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Li contents and isotopic compositions were determined for a suite of well-characterized basaltic lavas from the Central American Volcanic Arc (CAVA). Variable Li/Y (0.2–0.5), Li/Sc (0.1–0.4), and δ6Li values (+2.6 to −7.7‰) attest to significant compositional heterogeneity in the subarc mantle. Within specific arc segments, these parameters correlate strongly with each other and with a number of other constituents (e.g., K, Rb, Ba, B/La, 10Be/9Be, 87Sr/86Sr, U/Ce, and 230Th/232Th, among others); these correlations are particularly strong for Nicaragua samples. Coupling of this particular set of constituents is best explained in terms of addition of ‘subduction components' to the subarc mantle. Moreover, their selective enrichment with respect to relatively fluid-immobile incompatible elements signifies the dominance of fluid vs. silicate melt transport of slab components to the subarc mantle. Several interesting nuances are revealed by the Li data. First, although Li and B are strongly correlated in both Costa Rica and Nicaragua, there are systematic along-strike variations in Li/B that are consistent with these elements having different ‘fluid release patterns' from subducted slab segments. For example, Li/B is highest in Costa Rica where auxiliary evidence indicates higher subduction zone temperatures; apparently B is preferentially depleted and Li retained in the slab under warmer conditions. The same relations are reflected in Li/10Be and other subduction tracer systematics, all of which point to larger subduction contributions below Nicaragua. Yet, even Nicaragua lavas vary widely in levels of subduction enrichment. High-Ti basalts from Nejapa are the least enriched and have the highest δ6Li (1.4 to 2.6‰); these values are greater than in fresh MORB (ca. −4‰) and are not easily explained by additions of subducted Li because most oceanic crustal rocks and marine sediments have lower δ6Li than MORB (with typical values between −8 and −20‰). Thus, it appears the Nejapa data may be representative of isotopically light mantle domains. Relatively light δ6Li values in an undepleted spinel lherzolite (+11.3‰) from Zabargad Is. (Red Sea) and in primitive backarc basalts (−1.6 to −0.5‰) from Lau Basin support this conclusion. Considering representative fluid and mantle endmember compositions, the CAVA data are consistent with limited (up to a few percent) additions of slab-derived fluids to a heterogeneous mantle containing variably depleted and enriched domains to form the respective magma sources. In our view, the subarc mantle is heterogeneous on a small scale, but some arc sectors clearly received greater slab inputs than others.  相似文献   
首次提出在鄂尔多斯盆地大牛地气田下二叠统下石盒子组盒2及盒3段发育风暴岩。前人认为该区盒2及盒3段为一套河流相沉积体系,而风暴岩的发现证明还广泛发育一套湖泊沉积。鄂尔多斯盆地大牛地气田盒2及盒3段沉积时期,湖泊水面广阔,地形平缓,总体水体较浅,为浅水湖泊环境,易产生风暴回流。根据岩心观察和粒度分析资料,研究区内发育丰富的浅湖风暴岩沉积构造,主要有截切构造、渠模、丘状交错层理和冲刷面等典型的风暴成因构造。粒度概率累积曲线也反映出重力流和牵引流兼有的复杂的水动力机制。研究区风暴岩理想的沉积单元从下至上可概括为“似鲍马序列”,即:A、递变层理和块状层理段;B、平行层理段;C、丘状交错层理和洼状交错层理段;D、波状层理段;E、泥岩段。风暴岩是湖泊发育的典型标志,所以风暴岩的提出对确定研究区的沉积相类型增加了新的认识,并且对下石盒子组的古地理恢复具有重要意义。  相似文献   
以快速城市化地区深圳市为研究区域,以1978、1986、1995和2005年4期Landsat MSS/TM影像为数据源,利用阈值结合NDVI指数法提取海岸线,计算海岸线分维数,系统分析了深圳市多期海岸线分维变化特征,并初步揭示快速城市化地区海岸线分维变化机制,为进~步掌握快速城市化地区人类活动对海岸带变化影响进行了探索与总结.研究结果表明:(1)不同类型海岸的海岸线分维不同,由基岩海岸、人工海岸到淤泥质海岸递减:(2)研究时段内,深圳市东海岸海岸线分维总体降低,西海岸总体上升:(3)人类活动对海岸线分维变化影响显著.人类活动强度与海岸线分维变化程度呈正相关,人类活动方式包括滩涂围垦和填海造地对海岸线的分维变化幅度影响不同,其中滩涂围垦使海岸线分维变化幅度较小,填海造地使海岸线分维变化幅度显著.  相似文献   
Shen Huitao  Jiang Yue  You Wenhui 《水文研究》2012,26(11):1739-1747
Linking spatial variations of throughfall with shifting patterns during forest succession is important for understanding developmental patterns of ecosystem function. However, no such approach has been previously used for the chronosequence of evergreen broad‐leaved forests in subtropical regions. This study was conducted in a chronosequence of secondary forest succession in Tiantong National Forest Park, to determine the optimum number of collectors within certain limits of error. Throughfall was 66, 55 and 77% of gross precipitation in an early‐succession (SS), sub‐climax (SE) and climax (CE) forest, respectively. The coefficient of variations (CV) of throughfall reduced with increasing rainfall amounts. Monte Carlo resampling approach was used to find mean values and 90 and 95% confidence intervals of a variable number of collectors (n) ranging from 2 to 24. During the study period, with nine collectors at SS, five at SE and five at CE, the error in the mean individual throughfall did not exceed 10%, respectively. This error was reduced to 5% when using 16, 10 and 10 collectors at SS, SE and CE, respectively. The CVs decreased greatly with increasing sample size when the sample size was less than 16 for the three successional stages, regardless of rainfall amounts. Based on the Student's t‐value analysis of the mean individual throughfall volumes, a sample size of 16 at SS, five at SE and four at CE would be enough for throughfall estimates at an accepted error of 10% of 95% confidence level, respectively. Therefore, we concluded that the 25 of collectors used in the present study were sufficient to estimate the throughfall value at an accepted error of 10% at 90 and 95% confidence levels, even for those small rainfalls in eastern China. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
With the increased use of copper(Cu)-based antifouling(AF) paints,copper has become a potential threat to marine organisms. Experiments were performed to investigate the effects of copper on larvae of the barnacle Chthamalus challengeri. These experiments attempted to identify a more sensitive index to monitor copper pollution in marine environments. The 24 h LC5 0 ranged from 156.07 μg/L(nauplius II) to 817.15 μg/L(cypris) and the no observed effect concentration(NOEC) ranged from 81.75 μg/L(nauplius II) to 571.04 μg/L(cypris). The cypris settlement rate declined significantly when copper concentrations ≥135 μg/L. No cypris was found in the copper concentration of 60 and 75 μg/L treatment groups stressed for 22 d. Nauplius II moulting was not affected by exposure to copper for 24 h; however,when extended to 48 h,the percent moulted in 75 μg/L treatment group was declined to 37.12%,which was significant lower( P 0.05) than that in the control group. The phototaxis of nauplius II decreased significantly when copper concentrations ≥45 μg/L. Despite an initial significant increase at copper concentrations of 30 μg/L,ammonia excretion rate decreased when copper concentrations ≥60 μg/L. These results suggested that:(1) nauplius II could not develop to the cypris when the copper concentration ≥60 μg/L;(2) cypris settlement is more susceptible to copper than cypris mortality rate;(3) nauplius II is the most sensitive larval stage;(4) nauplius II ammonia excretion rate is the most sensitive index to copper and might be as the indicator for copper pollution monitoring.  相似文献   
三星定位性能分析及其与SINS的融合方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林雪原  何友 《测绘学报》2008,37(2):0-249
针对三星定位技术,本文首先分析其定位算法,并推导其误差分布模型。同时根据输出信息的特点,给出三星定位与SINS(捷联惯性导航系统)进行组合的算法。然后,对三星定位系统的定位误差特性进行仿真试验,从而揭示该系统的误差分布特性。最后,对三星定位/SINS组合系统进行半实时的静态与动态试验,组合结果证明该组合系统定位精度良好,在中纬度区域接近于GPS的精度。  相似文献   
针对渤海地区油气资源的开采困难以及现有岩石损伤本构模型的理论体系的不足等问题,该文对渤海岩石取样进行试验研究,根据试验所得参数建立了一种新型的岩石损伤本构模型。首先,利用岩石三轴测试仪对所取岩样进行变温度、变围压测试,获得岩样的全应力-应变曲线,并计算出岩样的泊松比、弹性模量以及最大应力差。其次,利用图解法作莫尔应力圆,确定岩样的黏结力和内摩擦角。最后,根据试验部分数据建立一种新型岩石损伤本构模型。该模型参数少,计算简便,将所建模型的计算结果与试验所得全应力-应变曲线进行验证,验证了所建岩石损伤本构模型的准确性。研究结论可为岩石损伤模型的完善以及现场石油资源的高效开采提供试验和理论支撑。  相似文献   
西科1井白云岩主要分布于上中新统黄流组, 在上新统莺歌海组二段和中中新统梅山组有零星分布; 主要的白云岩层段一般发育在褐色铁质矿物浸染的古暴露面之下.根据岩石铸体薄片观察、阴极发光及扫描电镜测试分析, 西科1井白云岩中白云石总体上呈微晶及细粉晶双峰态结构, 微晶白云石为灰岩基质经选择性白云石化的结果, 呈平直晶面半自形晶, 主要为泥微晶基质白云石化的结果; 粉晶-细晶白云石呈平直晶面自形晶, 为胶结物白云石或过度白云化结果, 过度白云化雾心亮边白云石的"亮边"与胶结物白云石成分一致, 阴极发光下二者显示同样的光性特征.微量元素测试及碳氧同位素测试表明: 白云岩一般具有低铁、低锰含量, δ18OPDB均为正值, 变化于2.293‰~5.072‰之间, δ13CPDB变化于1.214‰~3.051‰之间; 西科1井白云岩与西琛1井白云岩具有相似的层位分布特征和碳、氧同位素特征, 可能反映着相同或相似的成因.回流渗透模式可能适用于西沙地区白云岩, 频繁的海平面升降、环礁内蒸发环境及与中新世末期构造运动有关的热流体上涌促进了西沙地区白云岩的形成, 高渗透性礁相碳酸盐岩沉积为高Mg/Ca比值的蒸发水回流渗透提供了运移通道.   相似文献   
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