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大西洋扇贝贝壳生长年轮的氧同位素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
两只活的大洋扇贝Placopecten magellanicus分别于1983和1985年采自加拿大诺瓦·斯科舍省布朗斯浅滩,其氧同位素记录展示出一种年度性的循环,并与由环境海水的实测温度和同位素组成所预计的贝壳同位素组成十分接近。外生长线的位置与这些循环中δ~(18)O的最大值吻合,这说明外生长线于底层海水温度最低时(春季)形成。据测定的δ~(18)O的结果证明,外生长线是年度性形成的,这与生物学证据一致。  相似文献   
The aim of this work is to review studies to evaluate how emissions from fish cage farms cause eutrophication effects in marine environments. The focus is on four different scales: (i) the conditions at the site of the farm, (ii) the local scale related to the coastal area where the farm is situated, (iii) the regional scale encompassing many coastal areas and (iv) the international scale including several regional coastal areas. The aim is to evaluate the role of nutrient emissions from fish farms in a general way, but all selected examples come from the Baltic Sea. An important part of this evaluation concerns the method to define the boundaries of a given coastal area. If this is done arbitrarily, one would obtain arbitrary results in the environmental consequence analysis. In this work, the boundary lines between the coast and the sea are drawn using GIS methods (geographical information systems) according to the topographical bottleneck method, which opens a way to determine many fundamental characteristics in the context of mass balance calculations. In mass balance modelling, the fluxes from the fish farm should be compared to other fluxes to, within and from coastal areas. Results collected in this study show that: (1) at the smallest scale (<1 ha), the "footprint" expressing the impact areas of fish cage farm often corresponds to the size of a "football field" (50-100 m) if the annual fish production is about 50 ton, (2) at the local scale (1 ha to 100 km2), there exists a simple load diagram (effect-load-sensitivity) to relate the environmental response and effects from a specific load from a fish cage farm. This makes it possible to obtain a first estimate of the maximum allowable fish production in a specific coastal area, (3) at the regional scale (100-10,000 km2), it is possible to create negative nutrient fluxes, i.e., use fish farming as a method to reduce the nutrient loading to the sea. The breaking point is to use more than about 1.1 g wet weight regionally caught wild fish per gram feed for the cultivated fish, and (4) at the international scale (>10,000 km2) related to the Baltic Proper, the contribution from fish farms to the overall nutrient fluxes are very small. We have also given two case-studies at the local scale where the impact of the fish farm emissions are greatest and the idea is to identify coastal areas unsuitable and suitable for fish cage farms and the reasons why. It should also be stressed that the results presented here are exemplified using emissions from fish farms, but that the underlying principles to evaluate the ecosystem effects of nutrient discharges from point source emissions are valid in a wider and more general perspective.  相似文献   
Since 1998, a biomonitoring programme has been implemented to assess the potential impact of chemical mosquito control on macroinvertebrates of the coastal wetlands of Morbihan (Brittany, France). Acetylcholinesterase and carboxylesterases were used as biomarkers to assess the effects of Abate 500e (a.i. temephos) and Vectobac 12 AS (a.i. endotoxins of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis, Bti) in Nereis (Hediste) diversicolor. Esterase inhibition revealed a marked impact of temephos, suggesting preferential contamination of the worms through the food. In Bti-exposed N. diversicolor, random variations of esterase activities were observed, that could not be attributed to the larvicide. However, esterases only reflected indirect physiological effects of Bti, and further investigations are needed to identify biomarkers more specific of Bti endotoxins.  相似文献   
Zooplankton are an essential component of the marine and estuarine food chains. The ecotoxicological risk to zooplanktonic communities, estimated through the use of the biomarkers, can be used as an early warning signal of a potential alteration of the ecosystem health. The aim of this project was to evaluate the potential use of several biomarkers (esterases, mixed function oxidases, porphyrins) in zooplanktonic organisms. The acetylcholinesterase activity (AChE) was determined in homogenates of whole organisms of 10 different zooplanktonic crustaceans. Mean activity of AChE was 10.05 micromol/min/g for Acartia margalefi; 3.30 for Acartia latisetosa; 79.70 for Siriella clausi; 49.97 for Diamysis bahirensis; 7.48 for Siriella armata; 14.20 for Mysidopsis gibbosa; 4.49 for Euphausia crystallorophias; 1.66 for Euphausia superba; 2.74 for Streetsia challengeri; 13.26 for Meganycthiphanes norvegica. The species moreover showed a linear increase in enzyme activity in relation to the increase in sample concentration. The key result of this study concerns the different AChE activity basal values of the crustaceans' different species.  相似文献   
研究了投喂活饵料的塞内加尔舌鳎仔鱼从开始摄食到孵化后第1个月内消化酶活性的变化情况。孵化21d以内的仔鱼整体匀浆用于酶活力分析。孵化21d以后的仔鱼先解剖,取其胰脏和肠道,匀浆后用于酶活力分析。肠道刷缘膜上皮由肠道组织片段纯化得到。从孵化后2d到孵化后18d,胰脏和肠道酶类表现出动物发育的特征性模式:孵化后的前10d,酶活力增长,而后下降。孵化后21d到27d,碱性磷酸酶活力的大幅增加表明肠道细胞刷缘膜层正逐步发育。与此同时,细胞溶质酶(亮氨酸-丙氨酸肽酶)的活力下降。这种对立的模式体现了消化道的成熟过程以及成熟消化方式的形成。  相似文献   
不同厚度冰层下的冰下火山喷发产物:两个来自南极的实例J.L.Smellie等本文着重介绍南极半岛两个保存最好的冰下层序(亚历山大岛的芒特皮纳佛和格雷厄姆地北部的布朗布拉夫).通过对岩相和岩相组合的分析确定喷发时和喷发后作用过程,以及原始冰层的最小厚度...  相似文献   
The relationship between trophic position through delta13C and delta15N and trace metal concentrations (Zn, Cd, Cu and Hg) was investigated in the tissues of six marine mammal species from the Northeast Atlantic: striped dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba, common dolphin, Delphinus delphis, Atlantic white-sided dolphin Lagenorhynchus acutus, harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena, white beaked-dolphin Lagenorhynchus albirostris, grey seal Halichoerus grypus stranded on French Channel and Irish coasts. White-beaked dolphins, harbour porpoises, white-sided dolphins, common and striped dolphins display the same relative and decreasing trophic position, as measured by delta15N values, along both the Irish and French channel coasts, reflecting conservative trophic habits between these two places. Hepatic and renal Cd concentrations were significantly correlated to muscle delta13C and delta15N values while Hg, Zn and Cu did not. These results suggest that Cd accumulation is partly linked to the diet while other factors such as age or body condition might explain Hg, Zn or Cu variability in marine mammals. Combined stable isotope and trace metal analyses appear to be useful tools for the study of marine mammal ecology.  相似文献   
The research on the biological ecology of the Prydz Bay-Amery Ice Shelf in East Antarctica is inadequate under the increasing threat from climate change, especially for Antarctic fish and krill. The Dynamic Bioclimatic Envelope Model(DBEM) has been widely used in predicting the variation of species distribution and abundance in ocean and land under climate change; it can quantify the spatiotemporal changes of multi population under different climate emission scenarios by identifying the environm...  相似文献   
地球大气中CO_2浓度的增加已引起了人们对CO_2对植物的影响,尤其是对世界粮食供应的未来展望的兴趣。水稻是一种主要的粮食作物,人们对CO_2浓度在水稻生理生长期和整个生育期方面的影响了解相对较少,而这是一个水稻品种对一特定地区环境适应性的一个重要方面。本研究的目的是确定一个当代改良水稻品种(Oryza sativa,品种 IR-30)在两个对照的光周期下对不同CO_2浓度的响应。在整个生育期中,水稻植株生长在置于室外、采用自然光照并由计算机控制环境条件的人工气候室中。室内的CO_2浓度分别为160、250(低于环境浓度)、330(环境浓度)、500、660和900(高于环境浓度)μmol CO_2/mol 空气。在1987年,整个试验进行了两次。第一次即早稻试验在营养生长阶段内延长了光周期,而第二次即晚稻(LPR)试验只利用自然出现的光周期。在两个试验中,营养生长期的主茎叶片发育速率均比生殖生长期的主茎叶片发育速率快,同时在营养生长阶段,出叶速度随CO_2处理而加快。在晚稻试验中,与等于环境CO_2浓度和低于环境CO_2浓度的处理相比,高于环境CO_2浓度处理下的水稻幼穗分化和孕穗期出现较早,且整个生育期缩短。这种随CO_2浓度上升而产生的植物发育加速现象与CO_2引起的营养生长阶段内主茎叶片的减少有关。相对于晚稻试验,在早稻试验中水稻植株发育对CO_2的响应的减弱是由人为延长光周期迫使生殖生长发育阶段推迟引起的,在高于环境浓度处理中更是如此。鉴于全球大气中CO_2浓度的持续增大,CO_2导致的发育加速和全生育期缩短可能会成为一个参与挑选水稻品种和安排特定地区农事活动的水稻学家和育种学家感兴趣的问题。  相似文献   
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