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Two-dimensional evolutions of two flares of October 18, 1990 have been well observed in the Caii K line with a CCD camera at Norikura station of National Astronomical Observatory in Japan. There are two common characteristics for the flares: 3 - 5 min before the impulsive phase, the heating already begins at the footpoints of the flares, but no asymmetry in line emission has been detected. After the onset of the impulsive phase, Caii K line emission at the footpoints shows strong red asymmetry, with the maximum asymmetry occurring at the same time as the peak of the radio bursts. The maximum downward velocity is about 30 50 km s–1. For flare 1, blue and red asymmetries were observed in two sides of the footpoint area. They developed and attained a maximum nearly at the same time and the inferred Doppler velocities are comparable (30 40 km s–1). This implies that two mass jets started from a small region and ejected along a loop but in opposite directions with roughly equivalent momentum. A possible mechanism has been discussed.  相似文献   
Leg 2 of the French-Japanese 1984 Kaiko cruise has surveyed the Suruga and the Sagami Troughs, which lie on both sides of the northwestward moving and colliding Izu-Bonin Ridge, the northernmost part of the Philippine Sea plate. The transition from the Nankai Trough to the Suruga Trough is characterized by northward decrease in width of the accretionary prism, in good agreement with the increasing obliquity between the through axis and the direction of the convergence, as the strike of the convergent boundary changes from ENE-NNE to south-north. South of the area, the southern margin of the Zenisu Ridge shows contractional deformations. This supports the interpretation made by the team of Leg 1 who studied the western extension of the area we studied, that it is an intra-oceanic thrusting of the ridge over the Shikoku Basin. In the Sagami Trough, where the relative motion is highly oblique to the plate boundary, active subduction is mostly confined in the east-west trending portions of the trough located south of the Boso Peninsula and along the lower Boso Canyon, near the TTT triple junction. In between, the present motion is mainly right-lateral along the northwest trending Boso escarpment. However, an inactive but recent (Pliocene to lower Pleistocene) accretionary prism exists south of the Boso escarpment, which suggests that the relative motion was more northerly than at present before about 1 Ma ago.  相似文献   
We investigate the evolution of angular momentum in simulations of galaxy formation in a cold dark matter universe. We analyse two model galaxies generated in the N -body/hydrodynamic simulations of Okamoto et al. Starting from identical initial conditions, but using different assumptions for the baryonic physics, one of the simulations produced a bulge-dominated galaxy and the other one a disc-dominated galaxy. The main difference is the treatment of star formation and feedback, both of which were designed to be more efficient in the disc-dominated object. We find that the specific angular momentum of the disc-dominated galaxy tracks the evolution of the angular momentum of the dark matter halo very closely: the angular momentum grows as predicted by linear theory until the epoch of maximum expansion and remains constant thereafter. By contrast, the evolution of the angular momentum of the bulge-dominated galaxy resembles that of the central, most bound halo material: it also grows at first according to linear theory, but 90 per cent of it is rapidly lost as pre-galactic fragments, into which gas had cooled efficiently, merge, transferring their orbital angular momentum to the outer halo by tidal effects. The disc-dominated galaxy avoids this fate because the strong feedback reheats the gas, which accumulates in an extended hot reservoir and only begins to cool once the merging activity has subsided. Our analysis lends strong support to the classical theory of disc formation whereby tidally torqued gas is accreted into the centre of the halo conserving its angular momentum.  相似文献   
The timing and thermal effects of granitoid intrusions into accreted sedimentary rocks are important for understanding the growth process of continental crust. In this study, the petrology and geochronology of pelitic gneisses in the Tseel area of the Tseel terrane, SW Mongolia, are examined to understand the relationship between igneous activity and metamorphism during crustal evolution in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). Four mineral zones are recognized on the basis of progressive changes in the mineral assemblages in the pelitic gneisses, namely: the garnet, staurolite, sillimanite and cordierite zones. The gneisses with high metamorphic grades (i.e. sillimanite and cordierite zones) occur in the central part of the Tseel area, where granitoids are abundant. To the north and south of these granitoids, the metamorphic grade shows a gradual decrease. The composition of garnet in the pelitic gneisses varies systematically across the mineral zones, from grossular‐rich garnet in the garnet zone to zoned garnet with grossular‐rich cores and pyrope‐rich rims in the staurolite zone, and pyrope‐rich garnet in the sillimanite and cordierite zones. Thermobarometric analyses of individual garnet crystals reveal two main stages of metamorphism: (i) a high‐P and low‐T stage (as recorded by garnet in the garnet zone and garnet cores in the staurolite zone) at 520–580 °C and 4.5–7 kbar in the kyanite stability field and (ii) a low‐P and high‐T stage (garnet rims in the staurolite zone and garnet in the sillimanite and cordierite zones) at 570–680 °C and 3.0–6.0 kbar in the sillimanite stability field. The earlier high‐P metamorphism resulted in the growth of kyanite in quartz veins within the staurolite and sillimanite zones. The U–Pb zircon ages of pelitic gneisses and granitoids reveal that (i) the protolith (igneous) age of the pelitic gneisses is c. 510 Ma; (ii) the low‐P and high‐T metamorphism occurred at 377 ± 30 Ma; and (iii) this metamorphic stage was coeval with granitoid intrusion at 385 ± 7 Ma. The age of the earlier low‐T and high‐P metamorphism is not clearly recorded in the zircon, but probably corresponds to small age peaks at 450–400 Ma. The low‐P and high‐T metamorphism continued for c. 100 Ma, which is longer than the active period of a single granitoid body. These findings indicate that an elevation of geotherm and a transition from high‐P and low‐T to low‐P and high‐T metamorphism occurred, associated with continuous emplacement of several granitoids, during the crustal evolution in the Devonian CAOB.  相似文献   
The hydrological system within Earth's crust is divided into the permeable zone and the underlying, much less permeable zone. In this study, we investigated the solubility and precipitation kinetics of silica in water under the conditions of the Kakkonda geothermal field, Japan, where well WD‐1a penetrates the boundary between the hydrothermal convection zone and the heat conduction zone. We found that quartz solubility has a local minimum at the depth of the hydrological boundary, at ~3100‐m depth (380 °C and 24 MPa), in the case of either hydrostatic conditions or fluid pressure increase above hydrostatic at deeper levels. The hydrothermal experiments reveal that rapid quartz precipitation occurs via nucleation when fluids are brought from the liquid region to the supercritical region. The preferential precipitation of quartz at a specific depth plays a significant role in forming and sustaining the permeable–impermeable boundary in the crust.  相似文献   
The canyon mouth is an important component of submarine‐fan systems and is thought to play a significant role in the transformation of turbidity currents. However, the depositional and erosional structures that characterize canyon mouths have received less attention than other components of submarine‐fan systems. This study investigates the facies organization and geometry of turbidites that are interpreted to have developed at a canyon mouth in the early Pleistocene Kazusa forearc basin on the Boso Peninsula, Japan. The canyon‐mouth deposits have the following distinctive features: (i) The turbidite succession is thinner than both the canyon‐fill and submarine‐fan successions and is represented by amalgamation of sandstones and pebbly sandstones as a result of bypassing of turbidity currents. (ii) Sandstone beds and bedsets show an overall lenticular geometry and are commonly overlain by mud drapes, which are massive and contain fewer bioturbation structures than do the hemipelagic muddy deposits. (iii) The mud drapes have a microstructure characterized by aggregates of clay particles, which show features similar to those of fluid‐mud deposits, and are interpreted to represent deposition from fluid mud developed from turbidity current clouds. (iv) Large‐scale erosional surfaces are infilled with thick‐bedded to very thick‐bedded turbidites, which show lithofacies quite similar to those of the surrounding deposits, and are considered to be equivalent to scours. (v) Concave‐up erosional surfaces, some of which face in the upslope direction, are overlain by backset bedding, which is associated with many mud clasts. (vi) Tractional structures, some of which are equivalent to coarse‐grained sediment waves, were also developed, and were overlain locally by mud drapes, in association with mud drape‐filled scours, cut and fill structures and backset bedding. The combination of these outcrop‐scale erosional and depositional structures, together with the microstructure of the mud drapes, can be used to identify canyon‐mouth deposits in ancient deep‐water successions.  相似文献   
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