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We measured seasonal effects of wastewater treatment plant (WTP) effluent on growth, survival, and accumulation of microbes in oysters near a major WTP in Mobile Bay, AL. Despite higher nutrients near the WTP, seasonal conditions rather than distance affected chlorophyll a concentration and oyster growth. In summer and fall, when oyster growth was higher, δ15N‰ in oysters near the WTP changed through time to reflect δ15N‰ in effluent (approx. −4‰). Microbial indicators (male-specific coliphage, fecal coliforms) were highest in oysters near the WTP in all seasons and correlated with δ15N‰ in fall and summer. Increased riverine discharge and slower acquisition of δ15N‰ likely confounded correlations in winter/spring. Although we did not detect gross ecological effects of wastewater exposure for oysters, data indicated wastewater-derived particles entered the local food web and accumulated in oysters. These data highlight the importance of using multiple indicators of wastewater exposure and considering both seasonal and spatial effects when defining wastewater influence on a system or species.  相似文献   
Forest disturbances such as harvesting, wildfire and insect infestation are critical ecosystem processes affecting the carbon cycle. Because carbon dynamics are related to time since disturbance, forest stand age that can be used as a surrogate for major clear-cut/fire disturbance information has recently been recognized as an important input to forest carbon cycle models for improving prediction accuracy. In this study, forest disturbances in the USA for the period of ∼1990–2000 were mapped using 400+ pairs of re-sampled Landsat TM/ETM scenes in 500m resolution, which were provided by the Landsat Ecosystem Disturbance Adaptive Processing System project. The detected disturbances were then separated into two five-year age groups, facilitated by Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) data, which was used to calculate the area of forest regeneration for each county in the USA.  相似文献   
We present a statistical methodology which aims to monitor and assess the progress of unexploded ordnance remediation. We explicitly quantify the probability that each buried sensor-identified anomaly is not a target of interest conditional on the information gleaned from anomalies which have been dug and identified. We provide a measure of confidence that the anomalies which remain onsite after remediation are not unexploded ordnance—this measure of confidence is gleaned through Monte Carlo methods. The methodology is iterative in that, at any point in the remediation process, we can assess remediation progress and compute the probability that no targets of interest remain given the available dig information.  相似文献   
Coal fires in natural outcrops, in abandoned and active coal mines, and in coal and coal-refuse piles are responsible for the uncontrolled emissions of gases, including CO, CO2, H2S, hydrocarbons, and volatile aromatics. Typically, measurements of gases at a mine vent are made over a short time interval, perhaps no more than 10 min, including the time for replicate measurements. Such timing provides little information on longer-term variations in emissions, although comparisons of seasonal measurements suggest such changes do occur. To address this problem, we placed temperature and CO data loggers in coal fire vents to collect time series measurements for a period of up to three weeks. For one experiment, 11 days of data at one-minute intervals indicated that the CO emissions were generally in the 400–550 ppmv range. However near daily depressions in CO concentrations occurred and in some cases fell below 50 ppmv; followed by an increase to ~ 700–800 ppmv; in turn followed by a return to the ambient conditions. Data for a separate 21-day collection period in a different vent of the same fire exhibited similar trends, albeit at a higher CO concentration. The drop in CO concentration may be associated with a meteorologically-driven inhalation cycle of the fire, whereby air diluted the combustion generated CO. We propose this was followed by an increase in the intensity of the fire due to increased O2 from the inhaled air, producing increased CO concentrations, before settling back to the ambient conditions.  相似文献   
The Jalisco Block is thought to be part of the Guerrero terrane, but the nature and age of the underlying crystalline basement are largely unknown. We have collected a suite of schists, granitoids, and weakly metamorphosed marine sediments from various parts of the Jalisco Block including Atenguillo and Ameca, Mascota and San Sebastián, Cuale, Puerto Vallarta, Punta Mita, Yelapa, and Tomatlán. The schists range in age from 135 to 161 Ma, with many exhibiting Proterozoic and Phanerozoic zircon ages. The granitoids range in age from 65 to 90 Ma, and are calc-alkaline compositionally—similar to granitoids from the Puerto Vallarta and Los Cabos batholiths. The Jalisco granitoids also experienced similar uplift rates to granitoids from the regions to the north and south of the Jalisco Block. The marine sediments yield a maximum depositional age of 131 Ma, and also contain a significant zircon population with ages extending back to the Archean. Granitoids from this study define two age groups, even after the effects of thermal resetting and different closure temperatures are considered. The 66.8-Ma silicic ash flow tuff near Union de Tula significantly expands the extent of this Cretaceous–Paleocene age ash flow tuff unit within the Jalisco Block, and we propose calling the unit “Carmichael silicic ash flow tuff volcanic succession” in honor of Ian Carmichael. The ages of the basement schists in the Jalisco Block fully overlap with the ages of terranes of continental Mexico, and other parts of the Guerrero terrane in the south, confirming the autochthonous origin of the Jalisco Block rather than exotic arc or allochthonous origin. Geologic data, in combination with geochronologic and oxygen isotopic data, suggest the evolution of SW Mexico with an early 200–1,200-Ma passive margin, followed by steep subduction in a continental arc setting at 160–165 Ma, then shallower subduction by 135 Ma, and finally, emplacement of granitoids at 65–90 Ma.  相似文献   
The assemblage clinopyroxene + magnesite was observed in Earth’s high-pressure metamorphic samples, and its stability in subducting slabs was confirmed by experiments. Recent studies also suggested that the fO2 variations observed in SNC meteorites can be explained by polybaric graphite-CO-CO2 equilibria in the Martian mantle. Although there is no direct evidence for the stability of the cpx + mc assemblage in Mars mantle, its high-pressure–high-temperature decomposition to cpx + fo + CO2 makes it a good analogue for the source of carbon metasomatism, in particular, to study nakhlites formation. Iron, which is present in the Earth’s and Martian mantles, may, however, influence the speciation of carbon. We performed experiments on a clinopyroxene + magnesite assemblage at 1.8 and 3.0 GPa and temperatures corresponding to the Earth’s and Martian mantles. The role of iron and of fO2 was investigated by (1) replacing all or part of the magnesite by siderite FeCO3, (2) adding Fe0 and (3) using graphite C capsules. A carbonate-silicate melt forms at both Earth and Mars conditions. Clinopyroxene and olivine are the main solid phases in the iron-free experiments. Fe2+ and Fe0 decrease their melting temperatures and increase the silicate fraction in the melt. The produced carbonate-silicate melts may be involved in the formation of some carbon-rich lavas on Earth (e.g., carbonatites, ultramafic lamprophyres, or kamafugites). Our results may also be used to interpret ophiolite samples or inclusions. In particular, we show that wüstite may form in equilibrium with carbonate-silicate melt in opx-(and silica-) poor regions of the mantle below 3 GPa. Our results also confirm the hypothesis of carbon metasomatism in the Martian nakhlites source. Immiscibility or reduction could explain the absence or rarity of C in Martian lavas.  相似文献   
Granular disintegration has long been recognized and referred to in weathering texts from all environments, including the Antarctic. Despite this universal identification and referral, few to no data exist regarding thermal conditions at this scale and causative mechanisms remain little more than conjecture. Here, as part of a larger weathering study, thermal data of individual grains (using infrared thermometry and ultra‐fine thermocouples) composing a coarse granite, as well as the thermal gradients in the outer 10 cm (using thermistors), were collected from a north‐facing exposure. Measurements were also made regarding the surface roughness of the rock. Based on recorded temperatures, the nature of the rock surface and the properties of the minerals, an argument is made for complex stress fields that lead to granular disintegration. Mineral to mineral temperature differences found to occur were, in part, due to the changing exposure to solar radiation through the day (and through seasons). Because the thermal conductivity and the coefficient of thermal expansion of quartz are not equal in all directions, coupled with the vagaries of heating, this leads to inter‐granular stresses. Although fracture toughness increases with a decrease in temperature, it is suggested that the tensile forces resulting from falling temperatures are able to exceed this and produce granular disassociation. The lack of equality with respect to crystal axis of both thermal conductivity and expansion in quartz further exacerbates the propensity to failure. Grain size and porosity also influence the thermal stresses and may help explain why some grains are held in place despite disassociation near the surface. While the data presented here appear to beg more questions than providing answers, they do provide a basis for better, more detailed studies of this important weathering scale. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Increasing transformation and fragmentation of rural landscapes for economic reasons is causing concern to conservationists worldwide. With this trend likely to continue, perhaps conservation agencies and development corporations need to co-operate and plan housing developments that are environmentally and ecologically sustainable and can serve as refuges for endangered species. In KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, grasslands are particularly threatened by land transformation for housing developments. A case study is presented of a housing development, Wedgewood Estate in KwaZulu-Natal that has been developed and managed for conserving grassland habitat and associated species, particularly the endangered oribi (Ourebia ourebi). Feedback from the Estate's managers about the development and ecological impact were obtained. Wedgewood is an example of the viability of housing estates as refuges for endangered species and shows that the density and placement of housing and management of the natural habitat are important. It emphasizes the need for reviewing the types and amount of housing development, management of natural habitat, and the rules and regulations they put in place to assure the integrity of the conservancy is preserved. This case study also shows the potential of such ecologically sensitive housing developments as sources of surplus game for translocation, especially in the case of endangered species such as oribi.  相似文献   
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