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Kuniaki Okuda 《Journal of Oceanography》1982,38(5):313-322
Characteristic features of the internal flow field of short wind waves are described mainly on the basis of streamline patterns measured for four different cases of individual wave. In some waves a distinct high vorticity region, with flow in excess of the phase speed in the surface thin layer, is formed near the crest as shown in Part I of this study, but the streamlines are found to remain quite regular even very near the water surface. The characteristics of flow in the high vorticity region are investigated, and it is argued that the high vorticity region is not supported steadily in individual waves but that growth and attenuation in individual waves repeats systematically, without no severe wave breaking. Below the surface vorticity layer a quite regular wave motion dominates. However, this wave motion is strongly affected by the presence of the high vorticity region. By comparing the measured streamline profiles with those predicted from wave profiles by the use of a water-wave theory, it is found that the flow of the wind waves studied cannot be predicted, even approximately, from the surface displacements, in contrast to the case of pure irrotational water waves. 相似文献
Kuniaki Masai 《Astrophysics and Space Science》2005,298(1-2):155-162
We discuss radiation properties of plasmas in high-energy astrophysics with a keyword nonequilibrium: non-LTE level populations, nonequilibrium ionization, and non-Maxwellian distribution function, beginning with radiative
transfer. We focus particularly on supernova remnants interacting with the circumstellar/interstellar matter, and also mention
line emission processes in accretion gas onto a neutron star or black hole, and in the X-ray afterglow of γ-ray bursts. 相似文献
Kuniaki Kihara 《Physics and Chemistry of Minerals》1993,19(7):492-501
Temperature factors for oxygen and silicon atoms in β-quartz were calculated on a Born-von Karman lattice dynamical model of an ordered structure. The calculated thermal ellipsoids were in excellent agreements with those of the previous structure refinements of the order model, for both magnitudes and orientations of the principal axes. The temperature factors are contributed mainly by the soft optic modes in Γ-M and the lowest-lying acoustic modes along Γ-A, which are also strongly temperature-dependent. The cusp-shaped temperature dependence of mean square displacements, 〈u2〉, of oxygen atom, observed previously around the α-β transition, are resulted from the softening of these modes. The temperature-dependent modes in Γ-A were also found to cause diffuse scattering extending along ±c* of the fourth hexagon of the hk0 reciprocal lattice plane. The negative expansion known in β-quartz were interpreted in terms of asymmetrical forces exerting on oxygen atoms in Si-O-Si bending modes. In β-quartz, librational motions of oxygen atoms around Si-Si lines with large amplitudes, whose center is just on the β-position of high symmetry, must be possible under the condition that bending tetrahedral O-Si-O angles is energetically more favourable than compressing or stretching Si-O bonds. 相似文献
Kuniaki Abe 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》2011,168(6-7):1101-1112
We explained spectra of distant tsunamis observed in enclosed basins by applying the synthesis method based on joint analysis of tsunami and background spectra from a number of stations. This method is the generalization of the method proposed by Rabinovich (J. Geopys. Res. 102, 12663-12676, 1997) to separate source and topography effects in recorded tsunami waves. The source function is extracted by inversion of the tsunami/background spectra averaged from many observational sites. The method is applied to the 2009 Papua tsunami observed at the Owase tide station in southwest Japan, a region with complicated topography and numerous bays and inlets. The synthesized spectrum explains the observed spectral amplitudes for each frequency component. It is shown that averaging of tsunami and background from various tide gauge stations in semi-enclosed basins is an efficient approach to extract the source function. 相似文献
To investigate the fluctuation of the Kuroshio front, moored current meters were deployed near the shelf break and on the continental slope in the East China Sea, northwest of Okinawa Island, during a period from 25 June to 22 July 1984. Two mooring arrays were deployed on the slope of about 800 m water depth (under the Kuroshio), about 30 km apart along the path of the Kuroshio. Another two arrays were set near the shelf break of about 300 m water depth. The fluctuation of current on the slope is found to have a predominant period of 11–14 days and a were length of 300–350 km, propagating toward the downstream direction of the Kuroshio with a phase velocity of about 30 cm sec?1. When the Kuroshio front approaches the shelf break and the crest of the meander covers the mooring site, the current direction moves toward the downstream direction of the Kuroshio and the water temperature increases. On the other hand, when the trough of the meander covers the mooring site, the current direction changes off-shoreward across the Kuroshio or in the upstream direction of the Kuroshio, and the water temperature decreases. Three-dimensional distributions of water temperature and salinity around the mooring site were observed with a CTD twice at 5.5 days intervals, which indicate the meanders of the front is about 180° out of phase. This coincides with a period of 11–14 days obtained with the moored current meters. Wave lengths of the dominant meander of the front in the satellite thermal images were about 350 km and 100–200 km, which also coincides with results obtained with the moored current meters. 相似文献
Kuniaki Okuda 《Journal of Oceanography》1984,40(1):46-56
The minimum value of wind stress under which the flow velocity in short wind waves exceeds the phase speed is estimated by calculating the laminar boundary layer flow induced by the surface tangential stress with a dominant peak at the wave crest as observed in previous experiments. The minimum value of the wind stress is found to depend strongly on, the ratio of the flow velocity just below the boundary layer and the phase speed, but weakly onL, the wavelength. For wind waves previously studied (=0.5,L=10 cm), the excess flow appears when the air friction velocityu* is larger than about 30 cm sec–1. The present results confirm that the excess flow found in my previous experiments is associated with the local growth of a laminar boundary layer flow near the wave crest. 相似文献
Osamu Katoh Kazuyuki Teshima Osamu Abe Hitoshi Fujita Kuniaki Miyaji Kenji Morinaga Norihisa Nakagawa 《Journal of Oceanography》1996,52(4):491-507
In order to clarify detailed current structures over the continental shelf margin in the East China Sea, ADCP measurements were carried out in summers in 1991 and 1994 by the quadrireciprocal method (Katoh, 1988) for removing diurnal and semidiurnal tidal flows from observed flows, together with CTD measurements. We discussed the process of the Tsushima Current formation in the East China Sea. The Tsushima Current with a volume transport of 2 Sv (1 Sv=106 m3s–1) was found north of 31°N. A current with a volume transport of 0.4 Sv was clearly found along the 100 m isobath. Between the Kuroshio and the current along the 100 m isobath, southeastward component of velocity was dominant compared to northwestward one. Four eastward to southeastward currents were found over the sea bed shallower than 90 m depth. Total volume transport of these four currents was 1 Sv, and they seemed to be originated from the Taiwan Strait. Intrusion of offshore water into the inner shelf northwest of Amami Oshima was estimated to have a volume transport of 0.6 Sv. It is concluded that the Tsushima Current is the confluence of these currents over the continental shelf margin with the offshore water intruding northwest of Amami Oshima. 相似文献
LEE Wei-Lin TAI Yih-Chin SHIEH Chjeng-Lun MIYAMOTO Kuniaki LIN Yu-Feng 《山地科学学报》2019,39(11):2562-2576
When water penetrates into soil, interstitial air can become trapped by the infiltrating water. Neglecting the effect of air ventilation could cause deviations in the predicted pore water pressure and the associated effective stress. This study aims at the effect of air ventilation on the coupled hydromechanical responses in homogeneous soil during infiltration. A schematic concept of infiltration conditions (open- and closed-valve) in homogeneous soil is proposed for investigating their impacts on the pore water pressure and effective stress. Experiments of vertical soil column filled with Ottawa sand (ASTM C778 20/30) were designed for two types of air ventilation (namely, open and closed infiltration). The evolution of pore water pressure at the cylinder bottom was recorded, and served as a benchmark problem for evaluating the coupled hydro-mechanical response. Coding with the commercial software, GeoStudio, was employed for the dynamic behaviors of pore-water and -air pressures as well as the evolving effective stress. It was found in both the experiments and numerical investigations that the infiltration condition plays a crucial role for the ascending rate of pore water pressure as well as the associated effective stress. These results illustrate the inevitable impacts of the air ventilation conditions on the mechanical properties of the soil during infiltration. 相似文献
Kuniaki Abe 《Continental Shelf Research》1986,5(6):665-677
On 26 May 1983 the rivers of the Japanese Islands were invaded by a tsunami from the Sea of Japan. Water levels in five large rivers were measured and were highest midway towards the uppermost point of inundation. The level at the uppermost point was approximately the same as that at the river mouths. As a result of resonance, a standing wave develops in the rivers. The period of the invading tsunami was found to be 80 min. This continental shelf oscillation resulted in a long-wave propagation of the tsunami.The water levels showed another peak in the neighbourhood of estuarine inflows. The period of this wave was estimated to be 20 min; its formation was attributed to generation near the tsunami source.The cross-section and longitudinal profiles of the rivers, together with water flow, complicated the observed water level profiles. 相似文献