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Ureilites are carbon-bearing olivine-pigeonite achondrites which constitute a unique achondrite type. We performed a comprehensive mineralogical and petrological study on eight ureilites (Kenna, Novo Urei, Goalpara, Haverö, Dingo Pup Donga, Dyalpur, North Haig, and ALHA77257) the results of which were used to construct a hypothesis for the origin of ureilites. This hypothesis suggests that ureilites are primarily olivine-pigeonite cumulates which crystallized from a silicate liquid that also contained suspended solid carbon phases, mainly graphite. This carbon caused reduction of the melt and influenced ureilite mineral compositions. Carbonaceous material was trapped by settling cumulus mafic silicates along with other intercumulus material to form the carbon-rich ‘veins’ common to ureilites. Petrofabric analyses show that mafic silicates are oriented in lineated and foliated patterns characteristic of cumulate rocks, specifically adcumulates. Strain state of silicates suggests that ureilites were deformed subsequent to lithification by mild tectonic stress as well as by moderate to severe shock. The latter event caused the formation of micron-sized diamonds and lonsdaleite from graphite and carbon-induced reduction of silicate grain margins during temporal shock-heating.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die untersuchten Gesteine wurden im Altproterozoikum als Schelfsedimente vorwiegend in Flachwasserfazies abgelagert. In ihrer Verbreitung sind Unterschiede zwischen Bildungen turbulenter Bereiche (Sande, Konglomerate und vereinzelte Breccien) und Stillwasserbildungen (Hämatitquarzit, Itabirit und Phyllit) festzustellen. Im Übergangsbereich beider Faziesbereiche kam es zu Verzahnungen von klastischen mit chemischen Sedimenten. Die chemisch gefällten Bändererze sind in zwei Typen zu trennen, zum einen in klastisch beeinflußte aus Bereichen unruhiger Sedimentationsbedingungen, zum anderen in klastisch nicht beeinflußte aus ruhigen Bereichen. Klastische Beeinflussung und intraformationale Aufarbeitung der BIF fand während allen Stadien der Verfestigung statt. Intraformationale Aufarbeitungsprodukte der Bändererze treten gemeinsam mit Konglomeraten großer Gerölldurchmesser entlang einer Nord-Süd streichenden Zone auf, wo sie sich lateral mit ungestörten chemischen Eisenerzen verzahnen. Konglomerate und BIF wurden zeitgleich sedimentiert. Charakteristisch für diese Zone sind außerdem synsedimentär aufgedrungene Vulkanite, deren Vorkommen einen Bereich tektonischer Unruhe nachzeichnet.
The investigated rocks were deposited as shelf-sediments during the lower Proterozoic, predominantly in a shallow marine environment. It can be distinguished between sediments formed under turbulent conditions (sands, conglomerates and occasional breccias) and sediments of undisturbed environments (hematite-quartzite, itabirite and phyllite). In the transition of both facies-zones detritic and chemical sediments are interfingering. The chemically precipitated banded iron ores can be separated into two types — clastically influenced BIF formed in areas of agitated sedimentary conditions, and BIF with no clastic admixtures formed in quiet regions. Banded iron ores were clastically influenced and intraformationally reworked during all states of lithification. Products of intraformationally reworked BIF appear together with conglomerates of large diameters along a north-south-striking zone where they interfinger laterally with undisturbed chemically precipitated iron ores. Conglomerates and BIF were deposited here at the same time. Significant for this zone are also synsedimentary volcanites accentuating the presence of a tectonically active zone.

Resumo Os metasedimentos aqui analisados foram predominantemente depositados em ambientes plataformais do Proterozoico inferior. Na sua distribuição constata-sc depósitos de águas calmas (hematita-quartzitos, itabiritos e filitos) e turbulentas) areias, conglomerados e esporadicamente brechas). Na zona de transição entre as duas facies sedimentares ocorreu interdigatação de sedimentos clásticos e químicos. Os minérios bandeados de ferro (BIF), quimicamente precipitados, podem ser classificados em dois grupos: o primeiro com interferência clástica, típico de ambientes agitados de sedimentação; o segundo sem componentes clásticos e característico de ambientes calmas. Interferência clástica como retrabalhamento intraformational ocorreu durante todos os estágios de processo sedimentar e de consolidação de BIF. Produtos do retrabalhamento intraformacional dos minérios bandeados ocorrem simultaneamente com conglomerados (seixos de diámetros grandes) ao longo de uma faixa Norte-Sul e interdigitados lateralmente com sedimentos químicos não perturbados. Conglomerados e BIF foram sedimentados concomitantemente. Característico para esta faixa são vulcanitos de extrusão sinsedimentar cuja presença tipifica um ambiente de instabilidade tectônica.

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In the olivine crystal structure, cations are distributed over two inequivalent octahedral sites, M1 and M2. Kinetics of cation exchange between the two octahedral sites in (Co0.1Mg0.9)2SiO4 single crystal have been studied in the temperature range from 600 to 800°C by monitoring the time evolution of the absorbance of Co2+ ions in M1 or M2 sites using optical spectroscopy after rapid temperature jumps. It was found from such temperature-jump induced relaxation experiments that with increasing temperature the absorbance of Co2+ ions in the M1 site decreases while that in the M2 site increases. This indicates a tendency of Co2+ cations to populate the M2 site with increasing temperatures and vice versa. The experimental relaxation data can be modeled using a triple exponential equation based on theoretical analysis. Activation energies of 221 ± 4 and 213 ± 10 kJ/mol were derived from relaxation experiments on the M2 site and M1 site, respectively, for the cation exchange processes in (Co0.1Mg0.9)2SiO4 olivine. Implications for cation diffusion at low temperatures are discussed.  相似文献   
The total rate of rock deformation results from competing deformation processes, including ductile and brittle mechanisms. Particular deformation styles arise from the dominance of certain mechanisms over others at different ambient conditions. Surprisingly, rates of deformation in naturally deformed rocks are found to cluster around two extremes, representing coseismic slip rates or viscous creep rates. Classical rock mechanics is traditionally used to interpret these instabilities. These approaches consider the principle of conservation of energy. We propose to go one step further and introduce a nonlinear far-from-equilibrium thermodynamic approach in which the central and explicit role of entropy controls instabilities. We also show how this quantity might be calculated for complex crustal systems. This approach provides strain-rate partitioning for natural deformation processes occurring at rates in the order of 10-3 to 10-9 s-1. We discuss these processes using examples of landslides and ice quakes or glacial surges. We will then illustrate how the mechanical mechanisms derived from these near-surface processes can be applied to deformation near the base of the seismogenic crust, especially to the phenomenon of slow earthquakes.  相似文献   
This study investigates the hydrodynamic characteristics of the lower, middle, and upper sectors of a highly stratified estuary, the Itajaí-Açu river estuary (south of Brazil ∼27° S/48.5° W). The study is based on a 25-h field campaign with three sampling stations positioned at 2, 17, and 38 km inward from the river mouth, during low river discharge condition and spring tide. The experimental data gathered was reduced and analyzed in terms of distribution of variables in time and space tide average vertical profiles and decomposition of the advective transport of salt and suspended particulate matter (SPM). Tidal range was nearly constant along the estuary, presenting time lag of about 2 h between lower and upper estuary. The ebb discharge peaks were about twice the discharge flood peaks and occurred simultaneously. The tide was the main determining agent in the lower estuary, where currents, salt stratification, and SPM distributions presented a repetitive behavior. In the middle estuary, the tide effects were also observed, but the presence of saline waters decreased along the time due to increasing river discharge during the campaign. The distribution of SPM in the mid- and upper estuary presented patched pattern not associated with tides and may be attributed to short-term flood contributions of tributaries. Currents presented ebb dominance in all three sectors; in the middle and upper estuary, they presented also a time asymmetry, with ebb currents longer than flood. The advective transport of salt in the lower estuary was upstream, with dominance of gravitational circulation term. In the mid-estuary, there was practically no transport, with balance between fluvial discharge (downstream) and tidal correlation (upstream). The advective transport of SPM was upstream in the lower estuary and downstream in the mid- and upper estuary, being dominated by gravitational circulation in the former and fluvial discharge in the others.  相似文献   
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