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We found the equilibrium conditions for a self-gravitating toroidal vortex by taking thermal pressure into account. These conditions are shown to significantly differ from those for a disk or a sphere. The evolution of a thin vortex turns it into a compact vortex that loses mechanical stability for low masses at a polytropic index γ<4/3 but retains stability for sufficiently high masses and densities determined by the velocity circulation in the vortex.  相似文献   
The evolution and collapse of a gaseous, self-gravitating sphere in the presence of an internal massive toroidal vortex analogous to the vortex created by the toroidal magnetic field of the Sun is considered. When thermal pressure is taken into account, for sufficiently high masses, the instability is preserved even for a polytropic index γ < 4/3. In the case of a degenerate gas, the evolution of the electrons and neutrons differs appreciably. In the ultrarelativistic limit, an interval of stablemasses arises in a neutron gas, between a minimum mass that depends on the circulation velocity in the vortex and the critical mass for the formation of a black hole. This suggests toroidal vortex fields as a possible physical origin for the observed narrow spectrum of neutron-star masses.  相似文献   
Motivated by currently available direct observations of occulting tori in Seyfert galaxies and ongoing discussions about tori as important structural components in Active Galactic Nuclei, we discuss the possibility that the “spinning up” of a torus by radiation or winds could transform it into a dipolar toroidal vortex. The vortex motion balances the torus’ self-gravitation, and can explain the existence of cool, thick tori inferred from observations. In turn, the toroidal vortex can be a source of matter to feed the accretion disk. The resulting instability could result in flares accompanied by the ejection of matter. Our numerical estimates of the model parameters for luminosities close to the Eddington limit are consistent with the observational data.  相似文献   
This study provides a comprehensive sedimentologic analysis of the J2 prospective horizon (Middle–Late Bathonian) in the central West Siberian Basin. Based on the extensive dataset, it was established that structural complexity of this horizon is largely caused by a variety of depositional environments. Sedimentary facies of this horizon pass upward from widespread continental at the base, through deltaic or coastal-continental, to marginal-marine at the top. Change in the paleohypsometry of the study area reflects the distribution of depositional environments, in terms of the proportions of continental, transitional, and marine deposits. The study also shows that facies variability and change in depositional settings can have a significant control on reservoir quality, as well as its vertical and lateral distribution. Using a combination of detailed GDE reconstructions, structure contour mapping on the top and base of the J2 horizon, analyses of well test data, probability of reservoir presence, distribution of average porosity and permeability within different subenvironments, a composite map showing variations in the reservoir effectiveness in the J2 horizon was generated.  相似文献   
Kerogens from the Lower and Middle Cambrian deposits of the Kuonamka Formation in the northeastern Siberian Platform have been analyzed by modern methods. We have determined the pyrolytic characteristics of insoluble organic matter and the contents of C, H, S, N, O, and the stable C isotope. The type and catagenesis of organic matter have been estimated, as well as the generating potential of oil source rocks. It has been found that the composition of kerogens taken from the Molodo River outcrops was affected by supergene processes and that the degree of their alteration is related to the organic content of rocks and their structure.  相似文献   
Thermal maturation for the top and base of the Jurassic in the West Siberian megabasin was modeled on the basis of the vitrinite reflectance (Rvt0) data using mathematical modeling and computer simulations. The values of thermal maturation are found to vary within substages PC3-MC32 for the top (or being equivalent to PC3-MC12 on the periphery and southern part of the basin, or to MC2-MC32 in the north) and PC3-AC3 for the base of the Jurassic (or being equivalent to PC3-MC2 on the periphery and southern part of the basin or MC31-AC3 in the north). Thermal maturity levels of the Jurassic in West Siberia are controlled by depths of burial and peak temperatures which the source rocks were subjected to during this period. The situation is further complicated by high heat flows superimposed on the regional background, which are observed in deep fault zones and in the proximity of numerous igneous bodies.  相似文献   
The Borehole Vostok 3 drilled in the east of the West Siberian Plate (Tomsk Region) revealed a Vendian section in the depth range 5002–3870 m, which was subdivided into the Poiga, Kotodzha, and Raiga Formations based on geological, geophysical, and paleontological data. In the Kotodzha and Raiga Formations, typical Upper Vendian fossils of Cloudina hartmanae and Namacalathus sp. were found along with diverse Platysolenites, which are commonly considered to be of zonal significance in Lower Cambrian strata. Hence, the stratigraphic interval with abundant diverse Platysolenites has a wider stratigraphic range than it was believed earlier and seems to cover the Upper Vendian and Lower Cambrian deposits. The Borehole Vostok 3 is the first Siberian occurrence of the fossils Namacalathus, the world's fourth occurrence of the Cloudina-Namacalathus association, and the first site where coexisting Platysolenites and typical Vendian organisms have been found. Therefore, the borehole provides one of the most informative (in paleontological context) Upper Vendian sections.  相似文献   
The relationship between the petroleum potential of the West Siberian province and the Mesozoic to Cenozoic tectonic processes is analyzed. The studies were based on structural and isopach maps of seismogeologic megacomplexes compiled from generalized geological and geophysical data on the province at the Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics as well as on the results of interpretation of regional seismic CDP (common depth point) profiles. The main stages of formation of structures of different ranks and faults have been established. It is shown that the petroleum potential of the province was determined mainly by its structure and tectonic processes at the Cenozoic stage of evolution. At that time, the Koltogory–Urengoi megatrench formed, which became the main zone of hydrocarbon generation, as well as large positive structures—petroleum accumulation zones. Also, disjunctions originated, which served as channels for hydrocarbon migration from the oil source rocks of the Bazhenovo Formation to the main Neocomian and Aptian–Albian–Cenomanian petroleum reservoirs of the province.  相似文献   
In the northern and northeastern Siberian Platform, within the Anabar and Olenek zones, there are a number of hypergene bitumen accumulations (fields) and natural bitumen seeps, whose total resources are estimated at >5 bln tons. Bitumen fields are confined to a wide stratigraphic range from Precambrian to Mesozoic. A detailed geochemical study was performed for bitumens of the largest Olenek field, whose naphthides are localized mainly in Permian sandstones of deltaic and coast-marine genesis. Chromato-mass spectrometric analysis showed that normal alkanes are drastically reduced in the saturated fraction of the bitumens and most of terpanes are a homologous series of 25-norhopanes, which evidences the intense bacterial degradation of hydrocarbon pools. Identification of bicyclic sesquiterpenes, tetracyclic onocerane, and other biomarkers testifies that the organic matter of source rocks was rich in higher-plants remains. The concentrations of steranes are low, whereas those of earlier unknown 8-14-secosteranes are rather high. The set of geochemical data on the Permian bitumens of the Olenek field, including the isotopic characteristics of carbon (δ13C of ?25.8 to ?31.3‰), suggests that the coeval oil source rocks on the passive continental margin (at the place of the present-day Verkhoyansk fold belt) were the main source of hydrocarbons for the field. Assessment of oil and gas resources, including giant bitumen pools, and their exploration in the framework of “The fundamentals of Russian state policy in Arctic up to 2020” have become a top-priority problem. Petroleum refining products might be economically feasible raw materials in the eastern Russian Arctic sector to be supplied via the Northern Sea Route.  相似文献   
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