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Summary The radiation as origin of the weather.
Résumé Le temps, comme dépendant de la radiation solaire.
Zusammenfassung Die Möglichkeiten einer mechanischen Registrierung der Verteilung der Energie im Spektrum der Sonne werden gezeigt.
Summary The possibility of a mechanical record of the distribution of energy in the spectre of the sun is demonstrated.

Raster land cover data has been used to construct adjacency matrices by scanning the pixel edges and calculating proportions according to the land cover types joined. Like joins (e.g., forest to forest) are most common because pixel size is typically much smaller than the average patch size. The dominance of like joins (the matrix diagonal) of the adjacency matrix has led to one interpretation of the matrix as landscape contagion (the tendency of land cover to cluster into a few, large patches). Construction of the adjacency matrix in a vector environment results in a different measurement. In a vector environment, land cover patches are not sub–divided into pixels. Therefore, the main diagonal of the adjacency matrix is zero. Construction of an adjacency matrix in a vector environment estimates the evenness of distribution of edge types, not contagion. The same edge type evenness metric is estimated in a raster environment by ignoring the matrix diagonal and re-scaling the off-diagonal elements so that they sum to one (1).  相似文献   
The deep seismic profile Transalp crosses, from north to south, Germany, Austria and Italy. The gravity measurements for each country were made by national agencies with different reference systems and data reduction methods. Within the frame of the Transalp-project a comprehensive database of the Eastern Alps was compiled covering an area of 3.5° by 4° in longitude and latitude (275 by 445 km), respectively. To increase the data coverage in the south Alpine area two gravity surveys were carried out, resulting in 469 areally distributed new stations, of which 215 have been measured with the intent to improve the geoid in the area of the planned Brenner Basistunnel (BBT). The resulting gravity database is the best in terms of resolution and data quality presently available for the Eastern Alps. Here the free air, Bouguer and isostatic gravity fields are critically discussed. The spatial density of existing gravity stations in the three countries is discussed. On the Italian side of the Alps the spatial density is rather sparse compared to the Austrian side. The Bouguer-gravity field varies between − 190 * 10− 5 m/s2 and + 25 * 10− 5 m/s2, with the minimum located along the Alpine high topographic chain, but with a small offset (a few tens of km) to the greatest topographic elevation, showing that the Airy-type local isostatic equilibrium does not fully apply here. The maximum of the Bouguer anomaly has an elongated shape of 100 by 50 km located between the towns of Verona and Vicenza and covers the Venetian Tertiary Volcanic Province (VTVP), a feature not directly related to the plate collision in the Eastern Alps. The gravity high is only partly explainable by high-density magmatic rocks and requires also a deeper source, like a shallowing of the Moho. The isostatic residual anomalies (Airy model) are in the range ± 50 * 10− 5 m/s2, with the greatest positive anomaly corresponding to the location of the VTVP, indicating here under-compensation of masses. At last a discussion of a 2D density model based on reflection seismic data and receiver functions is made.  相似文献   
During the Caledonian orogeny large parts of the western margin of the Baltic shield were disrupted, sliced and stacked. Caledonian deformation resulted in a massif thickening of the continental crust. Mafic granulites and granulite facies meta-anorthosites build up a large portion of the Bergen Arcs terrane in southwestern Norway. The rocks represent typical Precambrian continental lower crust. These rocks experienced extensive eclogitization in response to stacking and crustal thickening during the Caledonian orogenic cycle. Eclogite formation resulted from shear deformation and associated infiltration of H2O-rich fluids (X H2O0.75). During an early stage, eclogite facies mineralogy formed in extension fractures (veins). The veins are probably related to hydraulic fracture systems which transported the inferred fluid phase. During the main stage, eclogitization occurred along shear zones ranging from centimeters to tens of meters in thickness. Eclogite forming reactions are shown to consume H2O, alkalies and to release SiO2. Much of the SiO2 released by the eclogitization process can be found in late quartz vein systems. The eclogitization took place at a temperature of about 700°C and a pressure between 18 and 21 kbar. Fluid infiltration was supported by a decrease in rock volume during reaction (V solids<0). The negative volume change of reaction occurs despite that the process of eclogitization involves hydration reactions. The formation of eclogite from granulite produces approximately 15 KJ heat per 100 cm3 original granulite. Numerical modeling of the regional temperature effects associated with partial hydration of the lower crust suggests that these processes may not cause large perturbations on the geotherm. Both, transport of heat and matter by advection of the fluid phase is negligible on a regional scale.  相似文献   
Albrechtschraufite, MgCa4F2[UO2(CO3)3]2?17-18H2O, triclinic, space group Pī, a?=?13.569(2), b?=?13.419(2), c?=?11.622(2) Å, α?=?115.82(1), β?=?107.61(1), γ?=?92.84(1)° (structural unit cell, not reduced), V?=?1774.6(5) Å3, Z?=?2, D c?=?2.69 g/cm3 (for 17.5 H2O), is a mineral that was found in small amounts with schröckingerite, NaCa3F[UO2(CO3)3](SO4)?10H2O, on a museum specimen of uranium ore from Joachimsthal (Jáchymov), Czech Republic. The mineral forms small grain-like subhedral crystals (≤ 0.2 mm) that resemble in appearance liebigite, Ca2[UO2(CO3)3]??~?11H2O. Colour pale yellow-green, luster vitreous, transparent, pale bluish green fluorescence under ultraviolet light. Optical data: Biaxial negative, nX?=?1.511(2), nY?=?1.550(2), nZ?=?1.566(2), 2?V?=?65(1)° (λ?=?589 nm), r < v weak. After qualitative tests had shown the presence of Ca, U, Mg, CO2 and H2O, the chemical formula was determined by a crystal structure analysis based on X-ray four-circle diffractometer data. The structure was later on refined with data from a CCD diffractometer to R1?=?0.0206 and wR2?=?0.0429 for 9,236 independent observed reflections. The crystal structure contains two independent [UO2(CO3)3]4? anions of which one is bonded to two Mg and six Ca while the second is bonded to only one Mg and three Ca. Magnesium forms a MgF2(Ocarbonate)3(H2O) octahedron that is linked via the F atoms with three Ca atoms so as to provide each F atom with a flat pyramidal coordination by one Mg and two Ca. Calcium is 7- and 8-coordinate forming CaFO6, CaF2O2(H2O)4, CaFO3(H2O)4 and CaO2(H2O)6 coordination polyhedra. The crystal structure is built up from MgCa3F2[UO2(CO3)3]?8H2O layers parallel to (001) which are linked by Ca[UO2(CO3)3]?5H2O moieties into a framework of the composition MgCa4F2[UO2(CO3)3]?13H2O. Five additional water molecules are located in voids of the framework and show large displacement parameters. One of the water positions is partly vacant, leading to a total water content of 17-18H2O per formula unit. The MgCa3F2[UO2(CO3)3]?8H2O layers are pseudosymmetric according to plane group symmetry cmm. The remaining constituents do not sustain this pseudosymmetry and make the entire structure truly triclinic. A characteristic paddle-wheel motif Ca[UO2(CO3)3]4Ca relates the structure of albrechtschraufite partly to that of andersonite and two synthetic alkali calcium uranyl tricarbonates.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Anläßlich eines größeren Unternehmens wurde Anfang August 1954 eine achttägige eingehende hydrographisch-chemische Untersuchungsfahrt mit dem Forschungskutter Südfall vom Institut für Meereskunde der Universität Kiel in der inneren Deutschen Bucht durchgeführt. Infolge der wochenlangen gleichförmigen Wetterlage vor Beginn der Fahrt zeigte die oberflächennahe Schicht auf Grund der Salzgehalts-Untersuchungen ein verhältnismäßig ausgeglichenes Bild der Wasserverteilung. Als beherrschende hydrographische Erscheinung zog sich das salzarme und leichte Eibwasser von der Elbmündung als in sich geschlossene zungenförmige Wassermasse in nordwestlicher Richtung diagonal durch das Untersuchungsgebiet. Verwirbelungserscheinungen mit dem von Südwesten andringenden Nordseewasser, wie sie von früheren Beobachtungen her bekannt sind und die Regel bilden, waren nur verhältnismäßig schwach ausgebildet. Auf der rechten Flanke der Elbwasserzunge im küstennahen Gebiet ließen sich jedoch zwei bisher noch nicht bekannte antizyklonal ausgerichtete Wirbel erkennen.Ergänzt wurden die Salzgehalts-Messungen durch eine Anzahl verschiedenartiger chemischbiologischer Untersuchungen. Die Bearbeitung des Eiweiß-, Chlorophyll- und Gelbstoff-Gehalts, sowie der Wasserfluoreszenz und des Gehalts an Silikat und Phosphat ergaben interessante gegenseitige Beziehungen und ließen deutlich den zyklischen Charakter der Lebensvorgänge im Meere hervortreten. Die Zusammenhänge erscheinen jedoch derartig vielfältig und unregelmäßig, daß eine endgültige Klärung zunächst noch nicht möglich ist.
Chemical and hydrographical investigations in the inner part of the German Bight
Summary In connection with an extensive research programme, an eight-days' research cruise was undertaken on board the cutter Südfall of the Institut für Meereskunde der Universität Kiel to the inner part of the German Bight at the beginning of August 1954, in order to study in detail the hydrographic and chemical conditions. As could be seen from the salinity records, the distribution of the water masses in the subsurface layer was found to be of a comparatively uniform character owing to the prevailing meteorological conditions that had shown but little change throughout a period of several weeks before the beginning of the cruise. As a dominating hydrographic phenomenon, the light Elbe river water with its low salinity formed a closed water body similar to a tongue that, issueing from the mouth of the Elbe river, crossed the region of research in a north-westerly direction. Contrary to what has been previously observed and regularly encountered in this region, there occurred no eddy activity to any significant extent between this type of water and the water masses that were advancing from the south-western part of the North Sea. On the right-hand flank of the tongue of Elbe river water near the coast two anticyclonic eddies could be recognized that heretofore had never been observed.The salinity observations were supplemented by a number of different chemical and biological investigations. The elaboration of the content in albumen, chlorophyll, andGelbstoff as well as the studies of fluorescence in sea water and of the content in silicate and phosphate revealed interesting correlations and gave a clear evidence of the cyclic character of biological processes in the ocean. However, the complexity and irregularity of the relations do not permit at the present stage of research to give a definite explanation.

Recherches d'hydrographie et de chimie dans la «Deutsche Bucht» (golfe allemand)
Résumé A l'occasion de travaux étendus une croisière de huit jours a été exécutée au commencement du mois d'août 1954 dans la partie intérieure de la Deutsche Bucht à bord du cutter «Südfall» de l'Institut für Meereskunde der Universität Kiel pour étudier en détail des conditions hydrographiques et chimiques. Suivant les observations de salinité, la. distribution des eaux dans la couche subsuperficielle était relativement uniforme par suite des conditions météorologiques peu variées qui régnaient pendant plusieurs semaines avant le commencement de la croisière. Les eaux légères à faible salinité de l'Elbe, phénomène hydrographique dominant, formaient une masse serrée d'eau en forme de langue qui, partant de l'embouchure de l'Elbe, traversait en direction nord-ouest la région de recherches. L'activité des tourbillons comme elle est connue des observations antérieures et régulièrement remarquée au rencontre des eaux à faible salinité avec celles venant de la partie sud-ouest de la mer du Nord n'était que relativement faible. On pouvait, cependant, reconnaître sur le flanc droit de la «langue de l'eau de l'Elbe», au voisinage de la côte, deux tourbillons anticyclonaux inconnus jusqu'ici.Les mesures de la salinité furent supplementées par plusieurs recherches différentes dans le domaine de la chimie biologique. L'exploitation des observations de la teneur en albumine, en chlorophylle et enGelbstoff ainsi que les études de la fluorescence de l'eau de mer et de la teneur en silicate et en phosphate révélaient des corrélations intéressantes et mettaient nettement en relief le caractère cyclique des processus biologiques. Cependant, la complexité et l'irrégularité des relations ne permettent pas à l'état actuel de nos recherches d'en donner une explication définitive.

Herrn Professor Dr. Gerhard Schott zum 90. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
Spatial distribution, diversity, and composition of bacterial communities within the shallow sub-seafloor at the deep-sea hydrothermal field of the Suiyo Seamount, Izu-Bonin Arc, Western Pacific Ocean, were investigated. Fluids were sampled from four boreholes in this area. Each borehole was located near or away from active vents, the distance ranging 2–40 m from active vents. In addition, fluids discharging from a natural vent and ambient seawater were sampled in this area. We extracted DNA from each sample, amplified bacterial 16S rRNA genes by PCR, cloned the PCR products and sequenced. The total number of clones analyzed was 348. Most of the detected phylotypes were affiliated with the phylum Proteobacteria, of which the detection frequency in each clone library ranged from 84.6% to 100%. The bacterial community diversity and composition were different between hydrothermal fluids and seawater, between fluids from the boreholes and the vent, and even among fluids from each borehole. The relative abundances of the phylotypes related to Thiomicrospira, Methylobacterium and Sphingomonas were significantly different among fluids from each borehole. The phylotypes related to Thiomicrospira and Alcanivorax were detected in all of the boreholes and vent samples. Our findings provide insights into bacterial communities in the shallow sub-seafloor environments at active deep-sea hydrothermal vent fields.  相似文献   
The tectonic evolution of the Vienna Basin overlying the Alpine-Carpathian fold and thrust belt includes two stages of distinct basin subsidence and deformation. The earlier phase contemporaneous with thrusting of the Alpine-Carpathian floor thrust is related to the formation of a wedge-top basin (“piggy-back”), which was connected to the evolving foreland basin (Lower Miocene; c. 18.5–16 Ma). This stage is followed by the formation of a pull-apart basin (Middle to Upper Miocene; c. 16–8 Ma). Sediments of the latter unconformably overly wedge-top basin strata and protected them against erosion.  相似文献   
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