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This paper describes the geochemistry of water and sediment samples downstream from two iron mines in the Gualaxo do Norte River basin, north of Mariana city, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Electric conductivity, total dissolved solids, pH, Eh, Na, K, Ca, Mg and trace elements (Fe, Mn, Al, Cd, Ni, Cr, Zn, As, Pb, Co, Sb, Cu, Mo, Rb, Sr, Ti, V, Y, Zr and Ba) have been analysed in water and sediments. The observed Na anomalies are mainly associated with the iron mine processing plants. Enriched concentrations of iron and manganese were only observed in rudimentary gold exploitation areas (prospectors) and where supergenic alteration of the banded iron formation has occurred. Iron and manganese background values are in some places higher than the limits established by Brazilian legislation. Mn, As, Sb and Ba anomalies have been observed in sediments. Their main source is associated with the sulphide-rich mineral deposits in the spring of the Gualaxo do Norte River and not directly related to the present iron exploitation in the region. Background values are proposed for the studied region.  相似文献   
Viridine containing the highest amounts of Mn2O3 detected thus far (up to 20.5 mol % “Mn2SiO5”) coexists in a metasedimentary hornfels with spessartine, Mn-phlogopite (mangan-ophyllite), Mn-phengite (alurgite), hematite, quartz and probably some primary braunite. In layers poorer in viridine spessartine is absent but piemontite appears as an additional phase. Microprobe analyses of all these phases are presented which indicate very strong fractionation of Mg and Mn in coexisting phlogopite and garnet, and of Fe and Mn in coexisting hematite and braunite. Sericitic aggregates consisting of phengitic muscovite and braunite are interpreted as retrograde alteration products of viridine, but might partly be pinitic alterations of a former Mg-rich cordierite. Due to the occurrence of the assemblage spessartine-viridine-quartz Mn-cordierite cannot have been a stable phase prior to retrograde alterations. In general the stability field of viridine is extended towards higher temperatures as compared to that of pure andalusite, Al2SiO5. Due to the coexistence of phlogopite and muscovite (phengite) the temperature of contact metamorphism cannot have exceeded some 550°–650° C depending on the prevailing water pressure.  相似文献   
The enthalpies of solution in molten 2PbO · B2O3 of phases synthesized at one atmosphere in the system MgGa2O4-Mg2GeO4 have been measured. A spinel solid solution, which is stable at 1400 °C from the MgGa2O4 end-member to 27 mole percent Mg2GeO4, shows endothermic heats of mixing of up to 10 kJ/mole at the solubility limit. The spinelloid phase, Mg3Ga2GeO8, is energetically less stable than a mixture of terminal spinel solid solutions (0.73 MgGa2O4·0.27 Mg2GeO4(sp)+Mg2GeO4(sp)), by 3.63±3.64 kJ/mole. This indicates that the spinelloid is a high-entropy phase.The volume of the spinel solid solution, MgGa2O4-Mg2GeO4, shows a positive deviation from Vegard's Law. Modeling of the cation distribution in the solid solution indicates that this V is due to a change in the spinel type from inverse towards normal as the Mg2GeO4 content increases.  相似文献   
Electrical and electromagnetic profiling methods are used extensively in environmental geophysical investigations for many different purposes. The pulled array continuous electrical sounding (PACES) method, where a tail of electrodes is towed behind a small vehicle while continuously and simultaneously measuring several electrode configurations, has been used extensively for mapping the vulnerability of aquifers in Denmark. Measurements are taken every 1 m, and 10–15 km of profile can be achieved in one day.
This paper presents a theoretical study of the resolution capabilities of PACES measurements as they are now performed, and an experimental design study for including an inductive source in the measuring equipment. The joint interpretation of the galvanic data set of ordinary PACES measurements with inductive data from a horizontal magnetic dipole source will enhance the resolution capabilities of the data set significantly. The study is carried out as an analysis of the uncertainty of the model parameters of one-dimensional three-layer models using the estimation error variances of the inversion problem.
The results indicate that the addition of only two frequency data from a magnetic dipole source will substantially improve the resolution of the subsurface resistivity structure. The improvement is model dependent, but reduction in the relative error of model parameters by an order of magnitude is observed.  相似文献   
This study presents different methods to quantify the historic and recent sedimentation of floodplain soils along the Elbe River. These methods include the comparison of surface elevations, the quantification of sedimentation with the aid of anthropogenic and geogenic tracers, sediment trap studies, and the calculation of load balances. Selected results from sites at the lower section of the middle Elbe River are presented and verified. The results show that several methods are suitable. In future work it should be possible, depending on the available soil and sediment data, to calculate sedimentation in Elbe River floodplain and the loss of retention volume for larger areas.  相似文献   
Purposeful deep-sea carbon dioxide sequestration by direct injection of liquid CO2 into the deep waters of the ocean has the potential to mitigate the rapid rise in atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases. One issue of concern for this carbon sequestration option is the impact of changes in seawater chemistry caused by CO2 injection on deep-sea ecosystems. The effects of deep-sea carbon dioxide injection on infaunal deep-sea organisms were evaluated during a field experiment in 3600 m depth off California, in which liquid CO2 was released on the seafloor. Exposure to the dissolution plume emanating from the liquid CO2 resulted in high rates of mortality for flagellates, amoebae, and nematodes inhabiting sediments in close proximity to sites of CO2 release. Results from this study indicate that large changes in seawater chemistry (i.e. pH reductions of ∼0.5–1.0 pH units) near CO2 release sites will cause high mortality rates for nearby infaunal deep-sea communities. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The Pyoza River area in the Arkhangelsk district exposes sedimentary sequences suitable for study of the interaction between consecutive Valdaian ice sheets in Northern Russia. Lithostratigraphic investigations combined with luminescence dating have revealed new evidence on the Late Pleistocene history of the area. Overlying glacigenic deposits of the Moscowian (Saalian) glaciation marine deposits previously confined to three separate transgression phases have all been connected to the Mikulinian (Eemian) interglacial. Early Valdaian (E. Weichselian) proglacial, lacustrine and fluvial deposits indicate glaciation to the east or north and consequently glacier damming and meltwater run-off in the Pyoza area around 90–110 ka BP. Interstadial conditions with forest-steppe tundra vegetation and lacustrine and fluvial deposition prevailed at the end of the Early Valdaian around 75–95 ka BP. A terrestrial-based glaciation from easterly uplands reached the Pyoza area at the Early to Middle Valdaian transition around 65–75 ka BP and deposited glaciofluvial strata and subglacial till (Yolkino Till). During deglaciation, laterally extensive glaciolacustrine sediments were deposited in ice-dammed lakes in the early Middle Valdaian around 55–75 ka BP. The Barents–Kara Sea ice sheet deposited the Viryuga Till on the lower Pyoza from northerly directions. The ice sheet formed the Pyoza marginal moraines, which can be correlated with the Markhida moraines further east, and proglacial lacustrine deposition persisted in the area during the first part of the Middle Valdaian. Glacio-isostatic uplift caused erosion followed by pedogenesis and the formation of a deflation horizon in the Middle Valdaian. Widely dispersed periglacial river plains were formed during the Late Valdaian around 10–20 ka BP. Thus, the evidence of a terrestrial-based ice sheet from easterly uplands in the Pyoza area suggests that local piedmont glaciers situated in highlands such as the Timan Ridge or the Urals could have developed into larger, regionally confined ice sheets. Two phases of ice damming and development of proglacial lakes occurred during the Early and Middle Valdaian. The region did not experience glaciation during the Late Valdaian.  相似文献   
Based on data from the SONG and SPR-N multichannel hard electromagnetic radiation detectors onboard the CORONAS-F space observatory and the X-ray monitors onboard GOES satellites, we have distinguished the thermal and nonthermal components in the X-ray spectrum of an extreme solar flare on January 20, 2005. In the impulsive flare phase determined from the time of the most efficient electron and proton acceleration, we have obtained parameters of the spectra for both components and their variations in the time interval 06:43–06:54 UT. The spectral index in the energy range 0.2–2 MeV for a single-power-law spectrum of accelerated electrons is shown to have been close to 3.4 for most of the time interval under consideration. We have determined the time dependence of the lower energy cutoff in the energy spectrum of nonthermal photons E γ0(t) at which the spectral flux densities of the thermal and nonthermal components become equal. The power deposited by accelerated electrons into the flare volume has been estimated using the thick-target model under two assumptions about the boundary energy E 0 of the electron spectrum: (i) E 0 is determined by E γ0(t) and (ii) E 0 is determined by the characteristic heated plasma energy (≈5kT (t)). The reality of the first assumption is proven by the fact that plasma cooling sets in at a time when the radiative losses begin to prevail over the power deposited by electrons only in this case. Comparison of the total energy deposited by electrons with a boundary energy E γ0(t) with the thermal energy of the emitting plasma in the time interval under consideration has shown that the total energy deposited by accelerated electrons at the beginning of the impulsive flare phase before 06:47 UT exceeds the thermal plasma energy by a factor of 1.5–2; subsequently, these energies become approximately equal and are ~(4–5) × 1030 erg under the assumption that the filling factor is 0.5–0.6.  相似文献   
为准确了解青藏高原多年冻土退化过程及其环境效应,中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所和德国海德堡大学环境物理研究所共同组成科研小组,先后对我国三江源区、西昆仑甜水海地区进行了多年冻土退化过程的前期勘察研究工作.首次在人烟稀少的玉树-不冻泉沿线等地建立了3个长期综合观测研究站.在技术手段上,除应用常规的坑探、水土取样、水分现场观测、地面调查外,主要应用了最新的双天线、多回路探地雷达勘测技术,对不同地貌条件下的活动层结构特征、上限附近冻土结构、冷生组构等诸多方面进行了快速勘察,同时还进行了水分场分布规律、盐份迁移过程的初步研究.研究结果表明:地表景观特征对热质迁移规律、地温场具有重要影响;青藏高原新疆甜水海地区的低温(<-4℃)冻土与高原东部和腹地的高温(>-1℃)冻土在地质背景和地下冰发育情况等方面有所区别;甜水海地区生态环境在过去30多年的时间里已发生重大改变:地表植被发生大面积退化,地表普遍发生不同程度盐渍化;在该地区发现大量小型冻胀丘、石环等冰缘现象的存在.探地雷达勘察结果显示,地表地貌单元、植被分布、地表水分条件的变化均对多年冻土上限变化和地下冰的赋存产生重要影响.  相似文献   
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