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Quaternary evolution of Cedar Creek alluvial fan, montana   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cedar Creek alluvial fan is a textbook example of an alluvial fan because of its fan shape with smooth, concentric contours and excellent symmetry. Similar planimetric shapes have been used to infer uniform fan deposition; however, Cedar Creek alluvial fan is composed of four fan deposits of Quaternary age, Qf1 (oldest) to Qf4 (youngest), indicating that fan deposition was nonuniform in both time and space. Field studies indicate that deposition of Cedar Creek alluvial fan is related to glaciofluvial outwash activity during the Pleistocene and upper-fan entrenchment and lower-fan deposition during the Holocene.Qf1 and Qf2 deposits are sub-horizontally bedded, clast-supported sandy gravels uniformly imbricated upfan. Comparison of soil profiles developed in these deposits to radiogenically-dated chronosequences within the region indicates that Qf1 and Qf2 are correlative with Bull Lake and Pinedale-age deposits, respectively. These relationships are substantiated by physical correlation of Qf1 and Qf2 with Bull Lake and Pinedale moraines, respectively, in the Cedar Creek drainage basin. The sedimentology and timing of Qf1 and Qf2 indicate deposition in high-energy, proglacial, braided streams. Furthermore, the present morphology of Cedar Creek alluvial fan was established largely during aggradation of Qf1 and Qf2 when sediment supply to the fan was sufficient to activate 60% to greater than 90% of the total fan area. During Bull Lake glaciation, the apex of Qf1 deposition formed the apex of Cedar Creek alluvial fan as Qf1 covered more than 90% of the present fan area. During Pinedale glaciation, Qf2 deposition shifted downfan; Qf2 is inset into Qf1 above the intersection point, but below the intersection point it eroded and/or buried Qf1 as it activated as much as 60% of the fan area.Qf3 and Qf4, comprising 21% of the fan area, are inset into Qf2 in the lower fan area. Soil development in Qf3 and Qf4 deposits indicate episodic deposition and entrenchment beginning in early Holocene and continuing to present. A post-glacial decrease in sediment supply to Cedar Creek alluvial fan is indicated by sediment storage within the Cedar Creek drainage basin. Decreased sediment supply to the fan resulted in upper-fan entrenchment of Qf2 and deposition of Qf3 and Qf4 in the lower-fan area.  相似文献   
An engineering and environmental geological map of the Kathmandu Valley in Nepal has been elaborated within a project of German-Nepalese cooperation. In the Kathmandu Valley, the major geo-environmental problems arise from haphazard exploitation of geologic resources, local landslide zones, severe problems of garbage disposal, river flooding and a dramatic river pollution. The map was prepared by the use of GIS techniques. It contains all basic geological and environmental data, as geotechnical risk zones (landslide-prone areas or those of poor foundation conditions), areas for preferable extraction of construction material and those not to be allowed to be exploited, areas of immediate need of reforestation in order to prevent landslide or badland development, groundwater protection zones, and suitable garbage disposal sites. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Using two dimensional continuous wavelet transforms, a novel method for identification of mesoscale eddies is presented to facilitate extraction of characteristics for area, amplitude, type, and location from maps of sea level anomalies. In comparison with the previously established growing method for eddy identification, it is found that the wavelet method identifies more than twice the number of eddies and is particularly better at resolving small eddies down to the 0.25 degree resolution of the data. Such research into eddy identification and tracking is significant to the assessment of eddies with potential to impact on coastlines of small islands. The method is applied to the identification of eddies on tracks towards islands of the Eastern Caribbean over 23?years. Spatial and temporal variation in rate of occurrence and magnitude is established. For Barbados there is an average of 9 anticyclonic incidents a year with maximum amplitude of typically 0.22?m in the dry seasons and 0.16?m in the wet seasons. Seasonal variation is reversed for the other islands with twice the number of anticyclonic incidents having maximum amplitudes of about 0.20?m annually.  相似文献   
The direct photooxidation of coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) to dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) may provide a significant sink for organic carbon in the ocean. To calculate the rate of this reaction on a global scale, it is essential to know its quantum yield, or photochemical efficiency. We have determined quantum yield spectra, φ(λ), (moles DIC/mole photons absorbed) for 14 samples of seawater from environments ranging from a turbid, eutrophic bay to the Gulf Stream. The spectra vary among locations, but can be represented quite well by three pooled spectra for zones defined by location and salinity: inshore φ(λ)=e−(6.66+0.0285(λ−290)); coastal φ(λ)=e−(6.36+0.0140(λ−290)); and open ocean φ(λ)=e−(5.53+0.00914(λ−290)). Production efficiency increases offshore, which suggests that the most highly absorbing and quickly faded terrestrial chromophores are not those directly responsible for DIC photoproduction.  相似文献   
Pulkovo astrometric observations began in the 1840s using the Repsold transit instrument in the prime vertical and Ertel vertical circle. The first observers on these instruments were W.I. Struve, 1840–1856, and Kh.I. Peters, 1842–1849. In the present work, we collected and analyzed different series of latitude variations from observations made by M.O. Nuren, B. Wanach, A.A. Ivanov, I.N. Bonsdorf, and A.Ya. Orlov. In addition, results are given of investigations of a specific behavior of the Chandler polar motion in this interval, obtained by C. Chandler, Ivanov, Kh. Kimura, Orlov, and N. Sekiguchi. The aim of this paper is to search for and analyze the earliest series of Pulkovo latitudes, in order to evaluate the possibility of their use to study the motion of the pole at the maximum available range of observations. Different methods were used to isolate and analyze the sum of Chandler and annual latitude variations. The annex provides a series of Pulkovo latitude variations for 1840–1848, which may be used to extend latitude variation back to 1840.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In Südamerika, in der Antarktis und in Australien läßt sich gleichermaßen vom Kambrium bis in die Trias ein pazifikwärtiges Wandern der orogenen Aktivität beobachten. Aus der relativen Lage dieser Orogene ergibt sich, daß vor dem Jura die Antarktische Halbinsel westlich der Südspitze von Südamerika gelegen hat.
In South America, Antarctica and Australia, from the Cambrian to the Triassic Pacificward shifting of the orogenic activity is observed. From the relative position of these orogenes is deduced that before the Jurassic the Antarctic Peninsula was situated west of the southern tip of South America.

Resumen Tanto en Sudamérica como en la Antártida y en Australia desde el Cámbrico hasta el Triásico se observa una transposición continua de la actividad orogénica hacia el Pacífico. De la posición relativa de estos orógenos se concluye que antes del Jurásico la Península Antártica fue situada al Oeste de la punta Sur de Sudamérica.

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In this article, disasters are understood as processes that have different impacts on social routines in terms of scale, scope and duration. The extent of adaptive processes in society can provide the ground for a rough classification of disaster types. Such classification has, on the one hand, practical and analytical advantages. On the other hand, they harbour the danger of overlooking transitions of scale and discourage comprehensive scale-related learning forms. Based on the disaster scale by Fischer (Int J Mass Emerg Disasters 1:91–107, 2003), flash floods in mountain rivers and torrents are described as extreme emergencies or small-town disasters. Three given examples will clearly show that learning rarely takes place within an institutional setting that is subjected to small disasters, because the stakeholder’s focus remains on only one level. Therefore, we propose to implement a system of self-organised and scale-independent learning, so called deutero learning, within the political subsystem. Following a damaging event, participative processes that involve all levels should be initialised. Their task would be to assess the combination of causes and draw conclusions for mitigation measures. An aggregation of these assessments would help the responsible political subsystems to adapt the current natural disasters policy to the changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   
The thermal history of outcropping Devonian sediments of the northern Appalachian Basin, New York, has been investigated using fission track analysis of detrital apatites from 57 sandstone samples. Based on lengths and apparent age measurements using fission tracks in apatite it is concluded that Lower Devonian sediments presently at the surface in the Catskill region were cooled rapidly from temperatures higher than about 110°C during Early Cretaceous times (120–140 Ma ago). In the western part of New York (Wellsville-Buffalo) data from late Devonian sediments are consistent with cooling at the same time as that identified for the Catskill region but from lower temperatures, in the range of approximately 80–110°C, the maximum temperature these sediments experienced since deposition. For a pre-uplift paleogeothermal gradient of 25–35°C/km, the confined track length data indicates uplift and erosion of 2–3 km for western New York and greater than 3–4 km for the Catskill region, a differential uplift pattern which is consistent with the historical stratigraphic data from the region. This conclusion is at variance with earlier interpretations put forth by others.Rapid broad scale uplift and erosion of the scale identified imply that large volumes of sediment could have been supplied from the northern Appalachian Basin during the Early Cretaceous. This timing for the dominant post-Devonian cooling phase in the basin is not accounted for by recent models of the tectonic evolution of the Appalachian Orogen but is compatible with the change from carbonate to siliciclastic deposition in the Atlantic coastal plain. It is suggested that this style of broad regional uplift without significant deformation is characteristic of a tectonic regime associated with, and subsequent to, continental rifting.Apatite fission track analysis is shown to be a basic tool in providing fundamental limits for thermal history assessment in regional tectonic problems.  相似文献   
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