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Identification of water-conducting fractures is important for the safety assessment of underground projects in crystalline rocks at geological disposal sites. We applied a portable methane gas analyzer by wavelength-scanned cavity ring-down spectroscopy to detect the water-conducting fractures in the underground tunnel of the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory, central Japan. The tunnel is excavated in granite with CH4-rich groundwater. Two approaches were taken to obtain the profile of CH4 concentration along the gallery walls: (1) “Scan by walking” at the speed of 0.5 m/s and (2) monitoring for 30 s at 0.5 or 1 m intervals. In the Scan by walking approach, the peaks of the CH4 concentration corresponded well with the occurrence of high water flow rate fractures. Thus, this method is useful for rapid identification of major water-conducting fractures. Monitoring at constant intervals takes more time than the Scan by walking approach; however, this method can largely detect occurrences of fractures with low fluid fluxes.  相似文献   
The Japan Meteorological Agency commenced an Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) provision service in August 2006 to advanced users and in October 2007 to the Japanese public. By the end of 2009, EEWs had been issued to advanced users for more than 2100 earthquakes and to the public for 11 earthquakes. Nearly 80% of seismic intensity predictions were accurate within ±1 intensity unit on JMA’s Seismic Intensity Scale. The Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake in 2008 demonstrated the efficiency of EEWs in many places. However, there were other cases where the warnings were not issued in time for strong tremors. Further technical development is needed for both earthquake source parameter estimation and seismic intensity prediction. Public education in regard to the technical limitations and accuracy of EEWs as well as actions to take in response to such warnings are also indispensable.  相似文献   
Using a three-dimensional finite element model, this study characterizes groundwater flow in a costal plain of the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. The model characterization involved taking field data describing the aquifer system and translating this information into input variables that the model code uses to solve governing equations of flow. Geological geometry and the number of aquifers have been analyzed based on a large amount of geological, hydrogeological and topographical data. Results of study demonstrate a high correlation between the ground surface elevation and the groundwater level in the shallow coastal aquifer. For calibrating the numerical groundwater model, the groundwater flow was simulated in steady state. In addition, the groundwater level and trend in the transient state has also been elucidated. The numerical result provides excellent visual representations of groundwater flow, presenting resource managers and decision makers with a clear understanding of the nature of the types of groundwater flow pathways. Results build a base for further analysis under different future scenarios.  相似文献   
Leg 2 of the French-Japanese 1984 Kaiko cruise has surveyed the Suruga and the Sagami Troughs, which lie on both sides of the northwestward moving and colliding Izu-Bonin Ridge, the northernmost part of the Philippine Sea plate. The transition from the Nankai Trough to the Suruga Trough is characterized by northward decrease in width of the accretionary prism, in good agreement with the increasing obliquity between the through axis and the direction of the convergence, as the strike of the convergent boundary changes from ENE-NNE to south-north. South of the area, the southern margin of the Zenisu Ridge shows contractional deformations. This supports the interpretation made by the team of Leg 1 who studied the western extension of the area we studied, that it is an intra-oceanic thrusting of the ridge over the Shikoku Basin. In the Sagami Trough, where the relative motion is highly oblique to the plate boundary, active subduction is mostly confined in the east-west trending portions of the trough located south of the Boso Peninsula and along the lower Boso Canyon, near the TTT triple junction. In between, the present motion is mainly right-lateral along the northwest trending Boso escarpment. However, an inactive but recent (Pliocene to lower Pleistocene) accretionary prism exists south of the Boso escarpment, which suggests that the relative motion was more northerly than at present before about 1 Ma ago.  相似文献   
In this study, the three‐dimensional (3‐D) microstructure of 48 Itokawa regolith particles was examined by synchrotron microtomography at SPring‐8 during the preliminary examination of Hayabusa samples. Moreover, the 3‐D microstructure of particles collected from two LL6 chondrites (Ensisheim and Kilabo meteorites) and an LL5 chondrite (Tuxtuac meteorite) was investigated by the same method for comparison. The modal abundances of minerals, especially olivine, bulk density, porosity, and grain size are similar in all samples, including voids and cracks. These results show that the Itokawa particles, which are surface materials from the S‐type asteroid Itokawa, are consistent with the LL chondrite materials in terms of not only elemental and isotopic composition of the minerals but also 3‐D microstructure. However, we could not determine whether the Itokawa particles are purely LL5, LL6, or a mixture of the two. No difference between the particles collected from Rooms A and B of the sample chamber, corresponding to the sampling sequence of the spacecraft's second and first touchdowns, respectively, was detected because of the statistically small amount of particles from Room B.  相似文献   
Cenozoic basin-forming processes in northwestern Kyushu were studied on the basis of geological and geophysical data. Gravity anomaly analysis delineated four sedimentary basins in the study area: Goto-nada, Nishisonogi, Amakusa-nada, and Shimabara. Borehole stratigraphy and reflection seismic interpretation suggest that the Goto-nada Basin was subdivided into the Paleogene and Plio-Pleistocene depocenters (Goto-nada 1 and 2). In the Paleogene, Amakusa-nada Basin was rapidly subsiding together with the Shimabara Basin as part of a large graben. Goto-nada 1 and Nishisonogi basins belonged to another depositional area. After stagnant subsidence stage in the early Miocene, the study area became a site of basaltic activity (since 10 Ma) and vigorous subsidence in the Plio-Pleistocene. Goto-nada 2 Basin is accompanied with numerous east–west active faults, and separated from the Amakusa-nada Basin by a northeast– southwest basement high, Nomo Ridge. Plio-Pleistocene subsidence of the Amakusa-nada Basin is related with low-angle normal faulting on the eastern flank of the Nomo Ridge. Shimabara Basin is a composite volcano-tectonic depression which is studded by east–west faults. Focal mechanism on active faults suggests transtensional stress regime in the study area.  相似文献   
The sound velocity (V P) of liquid Fe–10 wt% Ni and Fe–10 wt% Ni–4 wt% C up to 6.6 GPa was studied using the ultrasonic pulse-echo method combined with synchrotron X-ray techniques. The obtained V P of liquid Fe–Ni is insensitive to temperature, whereas that of liquid Fe–Ni–C tends to decrease with increasing temperature. The V P values of both liquid Fe–Ni and Fe–Ni–C increase with pressure. Alloying with 10 wt% of Ni slightly reduces the V P of liquid Fe, whereas alloying with C is likely to increase the V P. However, a difference in V P between liquid Fe–Ni and Fe–Ni–C becomes to be smaller at higher temperature. By fitting the measured V P data with the Murnaghan equation of state, the adiabatic bulk modulus (K S0) and its pressure derivative (K S ) were obtained to be K S0 = 103 GPa and K S  = 5.7 for liquid Fe–Ni and K S0 = 110 GPa and K S  = 7.6 for liquid Fe–Ni–C. The calculated density of liquid Fe–Ni–C using the obtained elastic parameters was consistent with the density values measured directly using the X-ray computed tomography technique. In the relation between the density (ρ) and sound velocity (V P) at 5 GPa (the lunar core condition), it was found that the effect of alloying Fe with Ni was that ρ increased mildly and V P decreased, whereas the effect of C dissolution was to decrease ρ but increase V P. In contrast, alloying with S significantly reduces both ρ and V P. Therefore, the effects of light elements (C and S) and Ni on the ρ and V P of liquid Fe are quite different under the lunar core conditions, providing a clue to constrain the light element in the lunar core by comparing with lunar seismic data.  相似文献   
N2 fixation is an important biological process that adds new nitrogen to oceans and plays a key role in modulating the oceanic nitrate inventory. However, it is not known how, when, and where N2 fixation rates have varied in response to past climate changes. This study presents a new record of nitrogen isotopic composition (δ15N) over the last 83 kyr from a sediment core (KH02-4 SUP8) taken in the Sulu Sea in the western equatorial Pacific region; data allow the N2 fixation variability in the sea to be reconstructed. Sediments, sinking, and suspended particulate organic matter (POM) all have lighter isotopic values compared to the δ15N values of substrate nitrate (av. 5.8‰) in North Pacific Intermediate Water. These lighter δ15N values are regarded as reflecting N2 fixation in the Sulu Sea surface water. A δ15N mass balance model shows that N2 fixation rates were significantly enhanced during 54–34 kyr in MIS-3 and MIS-2. It has been speculated that higher interglacial denitrification rates in the Arabian Sea and the eastern tropical Pacific would have markedly decreased the global oceanic N inventory and contributed to the increase in N2 fixation in oligotrophic regions, but such a model was not revealed by our study. It is possible that changes in N2 fixation rates in the Sulu Sea were regional response, and accumulation of phosphate in the surface waters due to enhanced monsoon-driven mixing is thought to have stimulated enhancements of N2 fixation during MIS-3 and MIS-2.  相似文献   
Neoproterozoic rocks constitute the Kenticha, Alghe and Bulbul litho-tectonic domains in the Negele area of southern Ethiopia. Structural features and fabrics in these rocks were developed during north-south folding (D1), thrusting (D2) and shearing (D3) deformation. From micro-structural inferences and fabric relationships in semi-pelitic schists/gneisses of the Kenticha and Alghe domains, three episodes of metamorphic mineral growths (M1, M2 and M3) are inferred to have accompanied the deformational events. Pressure-Temperature estimates on equilibrium garnet-plagioclase-biotite and garnet-biotite assemblages from semi-pelitic schists/gneisses of the two domains indicate metamorphic recrystallization at temperatures of 520–580°C and 590–640°C, and pressures of 4–5 kb and 6–7 kb in the Kenticha and Alghe domains, respectively. These results correspond to regional metamorphism at a depth of 16–20 km for the Kenticha and 22–25 km for the Alghe domains. The P-T results suggest that the protoliths to the rocks of the Kenticha and Alghe domains were subjected to metamorphism at different crustal depths. This implies exhumation of the Alghe gneissic rocks from intermediate crustal level (ca. 25 km) before juxtaposition with the Kenticha sequence along a north-south trending thrust at the present crustal level during the Neoproterozoic. The combined deformation, fabric and mineral growth data suggest that rocks in the Kenticha and Alghe domains evolved under similar tectono-metamorphic conditions, which resulted from crustal thickening and uplift followed by extension and orogenic collapse, exhumation and cooling before litho-tectonic domains coalesced and cratonized in the Neoproterozoic southern Ethiopian segment of the East African Orogen.  相似文献   
Keiji Ohtsuki 《Icarus》2004,172(2):432-445
We examine the rotation of a small moonlet embedded in planetary rings caused by impacts of ring particles, using analytic calculation and numerical orbital integration for the three-body problem. Taking into account the Rayleigh distribution of particles' orbital eccentricities and inclinations, we evaluate both systematic and random components of rotation, where the former arises from an average of a large number of small impacts and the latter is contribution from large impacts. Calculations for parameter values corresponding to inner parts of Saturn's rings show that a moonlet would spin slowly in the prograde direction if most impactors are small particles whose velocity dispersion is comparable to or smaller than the moonlet's escape velocity. However, we also find that the effect of the random component can be significant, if the velocity dispersion of particles is larger and/or impacts of large particles comparable to the moonlet's size are common: in this case, both prograde and retrograde rotations can be expected. In the case of a small moonlet embedded in planetary rings of equal-sized particles, we find that the systematic component dominates the moonlet rotation when m/M?0.1 (m and M are the mass of a particle and a moonlet, respectively), while the random component is dominant when m/M?0.3. We derive the condition for the random component to dominate moonlet rotation on the basis of our results of three-body orbital integration, and confirm agreement with N-body simulation.  相似文献   
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