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Several buried paleo-channels are located on the continental shelf of the western Yellow Sea. Research on the paleochannels is significant for both theoretical studies and practical applications. In this paper, we analyse and discuss the mineralogy of sediments in a core (SYS-0803) recovered from a buried paleo-channel on the continental shelf of the western Yellow Sea. The aim is to determine the provenance of sediments that fill the paleo-channel. The heavy mineral assemblage of sediments in the core consists of schistose minerals, common hornblende, epidote, and ilmenite. The light mineral assemblage consists of plagioclase, quartz, lithic fragments, and K-feldspar. Analysis of the compositional maturity of the sand fraction revealed a quartz/feldspar ratio of < 1. A relatively high percentage of smectite is recorded throughout the entire paleo-channel fill, with the greatest percentage in the middle to lower parts. The detrital mineral assemblage and clay mineral content indicate that the paleo-channel sediments were sourced mainly from the Huanghe River during the last glacial period.  相似文献   
In this study, we employ machine learning to build a catalog of DB white dwarfs(DBWDs) from the LAMOST Data Release(DR) 5. Using known DBs from SDSS DR14, we selected samples of highquality DB spectra from the LAMOST database and applied them to train the machine learning process.Following the recognition procedure, we chose 351 DB spectra of 287 objects, 53 of which were new identifications. We then utilized all the DBWD spectra from both SDSS DR14 and LAMOST DR5 to construct DB templates for LAMOST 1 D pipeline reductions. Finally, by applying DB parameter models provided by D. Koester and the distance from Gaia DR2, we calculated the effective temperatures, surface gravities and distributions of the 3 D locations and velocities of all DBWDs.  相似文献   
Solar radiation has been a major input to agricultural, hydrological, and ecological modeling. However, solar radiation is usually influenced by three groups of dynamic factors: sun–earth position, terrain, and atmospheric effects. Therefore, an integrated approach to accurately consider the impacts of those dynamic factors on solar radiation is essential to estimate solar radiation over rugged terrain. In this study, a spatial and temporal gap‐filling algorithm was proposed to obtain a seamless daily MODIS albedo dataset. A 1 km‐resolution digital elevation model was used to model the impact of local topography and shading by surrounding terrain on solar radiation. A sunshine‐based model was adopted to simulate radiation under the influence of clouds. A GIS‐based solar radiation model that incorporates albedo, shading by surrounding terrain, and variations in cloudiness was used to address the spatial variability of these factors in mountainous terrain. Compared with other independent solar radiation products, our model generated a more reliable solar radiation product over rugged terrain, with an R2 of 0.88 and an RMSE of 2.55 MJ m?2 day?1. The improved solar radiation products and open source app can be used further in practice or scientific research.  相似文献   
河套灌区甜菜施肥问题,未能发展到根据肥料效应函数计算的数量化阶段,阻碍了科学施肥水平的提高。根据"最佳模拟配合法"的要求,设立6×7个处理试验,采用D饱和重叠试验,测得各种施肥水平的产量,借助微机,建立相应数学模型,模式均通过极显著检验。对模式进行各种处理,寻求各种施肥方案对产量的影响,探索投资少、经济效益高的施肥方案。  相似文献   
To interpret past vegetation and climate changes from pollen data, we need to reveal the degree of similarity between modern analogues and fossil pollen spectra, which would help us predict the future climate and vegetation. Ninety surface pollen samples across six vegetation zones along an altitudinal gradient from 460 to 3510 m and 44 fossil samples at Caotan Lake were collected in the central Tianshan Mountains, northern Xinjiang, China. Discriminant analyses results, fossil pollen and phytolith assemblages were then used to reconstruct palaeovegetation and palaeoclimate in the area. The 90 surface samples were divided into six pollen zones (alpine cushion, alpine and subalpine meadow, montane Tianshan spruce forest, forest-steppe ecotone, Artemisia desert, typical desert), corresponding to the major vegetation types in the area. These zones follow a climatic gradient of increasing precipitation with increasing elevation. Paleovegetation reconstructed from 44 fossil pollen assemblages through discriminant analysis reflects the regional vegetation shifted from typical desert to Artemisia desert since 4640 cal. year BP in the Caotan Lake wetland. The fossil pollen and phytolith record also reveal the arid climate has not fundamentally changed in the period. But a dry-wet-dry local climate oscillation since 2700 cal. year BP has a fundamental influence on local wetland vegetation dynamics and peat accumulation of the Caotan wetland. Modern wetland landscape and surface pollen assemblages from the Ebinur Lake Wetland Nature Reserve provide further evidence for ferns and Betula growing in the Caotan Lake wetland during the historical period.  相似文献   
Three different aquatic ecosystems(an urban pond,Kelana Jaya Pond;a polluted river,Sepang River;and the intertidal and offshore areas of the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia)with different sets of ecological backgrounds and human activities were reviewed and assessed for the levels of Cu and Zn contamination with special reference to those found in polluted sediments collected from the Sepang River.The discussion on the contamination levels of Cu and Zn in the aquatic environment of Peninsular Malaysia was based on a comparison of the metal contamination of 4 kinds of aquatic environments.The comparison of 4 different areas was based on ① total concentrations of 2 metals;② the concentrations and percentages of the nonresistant(EFLE,acid-reducible and oxidisable-organic)and resistant geochemical fractions;and ③ correlation coefficients(R-values)based on data of 4 areas separately and a combination of 4 areas.The Sepang River recorded nonresistant fractions of 63.1% for Zn and 55.8% for Cu in addition to slightly lower metal concentrations when compared to those(60%-70%)reported before the shutting down of the piggery activities in that area.These nonresistant metal percentages(55%-63%)indicated that the metal concentrations were still dominated by anthropogenic sources since nonresistant fraction of metals were mostly contributed by anthropogenic sources.The positive results from the four different aquatic environments assessed here provided strong evidence to show that Malaysia's aquatic environment had received anthropogenic Cu and Zn.The present study also showed that the percentage of the nonresistant fraction and the R-values based on correlation analysis of Cu and Zn could be used as indicators of Cu and Zn pollution in the Malaysian aquatic ecosystem.Based on the present data,the correlation coefficients(R-values)are potential indicators of EFLE Cu and acid-reducible Cu of the sediments.The use of R-values as indicators of metal pollution is suggested and it is applicable to other heavy metal data although it should be improved in future studies.  相似文献   
生活垃圾卫生填埋及地质环境效应概论   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
论述当前世界各国城市建设中必不可少的重要工程设施类型之一——生活垃圾处置工程。总结当前垃圾处置的主要方式,分析卫生填埋在各种处理方式中独具的优势,并简要介绍组成卫生填埋工程的各个部分及其功能;论述垃圾填埋体中进行的各种化学和生物化学作用及其变化;指出垃圾填埋体是其中的核心部分,填埋体结构的优化设计是控制污液污染地质环境的关键,提出填埋体结构设计的技术路线和系统方法。最后,根据当前卫生填埋场实施中存在的问题,为进一步有效地控制垃圾填埋处置对地质环境污染中的研究不足,提出意见和建议  相似文献   
MIS 3晚期东亚季风强度和DO事件年龄   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
基于神农架山宝洞石笋(SB46)的9个230Th年龄和326个氧同位素数据,建立了末次冰期32.2~26.7kaB.P.和17.0~15.4kaB.P.的东亚季风降水序列。该序列和同一洞穴全新世石笋记录的对比发现,在MIS3晚期东亚季风区可能存在极强夏季风降水事件,相当于全新世季风强度,可能与岁差旋回太阳辐射及海陆水汽潜热释放增强有关。与葫芦洞石笋δ18O记录和格陵兰冰芯δ18O记录对比表明,东亚夏季风千年尺度气候振荡与高北纬地区海-气快速重组存在遥相关效应。山宝洞石笋年龄与葫芦洞石笋和格陵兰冰芯时标(SS09sea)在定年误差范围内基本一致,但山宝洞石笋与冰芯记录在DO事件的年龄、波形和持续时间上更为一致,不仅进一步说明了低纬季风气候与极地气温同步变化,而且有效地弥补了葫芦洞记录在这一时段的不足。  相似文献   
道县虎子岩碱性玄武岩筒产出较多的辉长岩包体。用于锆石定年的辉长岩样品的岩石化学特征显示:其K2O、Fe2O3、TiO2高于其他同类样品,稀土元素、微量元素总量也相对较高,样品的K*值(2KN/(TaN+LaN))为7.60>1,显示岩浆具有亲岛弧性质,反映源区地幔受到较强的交代作用;Nb*值(2 NbN/(KN+LaN))为0.11<1,反映基性岩浆侵入时受到了地壳混染;辉长岩中的锆石具有清晰的韵律环带,Th/U值=0.91~4.35,具有岩浆锆石的特征;锆石206Pb/238U加权平均年龄为(201.50±0.53)Ma,代表了辉长岩的结晶年龄;εHf t)值为-0.88~4.45,投点落入球粒陨石附近,暗示强烈的壳幔交换作用;Hf模式年龄平均为751 Ma,反映早期地壳对岩石源区的贡献。Hf同位素组成特征反映辉长质岩浆是在印支晚期局部拉张背景下,岩石圈上地幔上隆减压熔融的产物。  相似文献   
文章依据新疆天山北麓古尔班通古特沙漠东南缘的四厂湖人工剖面进行的孢粉分析、平均粒径、磁化率以及烧失量测定结果,揭示了四厂湖地区最近1000年以来的古环境特征。研究结果表明,在与被称之为"中世纪温暖期(900-1300A.D.)"相当的时段内,淡水的四厂湖湖体周边地区曾经生长着由中旱生的灌木及草本组成的荒漠草原植被,并分布有淡水沼泽隐域植被。当时气候湿润,湖区生物物种多样性增加。结合新疆其他地区的第四纪研究成果,反映出该时期新疆地区气候湿润、湖沼发育、植被生长旺盛,因此本区在中世纪时气候应称之为湿润期或适宜期。而中世纪前后,该区以旱生、超旱生植物花粉占绝对优势,湖区植物种类减少,风沙作用较强,荒漠化景观显著。  相似文献   
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