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The Oylat spa is located 80 km southeast of Bursa and 30 km south of Ineg?l in the Marmara region. With temperature of 40°C and discharge of 45 l/s, the Oylat main spring is the most important hot water spring of the area. Southeast of the spa the Forest Management spring has a temperature of 39.4°C and discharge of 2 l/s. The G?z spring 2 km north of the spa, which is used for therapy of eye disease, and cold waters of the Saadet village springs with an acidic character are the further important water sources of the area. EC values of Main spring and Forest Management hot spring (750–780 μS/cm) are lower than those of Saadet and G?z spring waters (2,070–1,280 μS/cm) and ionic abundances are Ca > Na + K > Mg and SO4 > HCO3 > Cl. The Oylat and Sızı springs have low Na and K contents but high Ca and HCO3 concentrations. According to AIH classification, these are Ca–SO4–HCO3 waters. Based on the results of δ18O, 2H and 3H isotope analyses, the thermal waters have a meteoric origin. The meteoric water infiltrates along fractures and faults, gets heated, and then returns to surface through hydrothermal conduits. Oylat waters do not have high reservoir temperatures. They are deep, circulating recharge waters from higher enhanced elevations. δ13CDIC values of the Main spring and Forest Management hot spring are −6.31 and −4.45‰, respectively, indicating that δ13C is derived from dissolution of limestones. The neutral pH thermal waters are about +18.7‰ in δ34S while the sulfate in the cold waters is about +17‰ (practically identical to the value for the neutral pH thermal waters). However, the G?z and Saadet springs (acid sulfate waters) have much lower δ34S values (~+4‰).  相似文献   
Seismic and bathymetric data from the Çanakkale Strait and its extensions onto the shelves of the Marmara and Aegean seas indicate that the strait was formed mainly by an erosional event. Four seismic units are observed on seismic profiles. The lower two of these (units 4 and 3) constitute the basement of a regionally widespread erosional unconformity (ravinement), which developed during marine isotope stage 2 (MIS 2). The two upper units (units 2 and 1), which overlie the ravinement surface, form a higher-order sequence. Sequence stratigraphic analysis indicates that units 2 and 1 deposited as lowstand and highstand systems tracts respectively, since the end of MIS 2. The transgressive systems tract is represented by a major erosional event which occurred throughout the Çanakkale sill area when the Mediterranean-Marmara Sea connection and, hence, the Çanakkale Strait was formed. The existence of the erosive ?arköy Canyon along the shelf edge of the southern Marmara Sea demonstrates that the flow direction causing the erosion was from south to north, thus proving that it was produced by Mediterranean water flowing over the sill into the Marmara Sea basin.  相似文献   
In an initial stage, the Sea of Marmara developed as a graben and, in due course, considerable volumes of sediments were deposited in this basin. Before 200 ka, a new fault (New Marmara Fault) cutting through the whole basin developed, which postdated large sub-marine land sliding in the western part of the basin. This mass movement created the Western Ridge. The initiation of this strike-slip fault indicates that the extensional stress regime was replaced by a new, shearing stress field. In the eastern part of the Marmara Basin, the New Marmara Fault consists of two branches. The northern one replaces the normal faulting at the bottom of the northeastern slope of the basin. As a result, this slope has been rejuvenated. The southern branch is located along the central axis of the basin, forming the major extension of the North Anatolian Fault Zone within the region. Two restraining bends were formed because of the counterclockwise rotation of that part of the Anatolian Block. This resulted the uplifting of the Eastern Ridge and the formation of the positive flower structure within the Tekirdag Basin. The establishment of the compressional regime around the Sea of Marmara also resulted in the northwest–southeast shortening of the initial Marmara Basin.  相似文献   
Çağatay  M. N.  Görür  N.  Alpar  B.  Saatçılar  R.  Akkök  R.  Sakınç  M.  Yüce  H.  Yaltırak  C.  Kuşcu  I. 《Geo-Marine Letters》1998,18(1):1-9
 The Gulf of Saros is an Upper Miocene transtensional basin in NW Anatolia, formed by the interaction between the North Anatolian Fault and the N-S extensional tectonic régime of the Aegean. The present configuration of the basin evolved mainly during the Plio-Quaternary under the increased activity of the North Anatolian Fault. During the late Miocene-late Quaternary, no sedimentation took place on the shelves. After this long hiatus, an important change in tectonic style about 0.2 Ma BP allowed sedimentation to resume in the gulf. Received: 14 February 1997 / Revision received: 12 November 1997  相似文献   
简要分析、总结了我国近 1 0 a来的主要海水鱼、虾、贝、藻等的增养殖现状和存在的问题 ,并对今后可持续发展问题进行了探讨  相似文献   
Structural, mass-wasting and sedimentation processes along an active dextral shear zone beneath the Gulf of Saros and the NE Aegean Sea were investigated on the basis of new high-resolution swath bathymetric data and multi-channel seismics. A long history of dextral shearing operating since the Pliocene culminated in the formation of a NE-SW-trending, ca. 800-m-deep basin (the so-called inner basin) in this region, which is bordered by a broad shelf along its northern and eastern sides and a narrow shelf at the southern side. The western extension of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (the Ganos Fault) cuts the eastern shelf along a narrow deformation zone, and ends sharply at the toe of the slope, where the strain is taken up by two NE-SW-oriented fault zones. These two fault zones cut the basin floor along its central axis and generate a new, Riedel-type pull-apart basin (the so-called inner depression). According to the bathymetric and seismic data, these basin boundary fault zones are very recent features. The northern boundary of the inner depression is a through-going fault comprising several NE-SW- and E-W-oriented, overlapping fault segments. The southern boundary fault zone, on the other hand, consists of spectacular en-echelon fault systems aligned in NE–SW and WNW–ESE directions. These en-echelon faults accommodate both dextral and vertical motions, thereby generating block rotations along their horizontal axis. As the basin margins retreat, the basin widens continuously by mass-wasting of the slopes of the inner basin. The mass-wasting, triggered by active tectonics, occurs by intense landsliding and channel erosion. The eroded material is transported into the deep basin, where it is deposited in a series of deep-sea fans and slumps. The high sedimentation rate is reflected in an over 1,500-m-thick basin fill which has accumulated in Pliocene–Quaternary times.  相似文献   
Isolated outcrops of ophiolitic rocks, termed the Central Anatolian Ophiolites, are found as allochthonous bodies in the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex, that represent the metamorphosed passive northern edge of the Tauride–Anatolide Platform, central Turkey. In terms of pseudostratigraphic relationships of the magmatic units and their chemical designation, the Central Anatolian Ophiolites exhibit a supra‐subduction zone (fore‐arc) setting within the Vardar–İzmir–Ankara–Erzincan segment of the Neotethys. The epi‐ophiolitic sedimentary cover of the Central Anatolian Ophiolites is generally characterized by epiclastic volcanogenic deep‐sea sediments and debris flows intercalated with pelagic units. The richest and most significant planktonic foraminiferal association recorded from the lowest pelagic members infer a formation age of early–middle Turonian to early Santonian. K/Ar ages of post‐collisional granitoids (81–65 Ma) intruding the basement rocks as well as the Central Anatolian Ophiolites suggest a post‐early Santonian to pre‐middle Campanian emplacement age. The marked high volume of epiclastic volcanogenic sediments intercalated with the pelagics of the Central Anatolian Ophiolite is suggestive of rifting in a marginal sea adjacent to a volcanic arc. Penecontemporaneous tectonism is reflected in repetitions in the stratigraphy and in debris flows, which result from major slides and mass‐gravity reworking of pre‐existing units and of arc‐derived volcanics and sediments. Correlating the rock units and formation/obduction ages of the Central Anatolian Ophiolites with further supra‐subduction zone type ophiolites in the eastern (Turkey) and western (Greece) parts of the Vardar–İzmir–Ankara–Erzincan segment of Neotethys we conclude that the intraoceanic subduction in the east is definitely younger and the closure history of this segment is more complex than previously suggested. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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