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赵亚曾 《地质学报》1927,6(2):83-83
本篇之结论有下列数要点.(一)德人佛莱士谓棲霞石灰岩属下石炭纪之说完至错误,其时代决非下石炭纪二)棲霞石灰岩在长江流域分布甚广,凡燧石石灰岩之底部无处无之,但自此南北行均渐归绝迹.(三)棲霞石灰岩代表-古太平洋区之海浸,故其生物化石海与南美洲者较相近而与我国北流及其他各处者反无关.(四)据腕足类化石之研究,棲霞石灰岩之时代应属上石炭纪,但为时在Schwagerina 期之前.(五)在长江流域,燧石石灰岩(即巫山石灰岩下部)代表-连续之沈积;底为珊瑚层(即棲霞石灰岩),属上石炭纪;中为各纺锤虫层,大致相当于Schwagerina期,属下二叠纪;上为Oldhamina及Lyttonia层,完圣与印度?领之上及中长身贝石灰岩相当,属中二叠纪。  相似文献   
巢中根  李正最 《水文》2000,20(3):18-20
受洪水涨落和回水顶托影响的水位流量关系一般为复杂的时序型绳套曲线,通常可用落差指数法作单值化处理.但由于落差指数法需经反复试算,给电算带来不便.提出了落差指数直接解算的数学模型,并应用于长江中游螺山站的水位流量关系分析中.  相似文献   
华北陆块北缘中段是我国金矿资源集中分布地区之一。区内不同时代不同类型金矿床集中产出 ,形成不同规模的金矿床密集区。它受控于区域构造格架的交叉区 ,在伸展 -挤压构造背景下产生的岩浆侵入 -基底隆升 -变质核杂岩 (或基底断隆 )三位一体的构造 ,成为整体上控制金矿床密集区的构造系统。变质核杂岩构造控制了绿岩型金矿成矿系列的时空结构  相似文献   
南海海盆重力异常场特征及构造演化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
卫星重力测高能提供高分辩率的空间重力异常资料。本文解译了南海地块细结构的重力异常特征 ,并探讨了南海海盆的形成与演化  相似文献   
The variations in the wave energy and the amplitude along the energy dispersion paths of the barotropic Rossby waves in zonally symmetric basic flow are studied by solving the wave energy equation,which expresses that the wave energy variability is determined by the divergence of the group velocity and the energy budget from the basic flow.The results suggest that both the wave energy and the amplitude of a leading wave increase significantly in the propagating region that is located south of the jet axis and enclosed by a southern critical line and a northern turning latitude.The leading wave gains the barotropic energy from the basic flow by eddy activities.The amplitude continuously climbs up a peak at the turning latitude due to increasing wave energy and enlarging horizontal scale(shrinking total wavenumber).Both the wave energy and the amplitude eventually decrease when the trailing wave continuously approaches southward to the critical line.The trailing wave decays and its energy is continuously absorbed by the basic flow.Furthermore,both the wave energy and the amplitude oscillate with a limited range in the propagating region that is located near the jet axis and enclosed by two turning latitudes.Both the leading and trailing waves neither develop nor decay significantly.The jet works as a waveguide to allow the waves to propagate a long distance.  相似文献   
On a simple dynamics model of interaction between oasis and climate   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper constructs a coupled system of oasis and atmosphere based on an oasis evolvement model by adding atmospheric motion to discuss the problem of oasis evolvement and its effects on regional climate.The results indicate that the range and scope of the negative temperature anomalies become larger when the oasis cover fraction increases. Correspondingly, the positive temperature anomalies becomes smaller in the desert no matter in summer or spring. And the variability is more obvious in summer than in spring.So it may be concluded that the oasis not only maintains and develops itself but also develops partial air over the desert into an oasis climate.  相似文献   
多个造山带和盆地矿田地质调研发现,热力作用和热力构造有其广泛性和特殊性。岩浆-热力构造是指受岩浆-热力作用影响或控制,与岩浆侵入或火山喷发活动有一定联系,形成于岩浆岩体中或围岩地层中或远程热力作用影响区的一系列热力(含部分应力作用)形成的构造类型。在矿田、矿田地质和矿田构造的概念及类型划分研究基础上,提出了矿田构造和岩浆-热力构造的类型划分方案。按成矿期构造形成的主控作用方式,将矿田构造划分为:应力、热力、重力和复合转化4种构造类型。按照矿田岩浆活动-热力作用对成矿作用的控制影响深度、构造环境和成矿类型,将矿田岩浆-热力构造分为五大类24个亚类:1近地表热水喷流沉积-地热异常群集型;2热液型;3岩浆侵入-斑岩-矽卡岩-韧性剪切流变-热穹窿型;4岩浆通道-小岩体矿床-壳幔混合成矿型;5地幔热柱型。这些不同深度的岩浆-热力构造形成了不同类型的矿床,在壳幔岩浆-热力构造作用下,经常形成重要矿床类型组合和超大型矿床。对盐丘、岩浆热穹窿、地热异常、壳幔热柱等几种特殊类型的岩浆-热力构造进行了简要的特征分析。以青海祁漫塔格矿带景忍—虎头崖多金属矿田为实例,在矿田地质学指导下,以矿田建造和构造-岩相填图为基础,剖析矿区岩浆-热力构造特征,归纳其岩浆-热力构造类型为斑岩型+矽卡岩型+断控热液型,认为晚三叠世岩浆侵入作用是该区多金属大规模成矿的主要内因,岩浆侵入作用与各时代碳酸盐岩接触带形成了矽卡岩矿床,并且显示出印支期岩浆侵入体、斑岩、矽卡岩带、多组断裂破碎带和热液蚀变带的发育与找矿富集中心紧密套合,不同方向断裂控矿作用不同,近EW向和NWW向断裂控矿显著,矿田中深部成矿潜力较大。  相似文献   
沙尘暴垂直输运的两相流理论Ⅰ:气块模式   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
巢纪平  刘飞 《气象学报》2009,67(1):1-10
沙尘暴是风蚀荒漠化中的一种天气现象,其形成受到两方面因素的共同影响:(1)自然因素,包括大风、降水减少及沙源;(2)人类活动因素,人类活动因素是指人类在发展经济过程中对植被的破坏以后,导致沙尘暴爆发频率数增加.沙尘暴已经成为中国西北、华北地区严重的气候灾害,而对沙尘的研究主要集中在起沙问题与沙尘沉降的问题,在理论上对前者研究较多,而对后者的研究则比较缺乏.假设空气块中带有沙尘,沙尘颗粒很小,随空气一起运动,可不计沙尘Stockes末速度,这样由空气和沙尘组成两相流.在两相流情况下,分析了均匀环境和非均匀环境条件下沙尘沉降的条件和速率.通过分析得到在均匀背景场下有利于沙尘沉降的条件为大的初始沙尘浓度扰动与小的初始温度扰动.进一步考虑更为真实的环境场,模式给出3种特征沉降区域:(1)速降区,沉降速率较快;(2)缓降区,沙尘先上升后下降,沉降时间较长;(3)波动区,沙尘在空气中不断地上下波动,此时很难判断沙尘何时沉降,取决于地面状况.同时也分析了沙尘不断上扬的背景条件.  相似文献   
川西北地区金矿成矿条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
四川省西北部是我国岩金矿床分布的重点地区之一,尤以微细浸染型金矿床为主。该区有刷经寺联合村、嘎拉、金木达等大中型与超大型金矿床,显示出金矿成矿的良好前景。研究区处于古特提斯东缘的被动陆缘,为稳定大陆边缘海湾或封闭的海湾浊流盆地环境。浊积岩沉积形成金的初步富集,并在印支期发生低温动力变质,成为微细浸染型金矿的主要矿源层。岩浆活动沿区内构造边缘破裂带发生,形成构造岩浆岩带,并与金及多金属成矿有着密切的关系。双向收缩的造山运动为金成矿提供了区域构造条件,韧脆性剪切带控制了金矿的分布,并为成矿提供了主要的热动力。  相似文献   
Some dynamic constrains in the process of the tropical baroclinic geostrophic adjustment are discussed.The dispersion equation of three-dimensional inertia-gravitational wave and the equation of temporal conservation of potential vorticity are given,without considering the gradient of planetary potential vorticity.It indicates that the motions will be horizontal,meaning that Taylor-Proudman theorem is still right for tropics.At the same time,the semi-geostrophic balance is easier to appear in the tropical belt.Therefore the motions are generally horizontal and non-divergent,but still are stratified after the geostrophic balance establishes.  相似文献   
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