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The central Chilean subduction zone between 35°S and 37°S was investigated in order to identify, document and possibly understand fluid flow and fluid venting within the forearc region. Several areas were mapped using multibeam bathymetry and backscatter, high-resolution sidescan sonar, chirp subbottom profiling and reflection seismic data. On a subsequent cruise ground-truthing observations were made using a video sled. In general, this dataset shows surprisingly little evidence of fluid venting along the mid-slope region, in contrast to other subduction zones such as Central America and New Zealand. There were abundant indications of active and predominantly fossil fluid venting along the upper slope between 36.5°S and 36.8°S at the seaward margin of an intraslope basin. Here, backscatter anomalies suggest widespread authigenic carbonate deposits, likely the result of methane-rich fluid expulsion. There is unpublished evidence that these fluids are of biogenic origin and generated within the slope sediments, similar to other accretionary margins but in contrast to the erosional margin off Central America, where fluids have geochemical signals indicating an origin from the subducting plate.  相似文献   
Ponta de São Lourenço is the deeply eroded eastern end of Madeira’s east–west trending rift zone, located near the geometric intersection of the Madeira rift axis with that of the Desertas Islands to the southeast. It dominantly consists of basaltic pyroclastic deposits from Strombolian and phreatomagmatic eruptions, lava flows, and a dike swarm. Main differences compared to highly productive rift zones such as in Hawai’i are a lower dike intensity (50–60 dikes/km) and the lack of a shallow magma reservoir or summit caldera. 40Ar/39Ar age determinations show that volcanic activity at Ponta de São Lourenço lasted from >5.2 to 4 Ma (early Madeira rift phase) and from 2.4 to 0.9 Ma (late Madeira rift phase), with a hiatus dividing the stratigraphy into lower and upper units. Toward the east, the distribution of eruptive centers becomes diffuse, and the rift axis bends to parallel the Desertas ridge. The bending may have resulted from mutual gravitational influence of the Madeira and Desertas volcanic edifices. We propose that Ponta de São Lourenço represents a type example for the interior of a fading rift arm on oceanic volcanoes, with modern analogues being the terminations of the rift zones at La Palma and El Hierro (Canary Islands). There is no evidence for Ponta de São Lourenço representing a former central volcano that interconnected and fed the Madeira and Desertas rifts. Our results suggest a subdivision of volcanic rift zones into (1) a highly productive endmember characterized by a central volcano with a shallow magma chamber feeding one or more rift arms, and (2) a less productive endmember characterized by rifts fed from deep-seated magma reservoirs rather than from a central volcano, as is the case for Ponta de São Lourenço.  相似文献   
Heat-treatment and stepwise cooling of as-delivered, water-containing quartz-type GeO2 powder resulted in transformation into a water-free form. A rutile-type modification could be prepared by impregnation of the quartz-type phase with RbOH solutions, drying and annealing. Raman- and FTIR-absorption spectra of quartz- and rutile-type GeO2 were measured and compared to quantum-mechanical ab initio calculations based on a hybrid functional using the Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof correlation functional with 16.7% Hartree–Fock exchange density functional. Maximum and mean deviations between measured spectral bands and assigned vibrational modes are 14 and ±8 cm−1 for the quartz-type and 30 and ±13 cm−1 for the rutile-type polymorphic form. Water is incorporated into GeO4 entities of quartz-type GeO2; a water-free and structurally stable form can be prepared by a heating up to 1,425 K, tempering at 1,323 K and stepwise cooling. Spectral bands not explained by the calculations suggest defects and distortions in both quartz- and rutile-type structures, in case of the quartz-type one by incomplete transformation into an ideal structure after removing the water, whereas the rutile-type modification most probably incorporates Rb during its synthesis.  相似文献   
Esker aquifers are common groundwater bodies in Europe. Management of these aquifers should take account of the sustainability of groundwater-dependent ecosystems and land use in an integrated way. An unconfined esker aquifer in northern Finland was modelled with MODFLOW to determine how groundwater resources are impacted by the surrounding peatland drainage scheme and to simulate scenarios for possible drainage restoration. The impacts of groundwater abstraction and climate change were also simulated. A calibration-constrained Monte Carlo method was used to provide information on the uncertainties associated with model predictions. The results suggest that peatland drainage in the vicinity of eskers can have a significant role in lowering the water table, even though climate variability may mask these impacts. Drainage restoration by filling the ditches might have positive impacts on the aquifer water levels. Comparison of water-table changes caused by peatland drainage with the changes brought by water abstraction and climate variability helped to quantify impacts of different land-use scenarios and facilitated discussion with the local stakeholders. Based on this study, more attention should be devoted to peatland drainage schemes in integrated groundwater management of esker aquifers.  相似文献   
Modern fluvial deposits from both small and large rivers were studied at 14 monitoring sites over 2 years (4 successive sampling seasons) in the area of eastern Moravia (Czech Republic). Grain size, geochemistry, content of persistent organic pollutants (PAHs, PCBs, HCHs, DDTs, HCBs and PeCB) and TOC were examined with the aim to understand their mutual relations and seasonal variations in sediment character and pollutant content. Sand and silt fraction predominate and the clay content is relatively low. Differences in provenance for various river systems were recognised. Both regional and seasonal variations in terms of content of persistent organic pollutants were documented. The content of TOC and mud was shown to play an important role in the accumulation of chlorinated persistent organic pollutants PCBs, HCHs, DDTs and HCB.  相似文献   
The largest occurrence of natural metallic iron on Earth is on the island of Disko, Greenland. Metallic iron is found there in a variety of different types, from small metal particles in basalts to large meter-sized blocks. We have studied three different types of metallic iron: small metal spherules (< 300 m) in basaltic magma; larger metal grains (300 m-3 mm), often composed of aggregates of smaller particles, in similar host rocks; and massive iron lumps (up to several tons). Analytical data for 13 siderophile elements in samples from these three types are presented. All metals analysed have a distinctly crustal pattern of siderophile elements. High Co/Ni, Re/Ir or W/Ir ratios clearly demonstrate that a meteoritic origin for the metallic iron must be excluded. Since the Co/Ni and Re/Ir ratios are approximately chondritic in the upper mantle of the Earth, a mantle origin for the Disko metals can also be ruled out. This supports earlier petrological and geological evidence that the metallic iron was formed through reduction of basaltic magma by carbon derived from Tertiary shales and coals. Significant differences in absolute and relative abundances of siderophile elements occur among the three kinds of metals. The strongly siderophile elements (e.g. Ir, Re, Ni) increase in concentration from the small metal spherules through the larger grains to the massive iron lumps. The contents of less strongly siderophile elements (P, W, Ga) decrease in the same sequence. Evidence is presented that the small metal spherules are formed by in situ reduction. Larger iron metal grains and massive iron lumps are composed of small spherules, accumulated by gravitational settling in a magma reservoir. These metal cumulates have extracted highly siderophile elements from a larger volume of basaltic melt.Part of a Ph.D. thesis by W. Klöck  相似文献   
Chemical amplification, CA, a method commonly used for the detection of peroxy radicals, HO2 and RO2, was found to be sensitive towards ClOx (Cl+ClO+OClO) as well. ClOx is reduced by NO to Cl atoms which react with carbon monoxide in the presence of O2. The reaction sequence thus initiated oxidizes CO to CO2 and NO to NO2, with a chain length of 300 ± 60. This allows the atmospheric ClOx content to be measured under ambient conditions with a detection limit of better than 1 ppt. In parallel peroxy radicals are indicated with a chain length of 160 ± 15. Chemical amplification is not specific and does not indicate which radical chain it is seeing. Identification relies solely on plausibility. During the ARCtic Tropospheric Ozone Chemistry (ARCTOC) campaign in spring 1995 and 1996 the CA technique was used at Ny-Ålesund. ClOx at mixing ratios of up to 2 ppt were found in the boundary layer under certain conditions. The low concentrations of ClOx indicate that the arctic boundary ozone depletion is mainly driven by bromine.  相似文献   
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