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莒南县地处鲁东南地区,东临日照市,西靠临沂市河东区,北接日照市莒县,南连临沭县,东南与江苏省交界.辖18个乡镇,937个行政村,99万人口,土地总面积1 755 km^2,耕地面积7.27万hm^2,列入国家、省、市土地开发整理的后备资源规划面积2.67万hm^2(40万亩),土地后备资源开发潜力较大.  相似文献   
水体和沉积物是湖泊生态系统中迥异但又紧密相连的两类生境,栖息在这两类生境中的细菌在维持生态系统平衡和驱动元素循环中起着关键性作用。为了探究湖泊水体和沉积物细菌群落的分布格局,本文对太湖四个湖区水体和沉积物中细菌群落进行调查,基于高通量测序技术和统计分析手段,分析这两类生境中的细菌群落组成和多样性水平、分布特征及其驱动因素。结果表明:放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria)和蓝细菌门(Cyanobacteria)是水体细菌群落中最主要的细菌门,而沉积物中Proteobacteria占据优势地位。在两类生境中,太湖西部区域细菌群落丰富度和独特性(LCBD)相对较高,各区域群落结构表现出显著性差异。对水体而言,电导率、pH值、PC1(重金属组成)和沉积物孔隙度是驱动细菌丰富度的重要因子,PC1、水温及pH值是影响细菌群落LCBD的重要因子,而细菌网络复杂性随pH值的增加而增加,且在高pH环境中占主导地位;对沉积物而言,其丰富度和LCBD的重要影响因子均是沉积物中总磷和锂,细菌网络复杂性随金属元素施加的环境压力增大而降低,但随总磷、磷酸盐和铵态氮浓度的...  相似文献   
A three-dimensional variational(3DVAR) data assimilation(DA) system is presented here based on a size-resolved sectional aerosol model, the Model for Simulating Aerosol Interactions and Chemistry(MOSAIC) within the Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled to Chemistry(WRF-Chem) model. The use of this approach means that both gaseous pollutants such as SO_2, NO_2, CO, and O_3 as well as particulate matter(PM_(2.5), PM_(10)) observational data can be assimilated simultaneously.Two one-month parallel simulation experiments were conducted, one with the assimilation of surface hourly concentration observations of the above six pollutants released by the China National Environmental Monitoring Centre(CNEMC) and one without assimilation in order to verify the impact of assimilation on initial chemical fields and subsequent forecasts. Results show that, in the first place, use of the DA system can provide a more accurate model initial field. The root-mean-square error of PM_(2.5), PM_(10), SO_2, NO_2, CO, and O_3 mass concentrations in analysis field fell by 29.27 μg m~(-3)(53.5%), 34.5 μg m~(-3)(50.9%),30.36 μg m~(-3)(64.2%), 8.91 μg m~(-3)(39.5%), 0.46 mg m~(-3)(47.4%), and 15.11 μg m~(-3)(51.0%), respectively, compared to a background field without assimilation. At the same time, mean fraction error was reduced by 42.6%, 53.1%, 45.2%, 43.1%,69.9%, and 48.8%, respectively, while the correlation coefficient increased by 0.51, 0.55, 0.48, 0.38, 0.47, 0.65, respectively.Secondly, the results of this analysis reveal variable benefits from assimilation on different pollutants. DA significantly improves PM_(2.5), PM_(10), and CO forecasts leading to positive effects that last more than 48 h. The positive effects of DA on SO_2 and O_3 forecasts last up to 8 h but that remains relatively poor for NO_2 forecasts. Thirdly, the influence of assimilation varies in different areas. It is possible that the positive effects of DA on PM_(2.5) and PM_(10) forecasts can last more than 48 h across most regions of China. Indeed, DA significantly improves SO_2 forecasts within 48 h over north China, and much longer CO assimilation benefits(48 h) are found in most regions apart from north and east China and across the Sichuan Basin. DA is able to improve O_3 forecasts within 48 h across China with the exception of southwest and northwest regions and the O_3 DA benefits in southern China are more evident, while from a spatial distribution perspective, NO_2 DA benefits remain relatively poor.  相似文献   
尤南山  蒙吉军 《中国沙漠》2017,37(1):186-197
生态功能区划是协调生态保护与经济发展的矛盾、实施区域生态系统管理的重要途径。以黑河中游为研究区,基于基础地理信息数据、自然地理数据和土地覆被数据(1986、1995、2000、2010、2011年),在生态敏感性和生态系统服务重要性分析的基础上,以最小子流域为基本单元,运用二阶聚类法进行生态功能区划;并依据主导生态系统服务对研究区进行分区管理与生态调控。得出结论:(1)黑河中游生态系统类型以荒漠、草地和农田为主,占总面积的90%;森林、水域、城镇与农村居民点零星分布,所占面积不到10%;1986-2010年,农田经历了减少-扩张-再减少的变化,但城镇与农村居民点一直呈现扩张趋势;(2)西北部生态敏感性明显高于东南部,其中极敏感区(约占24%)主要位于张掖-临泽-高台平原北侧、合黎山、祁连山山前戈壁与荒漠、肃南明花区;高度敏感区(约占58%)分布于走廊中部冲洪积平原;(3)各生态系统服务重要性空间分布格局具有一定的相似性,非常重要和极重要综合服务功能区约占3.2%,位于走廊中部的黑河干流缓冲区内;中等和一般重要地区约占20%,分布在山丹和民乐境内祁连山、焉支山、龙首山附近;(4)黑河中游可分为祁连山森林草地生态区、走廊冲洪积平原农田生态区和走廊北部平原灌丛荒漠生态区3个生态区8个生态功能区,依其主导生态系统服务分为生态保育区、生态协调区和生态控制区3类,进而提出了对应的生态系统管理措施。  相似文献   
贺佑  谢刚生 《测绘通报》2015,(3):79-81,128
利用不同在线地图服务商卫星遥感影像数据的时间差异, 结合天地图API, 基于B/S开发模式, 实现了低成本的多时相卫星遥感影像地图在线浏览。  相似文献   
场地划分标准对基岩地震动参数衰减关系的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于美国NGA强震观测数据库中描述场地的不同指标,定义了五种不同的"基岩"场地类型,得到了相应的数据集;同时采用最小二乘法回归得到了世界范围内对应不同"基岩"定义的地震动参数衰减关系,并研究了不同场地划分标准造成的基岩地震动参数衰减关系的差异。  相似文献   
Sea surface winds and coastal winds, which have a significant influence on the ocean environment, are very difficult to predict. Although most planetary boundary layer (PBL) parameterizations have demonstrated the capability to represent many meteorological phenomena, little attention has been paid to the precise prediction of winds at the lowest PBL level. In this study, the ability to simulate sea winds of two widely used mesoscale models, fifth-generation mesoscale model (MM5) and weather research and forecasting model (WRF), were compared. In addition, PBL sensitivity experiments were performed using Medium-Range Forecasts (MRF), Eta, Blackadar, Yonsei University (YSU), and Mellor–Yamada–Janjic (MYJ) during Typhoon Ewiniar in 2006 to investigate the optimal PBL parameterizations for predicting sea winds accurately. The horizontal distributions of winds were analyzed to discover the spatial features. The time-series analysis of wind speed from five sensitivity experimental cases was compared by correlation analysis with surface observations. For the verification of sea surface winds, QuikSCAT satellite 10-m daily mean wind data were used in root-mean-square error (RMSE) and bias error (BE) analysis. The MRF PBL using MM5 produced relatively smaller wind speeds, whereas YSU and MYJ using WRF produced relatively greater wind speeds. The hourly surface observations revealed increasingly strong winds after 0300 UTC, July 10, with most of the experiments reproducing observations reliably. YSU and MYJ using WRF showed the best agreements with observations. However, MRF using MM5 demonstrated underestimated winds. The conclusions from the correlation analysis and the RMSE and BE analysis were compatible with the above-mentioned results. However, some shortcomings were identified in the improvements of wind prediction. The data assimilation of topographical data and asynoptic observations along coast lines and satellite data in sparsely observed ocean areas should make it possible to improve the accuracy of sea surface wind predictions.  相似文献   
This study examines shelter effect against the wind by using wind fence with various porosities and distance. The shelter effect of wind fence was investigated by a wind tunnel test. Flow characteristics of velocities and turbulences behind wind fence were measured using a hot-wire anemometer. This was done by varying the porosity by 0, 20, and 40% of the wind fence. The wind fence distance ranged from 1H to 9H. In addition, the overall characterization of the wind fence was investigated by measuring a total of 28 points on the wind fence, which forms a lattice structure on it with 7 points in the lateral direction and 4 points in the vertical direction. The results indicate that the degree of the turbulence is lowered and the velocity of the wind is decreased when porosity of 40% is used at a distance of 4H–7H. The effectiveness of the wind fence depends on the porosity and distance. Porosity of 20% proved to be effective for the protection area of 1H–3H, while that of 40% was effective for the protection area of 4H–6H.  相似文献   
在了解矿山基本概况和查清矿山地质环境条件的基础上,结合矿山实际情况,从地质灾害、含水层、地形地貌景观和土地资源等方面进行了矿山地质环境影响现状和预测评估。现状评估表明,该矿山主要发育滑坡和危岩,地质灾害中等发育,对土地资源和地貌景观影响较严重;预测评估表明,该矿山引发和遭受的地质灾害主要为崩塌和滑坡,对地下水影响较轻,土地资源和地貌景观影响严重。根据评估结果,提出了植被恢复工程、挡护工程、排水工程等矿山地质环境治理恢复措施,对消除或减弱矿山地质灾害,全面恢复矿山生态环境具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   
Located in Liaoning Province, one of the traditional heavy industrial areas in China, Dahuofang Reservoir provides drinking water for nearly 30 000 000 citizens, as well as industrial and agricultural water for dozens of several cities and rural areas. The distribution of hazardous heavy metals is described in several types of soil, crops, and in different industrial or mining areas and main sewage irrigation areas. Five possible reasons that may cause the pollution are analyzed and listed. Also we provide some pragmatic suggestions for the remediation of heavy metals in contaminated soils.  相似文献   
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