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The paper discusses the recent trends in environmental protection within an industrial society. The potential conflict between environmental sustainability and economic development is discussed with particular reference to Germany. Environmentally orientated management is considered to be the most appropriate means of achieving this economical cost-efficiency and ecological sustainability. However, producers have a responsibility to achieve these aims against a framework of increasing environmental legislation, both national and international, and widely adopted philosophies such as the polluter pays and precautionary principles. Finally, the paper discusses the relevance of these aspects for both industrialized and developing countries.  相似文献   
A Comparison Between Modelled and Measured Mixing-Layer Height Over Munich   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An attempt is made to correlate the mixing heights, derived from ceilometer and Sodar measurements, to those simulated by different atmospheric boundary-layer parameterization schemes. The comparison is performed at two sites (one suburban and one rural) close to Munich, Germany for two spring and two winter days. It is found that, under convective conditions, the mixing height determined, by both Sodar and ceilometer, corresponds to the middle or the top of the entrainment zone, respectively, as calculated from the eddy-viscosity profiles. Under stable conditions, the measured mixing height is related to the height where eddy viscosities attain their minimum values (Sodar) or to the height of residual mechanical turbulence (ceilometer). During a foehn case with weak turbulence, the measured mixing height from both Sodar and ceilometer is better inferred by considering the eddy-viscosity profiles during daytime and the height of the low-level jet during nighttime.  相似文献   
The incorporation of hydrogen in enstatite in a hydrous system containing various amounts of NaCl was investigated at 25 kbar. The hydrogen content in enstatite shows a clear negative correlation to the NaCl-concentration in the system. The most favourable explanation is the reduction of water fugacity due to dilution. Other reasons for the limited hydrogen incorporation at high NaCl levels, such as a significant influence of Na+ on the defect chemistry or an exchange between OH- and Clin enstatite, appear much less important. A partition coefficient D Na En/Fluid = 0.0013 could be determined, demonstrating that Na is less incompatible in enstatite than H. The new results support the idea that dissolved components have to be considered when the total hydrogen storage capacity in nominally anhydrous minerals is estimated, especially in geological settings with high levels of halogens, such as subduction zones.  相似文献   
The aquifer system in the Thon Buri sedimentary basin below the deltaic flood plain of the Chao Phraya River, central Thailand, has been exploited for public water supply for the capital Bangkok since the early 1920s. Groundwater withdrawal, currently 1.4 million m3/d, has resulted in a maximum decline in hydraulic head of up to 40 m. This has induced land subsidence of as much as 1.7 m (1940–1992) in the eastern suburbs of the metropolis. Artificial injection of purified water within an area-wide network of recharge wells could constitute a remedy to slow the water level depression within the sedimentary basin, and thus the subsidence. This requires a prior shutdown of water withdrawal. The flow paths of the injected water can be traced by changes in the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the groundwater and injected water mixture within the three main aquifers in the basin that are used for public supply. The ratios, monitored at five monitoring stations within the cone of depression, have been constant over 3 years. Injection of the calculated cone volume of 5.2?×?109 m3 would take at least 10 years, depending on the injection pressure and the number and position of wells.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Bei einer hypothetischen Extrapolation der Klimaschwankungen der letzten 300 000 Jahre einschließlich der Gegenwart in die Zukunft wäre mit dem Beginn der nächsten Eiszeit schon im nächsten Jahrtausend zu rechnen.Die technische Energieproduktion und ihre klimatischen Folgeerscheinungen (Temperatur-Erhöhung durch Wärmezufuhr sowie durch Anreicherung von Staub, Wasserdampf und Kohlendioxyd), die der Abkühlung der unteren Schichten der Atmosphäre entgegenwirken, werden aber voraussichtlich schon in wenigen Jahrzehnten zu einem spürbaren Einfluß auf den natürlichen Energie- und Wärmehaushalt führen und einen Klimarückschlag zu eiszeitlichen Verhältnissen verhindern. Dabei wird sehr wahrscheinlich die CO2-Bilanz die größte Rolle spielen.
Extrapolation of past (300 000 years B. P.) and present climatic variations into the future predicts the beginning of a new Ice Age within the next millenium. Technologically related energy production and its climatic consequences, however, counteract the cooling process of the lower atmospheric layers by temperature increase through increased heat supply and dust, water vapor and carbon dioxide fluxes. These effects, predictably, will have a significant influence on the natural energy and heat budget within the next decades thereby preventing a change in climate of ice-age-dimensions. The single most important factor having such an influence will presumably be the change in the CO2-balance.

Résumé L'extrapolation dans l'avenir des variations climatiques durant les 300 000 dernières années compris le présent nous fait supposer le commencement d'une nouvelle glaciation dès le prochain millénaire. La production technique de l'énergie et ses conséquences climatiques (température plus élevée à cause d'un apport de chaleur, d'une augmentation de la teneur en poussière, en vapeur d'eau et en CO2) qui contrecarrent le refroidissement des couches atmosphériques inférieures, influeront de façon décelable dans quelques décennies, sur le bilan naturel de l'énergie et de la température, empêchant ainsi un retour climatique brusque à des conditions glaciaires. La variation de la teneur en CO2 y jouera très probablement le rôle prépondérant.

300 000 , , . , , , , . . , , .

Erweiterte Fassung eines Vortrages, gehalten auf der 66. Jahrestagung der Geologischen Vereinigung vom 26.-28. Februar 1976 in Hannover.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Paläomagnetische Untersuchungen auf der geologisch und seismotektonisch definierten iranisch-afghanischen Platte lieferten folgende Pollagen: Perm 42 W 8 N, Unterkreide 43 W 65 N, Alttertiär 100 W 75 N, Jungtertiär 130 W 78 N. Diese paläomagnetischen Ergebnisse sowie Bruchzonen und magnetische Streifenmuster im Indischen Ozean erlauben eine Rekonstruktion der Bewegung dieser Platte vom Ostrand Gondwanas an den Südrand Laurasias. Nach der präpermischen Abtrennung von Gondwana driftet die Platte unter sinistraler Eigenrotation nach Norden kollidiert bis zur Unterkreide mit der russischen Platte. Noch vor dem Alttertiär erreicht die arabische Platte den Südwestrand der iranisch-afghanischen Platte. Die indische Platte rückt von Südosten her nach und drängt den afghanischen Krustenbereich seit dem Jungtertiär nach Nordwesten. Die Kollisionen werden durch Faltungen auf den jeweils beteiligten Platten markiert.
Paleomagnetic investigations of the Iranian-Afghanian Plate — well defined by geological history and seismotectonics yield following pole positions: Permian 42 W 8 N, lower Cretaceous 43 W 65 N, lower Tertiary 100 W 75 N, upper Tertiary 130 W 78 N. These paleomagnetic results, supported by fracture zones and magnetic anomalies of the Indian Ocean floor make it possible to reconstruct the plate movement from the eastern margin of Gondwana to the southern margin of Laurasia. After the prepermian separation from Gondwana the Afghan-Iranian Plate moves northward rotating anticlockwise and collides with the Russian Plate until lower Cretaceous time. Earlier than lower Tertiary the Arabian Plate reaches at the SW margin of the Afghan-Iranian Plate. The Indian Plate, moving forward from SE pushes the Afghan continental crust in northward direction since upper Tertiary time. The collisions are marked by foldings at the plates involved.

Résumé Des recherches paléomagnétiques sur la plateforme irano-afghane bien définie par l'histoire géologique et la séismique ont donné les positions suivantes pour le pôle magnetique nord: permien 42 W 8 N, crétacé inférieur 43 W 65 N, tertiaire inférieur 100 W 75 N, tertiaire supérieur 130 W 78 N. Ces résultats paléomagnétiques ainsi que les zônes de fracture et les anomalies magnétiques dans l'Océan Indien, permettent de reconstruire le mouvement de cette plateforme à partir du bord est du Gondwana jusqu'au bord méridional de Laurasie. Après la séparation prépermienne du Gondwana, elle dérive vers le nord avec un mouvement rotatoire vers la gauche pour se heurter au crétacé inférieur à la plateforme russe. Avant le tertiaire inférieur la plateforme arabe atteint le bord sudouest de la plateforme irano-afghane. La plateforme indienne la suit du sudest et pousse à partir du tertiaire supérieur la croûte continentale de l'Afghanistan vers le nordouest. Des plissements sur chacune des plaques ayant pris part aux mouvements marquent les collisions.

- : — 42 W 8 N; — 43 W 65 N, — 100 W 75 N; — 130 W 78 N. , . - . - . - . .
Complex I-Xe and mineralogical studies have been performed on four heavily-altered Allende fine-grained spinel-rich Ca, Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) and four Allende dark inclusions (DIs) showing various degrees of iron-alkali metasomatic alteration. The CAIs are largely composed of Fe-rich spinel, Al-diopside, and secondary nepheline and sodalite. The DIs consist of chondrules and Allende-like matrix composed of lath-shaped fayalitic olivine, nepheline, sodalite, and Ca, Fe-rich pyroxene ± andradite ± FeNi-sulfide nodules. Chondrule phenocrysts are extensively or completely replaced by fayalitic olivine, nepheline, and sodalite; metal nodules are replaced by FeNi-sulfides, andradite and Ca, Fe-rich pyroxenes. The chondrules and matrices are crosscut by Ca, Fe-rich pyroxene ± FeNi-sulfide ± fayalitic olivine veins. DIs are surrounded by continuous Ca-rich rims composed of andradite, wollastonite, kirschsteinite, and Ca, Fe-rich pyroxenes, whereas the outer portions of the inclusions are depleted in Ca.Three CAIs yield well-defined I-Xe isochrons with ages 3.1 ± 0.2, 3.0 ± 0.2 and 3.7 ± 0.2 Ma younger than the Shallowater internal standard (4566 ± 2 Ma). Similar release profiles suggest the same iodine carrier (most probably sodalite) for all four CAIs. The Allende DIs yield I-Xe ages from 0.8 ± 0.3 to 1.9 ± 0.2 Ma older than Shallowater. Based on the petrographic observations, we infer that the DIs experienced at least two-stage alteration. During an early stage of the alteration, which took place in an asteroidal setting, but not in the current location of the DIs, chondrule silicates were replaced by secondary fayalitic olivine, nepheline, and sodalite. Calcium lost from the chondrules was redeposited as Ca, Fe-rich pyroxene veins and Ca, Fe-rich pyroxene ± andradite nodules in the matrix. The second stage of alteration resulted in mobilization of Ca from the DIs and its re-deposition as Ca-rich rims composed of Ca, Fe-rich pyroxenes, andradite, and wollastonite, around the DIs. We interpret I-Xe ages of the DIs as time of their alteration prior incorporation into Allende. The younger I-Xe ages of the fine-grained spinel-rich CAIs may reflect hydrothermal alteration of the Allende host, which could have occurred contemporaneously with the second stage of alteration of the Allende DIs. The lack of evidence for the disturbance of I-Xe system in the Allende DIs may suggest that fluid responsible for the alteration of the Allende CAIs was in equilibrium with the I- and Xe-bearing phases of the DIs.  相似文献   
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