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The Khut copper skarn deposit is located at about 50 km northwest of Taft City in Yazd province in the middle part of the Urumieh‐Dokhtar magmatic arc. Intrusion of granitoid of Oligocene–Miocene age into carbonate rocks of the Triassic Nayband Formation led to the formation of marble and a calcic skarn. The marble contains high grade Cu mineralization that occurs mainly as open space filling and replacement. Cu‐rich sulfide samples from the mineralized marble are also anomalous in Au, Zn, and Pb. In contrast, the calcic skarn is only weakly anomalous in Cu and W. The calcic skarn is divided into garnet skarn and garnet–pyroxene skarn zones. Paragenetic relationships and microthermometric data from fluid inclusions in garnet and calcite indicate that the compositional evolution of skarn minerals occurred in three main stages as follows. (i) The early prograde stage, which is characterized by Mg‐rich hedenbergite (Hd53.7Di42.3–Hd86.1Di9.5) with Al‐bearing andradite (69.8–99.5 mol% andradite). The temperature in the early prograde skarn varies from 400 to 500°C at 500 bar. (ii) The late prograde stage is manifested by almost pure andradite (96.2–98.4 mol% andradite). Based on the fluid inclusion data from garnet, fluid temperature and salinity in this stage is estimated to vary from 267 to 361°C and from 10.1 to 21.1 wt% NaCl equivalent, respectively. Pyrrhotite precipitation started during this stage. (iii) The retrograde stage occurs in an exoskarn, which consists of an assemblage of ferro‐actinolite, quartz, calcite, epidote, chlorite, sphalerite, pyrite, and chalcopyrite that partially replaces earlier mineral assemblages under hydrostatic conditions during fracturing of the early skarn. Fluids in calcite yielded lower temperatures (T < 260°C) and fluid salinity declined to ~8 wt% NaCl equivalent. The last stage mineralization in the deposit is supergene weathering/alteration represented by the formation of iron hydroxide, Cu‐carbonate, clay minerals, and calcite. Sulfur isotope data of chalcopyrite (δ34S of +1.4 to +5.2‰) show an igneous sulfur source. Mineralogy and mineral compositions of the prograde assemblage of the Khut skarn are consistent with deposition under intermediately oxidized and slightly lower fS2 conditions at shallow crustal levels compared with those of other typical Fe‐bearing Cu–Au skarn systems.  相似文献   
Felsic magmatism in the southern part of Himachal Higher Himalaya is constituted by Neoproterozoic granite gneiss (GGn), Early Palaeozoic granitoids (EPG) and Tertiary tourmaline-bearing leucogranite (TLg). Magnetic susceptibility values (<3 ×10?3 SI), molar Al2 O 3/(CaO + Na2 O + K 2O) (≥1.1), mineral assemblage (bt–ms–pl–kf–qtz ± tur ± ap), and the presence of normative corundum relate these granitoids to peraluminous S-type, ilmenite series (reduced type) granites formed in a syncollisional tectonic setting. Plagioclase from GGn (An10–An31) and EPG (An15–An33) represents oligoclase to andesine and TLg (An2–An15) represents albite to oligoclase, whereas compositional ranges of K-feldspar are more-or-less similar (Or88 to Or95 in GGn, Or86 to Or97 in EPG and Or87 to Or94 in TLg). Biotites in GGn (Mg/Mg + Fet= 0.34–0.45), EPG (Mg/Mg + Fet= 0.27–0.47), and TLg (Mg/Mg + Fet= 0.25–0.30) are ferribiotites enriched in siderophyllite, which stabilised between FMQ and HM buffers and are characterised by dominant 3Fe\(\rightleftharpoons \)2Al, 3Mg\(\rightleftharpoons \)2Al substitutions typical of peraluminous (S-type), reducing felsic melts. Muscovite in GGn (Mg/Mg + Fet=0.58–0.66), EPG (Mg/Mg + Fet=0.31?0.59), and TLg (Mg/Mg + Fet=0.29–0.42) represent celadonite and paragonite solid solutions, and the tourmaline from EPG and TLg belongs to the schorl-elbaite series, which are characteristics of peraluminous, Li-poor, biotite-tourmaline granites. Geochemical features reveal that the GGn and EPG precursor melts were most likely derived from melting of biotite-rich metapelite and metagraywacke sources, whereas TLg melt appears to have formed from biotite-muscovite rich metapelite and metagraywacke sources. Major and trace elements modelling suggest that the GGn, EPG and TLg parental melts have experienced low degrees (~13, ~17 and ~13%, respectively) of kf–pl–bt fractionation, respectively, subsequent to partial melting. The GGn and EPG melts are the results of a pre-Himalayan, syn-collisional Pan-African felsic magmatic event, whereas the TLg is a magmatic product of Himalayan collision tectonics.  相似文献   
—?Microseismicity (M?M?M?M??6 were also monitored at a crustal movement monitoring station located several hundred meters from the veins. It was found that the opening of the vertical ore veins primary led to significant strain and tilt, but not to seismicity, because the delay and the longer duration of the seismicity were significant. Most seismic events involve thrusting mechanisms that are consistent with the present stress state of E-W-oriented tectonic compression, but are not consistent with the opening of the deepest ore vein. Interstingly, all the events within a few months of the heavy rainfall occurred near the faults that offset the deepest ore veins, wheareas all those events located away from the deepest ore veins occurred many months after the heavy rainfall. Consequently, the delayed diffusion of water appears to have played a dominant role in reducing rock strength, which led to seismicity in the Ikuno mine.  相似文献   
Excessive terrestrial nutrient loadings adversely impact coral reefs by primarily enhancing growth of macroalgae, potentially leading to a phase‐shift phenomenon. Hydrological processes and other spatial and temporal factors affecting nutrient discharge must be examined to be able to formulate effective measures for reducing nutrient export to adjacent reefs. During storm events and baseflow periods, water samples were obtained from the tropical Todoroki River, which drains an intensively agricultural watershed into Shiraho coral reef. In situ nutrient analyzers were deployed for 6 months to hourly measure dissolved nutrient (NO3‐N and PO43−‐P) concentrations. Total phosphorus (TP) and suspended solid concentration (TSS) were increased by higher rainfall intensity (r = 0·94, p < 0·01) and river discharge Q (r = 0·88, p < 0·01). In contrast, NO3‐N concentration tends to decrease drastically (e.g. from 3 to 1 mg l−1) during flood events. When base flow starts to dominate afterwards, NO3‐N manifested an increasing trend, but decreases when baseflow discharge becomes low. This counter‐clockwise hysteresis for NO3‐N highlights the significant influence of groundwater discharge. N delivery can therefore be considered a persistent process compared to sediment and P discharge, which are highly episodic in nature. Based on GIS analysis, nutrient concentration along the Todoroki River was largely affected by the percentage of sugarcane/bare areas and bedrock type. The spatial distribution of N concentration in the river reflects the considerable influence of subsurface geology—higher N levels in limestone‐dominated areas. P concentrations were directly related to the total length of artificial drainage, which enhances sediment transport. The use of high‐resolution monitoring data coupled with GIS‐based spatial analysis therefore enabled the clarification of control factors and the difference in the spatio‐temporal discharge characteristics between N and P. Thus, although erosion‐reduction schemes would reduce P discharge, other approaches (e.g. minimize fertilizer) are needed to reduce N discharge. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
From the continuous observation of microearthquakes around the Yamasaki fault, periodic variations of seismic activity and a migration of activity along the fault have been found. The increase of activity in 1977 was predicted from the data obtained until the end of 1976, corresponding to a long-term prediction of the earthquake activity.The seasonal distribution of the number of earthquakes in the past ten years shows that the probability of the occurrence of earthquakes in this region is highest in September. This distribution is related to the monthly precipitation in this region. Characteristic movements of the Yamasaki fault before the occurrence of shocks have been observed by extensometers across the fractured zone. These movements show that isolated heavy rainfalls can be a triggering mechanism for the occurrence of earthquakes. These phenomena can be utilized for the short-term prediction of shallow earthquakes.  相似文献   
White-light observations of the total solar eclipse on 13 November 2012 were made at two sites, where the totality occurred 35 min apart. The structure of the corona from the solar limb to a couple of solar radii was observed with a wide dynamic range and a high signal-to-noise ratio. An ongoing coronal mass ejection (CME) and a pre-CME loop structure just before the eruption were observed in the height range between 1?–?2 R. The source region of CMEs was revealed to be in this height range, where the material and the magnetic field of CMEs were located before the eruption. This height range includes the gap between the extreme ultraviolet observations of the low corona and the spaceborne white-light observations of the high corona, but the eclipse observation shows that this height range is essential for the study of CME initiation. The eclipse observation is basically just a snapshot of CMEs, but it indicates the importance of a continuous coverage of CME observations in this height range in the future.  相似文献   
Distribution of silicic acid (Si(OH)4) in bottom water was investigated in the central Seto Inland Sea under stratified conditions in summer. Water samples were collected at 10 stations on April 24 and 25 and July 7 and 8, 2012. In July, stratification progressed, and a cold water mass (dome) of <20 °C appeared. In response to the cold dome, low oxygen content was observed in the bottom layer of the eastern part of Hiuchi-Nada. In this water mass site, apparent oxygen utilization values calculated from dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations increased, coinciding with increase of Si(OH)4 concentrations from April to July. This suggests that increase of Si(OH)4 [dissolution of biogenic silica (diatom frustules)] was accompanied by DO consumption due to degradation of organic matter such as plankton soft tissue. These findings suggest that a bacterial degradation of the organic matrix that covers diatom frustules could accelerate the dissolution of biogenic silica in bottom water under stratified conditions.  相似文献   
Human impact on adjacent coastal waters, leading to alteration in nutritional environment and hence affecting phytoplankton biomass (Chlorophyll a), will probably be enhanced by the nearby presence of ports. The main goal of this study is to assess the influence of nearby presence of port on phytoplankton biomass build-up and the physical–chemical environmental characteristics in two contrasting coastal systems (Otaru port, S-IN and an exposed coastal area, S-OUT) in the western Hokkaido coast off Otaru port, Japan. Sampling was conducted on “bi-weekly and monthly” basis during the period of September 2006–December 2007 and data comprising 11 pelagic variables were obtained. In most instance, phytoplankton biomass, nutrients' (NH4, NO3, PO4, and Si(OH)4) concentrations and nutrients' molar ratios were higher at the Otaru port location. Physical parameters (temperature, salinity, hydrogen ion concentration (pH), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and dissolved oxygen, (DO)) were not significantly different (P > 0.05) between the two locations. With the exception of salinity, pH and DIC, all variables measured showed significant variation (P < 0.05) with season. While the coefficient of variation (CV) of physical parameters and phytoplankton biomass were relatively higher in Otaru port location (S-IN), the exposed coastal location (S-OUT) showed a higher variation in chemical parameters. Other variables showed different patterns between the two locations. We conclude that ports, due to its activities and restricted circulation favour high nutrient loading and phytoplankton biomass build-up in adjacent coastal systems, thus, suggesting the need for continuous field observation data in order to advance our knowledge on possible future human impact on coastal environment and the need to monitor and control port activities.  相似文献   
On Shikoku Island, which is one of the four main islands of Japan, a large number of large-scale crystalline schist landslides have been revealed and are being monitored by an observation system. Seasonal heavy rainfall is the most active meteorological factor that can threaten the stability of this kind of site-specific landslide. In this paper, on the basis of the study of the rainfall-related behavior of a typical crystalline schist landslide, the Zentoku landslide, by analyzing the precisely and continuously observed piezometric and movement data, a method was developed to quantitatively assess the effect of heavy rainfall on a large-scale landslide. The results indicated that heavy rainfall-induced landslide displacement shows good correlation with the variation of groundwater levels. Variations of groundwater level have been simulated with the use of a tank model. The simulation using this model permits the change in water levels for future rainfall events to be predicted. By combining the predicted results with the empirical relation between displacements and water levels, rainfall-induced landslide movement during extreme rainfall events can be estimated in advance. The effect of heavy rainfall on sliding behavior can be quantified in terms of the change in displacement. Thus warning information or advisories for the local residents can be provided.  相似文献   
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