flows, and pyroclastic rocks of the Christopher Island Formation (CIF) erupted throughout an area 600 × 300 km within the Churchill Province of the Canadian Shield at 1.84 Ga. The rocks range from mafic lamprophyres (mg # 60; SiO2 47–54%, mean K2O/Na2O > 4) with phenocrysts of phlogopite + diopside + apatite ± olivine ± magnetite, to phenocryst-poor felsic rocks and sanidine porphyries (SiO255–69%). All samples have high incompatible element contents and display large depletions of high field strength elements relative to K, Rb, Sr, Ba, and Th. The CIF has geochemical and petrographic characteristics of both minettes and lamproites, but overall most closely resembles young Mediterranean lamproites. Felsic rocks of the CIF were produced by crystal fractionation and crustal contamination of mafic ultrapotassic magma, and include both high-silica lamproites strongly enriched in Zr, U, and Th, and weakly potassic to sodic rocks of trachytic composition. Flows and feeder dikes have relatively homogeneous Nd, 1840 Ma (–6 to –11) but highly variable ES., 1840 Ma (–40 to + 100); samples classified as lamproites have higher average Sr. Dike samples have highly variable present-day Pb isotope compositions, ranging from moderately to strongly nonradiogenic. Geochemical and isotopic data are consistent with contributions from depleted Archean lithospheric mantle, and OIB-type convecting mantle, both metasomatized by subduction-related processes during the Early Proterozoic. The lithospheric mantle probably contained Archean enriched domains as well. Proterozoic enrichment may have accompanied shallow underplating of subducted oceanic lithosphere beneath the Churchill Province during amalgamation of the Laurentian supercontinent. There are strong analogies in isotopic composition, and interpreted source region history, between the CIF and lamproites and minettes of the Wyoming Province and western Greenland, which suggest the existence of a Laurentian ultrapotassic superprovince.
Geochemie und Entstehung der Proterozoischen ultrapotassischen Gesteine der Churchill Provinz, Kanada
Zusammenfassung Altproterozoische, ultrapotassische Gänge, Lavaströme und pyroklastische Gesteine der Christopher Island Formation (CIF), eruptierten in einem Gebiet von 600 × 300 km in der Churchill Provinz des Kanadischen Schildes vor 1.84 Ga. Die Zusammensetzung dieser Gesteine variiert von mafischen Lamprophyren (mg > 60; SiO2 = 47–54%, durchschnittliches K2O/Na2O > 4) mit Phänokristallent von Phlogopit + Diopsid + Apatit + Olivin + Magnetit, bis zu phänokristallarmen felsischen Gesteinen und Sanidinporphyren (SiO2 = 55–69%). Alle Proben zeigen hohe Gehalte an inkompatiblen Elementen und zeigen beträchtliche Verarmung an high field strength Elementen relativ zu K, Rb, Sr, Ba und Th. Die CIF hat geochemische und petrographische Eigenschaften sowohl von Minetten wie von Lamproiten, aber im allgemeinen ähnelt sie am stärksten jungen mediterranen Lamproiten. Felsische Gesteine der CIF wurden durch Fraktionierung und Krustenkontamination aus mafischen ultrapotassischen Magmen gebildet. Letztere umfassen sowohl siliziumreiche Lamproite, die deutlich an Zr, U und Th angereichert sind und schwach potassische bis sodische Gesteine von trachytischer Zusammensetzung. Lavenergüsse und zufuhrgänge zeigent ein relativ homogenes Nd, 1840 Ma (–6 bis –11) aber ein sehr variables Sr, 1840 Ma (-40 bis + 100); Proben die als Lamproite klassifiziert wurden, zeigent höhere durchschnittliche Sr-Werte. Proben von Gängen haben sehr variable Bleiisotopen-Zusammensetzungen, die von mäßig bis stark nichtradiogen variieren. Geochemische und Isotopendaten weisen auf Beiträge aus verarmtem archaischen lithosphärischen Mantel und aus konvektierendem OIB-Typ Mantel hin, die beide während des Alproterozoikums durch Subduktions-Vorgänge metasomatisiert wurden. Der lithosphärische Mantel enthielt wahrscheinlich auch angereicherte archaische Domänen. Proterozoische Anreicherungsvorgänge dürften seichtes Underplating subduzierter ozeanischer Lithosphäre unter der Churchill Provinz während der Amalgamation des laurentischen Superkontinentes begleitet haben. Es gibt starke Analogien in der Isotopenzusammensetzung und in der interpretierten Geschichte der Ursprungsregion, zwischen den CIF und Lamproiten und Minetten der Wyoming Provinz, und des westlichen Grönland. Diese weisen auf die Existenz einer laurentischen ultrapotassischen Superprovinz hin.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   
Water and sediment samples collected from the Gomti River, a tributary of the Ganges River system, during the postmonsoon season have been analyzed to estimate major elemental chemistry. Water chemistry of the River Gomti shows almost monotonous spatial distribution of various chemical species, especially because of uniform presence of alluvium Dun gravels throughout the basin. The river annually transports 0.34×106 tonnes of total suspended material (TSM) and 3.0×106 tonnes of total dissolved solids (TDS), 69 percent of which is accounted for by bicarbonate ions only. Samples collected downstream of the city of Lucknow show the influence of anthropogenic loadings for a considerable distance in the river water. Na+, Cl, and SO4 2– concentrations build up downstream. The bed sediment chemistry is dominated by Si (36 percent), reflecting a high percentage of detrital quartz, which makes up about 74 percent of the mineralogy of the bed sediments in the River Gomti. The average Kjeldahl nitrogen concentration (234 g/g) indicates indirectly the amount of organic matter in the sediments. The Hg concentration in sediments has been found to be higher (average 904 ppb) than the background value. The suspended sediments are well sorted, very finely skewed, and extremely leptokurtic, indicating a low energy condition of flow in the Gomti River. The influence of chemical loads in the Gomti has been found to be small or nonexistent on the Ganges River, perhaps because the water discharge of the Gomti (1.57 percent) to the Ganges is quite low.  相似文献   
Analysis of 153 residential air radon (Rn-222) screening measurements from southeast Michigan indicates that basements host Rn levels two to three times higher than upper-level rooms. Compared to unfinished basements, finished (e.g., paneled walls, tiled floors) basements apparently reduce indoor air Rn levels while partially finished basements may not. Factor analysis of residence questionnaire data explains 59 percent of the Rn data variance. The volume of pathways (e.g., foundation cracks/holes, uncapped sumps) allowing Rn seepage into the dwelling controls the largest portion, 23 percent, of the explained data variance. The residence water source explains 11 percent of the Rn data variance. Groundwater Rn levels contribute to the air Rn data variability, but the study data cannot quantitatively assess this contribution. Seven percent of the Rn data variance is likely controlled by house depressurization facilitated by residence structural properties. Residences with foundation cracks or poorly sealed joints and low-volume indoor-outdoor air exchange are more prone to this effect. Eighteen percent of the explained Rn data variance correlates with the residence's primary heat source. Evidently, operating combustion sources also induce house depressurization and allow Rn to be drawn into the house through entry paths. Twenty-four percent of the analyses equal or exceed 4 pCi/1 Rn. In residences occupied 5 years by the same individuals, 17 percent of the Rn data are 4 pCi/l; here the arithmetic mean air Rn level is 8.3 pCi/l and the average occupancy period 17.4 years.  相似文献   
We have used long light curves in the X-ray (ARIEL V, EXOSAT, Ginga and others), UV (IUE), and optical (data of intensive ground-based monitoring) ranges of NGC 4151 to investigate connections between variations in these spectral fields. Applying Fourier (CLEAN algorithm) and modern cross-correlation analysis, we revealed the different character of the variability and the cross-correlation between high and low states of the nucleus. In contrast to earlier results, we found that X-ray and optical fluxes correlate in the active state without any apparent delay.In the power spectrum of the optical and X-ray light curves in the high state we found the existence of the same period of about 65 days, which disappeared in the low state.We confirmed previous data that X-ray variations correlate more strongly with UV and optical continuum variability during the low state, but it is possible that the optical variations appear to lag behind those involving X-rays by several tens of days.Strong variations in H line profile and [Fe X]6374 line intensity variations correlate with the observed X-ray covering dip in 1990 (Yaqoobet al., 1993).We discuss briefly the implications of these results.  相似文献   
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