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It is conventionally thought that the state equation of dense matter softens and thus cannot result in high maximum mass if pulsars are quark stars and that a recently discovered 2M⊙ pulsar (PSR J1614-2230) may make pulsars unlikely to be quark stars. However, this standard point of view would be revisited and updated if quark clustering could occur in cold quark matter because of the strong coupling be- tween quarks at realistic baryon densities in compact stars. It can be argued that the state equation of...  相似文献   
We collected almost all Highly Processed Data Products(HPDP)of ISO SWS01 spectra for the Galactic visual carbon stars,infrared carbon stars,extreme carbon stars and carbon-rich proto-planetary nebulae(PPNs).Those infrared spectra are primarily analyzed and discussed.It is shown that either spectral shapes/peaks,or main molecular/dust features are evidenced to change in the sequence of visual carbon stars,infrared carbon stars,extreme carbon stars and carbon-rich PPNs.Statistically,in this sequence,continua are gradually changed from blue to red and locations of spectral peaks of continua are also gradually changed from short wavelengths to long wavelengths.In addition,in this sequence,intensifies of main molecular/dust features are also gradually changed from prominent in the short wavelengths to prominent in the long wavelengths.Furthermore,from 2MASS and IRAS photometric data,the sequence is also proved.Results in this paper strongly support the previous suggestion for the evolution sequence of carbon-rich objects in our Galaxy,that is the sequence of visual carbon stars→infrared carbon stars→extreme carbon stars→carbon-rich PPNs.  相似文献   
<正>The superimposed basins in the western region of China are a hot research topic for earth scientists home and abroad for their vast area and rich oil and gas resources.Their complex geological conditions and resultant great exploration difficulties have received much attention of the scientists.This issue presents the advances of several scholars in their long-term research on the mechanisms of oil and gas accumulation and the patterns of oil and gas distribution.These studies are part of the National 973 Project entitled "Mechanism of Oil and Gas Accumulation and  相似文献   
The South China fold belt has experienced a complex series of tectonic events that span 1.0 billion years of earth history. Longhushan (龙虎山) World Geopark is located on the Proterozoic suture between the Yangtze craton and Cathyasia block and highlights the long history of this belt. Collision of the Cathyasia and Yangtze cratons 1.0 billion years ago was associated with the formation of the Rodinian supercontinent where most of the planet's landmasses were amalgamated into one block. Jurassic through Early...  相似文献   
Up to now,there were no systematic studies of geochemistry and isotopic age for the Yixian(义县) fluorite deposit,western Liaoning(辽宁) Province,China.Based on the analysis of metallogenic geological setting,we studied the REE,Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopes.The chondrite-normalized REE patterns of fluorite are characterized by moderate LREE depletion(LREE/HREE=0.95-3.57,(La/Yb)N=0.08-2.84) and enrichment of Sr(146×10-6-596×10-6) and moderately positive Eu anomalies(δEu=1.10-1.34),which are similar to those of the ho...  相似文献   
滨里海盆地的岩相古地理特征及其演化   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
滨里海盆地内充填了巨厚的古生代、中生代和新生代沉积物。在剖面上可分为三套地层组合,即盐下层系、含盐层系和盐上层系。盐下层系为下古生界-下二叠统,包括巨厚的碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩沉积,在泥盆纪-早二叠世,滨里海盆地周缘广大地区普遍发育碳酸盐岩,在许多古隆起上还发育生物礁体,说明这一时期盆地的滨、浅海地带具有浅、清、暖的沉积环境,盆外陆源碎屑供应较少。含盐层系为下二叠统上部孔谷阶。早二叠世中-后期由于持续构造抬升,盆地气候变得干旱,海水变浅,潮上带蒸发环境发育,以致这一时期广泛发育盐类沉积,形成含盐层系,主要由盐岩和硬石膏层构成,并形成许多大小不等的盐丘构造。盐上层系为上二叠统-第四系。晚二叠世-三叠纪盆地又经历了一次大的海侵,为浅海陆棚环境,局部为海陆过渡三角洲相。侏罗纪-白垩纪在总的浅海陆棚环境下,盆地不同地区也形成了湖泊和瀉湖环境。晚二叠世以后形成的盐上层系沉积,主要为碎屑岩,在局部地区有碳酸盐岩。  相似文献   
李勇  ALDENSMORE  周荣军  MA  ELLIS 《地质学报》2005,79(5):608-615
龙门山是青藏高原东缘边界山脉,具有青藏高原地貌、龙门山高山地貌和山前冲积平原三个一级地貌单元。利用数字高程模式图像和裂变径迹年代测定方法研究和计算龙门山晚新生代剥蚀厚度与剥蚀速率,结果表明:3.6 Ma以来龙门山的剥蚀厚度介于1.91-2.16 km之间,剥蚀速率介于0.53-0.60 mm/a之间。在此基础上,开展了该地区岩石圈的弹性挠曲模拟,结果表明龙门山的隆升机制具有以构造缩短隆升和剥蚀卸载隆升相叠合的特点。3.6 Ma之前,龙门山的隆升与逆冲推覆构造负载有关,以构造缩短驱动的构造隆升为特色;3.6 Ma之后,龙门山的隆升与剥蚀卸载驱动的抬升有关,并以剥蚀卸载隆升为特色,进而提出了龙门山晚新生代以来的隆升机制以剥蚀成山作用为主的认识。  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTION One of the most intriguing phenomena in the late Neoproterozoic (~750 to 543 Ma) is the globa occurrence of thin carbonates that directly overlie glacial deposits in almost every continent (Kennedy 1996; Hoffman et al., 1998; Hoffman and Schrag 2002; Brasier and Shields, 2000; James et al., 2001 Jiang et al., 2003; Nogueira et al., 2003). These “cap carbonates”, commonly several to tens of meters thick, have attracted enormous interests because o their unusually negati…  相似文献   
中国西北地区石炭纪岩相古地理?   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
根据研究区实测露头剖面沉积构造、岩矿、沉积地球化学、粒度分析、古流向资料、重矿物及沉积相的综合研究,结合地层、古生物、区域岩性资料等,对研究区石炭纪岩相古地理特征进行了分析。研究区早石炭世有5个古陆,即阿勒泰古陆南准噶尔古陆、敦煌-走廊古陆、阿拉善古陆、陇西古陆;有10个沉积相区,即库马苏滨浅海相区、布尔津-富蕴滨浅海相区、博格达滨浅海区、北准噶尔深海-半深海相区、北天山半深海-深海相区、克拉美丽冲积扇-湖泊相区、克拉玛依冲积扇-湖泊区、南天山-北祁连滨浅相区、柴达木碳酸盐台地相区、中祁连滨浅海相区。晚石炭世的岩相古地理与早石炭世相比,既有继承性,也有一定的差异,古陆范围有所小;有5个古陆,即阿勒泰古陆、北准噶尔古陆、马鬃山古陆、敦煌-阿拉善古陆、中天山古陆;有9个沉积相区,即库马苏河湖相区、布津-富蕴河湖相区、克拉美丽-巴里坤滨浅海相区、博乐-库尔勒-红柳园滨浅海相区、克拉玛依-哈密半深海-深海相区、乌鲁木齐生物滩丘区、柴达木碳酸盐岩台地相区、宗务隆山浅海-半深海相区、祁连滨浅海相区。半深海-深海相区、滨浅海相区和三角洲相区是较为有利的气分布区。  相似文献   
Some 1800 km2 of Archaean terrain have been mapped (the Eastern Geotraverse of the Botswana Geological Survey, Geodynamics Project) including a part of the schist belt/granitic terrain of the Rhodesian Craton, and part of the Limpopo Mobile Belt in the south. The cratonic area includes the whole or part of four schist belts (greenstone belts) now referred to as ‘schist relics’ as they are shown to be mega-xenoliths surviving regional deformation and granitisation.The schist relics display a typical greenstone belt composition with basal ultra-mafic schist, extrusive meta-basalts, serpentinites, and meta-dacites, -andesites, -rhyolites and volcanoclastic rocks appearing up the succession. These are termed the Volcanic Group. They also contain marble, graphitic phyllite, meta-greywacke, banded ironstone and aluminous schist.The schist relics overlie thick sequences of granitised clastic sediments with intercalated volcanic and sedimentary layers which are regarded as an integral, lower part of the succession. The total sequence, including the Volcanic Group and underlying rocks is at least 30 km thick.The schist relics originally formed a more continuous and lithostratigraphically equivalent succession, which may have included some of the Rhodesian schist belts. Such a succession would be of the order of size of an island arc system in length and width.An early stage of regional folding (F1) is recognized, from preserved fabrics and structural analysis, which is tentatively proposed as nappe folding on a regional scale. This was accompanied by low-grade metamorphism. This first stage of deformation determined the regional pattern as it is still seen.Tonalite/monzonite plutons were emplaced within the Volcanic Group and probably protected the relics during regional granitisation.Regional granitisation, which isolated the schist relics, was accompanied by pyroxene hornfels metamorphism. This was followed by a regional, penetrative deformation (F2) with amphibolite facies (Barrovian type) metamorphism. This is the most prominent style of deformation which, although most intensely developed in the Limpopo Mobile Belt, is imposed throughout the whole area. The Limpopo Belt cuts across the area in the south as a large ductile shear zone and affects rocks largely similar to those of the craton, although anorthosites are not known outside it.The Limpopo Belt has its own style of deformation — interference folds, and several stages of folding related to transcurrent movement, and intense cataclasis.Metamorphism is similar throughout Limpopo Mobile Belt and Craton, each event being recognized in both domains and being of similar grades.In many respects the Botswana Eastern Geotraverse area resembles other Archaean terrains and analogies can be drawn. In attempting to find a geotectonic model into which it can be placed there is a considerable range of choices, and not enough constraints existing either within the imperfectly preserved geological record, nor within the expanding and elastic framework of Global tectonic theory.No direct evidence for subduction zones or plate boundaries has been found, nor is this surprising considering the subsequent history. On the other hand we see nothing in the rather detailed body of evidence that has been accumulated by mapping to preclude a place within Plate theory as outlined for the Phanerozoic. It allows a moderately uniformitarian interpretation rather than one supposing unique conditions preculiar to the Archaean, such as the concept of isolated volcanic depositaries, or of unique and peculiar crustal conditions.  相似文献   
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