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Amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) in primitive carbonaceous chondrites consist of forsterite (Fa<2), Fe,Ni-metal, spinel, Al-diopside, anorthite, and rare gehlenitic melilite (Åk<15). ∼10% of AOAs contain low-Ca pyroxene (Fs1-3Wo1-5) that is in corrosion relationship with forsterite and is found in three major textural occurrences: (i) thin (<15 μm) discontinuous layers around forsterite grains or along forsterite grain boundaries in AOA peripheries; (ii) 5-10-μm-thick haloes and subhedral grains around Fe,Ni-metal nodules in AOA peripheries, and (iii) shells of variable thickness (up to 70 μm), commonly with abundant tiny (3-5 μm) inclusions of Fe,Ni-metal grains, around AOAs. AOAs with the low-Ca pyroxene shells are compact and contain euhedral grains of Al-diopside surrounded by anorthite, suggesting small (10%-20%) degree of melting. AOAs with other textural occurrences of low-Ca pyroxene are rather porous. Forsterite grains in AOAs with low-Ca pyroxene have generally 16O-rich isotopic compositions (Δ17O < −20‰). Low-Ca pyroxenes of the textural occurrences (i) and (ii) are 16O-enriched (Δ17O < −20‰), whereas those of (iii) are 16O-depleted (Δ17O = −6‰ to −4‰). One of the extensively melted (>50%) objects is texturally and mineralogically intermediate between AOAs and Al-rich chondrules. It consists of euhedral forsterite grains, pigeonite, augite, anorthitic mesostasis, abundant anhedral spinel grains, and minor Fe,Ni-metal; it is surrounded by a coarse-grained igneous rim largely composed of low-Ca pyroxene with abundant Fe,Ni-metal-sulfide nodules. The mineralogical observations suggest that only spinel grains in this igneous object were not melted. The spinel is 16O-rich (Δ17O ∼ −22‰), whereas the neighboring plagioclase mesostasis is 16O-depleted (Δ17O ∼ −11‰).We conclude that AOAs are aggregates of solar nebular condensates (forsterite, Fe,Ni-metal, and CAIs composed of Al-diopside, anorthite, spinel, and ±melilite) formed in an 16O-rich gaseous reservoir, probably CAI-forming region(s). Solid or incipiently melted forsterite in some AOAs reacted with gaseous SiO in the same nebular region to form low-Ca pyroxene. Some other AOAs appear to have accreted 16O-poor pyroxene-normative dust and experienced varying degrees of melting, most likely in chondrule-forming region(s). The most extensively melted AOAs experienced oxygen isotope exchange with 16O-poor nebular gas and may have been transformed into chondrules. The original 16O-rich signature of the precursor materials of such chondrules is preserved only in incompletely melted grains.  相似文献   
We have studied thermochemistry of the first hydration steps for Cl, Br, and I in the gas phase both experimentally using high-pressure mass spectrometry (HPMS) and theoretically using density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The highest hydration steps measured experimentally were n = 8 for Cl, n = 7 for Br, and n = 5 for I, all of them being higher than previously reported. Both experimental and theoretical stepwise enthalpies and entropies of hydration for these halides exhibited non-monotonic behavior for successive hydration steps that was not reported in previous HPMS investigations of these reactions. This behavior can be successfully interpreted using halide water cluster geometries obtained from DFT calculations by considering the number of additional hydrogen bonds formed at each hydration step and simultaneous weakening of ion-solvent interaction with increasing cluster size. Results of DFT calculations for surface cluster geometries agree better with experimental results than do the results for interior cluster geometries. We conclude that predominantly surface clusters were observed in our experiments and that small surface clusters have larger number of possible isomers than the interior clusters of the same size. The results for enthalpies of hydration for the studied halide ions lead to the conclusion that ion-solvent interaction is stronger than solvent-solvent interaction for chloride-water clusters. The difference between the two types of interaction diminishes with increasing anion size. The ion-solvent and solvent-solvent interactions are of nearly equal magnitude for iodide.  相似文献   
We interpreted marine seismic profiles in conjunction with swath bathymetric and magnetic data to investigate rifting to breakup processes at the eastern Korean margin that led to the separation of the southwestern Japan Arc. The eastern Korean margin is rimmed by fundamental elements of rift architecture comprising a seaward succession of a rift basin and an uplifted rift flank passing into the slope, typical of a passive continental margin. In the northern part, rifting occurred in the Korea Plateau that is a continental fragment extended and partially segmented from the Korean Peninsula. Two distinguished rift basins (Onnuri and Bandal Basins) in the Korea Plateau are bounded by major synthetic and smaller antithetic faults, creating wide and considerably symmetric profiles. The large-offset border fault zones of these basins have convex dip slopes and demonstrate a zig-zag arrangement along strike. In contrast, the southern margin is engraved along its length with a single narrow rift basin (Hupo Basin) that is an elongated asymmetric half-graben. Analysis of rift fault patterns suggests that rifting at the Korean margin was primarily controlled by normal faulting resulting from extension rather than strike-slip deformation. Two extension directions for rifting are recognized: the Onnuri and Hupo Basins were rifted in the east-west direction; the Bandal Basin in the east–west and northwest–southeast directions, suggesting two rift stages. We interpret that the east–west direction represents initial rifting at the inner margin; while the Japan Basin widened, rifting propagated southeastward repeatedly from the Japan Basin toward the Korean margin but could not penetrate the strong continental lithosphere of the Korean Shield and changed the direction to the south, resulting in east–west extension to create the rift basins at the Korean margin. The northwest–southeast direction probably represents the direction of rifting orthogonal to the inferred line of breakup along the base of the slope of the Korea Plateau; after breakup the southwestern Japan Arc separated in the southeast direction, indicating a response to tensional tectonics associated with the subduction of the Pacific Plate in the northwest direction. No significant volcanism was involved in initial rifting. In contrast, the inception of sea floor spreading documents a pronounced volcanic phase which appears to reflect asthenospheric upwelling as well as rift-induced convection particularly in the narrow southern margin. We suggest that structural and igneous evolution of the Korean margin, although it is in a back-arc setting, can be explained by the processes occurring at the passive continental margin with magmatism influenced by asthenospheric upwelling.  相似文献   
The upflow anaerobic sludge blanket process followed by the biological aerated filter process was employed to improve the removal of color and recalcitrant compounds from real dyeing wastewater. The highest removal efficiency for color was observed in the anaerobic process, at 8-h hydraulic retention time, seeded with the sludge granule. In the subsequent aerobic process packed with the microbe-immobilized polyethylene glycol media, the removal efficiency for chemical oxygen demand increased significantly to 75 %, regardless of the empty bed contact time. The average influent non-biodegradable soluble chemical oxygen demand was 517 mg/L, and the average concentration in effluent from the anaerobic reactor was 363 mg/L, suggesting the removal of some recalcitrant matters together with the degradable ones. The average non-biodegradable soluble chemical oxygen demand in effluent from the aerobic reactor was 87, 93, and 118 mg/L, with the removal efficiency of 76, 74, and 67 %, at 24-, 12-, and 8-h empty bed contact time, respectively. The combined anaerobic sludge blanket and aerobic cell-entrapped process was effective to remove the refractory compounds from real dyeing wastewater as well as in reducing organic loading to meet the effluent discharge limits. This integrated process is considered an effective and economical treatment technology for dyeing wastewater.  相似文献   
Some pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite-bearing amphibole megacrysts (including pyroxene megacrysts) were discovered in Mesozoic augite diorite-porphyrite at Caoshan in Tongling area, Anhui Province. The amphibole megacrysts, belonging mainly to pargasite and magnesiohastingsite, are characteristic of the amphibole composition derived from mantle and crystallized in lower crust. In general, the aggregates of pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite take the shapes of cylinder and sphere. Three occurrences have been recognized in the amphibole megacrysts: parallel linear, bunchy and scattered. The unique cylinder-like shape of the aggregates and remarkable Ni-poor sulfides in Caoshan are distinctively different from the spherical Ni-rich sulfides in pyroxene megacrysts and any other kinds of megacrysts. In terms of composition, the amphibole megacrysts and their sulfides in Caoshan are similar to those in the pyroxenite xenoliths in Qilin, Guangdong Province. In terms of origin, the pyrrhotite-chalcopyrites as exsolution products resulted from the subsolidus re-equilibration of sulfide solid solution within amphibole megacrysts.amphibole megacrysts were first discovered inside and outside China. This discovery is important for the study of regional magma evolution and its associated mineralizations and ore sources as well.  相似文献   
The 2010 eruption of Merapi (VEI 4) was the volcano’s largest since 1872. In contrast to the prolonged and effusive dome-forming eruptions typical of Merapi’s recent activity, the 2010 eruption began explosively, before a new dome was rapidly emplaced. This new dome was subsequently destroyed by explosions, generating pyroclastic density currents (PDCs), predominantly consisting of dark coloured, dense blocks of basaltic andesite dome lava. A shift towards open-vent conditions in the later stages of the eruption culminated in multiple explosions and the generation of PDCs with conspicuous grey scoria and white pumice clasts resulting from sub-plinian convective column collapse. This paper presents geochemical data for melt inclusions and their clinopyroxene hosts extracted from dense dome lava, grey scoria and white pumice generated during the peak of the 2010 eruption. These are compared with clinopyroxene-hosted melt inclusions from scoriaceous dome fragments from the prolonged dome-forming 2006 eruption, to elucidate any relationship between pre-eruptive degassing and crystallisation processes and eruptive style. Secondary ion mass spectrometry analysis of volatiles (H2O, CO2) and light lithophile elements (Li, B, Be) is augmented by electron microprobe analysis of major elements and volatiles (Cl, S, F) in melt inclusions and groundmass glass. Geobarometric analysis shows that the clinopyroxene phenocrysts crystallised at depths of up to 20 km, with the greatest calculated depths associated with phenocrysts from the white pumice. Based on their volatile contents, melt inclusions have re-equilibrated during shallower storage and/or ascent, at depths of ~0.6–9.7 km, where the Merapi magma system is interpreted to be highly interconnected and not formed of discrete magma reservoirs. Melt inclusions enriched in Li show uniform “buffered” Cl concentrations, indicating the presence of an exsolved brine phase. Boron-enriched inclusions also support the presence of a brine phase, which helped to stabilise B in the melt. Calculations based on S concentrations in melt inclusions and groundmass glass require a degassing melt volume of 0.36 km3 in order to produce the mass of SO2 emitted during the 2010 eruption. This volume is approximately an order of magnitude higher than the erupted magma (DRE) volume. The transition between the contrasting eruptive styles in 2010 and 2006 is linked to changes in magmatic flux and changes in degassing style, with the explosive activity in 2010 driven by an influx of deep magma, which overwhelmed the shallower magma system and ascended rapidly, accompanied by closed-system degassing.  相似文献   
Preliminary analysis with a solar radiation model is generally performed for photovoltaic power generation projects. Therefore, model accuracy is extremely important. The temporal and spatial resolutions used in previous studies of the Korean Peninsula were 1 km × 1 km and 1-h, respectively. However, calculating surface solar radiation at 1-h intervals does not ensure the accuracy of the geographical effects, and this parameter changes owing to atmospheric elements (clouds, aerosol, ozone, etc.). Thus, a change in temporal resolution is required. In this study, one-year (2013) analysis was conducted using Chollian geostationary meteorological satellite data from observations recorded at 15-min intervals. Observation data from the intensive solar site at Gangneung-Wonju National University (GWNU) showed that the coefficient of determination (R²), which was estimated for each month and season, increased, whereas the standard error (SE) decreased when estimated in 15-min intervals over those obtained in 1-h intervals in 2013. When compared with observational data from 22 solar sites of the Korean Meteorological Administration (KMA), R2 was 0.9 or higher on average, and over- or under-simulated sites did not exceed 3 sites. The model and 22 solar sites showed similar values of annual accumulated solar irradiation, and their annual mean was similar at 4,998 MJ m?2 (3.87 kWh m?2). These results show a difference of approximately ± 70 MJ m?2 (± 0.05 kWh m?2) from the distribution of the Korean Peninsula estimated in 1-h intervals and a higher correlation at higher temporal resolution.  相似文献   
Estimation of Block Sizes for Rock Masses with Non-persistent Joints   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
Summary  Discontinuities or joints in the rock mass have various shapes and sizes. Along with the joint orientation and spacing, the joint persistence, or the relative size of the joint, is one of the most important factors in determining the block sizes of jointed rock masses. Although the importance of joint persistence on the overall rock mass strength has long been identified, the impact of persistence on rock strength is in most current rock mass classification systems underrepresented. If joints are assumed to be persistent, as is the case in most designs, the sizes of the rock blocks tend to be underestimated. This can lead to more removable blocks than actually exist in-situ. In addition, a poor understanding of the rock bridge strength may lead to lower rock mass strengths, and consequently, to excessive expenditure on rock support. In this study, we suggest and verify a method for the determination of the block sizes considering joint persistence. The idea emerges from a quantitative approach to apply the GSI system for rock mass classification, in which the accurate block size is required. There is a need to statistically analyze how the distribution of rock bridges according to the combination of joint orientation, spacing, and persistence will affect the actual size of each individual block. For this purpose, we generate various combinations of joints with different geometric conditions by the orthogonal arrays using the distinct element analysis tools of UDEC and 3DEC. Equivalent block sizes (areas in 2D and volumes in 3D) and their distributions are obtained from the numerical simulation. Correlation analysis is then performed to relate the block sizes predicted by the empirical equation to those obtained from the numerical model simulation. The results support the concept of equivalent block size proposed by Cai et al. (2004, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., 41(1), 3–19).  相似文献   
Currently used and newly proposed calculation techniques for the heightof the stable boundary layer (SBL), including the bulk-Richardson-numbermethod, diagnostic equations for the equilibrium SBL height, and a relaxation-typeprognostic equation, are discussed from the point of view of their physical basis andrelevance to experimental data. Among diagnostic equations, the best fit to data exhibits an advanced Ekman-layer height model derived recently with due regard to the role of the free-flow stability. Its extension to non-steady regimes provides a prognostic equation recommended for use in practical applications.  相似文献   
This study examines the potential impact of vegetation feedback on the changes in the diurnal temperature range (DTR) due to the doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentrations during summer over the Northern Hemisphere using a global climate model equipped with a dynamic vegetation model. Results show that CO2 doubling induces significant increases in the daily mean temperature and decreases in DTR regardless of the presence of the vegetation feedback effect. In the presence of vegetation feedback, increase in vegetation productivity related to warm and humid climate lead to (1) an increase in vegetation greenness in the mid-latitude and (2) a greening and the expansion of grasslands and boreal forests into the tundra region in the high latitudes. The greening via vegetation feedback induces contrasting effects on the temperature fields between the mid- and high-latitude regions. In the mid-latitudes, the greening further limits the increase in T max more than T min, resulting in further decreases in DTR because the greening amplifies evapotranspiration and thus cools daytime temperature. The greening in high-latitudes, however, it reinforces the warming by increasing T max more than T min to result in a further increase in DTR from the values obtained without vegetation feedback. This effect on T max and DTR in the high latitude is mainly attributed to the reduction in surface albedo and the subsequent increase in the absorbed insolation. Present study indicates that vegetation feedback can alter the response of the temperature field to increases in CO2 mainly by affecting the T max and that its effect varies with the regional climate characteristics as a function of latitudes.  相似文献   
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