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Based on a series of international conferences for establishing HFA2 framework, this paper analyzed key issues of frontier of disaster risk science, integrated disaster prevention and mitigation strategies and integrated disaster risk governance. The future direction of disaster risk science was comprehensively discussed according to the widely discussed Post 2015 Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA2). It was proposed to deepen the cognition of the complexity of disaster system in terms of recognizing the complexity of disaster system from the interaction among various elements of the system, recognizing the complexity of climate change risk from the regional characteristics and formation mechanism of the global climate change and recognizing the complexity of the catastrophe risk from the regional development levels and patterns. Furthermore, it was suggested to make integrated disaster risk reduction strategies and countermeasures from the perspective of the complexity of the disaster system, including the establishment of regional integrated disaster risk governance framework to face climate change, the establishment of integrated disaster risk governance system in multi-spatial scale, the establishment of disaster risk governance financial system integrating the insurance, bonds and lottery, the establishment of consilience mode in integrated risk governance considering multi-stakeholder and the establishment of modeling and simulation platform integrated disaster risk information services and disaster risk reduction strategies. Finally, it was pointed out that the assessment of disaster risk levels for different regions in multi spatial scale can provide robust scientific support for integrated disaster risk governance of the world and regions, industries and enterprises so as to improve response to global change and guarantee a global and regional sustainable development.  相似文献   
滨里海盆地的岩相古地理特征及其演化   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
滨里海盆地内充填了巨厚的古生代、中生代和新生代沉积物。在剖面上可分为三套地层组合,即盐下层系、含盐层系和盐上层系。盐下层系为下古生界-下二叠统,包括巨厚的碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩沉积,在泥盆纪-早二叠世,滨里海盆地周缘广大地区普遍发育碳酸盐岩,在许多古隆起上还发育生物礁体,说明这一时期盆地的滨、浅海地带具有浅、清、暖的沉积环境,盆外陆源碎屑供应较少。含盐层系为下二叠统上部孔谷阶。早二叠世中-后期由于持续构造抬升,盆地气候变得干旱,海水变浅,潮上带蒸发环境发育,以致这一时期广泛发育盐类沉积,形成含盐层系,主要由盐岩和硬石膏层构成,并形成许多大小不等的盐丘构造。盐上层系为上二叠统-第四系。晚二叠世-三叠纪盆地又经历了一次大的海侵,为浅海陆棚环境,局部为海陆过渡三角洲相。侏罗纪-白垩纪在总的浅海陆棚环境下,盆地不同地区也形成了湖泊和瀉湖环境。晚二叠世以后形成的盐上层系沉积,主要为碎屑岩,在局部地区有碳酸盐岩。  相似文献   
This paper develops a wide-band multi-spectral space for color representation with Aitken PCA algorithm. This novel mathematical space using the broad-band spectra matching method aims at improving the accuracy of color representation as well as reducing costs for processing and storing multi-spectral images. The results show that the space can present our experimental original spectral spaces (i. e. Munsell color matt and DIN-6164 color chips) with high efficiency, and that the spanning space with three eigenvectors can present the original space at more than 98% CSCR, and when 5 eigenvectors are used it can cover almost the whole original spaces.  相似文献   
The three-dimensional ionospheric tomography (3DCIT) algorithm based on Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) observations have been developed into an effective tool for ionospheric monitoring in recent years. However, because the rays that come into or come out from the side of the inversion region cannot be used, the distribution of the rays in the edge and bottom part of the inversion region is scarce and the electron density cannot be effectively improved in the inversion process. We present a three-dimensional tomography algorithm with side rays (3DCIT-SR) applying the side rays to the inversion. The partial slant total electron content (STEC) of side rays in the inversion region is obtained based on the NeQuick2 model and GNSS-STEC. The simulation experiment results show that the algorithm can effectively improve the distribution of GNSS rays in the inversion region. Meanwhile, the iteration accuracy has also been significantly improved. After the same number of iterations, the iterative results of 3DCIT-SR are closer to the truth than 3DCIT, in particular, the inversion of the edge regions is improved noticeably. The GNSS data of the International GNSS Service (IGS) stations in Europe are used to perform real data experiments, and the inversion results show that the electron density profiles of 3DCIT-SR are closer to the ionosonde measurements. The accuracy improvement of 3DCIT-SR is up to 56.3% while the improvement is more obvious during the magnetic storm compared to the case of a calm ionospheric state .  相似文献   
大陆下地壳的研究进展综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大陆下地壳对认识整个地壳的组成演化具有重要意义,对大陆下地壳的研究正在世界范围蓬勃开展,大陆下地壳的研究基于两个方面:一是太古代地壳剖面的研究,二是麻粒岩包体的研究,相比较而言后者的研究程度要难得多,下地壳包体出露少,成分多为麻粒岩,且无一例外地都含有基性麻粒岩,对其成因现基本趋于一致认识,即由幔源岩浆底侵至地壳再受变质而成,然后被火山作用带至地表,因此,基性麻粒岩包体更可能反映了现今大陆下地壳的  相似文献   
基于耦合场分割算法的ANSYS二次开发及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
耦合场分割算法是当前研究的热点之一。本文首先对比研究了瞬态热传导方程和孔压增长消散方程,提出了一种适用于ANSYS二次开发的分割算法,并对2种不同的预测值计算模式对计算稳定性的影响进行了分析。然后,据之对ANSYS温度—结构耦合场模块进行了开发,形成了岩土工程有效应力计算模块。数值实验表明,这种方法具有较高的计算精度和良好的计算稳定性,并且能够充分利用现有程序资源,具有较高的工程应用价值。  相似文献   
索旗  陈光杰  孔令阳  徐会明  李静  张涛  王露  周起  郑昕 《湖泊科学》2022,34(5):1735-1750
从1950s开始,云南地区部分湖泊受到了水文调控(如筑坝)和鱼类引入等流域开发活动的直接影响,湖泊水环境与生态系统结构已出现明显改变.开展浮游动物群落的长期生态响应评价有助于认识气候波动和人为胁迫的影响模式.本文选取云龙天池进行了沉积物记录分析,在重建过去100年环境变化历史的基础上开展了枝角类群落的多指标分析(物种组成、个体大小、生物量等),进一步结合多变量分析识别了枝角类群落构建的关键驱动因子.结果显示,云龙天池在过去100年间经历了明显的水位波动,约1962年以前水位较低,1950s起的水文调控(筑坝)导致湖泊水位波动上升,2006年以来略有下降.枝角类群落随水位波动呈现由底栖种向浮游种占优转变的模式,并在2006年以来底栖种略有增加.总体上,低水位时期底栖枝角类占优,高水位时期浮游枝角类占优.水体营养水平也对枝角类群落产生了较为显著的影响.在沉积物总氮和有机质通量上升时,长额象鼻溞(Bosmina longirostris)相对丰度和枝角类浓度都明显上升.枝角类象鼻溞个体大小表明,1969年鱼类引入后象鼻溞的壳长、壳刺长度、触角长度显著减小,反映了鱼类捕食压力上升的影响.本研究...  相似文献   
淮河流域夏季降水异常与若干气候因子的关系   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
基于旋转经验正交函数分解 (REOF) 方法探讨淮河流域1961—2010年夏季降水与厄尔尼诺/南方涛动 (ENSO)、北大西洋涛动 (NAO)、印度洋偶极子 (IOD)、太平洋年代际振荡 (PDO) 之间的关系,并进一步分析各气候因子不同位相单独以及联合对淮河流域夏季降水的影响。结果表明:淮河流域夏季降水与ENSO,PDO,NAO,IOD等气候因子具有较稳定的相关性,其中,PDO和IOD是影响淮河流域夏季降水的关键因子,且PDO与夏季降水呈显著负相关关系;各气候因子的冷暖位相单独及联合对淮河流域夏季降水的影响不同,PDO的冷期以及NAO,IOD冷位相使流域北部的夏季降水量呈显著增加趋势,PDO分别联合ENSO,NAO和IOD的冷、暖位相对流域北部地区和淮河上游地区的夏季降水影响显著。  相似文献   
Kong  Ning  Liu  Xiao  Li  Junyuan  Mu  Wendan  Lian  Jianwu  Xue  Yanjie  Li  Qi 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2017,35(5):1248-1258
Temperature and salinity are two of the most potent abiotic factors infl uencing marine mollusks.In this study,we investigated the individual and combined ef fects of temperature and salinity on the survival and growth of juvenile Pacifi c abalone,Haliotis discus hannai Ino,and also examined the DNA methylation alteration that may underpin the phenotypic variation of abalone exposed to dif ferent rearing conditions.The single-factor data showed that the suitable ranges of temperature and salinity were 16–28°C at a constant salinity of 32,and 24–40 at a constant temperature of 20°C,respectively.The two-factor data indicated that both survival and growth were signifi cantly af fected by temperature,salinity and their interaction.The optimal temperature-salinity combination for juveniles was 23–25°C and 30–36.To explore environment-induced DNA methylation alteration,the methylation-sensitive amplifi ed polymorphism(MSAP)technique was used to analyze the genomic methylation profi les of abalone reared in optimal and adverse conditions.Neither temperature nor salinity induced evident changes in the global methylation level,but 67 and 63 dif ferentially methylated loci were identifi ed in temperature and salinity treatments,respectively.The between-group eigen analysis also showed that both temperature and salinity could induce epigenetic dif ferentiation in H.discus hannai Ino.The results of our study provide optimal rearing conditions for juvenile H.discus hannai Ino,and represent the fi rst step toward revealing the epigenetic regulatory mechanism of abalone in response to thermal and salt stresses.  相似文献   

Based on hydrological data obtained during the 7th to 9th Chinese National Arctic Research Expeditions in the summers of 2016–2018, the main water structure on the shelf of the northern Bering Sea and the volume and heat fluxes of the Bering Strait throughflow were analyzed. Distinct variability was identified in the three Pacific water masses feeding the strait - Anadyr Water (AW), Bering Shelf Water (BSW) and Alaskan coastal water (ACW). Overall, the temperature and salinity of the entire section increased each year, with 2018 showing significant anomalies, i.e., a temperature anomaly of up to 1?°C and a maximum salinity anomaly of 2. From 2016 to 2018, the extent of the ACW gradually narrowed in the eastern part of this section, while the AW expanded eastward each year. The net volume transport through each of the three sections increased poleward from 1.65?Sv to 2.76?Sv, with the AW increasing from 0?Sv to 1.03?Sv, the BSW varying between 0.52–1.65?Sv, and the ACW gradually decreasing from 1.04?Sv to disappearing completely. The net heat fluxes were also poleward, varying between 25.77 TW and 61.50 TW, and showing a significant increase. Significant variations in magnitude and extent were observed in each water mass of the Bering Strait throughflow, which could produce widespread effects in the Arctic Ocean and the global ocean beyond.  相似文献   
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