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A suite of rocks from Borra Carbonate Granulite Complex (BCGC) in the Eastern Ghats granulite belt displays superposed structures and overprinted mineral assemblages that reveal multiple episodes of tectonothermal reworking of the complex under granulite facies condition. Five distinct episodes of deformation (D1, D2, D3, D4 and D5) and four phases of metamorphism (M1, M2, M3 and M4) are recorded. The signature of the earliest tectonothermal event, D1 is a gneissic foliation (S1) denned by segregation of peak granulite facies mineral assemblages corresponding to prograde M1 metamorphism. M2 metamorphic overprint represents an episode of near-isobaric cooling of the complex under a static condition. D2 represents an episode of ductile deformation manifested by isoclinal folding (F2) and associated extensional structures, within a broad framework of coaxial bulk deformation. The present study reveals that D2 took place subsequent to M2 - Subsequent deformation, D3, produced F3 folds and also deformations of boudins formed during D2. M3, which is synchronous with F3, represents a near isothermal decompression of the BCGC. This was followed by a weak structural readjustment (D4), producing E-W cross folds. The latter was not, however, associated with any recognizable petrological reworking. In the terminal events, deformation (D5) and mineral reactions (M4) were localized along narrow intersecting shear zones. The latter acted as channelways for carbonic and still later hydrous fluid infiltration. The available thermobarometric data from BCGC and other areas of the Eastern Ghats belt reveal that reworking during M2 and M3 ensued in a thermally perturbed regime. The high thermal regime might also have persisted during carbonic fluid infiltration related to terminal reworking (M4).  相似文献   
The electron cyclotron waves that originate at low altitudes (<0.5 RE) and observed by ground facilities have been studied in the presence of a weak parallel electric field in auroral magnetoplasma consisting of trapped energetic auroral electrons and cold background electrons of ionospheric origin. The model distribution for auroral trapped electrons is taken as Maxwellian ring distribution. An expression for the growth rate has been obtained in the presence of parallel electric field assuming that the real frequency in the whistler mode is not affected by the presence of the electric field. The results show that waves grow (or damp) in amplitude for a parallel (or antiparallel) electric field. The influence of the electric field is more pronounced at a shorter wavelength spectrum. An increase in population of energetic electrons increases the growth rate and thus, plays a significant role in the wave excitation process in the auroral regions.  相似文献   
Geotechnical Properties of Low Calcium and High Calcium Fly Ash   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, a comparative study has been made for physical and engineering properties of low calcium and high calcium Indian fly ash. The grain size distribution of fly ash is independent of lime content. Fly ash particles of size >75 μm are mostly irregular in shape whereas finer fractions are spherical for low calcium fly ash. For high calcium fly ash, chemical and mineralogical differences have been observed for different size fractions. Compared to low calcium fly ash, optimum moisture content is low and maximum dry density is high for high calcium fly ash. Optimum moisture content is directly proportional and maximum dry density is inversely proportional to the carbon content. The mode and duration of curing have significant effect on strength and stress–strain behavior of compacted fly ash. The gain in strength with time for high calcium fly ash is very high compared to that of low calcium fly ash due to presence of reactive minerals and glassy phase.  相似文献   
The use of suspensions of nanoparticles of titanium dioxide in photocatalytic degradation of dye solution has disadvantages of inconvenient separation of fine particles for reuse and limited penetration of light for effective degradation. These problems can be minimized by supporting titanium dioxide on various inert supports. The present study involves the preparation of immobilized titanium dioxide films by three different techniques and characterization of the prepared films. The immobilized films of nanocrystals of titanium dioxide were prepared using sol?Cgel technique, polyvinyl alcohol?Cformaldehyde binder and acrylic emulsion. The photocatalytic performance of the prepared films for degradation of amaranth dye has also been evaluated and compared. Combination of photodegradation and adsorption processes induces strong beneficial effects on removal of dyes. Addition of high adsorption capacity activated carbon to photoactive titanium dioxide in photodegradation of dyes improves the efficiency of dye mineralization. The activated carbon has also been immobilized along with titanium dioxide in the present work to examine the dual effect of photodegradation and adsorption in the removal of amaranth. The films formed with the help of polyvinyl alcohol?Cformaldehyde binder showed better dye degradation capabilities.  相似文献   
Banded iron formation (BIF) of the Gorumahisani–Sulaipat–Badampahar (GSB) belt in Singhbhum Craton, India, consists predominantly of magnetite. This BIF is intruded by a magnetite dyke. The magnetite dyke is massive and compact with minor sulphide minerals while the host banded magnetite ore, a component of the BIF, shows thin lamination. The magnetite ore of the dyke is fine to medium grained and exhibits interlocking texture with sharp grain boundaries, which is different from the banded magnetite that is medium to coarse grained and show irregular martitised and goethitised grain boundaries. Relics of Fe–Ca–Mn–Mg‐carbonate and iron silicates (grunerite and cummingtonite) are observed in the banded magnetite. The intrusive magnetite is distinctly different in minor, trace and REE geochemistry from the banded magnetite. The banded magnetite contains higher amounts of Si, Al, Mn, Ca, Mg, Sc, Ga, Nb, Zr, Hf, Co, Rb and Cu. In contrast, the massive magnetite is enriched in Cr, Zn, V, Ni, Sr, Pb, Y, Ta, Cs and U with higher abundance of HREE. In the chondrite normalized plot, the massive magnetite shows a slight positive Eu anomaly while the banded ore does not show any Eu anomaly. Field disposition, morphology, mineralogy and chemistry show that the intrusive magnetite dyke is of igneous origin, while magnetite in BIF formed from a carbonate protolith through the process of sedimentation.  相似文献   
The present study examined the major features of the interdecadal variation of the summer rainfall over eastern China (IVRC) and the possible association with sea surface temperature (SST). We noted that the first leading mode of IVRC (accounting for nearly half of the total variance and with maximum loading for the summer rainfall anomalies over South China) may be not forced by SST. On the other hand, the second and third leading modes [accounting for 17.1 and 13.6 % of the total variance and mainly associated with the summer rainfall anomalies over the Yangtze River valley (YRV) and North China, respectively] in some extent are forced by SST anomalies. These observational results are confirmed by atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) simulations forced by observed SST. By eliminating the internal dynamical process driven rainfall though ensemble mean, the simulations further suggest an overall enhancement of the intensity of IVRC in the corresponding ensemble mean, especially in the YRV and North China regions, but not in South China. That implies the different role of SST in driving IVRC over different regions.  相似文献   
In the Himalaya, people live in widely spread settlements and suffer more from landslides than from any other type of natural disaster. The intense summer monsoons are the main factor in triggering landslides. However, the relations between landslides and slope hydrology have not been a focal topic in Himalayan landslide research. This paper deals with the contributing parameters for the rainfall-triggered landslides which occurred during an extreme monsoon rainfall event on 23 July 2002, in the south-western hills of Kathmandu valley, in the Lesser Himalaya, Nepal. Parameters such as bedrock geology, geomorphology, geotechnical properties of soil, and clay mineralogy are described in this paper. Landslide modeling was performed in SEEP/W and SLOPE/W to understand the relationship of pore water pressure variations in soil layers and to determine the spatial variation of landslide occurrence. Soil characteristics, low angle of internal friction of fines in soil, medium range of soil permeability, presence of clay minerals in soil, bedrock hydrogeology, and human intervention were found to be the main contributing parameters for slope failures in the region.  相似文献   
Banded iron formation (BIF) comprising high grade iron ore are exposed in Gorumahisani‐Sulaipat‐Badampahar belt in the east of North Orissa Craton, India. The ores are multiply deformed and metamorphosed to amphibolite facies. The mineral assemblage in the BIF comprises grunerite, magnetite/martite/goethite and quartz. Relict carbonate phases are sometimes noticed within thick iron mesobands. Grunerite crystals exhibit needles to fibrous lamellae and platy form or often sheaf‐like aggregates in linear and radial arrangement. Accicular grunerite also occur within intergranular space of magnetite/martite. Grunerite needles/accicules show higher reflectivity in chert mesoband and matching reflectance with that of adjacent magnetite/martite in iron mesoband. Some grunerite lamellae sinter into micron size magnetite platelets. This grunerite has high ferrous oxide and cobalt oxide content but is low in Mg‐ and Mn‐oxide compared to the ones, reported from BIFs, of Western Australia, Nigeria, France, USA and Quebec. The protolith of this BIF is considered to be carbonate containing sediments, with high concentrations of Fe and Si but lower contents of cobalt and chromium ± Mg, Mn and Ni. During submarine weathering quartz, sheet silicate (greenalite) and Fe‐Co‐Cr (Mg‐Mn‐Ni)‐carbonate solid solution were formed. At the outset of the regional metamorphic episode grunerite, euhedral magnetite and recrystalized quartz were developed. Magnetite was grown at the expense of carbonate and later martitized under post‐metamorphic conditions. With the increasing grade of metamorphism greenalite transformed to grunerite.  相似文献   
This paper reports petrography, geochemistry and Rb-Sr age data on the rare metal bearing Neoarchean fertile (Nb-Ta) granite at Allapatna and elucidates its petrogenesis and role in Nb-Ta-Li-Be mineralization. The Allapatna granite (AG) intrudes the Tonalitic-Trondhjemitic - Granodioritic (TTG) Peninsular Gneiss and analysed SiO2 (72.3-75.6 wt%), K2O (4.0-5.7wt%), Na2O (3.0-4.4wt%), CaO (0.7-1wt%), MgO (0.13-0.25wt%) and K2O/Na2O (>1) indicating evolved nature. The presence of muscovite, biotite and garnet in the mode, peraluminous nature and high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio (0.7284±0.0083) attest to their S-type characteristics. Varying Nb/Ta ratio and high Li with moderate abundance of Cs further indicate affinity to Li-Cs-Ta (LCT) type granite-pegmatite system. TheAG showing whole rock Rb-Sr isochron age of 2803± 68 Ma, is the oldest reported fertile granite in India parental to rare metal pegmatites hosting Nb-Ta, Be, and Li resources. Partial melting of a mixed source consisting of both basement TTG rocks and metapelites has generated such type of granitic magma. Fractionation of such granitic magma possibly has given rise to the rare metal (Ta-Nb-Li-Be) bearing pegmatites intruding the nearby schist belt.  相似文献   
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