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We compare two 28-year simulations performed with two versions of the Global Environmental Multiscale model run in variable-resolution mode. The two versions differ only by small differences in their radiation scheme. The most significant modification introduced is a reduction in the ice effective radius, which is observed to increase absorption of upwelling infrared radiation and increase temperature in the upper troposphere. The resulting change in vertical lapse rate is then observed to drive a resolution-dependent response of convection, which in turn modifies the zonal circulation and induces significant changes in simulated Atlantic tropical cyclone activity. The resulting change in vertical lapse rate and its implication in the context of anthropogenic climate change are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary. Using the theory of Part I of this work, a three-dimensional numerical tidal model of the Irish Sea is formulated with eddy viscosity defined in two layers through the vertical. In the upper layer the viscosity is uniform through the depth; in the lower layer it reduces linearly with increasing depth to a small value at the sea-bed where a no-slip condition is imposed. After experiments with varying frictional levels, the model is verified against observations of tidal elevation throughout the Irish Sea and against observations of current at a position in Liverpool Bay. To a first approximation, the well-known square law of bottom friction (involving depth-mean current) is confirmed, but only when the bottom roughness length is particularly related to the thickness of the lower layer.  相似文献   
During Cassini’s Enceladus encounter on 12th March 2008, the Cassini Electron Spectrometer, part of the CAPS instrument, detected fluxes of negative ions in the plumes from Enceladus. It is thought that these ions include negatively charged water group cluster ions associated with the plume and forming part of the ‘plume ionosphere’. In this paper we present our observations, argue that these are negative ions, and present preliminary mass identifications. We also suggest mechanisms for production and loss of the ions as constrained by the observations. Due to their short lifetime, we suggest that the ions are produced in or near the water vapour plume, or from the extended source of ice grains in the plume. We suggest that Enceladus now joins the Earth, Comet Halley and Titan as locations in the Solar System where negative ions have been directly observed although the ions observed in each case have distinctly different characteristics.  相似文献   
A critical test of a general circulation model is its performance on the regional scale. In this paper we examine the summer climatology of the CSIRO4 (4-layer) climate model over the Australian tropical region. The benchmark for the study is the positioning of the monsoon equatorial trough. We compare the CSIRO4 model climatology with the climatologies from the GFDL and GISS models and we report on the sensitivity of the position of the monsoon shear line and the strength of the monsoon westerly winds to the doubling of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The model results show that under the greenhouse scenario the monsoon is strengthened, but the average location of the monsoon shear line is not sensitive to the doubling of CO2. Offprint requests to: BF Ryan  相似文献   
C. Pilling  J. A. A. Jones 《水文研究》1999,13(17):2877-2895
Nationwide changes in spatially well‐resolved patterns of British runoff were investigated under two climate change scenarios derived from general circulation model (GCM) output. A physical process‐based hydrological model (HYSIM) was used to simulate effective runoff across a 10 km×10 km British grid under baseline and future climate conditions. A gridded baseline climatology for precipitation and the Penman variables was used to validate HYSIM across Britain using grid cell‐specific parameters derived from land use and soil type. The climate change scenarios were constructed from the Hadley Centre's high resolution equilibrium GCM (UKHI) for 2050 and transient GCM (UKTR) for 2065. Future effective runoff was simulated under both scenarios by applying changes in precipitation and the Penman variables to the baseline climatology. Annual effective runoff is shown to increase throughout most of Britain under the UKHI scenario for 2050, whilst it decreases over much of England and Wales under the UKTR scenario for 2065. Both scenarios show an increasing gradient in runoff between a wetter northern Britain and a drier south‐eastern Britain. This gradient is more pronounced under the UKTR scenario. Changes in effective runoff for winter and summer show an increase in seasonality under both scenarios. Winter runoff is shown to increase most in northern Britain under both scenarios, whilst summer runoff is shown to experience major reductions over much of England and Wales under the UKTR scenario. If these simulations are realized, Britain may expect an accentuated north to south‐east imbalance in available water resources. If this is combined with a temporal imbalance suggested by the increased seasonality, there could be problems for the future management of British water resources. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Visibility Analysis with the Multiscale Implicit TIN   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Visibility analysis is now a key function of many geographical information systems. It is also one of the most contentious tools, as it is notoriously prone to error. The paper will demonstrate the versatility of the Multiscale Implicit Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) for the application of intervisibility analysis at multiple resolutions. This approach allows for the integration of three-dimensional (3D) topographic features with the terrain surface. The multiscale TINs are derived from generalising digital contours at a variety of lateral tolerances. The models' performances are evaluated from an extensive field study undertaken in the South Wales valleys. Results suggest that the accuracy of intervisibility analysis is very dependent upon the availability of good quality 3D topographic data. In our study, such data were shown to improve visibility performance by more than 44% over its bare-earth TIN equivalent. Interestingly, generalisation of the TINs had very little effect on visibility performance. In addition, a Monte Carlo approach to sensitivity analysis was found to be detrimental to the accuracy of visibility prediction in the full terrain and topographic models. However, this probable approach can improve intervisibility performance by up to 18% on a bare-earth TIN. The range of these visibility modelling scenarios demonstrate the flexibility of the Multiscale Implicit TIN for digital surface modelling.  相似文献   
An unstructured mesh tidal model of the west coast of Britain, covering the Celtic Sea and Irish Sea is used to compare tidal distributions computed with finite element (FE) and finite volume (FV) models. Both models cover an identical region, use the same mesh, and have topography and tidal boundary forcing from a finite difference model that can reproduce the tides in the region. By this means, solutions from both models can be compared without any bias towards one model or another. Two-dimensional calculations show that for a given friction coefficient, there is more damping in the FV model than the FE model. As bottom friction coefficient is reduced, the two models show comparable changes in tidal distributions. In terms of mesh resolution, calculations show that for the M2 tide, the mesh is sufficiently fine to yield an accurate solution over the whole domain. However, in terms of higher harmonics of the tide, in particular the M6 component, its small-scale variability in near-shore regions which is comparable to the mesh of the model, suggests that the mesh resolution is insufficient in the near-coastal regions. Even with a finer mesh in these areas, without detailed bottom topography and a spatial varying friction depending on bed types and bed forms, which is not available, model skill would probably not be improved. In addition in the near-shore region, as shown in the literature, the solution is sensitive to the form of the wetting/drying algorithm used in the model. Calculations with a 3D version of the FV model show that for a given value of k, damping is reduced compared to the 2D version due to the differences in bed stress formulation, with the 3D model yielding an accurate tidal distribution over the region.  相似文献   
The radionuclide burden of vegetation comprising a tide-washed pasture at Ince Marsh in the Mersey Estuary, U.K., derives mainly from adhered external particulates originating as suspended sediments in estuarine water. Radionuclide concentrations are dominated by the growth cycle of the vegetation, with the highest winter levels of contamination activity an order of magnitude greater than the lowest levels in mid-summer. A secondary effect due to sediment transfer during periods of severe flooding produces subsidiary features on this dominant seasonal profile. Radionuclide concentrations on vegetation are in the range137Cs=8–191,134Cs=0.3–0.9,241Am=0.6–46,238Pu=0.1–1.5, and239/240Pu=0.8–44 Bq kg−1. These ranges reflect the relative concentrations of radionuclides in estuarine sediment (137Cs=615,241Am=202, and239/240Pu=104 Bq kg−1) rather than the values in filtered estuary water (137Cs=0.4,241Am=0.001, and239/240Pu=0.001 Bq 1−1). Median Kd values for these radionuclide species are Cs=1,400, Am=200,000, and Pu=80,000 1 kg−1).  相似文献   
Fresh water flowing from the Arctic Ocean via the East Greenland Current influences deep water formation in the Nordic Seas as well as the salinity of the surface and deep waters flowing from there. This fresh water has three sources: Pacific water (relatively fresh cf. Atlantic water), river runoff, and sea ice meltwater. To determine the relative amounts of the three sources of fresh water, in May 2002 we collected water samples across the East Greenland Current in sections from 81.5°N to the Irminger Sea south of Denmark Strait. We used nitrate-phosphate relationships to distinguish Pacific waters from Atlantic waters, salinity to obtain the sum of sea ice melt water and river runoff water, and total alkalinity to distinguish the latter. River runoff contributed the largest part of the total fresh water component, in some regions with some inventories exceeding 12 m. Pacific fresh water (Pacific source water S ∼ 32 cf. Atlantic source water S ∼ 34.9) typically provided about 1/3 of the river runoff contribution. Sea ice meltwater was very nearly non-existent in the surface waters of all sections, likely at least in part as a result of the samples being collected before the onset of the melt season. The fresh water from the Arctic Ocean was strongly confined to near the Greenland coast. We thus conjecture that the main source of fresh water from the Arctic Ocean most strongly impacting deep convection in the Nordic Seas would be sea ice as opposed to fresh water in the liquid phase, i.e., river runoff, Pacific fresh water, and sea ice meltwater.  相似文献   
Strontium isotopic analyses are reported for ophiolitic and associated rocks of Mesozoic and Tertiary age from the Drocea Mountains. The samples and their average Sr87/Sr86 and Rb/Sr ratios, in order, include: (a) ultramafics (partly serpentinized or uralitized peridotite, peridotite-melagabbro). 0.7043, 0.106; (b) gabbros, dolerites and anemasites (including magnetite-bearing, quartz dolerite, hornblende and normal gabbros), 0.7032, 0.021; (c) basalts (amygdaloidal, hyalopyroclasite), 0.7030, 0.040; and (d) granophyric and albitic vein rocks, 0.7046, 0.058. Also analyzed were (e) basalt-spilites of a younger intrusive cycle 0.7042, 0.046 (f) banatites, 0.7064, 0.542. Two Quaternary volcanics were analyzed from outside the Drocea Mountains: (g) augite-hypersthene andesite from Mt. Gut?i, 0.7083, 0.247, and olivine basalt from Raco?, 0.7043, 0.056. The data for the ophiolite suite show highest Sr87/Sr86 and Rb/Sr ratios in the ultramafics which suggests a two-stage origin with the ultramafics derived from a more primitive mantle than the later gabbros and basalts. Initial Sr87/Sr86 ratios range from 0.7021 to 0.7045 in gabbro and basalt and 0.7035 to 0.7056 in peridotite which is well within the limits found in oceanic tholeiites and suggests an origin for the complex as a spreading oceanic ridge. Cross-cutting felsic granophyric and albititic rocks as well as the late-stage basalts (a) have relatively low Sr87/Sr86 and Rb/Sr ratios, (b) represent a small volume, and (c) are intimately related to the ophiolites. They appear to have developed largely by late-stage differentiation and fractional crystallization of a tholeiitic magma. The higher ratios for the banatites and andesite from Mt. Gut?i suggest that significant amounts of sialic crustal material were involved in their formation. The basalt from Raco? is from the vicinity of a deep fracture zone; its relatively low Sr87/Sr86 ratio suggests a direct link to a mantle source with little or no crustal contamination.  相似文献   
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