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This paper investigates the interplay of the catchment geomorphology, hydrology and soil properties on the development of waterlogging and land degradation within different dry land catchments in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Multi-temporal remote sensing data of the Landsat Thematic Mapper and Enhanced Thematic Mapper were collected and processed to detect the land cover changes and development of cultivations within the two areas. The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Digital Elevation Model were hydrologically processed to delineate the catchment morphometrical parameters and to examine the spatial distribution of cultivated fields and their relation to the extracted drainage networks. The fluvial channels of the Farafra Oasis have largely been obliterated by the prevailing aridity and often buried under aeolian deposits. The soil of these areas are mainly lithic with a high calcium carbonate content, thus limiting the downward percolation of excess irrigation water and therefore develop perched water table and seepage through the buried fluvial channels. On the other hand, the cultivations of Tabuk catchment (which has similar geomorphologic setting to the Farafra Oasis) have shown no signs for waterlogging. This situation is could be related to the different soil properties; the spatial distribution of cultivated areas and the adopted irrigation methods via pivots. The inactive alluvial channels, landforms and irrigation methods have to be considered when planning for a new cultivation in dry land catchments to better control waterlogging hazard. The ‘dry-drainage’ concept can be implemented as the drainage and seepage water, which can be conveyed into certain abandoned playas for evaporation.  相似文献   
Air particulate matter (PM) samples were collected from June 2006 to May 2007 for determination of chemical elements. PM samples were taken in two size fractions (PM2.5 and PM10) with MiniVolume air samplers on rooftops of various buildings (15–25 m above ground) in the city of Riyadh. The samples were subjected to X-ray fluorescence analysis to measure major (Na, Mg, Al, K, Ca, Si, P, S, and Fe) and trace elements (Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Ba). The results showed that the PM concentrations were higher for PM10 compared to PM2.5, indicating that the major PM source was local dust. Also the spatial distribution with high PM concentrations was observed in the south and southeast of the city and the lowest levels were in the center and northeast of the city. This spatial distribution was attributed to different factors such as wind direction and velocity, emission from cement factories, and the presence of buildings, trees, and paved streets that reduce the amount of dust resuspended into the atmosphere. The air quality of the city was found to range from good to hazardous based on PM2.5, and from good to very hazardous based on PM10. The element-enrichment factors revealed two element groups according to their changing spatial behavior. The first group showed no significant spatial changes indicating they have the same common source. The second group (mainly S and Ni) exhibited significant changes as expected from anthropogenic inputs. The origin of S is possibly a combination of minerals (CaSO4) and fossil fuel combustion. The source of Ni is probably from fossil fuel combustion.  相似文献   
This work examines the different effects meteoric versus marine diagenesis had on Cambro-Ordovician tidal sandstones during episodes of fluctuating sea level. The distribution of diagenetic fabrics was compared to a sequence stratigraphic framework. Initially, a rise in relative sea level (RSL) resulted in deposition of transgressive systems tract sands directly onto crystalline basement. These sandstones display evidence of limited cementation by marine, grain-fringing dogtooth-like and fibrous calcite. A fall in RSL resulted in the progradation of a tidal flat complex and deposition of highstand systems tract (HST) and lowstand systems tract (braided fluvial) sandstones. Contemporaneous meteoric-water flux into sands of all the systems tracts occurred. Sequence boundaries (SB) are marked by fluvial incision of tidal sands and by the development of palaeosols. Meteoric incursion during sea-level lowstands resulted in the dissolution and kaolinitization of feldspars, micas and mud intraclasts in all systems tracts, but is most extensive in HST sandstones below the SB. The effect of meteoric-water flux on the dissolution of marine calcite cements is poorly known. Mesogenetic alterations include intergranular pressure dissolution and formation of variable amounts of syntaxial quartz overgrowths in all systems tracts. Telogenetic alteration (i.e. weathering) in the sandstones includes the formation of goethite and calcite. Thus, the integration of diagenesis with sequence stratigraphy provides a useful tool with which to understand reservoir-quality distribution in sand-dominated, tidal sediments.  相似文献   
中国对虾肌动球蛋白变性后ATPase活性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国对虾肌动球蛋白(Aotomyosin)经冷冻变性和热变性后,对Ca2+-ATPase、Mg2+-ATPase活性及蛋白质溶解度进行了研究。冷冻变性之后,肌动球蛋白Ca2+-ATPase活性呈逐渐下降趋势,一般贮藏温度越低,活性降低越快。热变性之后,肌动球蛋白Ca2+或Mg2+-ATPase活性都随温度升高而下降,但肌动球蛋白Ca2+或Mg2+-ATPase活性在35℃有一急剧下降的拐点,并分别在45℃、40℃附近低到0。由于蛋白质的变性,其溶解度也降低  相似文献   
Partially saturated reservoirs are one of the major sources of seismic wave attenuation, modulus defect and velocity dispersion in real seismic data. The main attenuation and dispersion phenomenon is wave induced fluid flow due to the heterogeneity in pore fluids or porous rock. The identification of pore fluid type, saturation and distribution pattern within the pore space is of great significance as several seismic and petrophysical properties of porous rocks are largely affected by fluid type, saturation and fluid distribution pattern. Based on Gassmann-Wood and Gassmann- Hill rock physics models modulus defect, velocity dispersion and attenuation in Jurassic siliclastic partially-saturated rocks are studied. For this purpose two saturation patterns - uniform and patchy - are considered within the pore spaces in two frequency regimes i.e., lower frequency and higher frequency. The results reveal that at low enough frequency where saturation of liquid and gas is uniform, the seismic velocity and bulk modulus are lower than at higher frequency where saturation of fluid mixture is in the form of patches. The velocity dispersion and attenuation is also modeled at different levels of gas saturation. It is found that the maximum attenuation and velocity dispersion is at low gas saturation. Therefore, the dispersion and attenuation can provide a potential way to predict gas saturation and can be used as a property to differentiate low from high gas saturation.  相似文献   
Based on the common approach,the adaptation length in sediment transport is normally estimated astemporally independent.However,this approach might not be theoretically justified as the process of reaching the sediment transport equilibrium stage is affected by the flow conditions in time,especially for fast moving flows,such as scour-hole developing flows.In this study,the two-dimensional(2D) shallow water formulation together with a sediment continuity-concentration(SCC) model were applied to flow with mobile sediment boundary.A timevarying approach was proposed to determine the sediment transport adaptation length to simulate the sediment erosion-deposition rate.The proposed computational model was based on the Finite Volume(FV) method.The Monotone Upwind Scheme of Conservative Laws(MUSCL)-Hancock scheme was used with the Harten Lax van Leer-contact(HLLC) approximate Riemann solver to discretize the FV model.In the flow applications of this paper,a highly discontinuous dam-break,fast sediment transport flow was used to calibrate the proposed timevarying sediment adaptation length model.Then the calibrated model was further applied to two separate experimental sediment transport flow applications documented in the literature,i.e.a highly concentrated sediment transport flow in a wide alluvial channel and a sediment aggradation flow.Good agreement with the experimental data were obtained with the proposed model simulations.The tests prove that the proposed model,which was calibrated by the discontinuous dam-break bed scouring flow,also performed well to represent rapid bed change and steady sediment mobility conditions.  相似文献   
Gaza coastal aquifer (GCA) is the most precious natural source where it is the only source of water for different uses. Groundwater crisis in Gaza includes two major folds: shortage of water supply and contamination. The extraction of groundwater currently exceeds the aquifer recharge rate. As a result, the groundwater level is falling continuously leading severely deterioration of GCA. The main objective of this study is to analyze and evaluate the current and proposed water resources management plans and their effect on the water level of GCA. In this respect, the available quantities of rainfall that could be harvested and infiltrated from different types of land-use based on existing and planned situations are studied using GIS tool and numerical models for GCA using V-MODFLOW environment for simulating four scenarios: (i) existing management practice (no action scenario), (ii) proposed Palestinian Water Authority (PWA) stormwater infiltration plan, (iii) proposed Gaza Emergency Technical Assistance Program (GETAP) interventions, and (iv) combination between second and third scenarios. The management scenarios were tested with the calibrated flow model for the target period between 2016 and 2040. The simulation results of existing management practice scenario show that there are several depression zones in Gaza Strip; in southern part from ??18 to ??24 m MSL in 2020 and 2040, in the northern part from ??7 to ??12 m MSL in 2020 and 2040, and in the middle regions experienced a small decline in groundwater level. The simulation results of proposed PWA scenario indicate similar depression zones as per first scenario but with good enhancement of water level, ??17 to ??18 m MSL in the southern part and ??3 to ??6 m MSL in the northern part in 2020 and 2040, respectively. The simulation results of GETAP intervention scenario show a positive impact on groundwater level. The results of fourth scenario show good enhancement of water level, in which the water level in the northern part ranges from +?3 to +?6 m MSL in 2020 and 2040, while in the south part ranges from ??15 to +?4 MSL in 2020 and 2040.  相似文献   
Immobilized form of Serratia marcescens strain AQ07 was experimented for cyanide biodegradation. Cyanide degradation (200 ppm) was achieved after 24-h incubation. Three parameters were optimized which included gellan gum concentration, beads size, and number of beads. In accordance with one-factor-at-a-time method, cyanide removal was optimum at 0.6% w/v gellan gum gel, 0.3-cm-diameter beads, and 50 beads number. It was able to withstand cyanide toxicity of 800 ppm, which makes it very suitable candidate in cyanide remediation. Beads reusability indicates one-cycle ability. The first cycle removed 96.3%, while the second removed 78.5%. Effects of heavy metals at 1.0 ppm demonstrated that mercury has a considerable effect on bacteria, inhibiting degradation to 61.6%, while other heavy metals have less effect, removing 97–98%. Maximum specific degradation rate of 0.9997 h?1 was observed at 200 ppm cyanide concentration. Gellan gum was used as the encapsulation matrix. ?-picoline-barbituric acid spectrophotometric analytical method was used to optimize the condition in buffer medium integrated with potassium cyanide via one-factor-at-a-time and response surface method. The range of cyanide concentrations used in this research, specific biodegradation rate was obtained to model the substrate inhibition kinetics. This rate fits to the kinetic models of Teisser, Aiba and Yano, which are utilized to elucidate substrate inhibition on degradation. One-factor-at-a-time approach parameters were adopted because it removes more cyanide compared to response surface methodology modules. The predicted biokinetic constant from this model suggests suitability of the bacteria for use in cyanide treatment of industrial waste effluents.  相似文献   
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