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Blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, commercial landings in the USA have been declining at an alarming rate. In South Carolina, these declines are significantly correlated with years of decreased rainfall and elevated salt marsh salinity. Previous studies suggest that higher salinity increases the risk of infection by Hematodinium sp., a dinoflagellate parasite of blue crabs, C. sapidus. A 4-year survey (June 2008 to March 2012) of blue crabs in the ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve documented (1) the temporal and spatial patterns of Hematodinium sp. infection in relation to salinity, (2) some environmental correlates of disease prevalence, and (3) the characteristics of infected blue crabs. Sampling was conducted four times a year in March, June, September, and December in the South Edisto, Ashepoo, and Combahee rivers beginning in June 2008. Crab hemolymph samples were collected and preserved and DNA was successfully amplified for 2,303 individuals. Hematodinium sp. infection was evaluated by PCR amplification of its 18S rRNA gene and adjacent regions. Prevalence was highest in December 2008 in the Combahee River at sites closest to St. Helena Sound. The spatial and temporal pattern of Hematodinium sp. infection was correlated with several environmental parameters. Infected crabs exhibited differences in carapace shape and body condition compared to uninfected crabs. Overall, these results suggest that blue crabs in regions of higher salinity are at greater risk of infection by Hematodinium sp. and infected individuals exhibit sub-lethal effects of the disease.  相似文献   
The Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite mission (LCROSS) impacted the moon in a permanently shadowed region of Cabeus crater on October 9th 2009, excavating material rich in water ice and volatiles. The thermal and spatial evolution of LCROSS ejecta is essential to interpretation of regolith properties and sources of released volatiles. The unique conditions of the impact, however, made analysis of the data based on canonical ejecta models impossible. Here we present the results of a series of impact experiments performed at the NASA Ames Vertical Gun Range designed to explore the LCROSS event using both high-speed cameras and LCROSS flight backup instruments. The LCROSS impact created a two-component ejecta plume: the usual inverted lampshade “low-angle” curtain, and a high speed, high-angle component. These separate components excavated to different depths in the regolith. Extrapolations from experiments match the visible data and the light curves in the spectrometers. The hollow geometry of the Centaur led to the formation of the high-angle plume, as was evident in the LCROSS visible and infrared measurements of the ejecta. Subsequent ballistic return of the sunlight-warmed ejecta curtain could scour the surface out to many crater radii, possibly liberating loosely bonded surface volatiles (e.g., H2). Thermal imaging reveals a complex, heterogeneous distribution of heated material after crater formation that is present but unresolved in LCROSS data. This material could potentially serve as an additional source of energy for volatile release.  相似文献   
Acid mine drainage is a serious environmental problem throughout mining regions of the US and around the world. In Appalachia, reuse of steel slag from steel production as a source of alkalinity for treatment of acid mine drainage has become a common practice. In these systems, dubbed steel slag leach beds, relatively clean surface water is percolated through a bed of steel slag to add large amounts of alkalinity to the water before mixing it with acidic, metalliferous mine water. These beds do not operate consistently and their failure mechanisms are poorly understood. Using the experience of Raccoon Creek watershed in southern Ohio, the alkalinity distribution of the discharge of six steel slag leach beds is compared. Two of these beds are still functional, one has been abandoned and three are operating poorly. The difference in alkalinity distribution between these beds suggests that a carbonate-dominated alkalinity system is an indicator of a poorly performing steel slag leach bed, while a more even distribution between hydroxide, carbonate and bicarbonate may point to more ideal operating conditions. In eight laboratory column experiments, this evidence was then expanded upon by testing different mixed media substrates (differing mixes of steel slag, wood chips and river gravel) to see which provided the most ideal alkalinity distributions. The columns that had steel slag mixed either with wood chips or wood chips and river gravel outperformed the column with slag only in terms of alkalinity distribution, perhaps due to microbial processes or increased hydraulic conductivity without significant added calcium or carbon that could drive calcium carbonate precipitation within the beds and causing them to fail.  相似文献   
Mesoscale processes that form due to changes in surface characteristics play a dominant role in the development of the planetary boundary layer structure and the formation of convection. In this study, effects of the Sandhills region of North and South Carolina on mesoscale processes are examined. Climatological analyses indicate increased convective precipitation in this location as compared to the surrounding region. This is believed to be due to enhanced convection induced by horizontal heat flux gradients caused by sharp changes in soil type and hence the heat capacity of the soil. Simulations using a non-hydrostatic mesoscale model (MM5 version 3.3) were made for a non-precipitation case with a 5-km resolution domain centered over the Carolinas from August 15, 2000 to August 18, 2000. The results showed the existence of a mesoscale circulation over the Sandhills region. Differential heating induced by contrasting soil types dividing the Coastal Plain from the central Piedmont causes this circulation. Sea-breeze circulation often combines with the Sandhills circulation to initiate convection in this region. Diurnal variations are handled well by the model indicating that the thermodynamic structure of the atmosphere is well simulated.  相似文献   
We present a detailed petrographic study of Pele's hairs and tears sampled from Masaya volcano (Nicaragua). This study provides new observations of these little-known pyroclastic objects using both secondary electron images (SEI) and back scattering electron images (BSEI). Our work shows that Pele's tears can be associated with Pele's hairs after their formation: tears can be trapped on the walls and/or in the cavities of Pele's hairs. Moreover, chemical investigations of the Pele's hairs and tears highlight the presence of a chemical zonation. The edge of these tears and hairs show a siliceous enrichment, allowing us to quantify the interaction time of the silicate glass with acid gases in the volcanic plume. This study confirms the syneruptive and post eruptive volatile exsolution from Pele's hairs and tears.  相似文献   
The fauna of seagrass-covered mud banks in Florida Bay, documented in the mid 1980s prior to recent seagrass die-off, phytoplankton blooms, and other ecosystem changes, was reexamined in the mid 1990s for faunal changes that might be associated with environmental perturbations. During both decades, decapod crustaceans and fishes were collected with 1-m2 throw traps from seagrass beds at six sites that differ in the amount of freshwater and/or marine influence and in seagrass community metrics. The most common faunal changes were declines in seagrass-canopydwelling forms and increases in benthic forms. At three sites with relatively lush seagrass meadows, above-ground seagrass standing crop declined and abundance of the benthic predatory fishOpsanus beta increased. The degree of faunal change among these sites appeared to be related either to salinity variability or to the degree of exposure to the ecosystem changes that have taken place in Florida Bay. At two sites with poorly developed seagrass meadows, seagrass standing crop and canopy height did not change significantly between decades, but there was an increase in shoot density and total leaf area. The animal communities at these sites were characterized by significant increases in the abundance of benthic crustaceans. At the site on the edge of Rankin Lake, the basin where seagrass die-off was first observed in Florida Bay during 1987, seagrass standing crop, canopy height, shoot density, and leaf area declined significantly between decades, but species richness of both crustaceans and fishes increased. The abundance of canopy-dwelling crustaceans and fishes declined markedly at this site, whereas the abundance of benthic forms less dependent on seagrass cover generally increased. In retrospect, we believe the fauma at this site during the 1980s, characterized by high productivity but few species, was already showing signs of the stresses that led to the seagrass die-off that began in 1987.  相似文献   
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