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This paper examines a new method for evaluating the stability of rock blocks on slopes using a remotely positioned Laser Doppler Vibrometer (LDV). A series of experiments using physical models were conducted to evaluate the validity of this new method. Based on the experimental studies, the applicability of LDV was examined by comparing results with a conventional seismometer measurement. To examine the quantitative correlations between vibration properties and the stability of a rock block, the effects on the vibration properties of the size of the rock block, the initial block position, the slope incline, and the type of ground surface were studied. The experimental results showed that LDV measurements agreed with conventional seismometer measurements. There was also a good correlation between vibration properties and rock-block stability. On the other hand, it was found that for a boulder on tightly compacted ground, the application of block stability assessment by tonometry was difficult when measuring microtremors or sloppy vibration due to nearby vehicle traffic. Furthermore, numerical analysis of the slope model was carried out to examine the validity of the model experiment and application of the suggested technique. The results of the analysis demonstrated that the suggested technique was effective for application to stability monitoring of a block and evaluation of the effect of stability measures.  相似文献   
In this study, we have demonstrated the capability of full polarimetric ALOS/Phased Array L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar data for the characterization of the forests and deforestation in Cambodia, to support climate change mitigation policies of Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD). We have observed mean backscattering coefficient (σ°), entropy (H), alpha angle (α), anisotropy (A), pedestal height (PH), Radar Vegetation Index (RVI) and Freeman–Durden three-component decomposition parameters. The observations show that the forest types and deforested area are showing variable polarimetric and backscattering properties because of the structural difference. Evergreen forest is characterized by a high value of σ° HV (?12.96 dB) as compared with the deforested area (σ° HV=?22.2 dB). The value of polarimetric parameters such as entropy (0.93), RVI (0.91), PH (0.41) and Freeman–Durden volume scattering (0.43) is high for evergreen forest, whereas deforested area is characterized by the low values of entropy (0.36) and RVI (0.17). Based on these parameters, it is found that σ° HV, entropy, RVI and PH provide best results among other parameters.  相似文献   
U-Pb ages of detrital zircons were newly dated for 4 Archean sandstones from the Pilbara craton in Australia, Wyoming craton in North America, and Kaapvaal craton in Africa. By using the present results with previously published data, we compiled the age spectra of detrital zircons for 2.9, 2.6, 2.3,1.0, and0.6 Ga sandstones and modern river sands in order to document the secular change in age structure of continental crusts through time. The results demonstrated the following episodes in the history of continental crust:(1) low growth rate of the continents due to the short cycle in production/destruction of granitic crust during the Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic(2.9-23 Ga),(2) net increase in volume of the continents during Paleo-to Mesoproterozoic(2.3-1.0 Ga), and(3) net decrease in volume of the continents during the Neoproterozoic and Phanerozoic(after 1.0 Ga). In the Archean and Paleoproterozoic, the embryonic continents were smaller than the modern continents, probably owing to the relatively rapid production and destruction of continental crust. This is indeed reflected in the heterogeneous crustal age structure of modern continents that usually have relatively small amount of Archean crusts with respect to the post-Archean ones. During the Mesoproterozoic, plural continents amalgamated into larger ones comparable to modern continental blocks in size. Relatively older crusts were preserved in continental interiors, whereas younger crusts were accreted along continental peripheries.In addition to continental arc magmatism, the direct accretion of intra-oceanic island arc around continental peripheries also became important for net continental growth. Since 1.0 Ga, total volume of continents has decreased, and this appears consistent with on-going phenomena along modern active arc-trench system with dominant tectonic erosion and/or arc subduction. Subduction of a huge amount of granitic crusts into the mantle through time is suggested, and this requires re-consideration of the mantle composition and heterogeneity.  相似文献   
Summary Lunar tidal oscillations of an atmosphere with zonal winds are discussed theoretically. The main effect comes from vertical wind shears of middle latitude zonal winds. If, however, the zonal wind system is strictly antisymmetric with respect to the equator, there is no effect of the wind system. It is the equator-symmetric component of zonal wind systems that plays an important role. The meridional temperature gradient has no pronounced influence. There is a possibility that the observed annual variations of the lunar tide can be interpreted as a result of seasonal variations of zonal wind systems. But the proof requires information about the zonal winds in the southern hemisphere which is not yet available. Another possibility, namely the interpretation of the seasonal variation as a result of annual variations of global mean vertical temperature profile remains to be investigated and compared to the present result.
Zusammenfassung Die Theorie der Mondgezeiten in einer Atmosphäre mit zonalen Winden zeigt, daß der stärkste Einfluß vonvertikalen Windänderungen in mittleren Breiten herrührt. Wenn das zonale Windsystem aber genau antisymmetrisch zum Äquator ist, hat es keinen Einfluß; nur der Teil mit äquatorieller Symmetrie wirkt auf die Gezeiten. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, daß die beobachtete jahreszeitliche Schwankung der Mondgezeit durch jahres-zeitliche Schwankungen des zonalen Windsystems erklärt werden kann; aber für den Beweis würde man mehr Information über die zonalen Winde in der Südhemisphere brauchen, als bis jetzt vorhanden ist. Eine andere mögliche Erklärung der jahreszeitlichen Änderung der Mondgezeit, nämlich als eine Folge jahreszeitlicher Schwankungen der mittleren vertikalen Temperatur-verteilung für die ganze Erde, muß noch untersucht und mit den vorliegenden Resultaten verglichen werden.

Résumé La théorie des marées lunaires agissant sur une atmosphère ne présentant que des vents zonaux montre que la plus forte influence modificatrice se produit par des variations verticales du vent dans les latitudes moyennes. Cependant, lorsque le système des vents zonaux est exactement antisymétrique par rapport à l'équateur, il n'y a pas d'influence. Seules les parties symétriques à l'équateur ont une influence sur les marées lunaires. Il est possible que les variations saisonnières de la marée lunaire observées puissent être expliquées par des variations également saisonnières du système des vents zonaux. Pourtant, pour le prouver, on devrait disposer de plus d'informations que jusqu'ici sur les vents zonaux de l'hémisphère sud. Une autre explication possible des variations saisonnières des marées lunaires serait celle d'une conséquence des variations saisonnières de la répartition verticale de la température moyenne pour la terre entière. Cette hypothèse doit encore être étudiée et comparée aux résultats de la présente étude.

With 10 Figures  相似文献   
The ca. 2.2–2.1 Ga Magondi Supergroup on the Zimbabwe Craton in Southern Africa is mainly composed of sedimentary rocks deposited in a rift basin/passive continental margin, which record a unique episode in carbon isotope perturbation called the Lomagundi–Jatuli Event (LJE). This study reports new U–Pb ages of detrital zircons from the Deweras and Lomagundi groups of the Magondi Supergroup, and of igneous zircons from underlying granitoids, to constrain the timing of the LJE and to identify the provenance of the Magondi Supergroup. Most analysed detrital zircon grains range in ages between ca. 2.9 and 2.6 Ga. Three ca. 2.3–2.2 Ga detrital zircons from sandstone of the Deweras Group, with the youngest 207Pb‐206Pb age of 2,216 ± 22 Ma, indicate the onset of LJE in the Zimbabwe Craton was almost simultaneous to that in Fennoscandia and the Superior Craton, supporting the global synchronicity of the LJE.  相似文献   
Harutaka  Sakai  Minoru  Sawada  Yutaka  Takigami  Yuji  Orihashi  Tohru  Danhara  Hideki  Iwano  Yoshihiro  Kuwahara  Qi  Dong  Huawei  Cai  Jianguo  Li 《Island Arc》2005,14(4):297-310
Abstract   Newly discovered peloidal limestone from the summit of Mount Qomolangma (Mount Everest) contains skeletal fragments of trilobites, ostracods and crinoids. They are small pebble-sized debris interbedded in micritic bedded limestone of the Qomolangma Formation, and are interpreted to have been derived from a bank margin and redeposited in peri-platform environments. An exposure of the Qomolangma detachment at the base of the first step (8520 m), on the northern slope of Mount Qomolangma was also found. Non-metamorphosed, strongly fractured Ordovician limestone is separated from underlying metamorphosed Yellow Band by a sharp fault with a breccia zone. The 40Ar–39Ar ages of muscovite from the Yellow Band show two-phase metamorphic events of approximately 33.3 and 24.5 Ma. The older age represents the peak of a Barrovian-type Eo-Himalayan metamorphic event and the younger age records a decompressional high-temperature Neo-Himalayan metamorphic event. A muscovite whole-rock 87Rb–86Sr isochron of the Yellow Band yielded 40.06 ± 0.81 Ma, which suggests a Pre-Himalayan metamorphism, probably caused by tectonic stacking of the Tibetan Tethys sediments in the leading margin of the Indian subcontinent. Zircon and apatite grains, separated from the Yellow Band, gave pooled fission-track ages of 14.4 ± 0.9 and 14.4 ± 1.4 Ma, respectively. These new chronologic data indicate rapid cooling of the hanging wall of the Qomolangma detachment from approximately 350°C to 130°C during a short period (15.5–14.4 Ma).  相似文献   
Detailed quantitative cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging analysis was carried out for radiation-damage halos observed by CL (CL halo) created in natural quartz by implantation of 4 MeV He+ ions. The band of CL halo was approximately 14 μm in width and was constant for any He+ ion dose. The width of the halo is consistent with the theoretical range of 4He ions in quartz. A quantitative response of CL intensity to He+ ion dose was obtained, leading to the application of CL halos to geodosimetrical use. The CL intensity increases exponentially in the luminescent band from the implantation surface to the inside, until it reaches a maximum at 14 μm depth, with a rapid decrease beyond this point. This result is as predicted by Bragg's law, although we find some differences between the CL intensity and the theoretical stopping power.  相似文献   
Multiple series of triaxial tests were carried out on unsaturated sandy soils subjected to irregular seismic excitation. To observe the volume changes of unsaturated soil specimens during undrained loading and subsequent process of drainage, the inner cell was newly installed inside the large triaxial cell. The soil samples tested were recovered from the construction site of a liquefied natural gas storage facility located in Tokyo Bay area. In the tests, the initial conditions of soil specimens were specified with the degrees of saturation Sr of 50, 75 and 100%. The soil specimens were anisotropically consolidated, and subjected to undrained irregular seismic excitation. The time history of irregular seismic excitation was the one obtained from one of the recent earthquakes in Japan. The drainage line was then opened to let the excess pore water drain out of soil specimens. The volume changes and residual shear strains of unsaturated soil specimens thus obtained are presented in the present paper.  相似文献   
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