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Abstract— We examine the size sorting of chondrules and metal grains within the context of the jet flow model for chondrule/CAI formation. In this model, chondrules, CAIs, AOAs, metal grains, and related components of meteorites are assumed to have formed in the outflow region of the innermost regions of the solar nebula and then were ejected, via the agency of a bipolar jet flow, to outer regions of the nebula. We wish to see if size sorting of chondrules and metal grains is a natural consequence of this model. To assist in this task, we used a multiprocessor system to undertake Monte Carlo simulations of the early solar nebula. The paths of a statistically significant number of chondrules and metal grains were analyzed as they were ejected from the outflow and travelled over or into the solar nebula. For statistical reasons, only distances ≤3 AU from the Sun were examined. Our results suggest that size sorting can occur provided that the solar nebula jet flow had a relatively constant flow rate as function of time. A constant flow rate outflow produces size sorting, but it also produces a sharp size distribution of particles across the nebula and a metal‐rich Fe/Si ratio. When the other extreme of a fully random flow rate was examined, it was found that size sorting was removed, and the initial material injected into the flow was simply spread over most of the the solar nebula. These results indicate that the outflow can act as a size and density classifier. By simply varying the flow rate, the outflow can produce different types of proto‐meteorites from the same chondrule and metal grain feed stock. As a consequence of these investigations, we observed that the number of particles that impact into the nebula drops off moderately rapidly as a function of distance r from the Sun. We also derive a corrected form of the Epstein stopping time.  相似文献   
The southern foreland basin of the Pyrenees (Ebro basin) is an exorheic drainage basin since Late Miocene times. Remnants of an early exorheic Ebro drainage system are not preserved, but morphology provides evidence for the Pliocene–Quaternary drainage development. The incision history of the Ebro system is denoted by (i) extensive, low gradient pedimentation surfaces which are associated with the denudation of the southern Pyrenean piedmont around the Pliocene–Quaternary transition and (ii) deeply entrenched Quaternary river valleys. Presumably since the Middle Pleistocene fluvial incision intensified involving the formation of extensive terrace staircase in the Ebro basin. Terrace exposure dating in major Ebro tributary rivers indicates climate‐triggered terrace formation in response to glacial–interglacial climate and glacier fluctuations in the Pyrenean headwaters. The overall (semi)parallel longitudinal terrace profiles argue for progressive base level lowering for the whole Ebro drainage network. The landscape evolution model, TISC, is used to evaluate climatic, tectonic and base level scenarios for terrace staircase formation in the Ebro drainage system. Model simulations are compared with morpho‐climatic, tectonic and chronologic data. Results show that climatic fluctuations cause terrace formation, but the incision magnitudes and convergent terrace profiles predicted by this climate model scenario are not consistent with the (semi)parallel terraces in the Ebro basin. A model including previous (late Pliocene) uplift of the lower Ebro basin results in rapid base‐level lowering and erosion along the drainage network, small late stage incision magnitudes and terrace convergence, which are not in agreement with observations. Instead, continuous Quaternary uplift of both the Pyrenees and the Ebro foreland basin triggers (semi)parallel terrace staircase formation in southern Pyrenean tributary rivers in consistency with the observed longitudinal terrace profiles and Middle–Late Pleistocene incision magnitudes. Forward model simulations indicate that the present Ebro drainage system is actively incising, providing further evidence for uplift.  相似文献   
Summary When correcting precise gravity measurements for polar motion, the Earth's rotational deformation must be considered, as this will increase the correction based on a rigid Earth by about 15%. Conversely the gravity observations can be used to estimate the Love numbers h2 and k2 at the Chandler frequency.  相似文献   
CoGeO3 was synthesized at 1,273 and 1,448 K using ceramic sintering techniques in the monoclinic and orthorhombic modification, respectively. The two compounds were analysed by magnetic susceptibility measurements and neutron diffraction in order to study magnetic ordering and spin structures at low temperature. The monoclinic form of CoGeO3 has C2/c symmetry and orders magnetically below 36 K with a small negative paramagnetic Curie temperature θ P = −4.6 (2) K. The magnetic structure can be described with k = (1, 0, 0) in the magnetic space group C2′/c′ having a ferromagnetic spin arrangement within the chains of M1 sites, but a dominating antiferromagnetic coupling between the chains. At the M1 sites the magnetic spins are aligned within the a–c plane forming an angle of 120° with the +a-axis and they are not parallel to the spins at M2. Here spins are also ferromagnetically coupled within, but antiferromagnetically coupled between the M1/M2 site bands. The orthorhombic phase of CoGeO3 displays Pbca symmetry and transforms to an antiferromagnetically ordered state [θ P = −18.6(2) K] below 33 K. The magnetic spin structure can be described with k = (0, 0, 0) in space group Pbca′ and it is similar to the one of the C2/c phase except that it is non-collinear in nature, i.e. there are components of the magnetic moment along all three crystallographic axes. Small magneto-elastic coupling is observed in the orthorhombic phase.  相似文献   
The occurrence of the invasive nonindigenous copepod Oithona davisae Ferrari and Orsi, 1984, is reported for the first time in the Aegean Sea. The data we collected in August 2017 from 14 stations along the Turkish coast of the Aegean Sea reveal the spatial distribution of O. davisae between the openning of the Dardanelles Strait in the north and the Izmir Bay in the south. The O. davisae individuals, in seven mesozooplankton samples collected from a single station, were consistently found in the inner part of the Izmir Bay from April 2015‐October 2016. The abundance of female O. davisae ranged from 4 ind./m3 in April 2015 to 31,524 ind./m3 in July 2016 and contributed to the total oithonid female population by 10.8% in April 2015 and 92.8% in September 2016. Our results show that this species is well established in the inner part of Izmir Bay and that it has become a permanent component of the copepod community in the area.  相似文献   
Garnet is a prototypical mineral in metamorphic rocks because it commonly preserves chemical and textural features that can be used for untangling its metamorphic development. Large garnet porphyroblasts may show extremely complex internal structures as a result of a polycyclic growth history, deformation, and modification of growth structures by intra‐ and intercrystalline diffusion. The complex internal structure of garnet porphyroblasts from garnet–phengite schists (GPS) of the Zermatt area (Western Alps) has been successfully decoded. The centimetre‐sized garnet porphyroblasts are composed of granulite facies garnet fragments overgrown by a younger generation of grossular‐rich eclogite facies garnet. The early granulite facies garnet (G‐Grt) formed from low‐P, high‐T metamorphism during a pre‐Alpine orogenic event. The late garnet (E‐Grt) is typical of high‐pressure, low‐temperature (HPLT) metamorphism and can be related to Alpine subduction of the schists. Thus, the garnet of the GPS are polycyclic (polymetamorphic). G‐Grt formation occurred at ~670 MPa and 780°C, E‐Grt formed at ~1.7 GPa and 530°C. The G‐Grt is relatively rich in Prp and poor in Grs, while E‐Grt is rich in Grs and poor in Prp. The Alm content (mol.%) of G‐Grt is 68 of E‐Grt 55. After formation of E‐Grt between and around fragmented G‐Grt at 530°C, the GPS have been further subducted and reached a maximum temperature of 580°C before exhumation started. Garnet composition profiles indicate that the initially very sharp contacts between the granulite facies fragments of G‐Grt and fracture seals of HPLT garnet (E‐Grt) have been modified by cation diffusion. The profiles suggest that Ca did not exchange at the scale of 1 µm, whereas Fe and Mg did efficiently diffuse at the derived maximum temperature of 580°C for the GPS at the scale of 7–8 µm. The Grt–Grt diffusion profiles resulted from spending c. 10 Ma at 530–580°C along the P–T–t path. The measured Grt composition profiles are consistent with diffusivities of log DMgFe = ?25.8 m2/s from modelled diffusion profiles. Mg loss by diffusion from G‐Grt is compensated by Fe gain by diffusion from E‐Grt to maintain charge balance. This leads to a distinctive Fe concentration profile typical of uphill diffusion.  相似文献   
Sediment trap collections near Cape Maclear, Lake Malai, were compared to phytoplankton and surface sediment diatoms to assess taphonomic variations. The sedimenting diatom community became progressively different from the diatom plankton with increasing depth: long Nitzschia species were strongly under-represented in the traps (annually, 53% among planktonic diatoms vs. 14% in the offshore 29 m trap; p0.005 by Kruskal-Wallis test), while Melosira was greatly over-represented in traps (32% vs. 57%; p<0.005). The abundances of the minor taxa (Rhopalodia, Fragilaria, Cymbella, and Surirella) were greatly enhanced in traps relative to the plankton, but they were still relatively uncommon (<3% of all diatoms each). Differences in grazing, dissolution, and sinking rates alone are insufficient to account for these distortions; a combination of these, plus perhaps unknown factors, strongly influence the deposited assemblage.These misrepresentations were also present at the sediment surface. The greatest discrepancy was noted for Melosira (32% of plankton vs. 53% of sediment surface diatoms; p<0.005) and for elongate Nitzschia species (53% of plankton vs. 0.8% in sediments; p<0.005). In Lake Malai, at least, paleolimnologists must not assume a straightforward correlation of modern and fossil assemblages.  相似文献   
Pore water of sediments plays an important role in aquatic systems as mediator and as the reactive zone between the sediment and surface water. Sediment pore waters with high ionic strength from acidified pit lakes were investigated to obtain information about the influence on the lake water quality. The analysis of soluble reactive phosphorus, nitrate, ammonium, silica, dissolved organic carbon, ferrous iron, sulfate, chloride, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, and total dissolved iron was predetermined as the dataset required for evaluation of water quality. The data collection procedure was optimised by designing a methodology for stabilisation, dilution of pore water samples and adaptation of analytical methods. The developed methodology was evaluated with respect to the effort required in the laboratory under routine conditions. In the first round of analyses, 72% of 638 individual analyses from a random selection of pore water profiles were found to be within the calibration ranges. Remedial actions to handle the remaining 28% of invalid analytical results are exemplified. Differences between comparative analyses of some ions by continuous flow analysis, ion chromatography, and atomic emission spectroscopy were evaluated. The majority of results measured by ion chromatography differed on a highly significant level from results measured by atomic emission spectroscopy. Possible reasons, originating from the extreme sample matrix, are discussed. Finally, the designed methodology and the results of the method comparison are used to recommend the selection of analytical methods under specific conditions.  相似文献   
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