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The area south and east of the Baltic Sea has very minor seismic activity. However, occasional events occur as illustrated by four events in recent years, which are analysed in this study: near Wittenburg, Germany, on May 19, 2000, M w = 3.1, near Rostock, Germany, on July 21, 2001, M w = 3.4 and in the Kaliningrad area, Russia, two events on September 21, 2004 with M w = 4.6 and 4.7. Locations, magnitudes (M L and M w) and focal mechanisms were determined for the two events in Germany. Synthetic modeling resulted in a well-confined focal depth for the Kaliningrad events. The inversion of macroseismic observations provided simultaneous solutions of the location, focal depth and epicentral intensity. The maximum horizontal compressive stress orientations obtained from focal mechanism solutions, approximately N–S for the two German events and NNW–SSE for the Kaliningrad events, show a good agreement with the regionally oriented crustal stress field.  相似文献   
Surging outlet glaciers are important in draining large ice caps, but the mechanisms controlling surge periodicities are poorly known. We investigated a sediment sequence from the glacier‐fed Lake Lögurinn in eastern Iceland, and our unique annually resolved data, based on sedimentary varves, imply that Eyjabakkajökull, an outlet glacier of Vatnajökull, began surging about 2200 cal a BP (before 1950 AD). Approximately 1700 cal a BP, the glacier started to surge at a uniform 34‐ to 38‐year periodicity that prevailed until the coldest part of the Little Ice Age when the periodicity almost halved to 21–23 years. Since the late 1800 s the surge periodicity of Eyjabakkajökull has returned to a longer period of 35–40 years. We suggest that surge periodicities of Eyjabakkajökull are forced by climatically driven mass balance changes, which may be a common forcing factor for similar surge‐type outlet glaciers. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Los Morteros (8?39′54″S, 78?42 ′00″W) is located in coastal, northern Peru, one of the six original centers of world civilization. The site consists of a large, sand-covered, isolated prominence situated on a Mid-Holocene shoreline, ~ 5 km from the present coast. Preceramic archaeological deposits (4040 ± 75 to 4656 ± 60 14C yr BP or ~ 3600–5500 cal yr BP) cap this feature, which has been identified by prior researchers as a sand-draped, bedrock-cored landform or a relict dune deposit. Because neither explanation is geomorphologically probable, we used ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and high-resolution mapping to assess the mound's interior structure. Our results indicate an anthropogenic origin for Los Morteros, potentially placing it among the earliest monumental structures in prehistoric South America. The extremely arid setting raises new questions about the purpose and the logistics of early mound construction in this region. This work demonstrates the value of an integrated Quaternary sciences approach to assess long-term landscape change and to understand the interaction between humans and the environment.  相似文献   
Acid mine drainage (AMD) from the Zn–Pb(–Ag–Bi–Cu) deposit of Cerro de Pasco (Central Peru) and waste water from a Cu-extraction plant has been discharged since 1981 into Lake Yanamate, a natural lake with carbonate bedrock. The lake has developed a highly acidic pH of ∼1. Mean lake water chemistry was characterized by 16,775 mg/L acidity as CaCO3, 4330 mg/L Fe and 29,250 mg/L SO4. Mean trace element concentrations were 86.8 mg/L Cu, 493 mg/L Zn, 2.9 mg/L Pb and 48 mg/L As, which did not differ greatly from the discharged AMD. Most elements showed increasing concentrations from the surface to the lake bottom at a maximal depth of 41 m (e.g. from 3581 to 5433 mg/L Fe and 25,609 to 35,959 mg/L SO4). The variations in the H and O isotope compositions and the element concentrations within the upper 10 m of the water column suggest mixing with recently discharged AMD, shallow groundwater and precipitation waters. Below 15 m a stagnant zone had developed. Gypsum (saturation index, SI ∼ 0.25) and anglesite (SI ∼ 0.1) were in equilibrium with lake water. Jarosite was oversaturated (SI ∼ 1.7) in the upper part of the water column, resulting in downward settling and re-dissolution in the lower part of the water column (SI ∼ −0.7). Accordingly, jarosite was only found in sediments from less than 7 m water depth. At the lake bottom, a layer of gel-like material (∼90 wt.% water) of pH ∼1 with a total organic C content of up to 4.40 wet wt.% originated from the kerosene discharge of the Cu-extraction plant and had contaminant element concentrations similar to the lake water. Below the organic layer followed a layer of gypsum with pH 1.5, which overlaid the dissolving carbonate sediments of pH 5.3–7. In these two layers the contaminant elements were enriched compared to lake water in the sequence As < Pb ≈ Cu < Cd < Zn = Mn with increasing depth. This sequence of enrichment was explained by the following processes: (i) adsorption of As on Fe-hydroxides coating plant roots at low pH (up to 3326 mg/kg As), (ii) adsorption at increasing pH near the gypsum/calcite boundary (up to 1812 mg/kg Pb, 2531 mg/kg Cu, and 36 mg/kg Cd), and (iii) precipitation of carbonates (up to 5177 mg/kg Zn and 810 mg/kg Mn; all data corrected to a wet base). The infiltration rate was approximately equal to the discharge rate, thus gypsum and hydroxide precipitation had not resulted in complete clogging of the lake bedrocks.  相似文献   
We present detailed petrographic surveys of apatite grains in association with carbonaceous material (CM) in two banded iron formations (BIFs) from the Paleoproterozoic of Uruguay and Michigan for comparison with similar mineral associations in the highly debated Akilia Quartz-pyroxene (Qp) rock. Petrographic and Raman spectroscopic surveys of these Paleoproterozoic BIFs show that apatite grains typically occur in bands parallel to bedding and are more often associated with CM when concentrations of organic matter are high. Carbonaceous material in the Vichadero BIF from Uruguay is generally well-crystallized graphite and occurs in concentrations around 0.01 wt% with an average δ13Cgra value of −28.6 ± 4.4‰ (1σ). In this BIF, only about 5% of apatite grains are associated with graphite. In comparison, CM in the Bijiki BIF from Michigan is also graphitic, but occurs in concentrations around 2.4 wt% with δ13Cgra values around −24.0 ± 0.3‰ (1σ). In the Bijiki BIF, more than 78% of apatite grains are associated with CM. Given the geologic context and high levels of CM in the Bijiki BIF, the significantly higher proportion of apatite grains associated with CM in this rock is interpreted to represent diagenetically altered biomass and shows that such diagenetic mineral associations can survive metamorphism up to the amphibolite facies.Isotope compositions of CM in muffled acidified whole-rock powders from the Akilia Qp rock have average δ13Cgra values of −17.5 ± 2.5‰ (1σ), while δ13Ccarb values in whole-rock powders average −4.0 ± 1.0‰ (1σ). Carbon isotope compositions of graphite associated with apatite and other minerals in the Akilia Qp rock were also measured with the NanoSIMS to have similar ranges of δ13Cgra values averaging −13.8 ± 5.6‰ (1σ). The NanoSIMS was also used to semi-quantitatively map the distributions of H, N, O, P, and S in graphite from the Akilia Qp rock, and relative abundances were found to be similar for graphite associated with apatite or with hornblende, calcite, and sulfides. These analyses revealed generally lower abundances of trace elements in the Akilia graphite compared to graphite associated with apatite from Paleoproterozoic BIFs.Graphite associated with hornblende, calcite, and sulfides in the Akilia Qp rock was fluid-deposited at high-temperature from carbon-bearing fluids, and since this graphite has similar ranges of δ13Cgra values and of trace elements compared to graphite associated with apatite, we conclude that the Akilia graphite in different mineral associations formed from the same source(s) of CM. Collectively our results do not exclude a biogenic origin of the carbon in the Akilia graphite, but because some observations can not exclude graphitization of abiogenic carbon from CO2- and CH4-bearing mantle fluids, there remain ambiguities with respect to the exact origin of carbon in this ancient metasedimentary rock. Accordingly, there may have been several generations of graphite formation along with possibly varying mixtures of CO2- and CH4-bearing fluids that may have resulted in large ranges of δ13Cgra values. The possibility of fluid-deposited graphite associated with apatite should be a focus of future investigations as this may prove to be an alternative pathway of graphitization from phosphate-bearing fluids. Correlated micro-analytical approaches tested on terrestrial rocks in this work provide insights into the origin of carbon in ancient graphite and will pave the way for the search for life on other ancient planetary surfaces.  相似文献   
A redetermination of the isotopic abundances of atmospheric Ar   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Atmospheric argon measured on a dynamically operated mass spectrometer with an ion source magnet, indicated systematically larger 40Ar/36Ar ratios compared to the generally accepted value of Nier [Nier A.O., 1950. A redetermination of the relative abundances of the isotopes of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, argon, and potassium. Phys. Rev. 77, 789-793], 295.5 ± 0.5, which has served as the standard for all isotopic measurements in geochemistry and cosmochemistry. Gravimetrically prepared mixtures of highly enriched 36Ar and 40Ar were utilized to redetermine the isotopic abundances of atmospheric Ar, using a dynamically operated isotope ratio mass spectrometer with minor modifications and special gas handling techniques to avoid fractionation. A new ratio 40Ar/36Ar = 298.56 ± 0.31 was obtained with a precision of 0.1%, approximately 1% higher than the previously accepted value. Combined with the 38Ar/36Ar (0.1885 ± 0.0003) measured with a VG5400 noble gas mass spectrometer in static operation, the percent abundances of 36Ar, 38Ar, and 40Ar were determined to be 0.3336 ± 0.0004, 0.0629 ± 0.0001, and 99.6035 ± 0.0004, respectively. We calculate an atomic mass of Ar of 39.9478 ± 0.0002. Accurate Ar isotopic abundances are relevant in numerous applications, as the calibration of the mass spectrometer discrimination.  相似文献   
Gravity gradient measurements from ESA’s satellite mission Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) contain significant high- and mid-frequency signal components, which are primarily caused by the attraction of the Earth’s topographic and isostatic masses. In order to mitigate the resulting numerical instability of a harmonic downward continuation, the observed gradients can be smoothed with respect to topographic-isostatic effects using a remove–compute–restore technique. For this reason, topographic-isostatic reductions are calculated by forward modeling that employs the advanced Rock–Water–Ice methodology. The basis of this approach is a three-layer decomposition of the topography with variable density values and a modified Airy–Heiskanen isostatic concept incorporating a depth model of the Mohorovi?i? discontinuity. Moreover, tesseroid bodies are utilized for mass discretization and arranged on an ellipsoidal reference surface. To evaluate the degree of smoothing via topographic-isostatic reduction of GOCE gravity gradients, a wavelet-based assessment is presented in this paper and compared with statistical inferences in the space domain. Using the Morlet wavelet, continuous wavelet transforms are applied to measured GOCE gravity gradients before and after reducing topographic-isostatic signals. By analyzing a representative data set in the Himalayan region, an employment of the reductions leads to significantly smoothed gradients. In addition, smoothing effects that are invisible in the space domain can be detected in wavelet scalograms, making a wavelet-based spectral analysis a powerful tool.  相似文献   
The lunar gravity field can be satisfactorily explained by relatively-small wavelength, density anomalies located near the lunar surface. The exceptions to this are the second degree harmonics and we postulate a dual origin for these terms; they are partly a consequence of the same near-surface anomalies as the remainder of the gravity field and partly a measure of a fossil bulge. This latter contribution represents an equilibrium condition preserved from a time when the synchronously rotating Moon was approximately 25 Earth-radii from the Earth. If this shape was acquired at some time soon after 4.0 · 109 years ago, then the rate of dissipation of tidal energy in the Earth has been much lower in the past then it is now. The implications of this on the evolution of the Earth-Moon system are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
The typical spectra of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are discussed in the context of the compactness problem for GRB sources and how it is resolved in the popular fireball model. In particular, observational (model-independent) constraints on the collimation of the gamma-rays and the dependence of the collimation angle on the photon energy are considered. The fact that the threshold for the creation of e ? e + pairs depends on the angle between the momenta of the annihilating photons in the GRB source provides an alternative solution to the compactness problem. A new approach to explaining GRBs, taking into account the angular dependence for pair creation, is proposed, and the main features of a scenario describing a GRB source with a total (photon) energy smaller or of the order of 1049 erg are laid out. Thus, we are dealing with an alternative to an ultra-relativistic fireball, if it turns out (as follows from observations) that all “long” GRBs are associated with normal (not peculiar) core-collapse supernovae. The effects of radiation pressure and the formation of jets as a consequence of even a small amount of anisotropy in the total radiation field in a (compact) GRB source are examined in this alternative model. Possible energy-release mechanisms acting in regions smaller or of the order of 108 cm in size (a compact model for a GRB) are discussed. New observational evidence for such compact energy release in the burst source is considered.  相似文献   
Many studies have been conducted in northern Norwegian shelf regions to assess distributions and abundances of zooplankton in the last decade using towed Scanfish-conductivity, temperature and depth sensors (CTD)–optical plankton counter (OPC), and plankton nets. Significant progresses have been made in understanding dominant species, life histories and behavior, and in using size-structured data to identify dominant species in a certain size range. Using these Scanfish–CTD–OPC data, the analysis of zooplankton community size structures, compositions and their relationships with water types is made along the shelf region from Lofoten, North Cape to Varangerfjorden. From the relationships between the water types and zooplankton communities, the transports and exchanges of zooplankton communities between the Norwegian Coastal and Norwegian Atlantic Waters in regions near Malangsgrunnen and Nordvestbanken are examined. The biovolume (biomass) spectra are further analyzed for the productivity, trophic levels and seasonality of communities in these regions, indicating a steeper slope of the biovolume spectrum for a community dominated by herbivorous species in spring and a flatter slope for a community dominated by carnivorous–omnivorous species in winter. The comparison with the zooplankton biovolume spectra obtained in areas west of Antarctic Peninsula is made to examine and understand the differences in the zooplankton biovolume spectra, their trophic dynamics and potential human impacts between different regions.  相似文献   
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