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Records of natural processes, such as gradual streamflow fluctuations, are commonly interrupted by long or short disruptions from natural non‐linear responses to gradual changes, such as from river‐ice break‐ups, freezing as a result of annual solar cycles, or human causes, such as flow blocking by dams and other means, instrument calibrations and failure. The resulting abrupt or gradual shifts and missing data are considered to be discontinuities with respect to the normal signal. They differ from random noise as they do not follow any fixed distribution over time and, hence, cannot be eliminated by filtering. The multi‐scale resolution features of continuous wavelet analysis and cross wavelet analysis were used in this study to determine the amplitude and timing of such streamflow discontinuities for specific wavebands. The cross wavelet based method was able to detect the strength and timing of abrupt shifts to new streamflow levels, gaps in data records longer than the waveband of interest and a sinusoidal discontinuity curve following an underlying modeled annual signal at ±0.5 year uncertainty. Parameter testing of the time‐frequency resolution demonstrated that high temporal resolution using narrow analysis windows is favorable to high‐frequency resolution for detection of waveband‐related discontinuities. Discontinuity analysis on observed daily streamflow records from Canadian rivers showed the following: (i) that there is at least one discontinuity/year related to the annual spring flood in each record studied, and (ii) neighboring streamflows have similar discontinuity patterns. In addition, the discontinuity density of the Canadian streamflows studied in this paper exhibit 11‐year cycles that are inversely correlated with the solar intensity cycle. This suggests that more streamflow discontinuities, such as through fast freezing, snowmelt, or ice break‐up, may occur during years with slightly lowered solar insolation. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The DRASTIC technique is commonly used to assess groundwater vulnerability. The main disadvantage of the DRASTIC method is the difficulty associated with identifying appropriate ratings and weight assignments for each parameter. To mitigate this issue, ratings and weights can be approximated using different methods appropriate to the conditions of the study area. In this study, different linear (i.e., Wilcoxon test and statistical approaches) and nonlinear (Genetic algorithm [GA]) modifications for calibration of the DRASTIC framework using nitrate (NO3) concentrations were compared through the preparation of groundwater vulnerability maps of the Meshqin-Shahr plain, Iran. Twenty-two groundwater samples were collected from wells in the study area, and their respective NO3 concentrations were used to modify the ratings and weights of the DRASTIC parameters. The areas found to have the highest vulnerability were in the eastern, central, and western regions of the plain. Results showed that the modified DRASTIC frameworks performed well, compared to the unmodified DRASTIC. When measured NO3 concentrations were correlated with the vulnerability indices produced by each method, the unmodified DRASTIC method performed most poorly, and the Wilcoxon–GA–DRASTIC method proved optimal. Compared to the unmodified DRASTIC method with an R2 of 0.22, the Wilcoxon–GA–DRASTIC obtained a maximum R2 value of 0.78. Modification of DRASTIC parameter ratings was found to be more efficient than the modification of the weights in establishing an accurately calibrated DRASTIC framework. However, modification of parameter ratings and weights together increased the R2 value to the highest degree.  相似文献   
The South Caspian Basin (SCB) is a relic of the back-arc basin in the margin of the Tethys paleoocean. The SCB has an oceanic-type crust and is filled with a thick (15–28 km) sedimentary series. In the modern structure, it is a part of the South Caspian microplate, which also comprises the Lower Kura and West Turkmenian depressions, parts of the Kopet Dagh and Alborz ranges. The geological and seismological data evidence an underthrust (or, probably, subduction) of the South Caspian Basin’s lithosphere beneath the Apsheron threshold and the simultaneous westward displacement of the South Caspian Microplate (SCM). Different authors refer the South Caspian Basin’s formation to the Early Mesozoic, Late Jurassic, and Paleocene. In this paper, on the basis of geologic information, a two-phase model of the South Caspian Basin’s opening is considered. The first phase is referred to the Late Triassic-Early Jurassic, when the sinking of the Kopet Dagh Basin and the opening of the Great Caucasus rift began as well. Jointly, these three structures formed a prolonged basin related to the development of the Early Mesozoic subduction zone. The age of the oceanic crust in the central part of the South Caspian Basin calculated by the thermal flux is 200 Ma. The second phase of the South Caspian Basin opening referred to the Eocene is related to the extension in the back-arc part of the Elbrus volcanic arc. The formation of the oceanic crust in the southwestern part of the South Caspian Basin and in the Lower-Kura depression is associated with this phase, which is proved by the high values of the thermal flux.  相似文献   
Analysis of peculiarities in the distribution of hydrocarbon accumulations within the basins of Phanerozoic continental margins, which had completed their evolution, and complicated peripheral regions of ancient Laurasian and Gondwanian platforms nowadays, has enabled us to reveal certain regularities related to two stages in the evolution of sedimentary basins. The first stage of evolution of sedimentary basins (period of existence of the continental margin proper) is related to large accumulations of fluid and gaseous hydrocarbons in the margins of continents belonging to the Laurasian megablock; for the margins of continents belonging to Gondwana, this period was reflected in the formation of large gas accumulation only (in the Permian). At the second stage of sedimentary basin evolution, large oil and gas accumulations were formed in areas associated with fore deeps, which were laid in the boundary of the Gondwanian platforms and fold belts. In comparison, in fore deeps that emerged in the marginal parts of Laurasian platforms, less significant accumulations of fluid and gaseous hydrocarbons were found (Table 1). The results of comparative analysis in oil-and-gas bearing basins located in the margins of the Laurasian and Gondwanian megablocks would help in purposeful exploratory works for oil and gas.  相似文献   
Short-term (three months) bottom seismic observations in the area of the Yalam-Samur structure in the Middle Caspian Basin revealed a deep-seated compact zone of mantle-earthquake sources that dips beneath the southeastern Caucasus. To a first approximation, this zone may be interpreted as a seismofocal layer that characterizes thrusting of the Turan Plate under the southeastern Caucasus. However, the obtained spatial distribution of sources of microearthquakes and weak earthquakes is insufficiently reliable owing to the low aperture of the observation network of bottom seismographs. More reliable data on the position and parameters of the seismofocal layer could be obtained by the observation network with a wider spread of bottom seismographs (up to 50–100 km). If this result is confirmed, the current concept of interaction between the Alpine structures of the southeastern Caucasus, Turan, and South Caspian plates should probably be revised. The geotectonics of the Caucasus is preliminarily analyzed in the light of the newly revealed relationships.  相似文献   
This paper presents the application of a periodogram approach to estimate the spectral density of a stochastic component of a daily river flow time series. The application of a goodness-of-fit test allows comparisons of spectra, and suggests criteria for the length of records for spectral analysis.  相似文献   
While it remains the primary source of safe drinking and irrigation water in northwest Iran's Maku Plain, the region's groundwater is prone to fluoride contamination. Accordingly, modeling techniques to accurately predict groundwater fluoride concentration are required. The current paper advances several novel data mining algorithms including Lazy learners [instance-based K-nearest neighbors (IBK); locally weighted learning (LWL); and KStar], a tree-based algorithm (M5P), and a meta classifier algorithm [regression by discretization (RBD)] to predict groundwater fluoride concentration. Drawing on several groundwater quality variables (e.g., concentrations), measured in each of 143 samples collected between 2004 and 2008, several models predicting groundwater fluoride concentrations were developed. The full dataset was divided into two subsets: 70% for model training (calibration) and 30% for model evaluation (validation). Models were validated using several statistical evaluation criteria and three visual evaluation approaches (i.e., scatter plots, Taylor and Violin diagrams). Although Na+ and Ca2+ showed the greatest positive and negative correlations with fluoride (r = 0.59 and −0.39, respectively), they were insufficient to reliably predict fluoride levels; therefore, other water quality variables, including those weakly correlated with fluoride, should be considered as inputs for fluoride prediction. The IBK model outperformed other models in fluoride contamination prediction, followed by KStar, RBD, M5P, and LWL. The RBD and M5P models were the least accurate in terms of predicting peaks in fluoride concentration values. Results of the current study can be used to support practical and sustainable management of water and groundwater resources.  相似文献   
A drought forecasting model is a practical tool for drought-risk management. Drought models are used to forecast drought indices (DIs) that quantify drought by its onset, termination, and subsequent properties such as the severity, duration, and peak intensity in order to monitor and evaluate the impacts of future drought. In this study, a wavelet-based drought model using the extreme learning machine (W-ELM) algorithm where the input data are first screened through the wavelet pre-processing technique for better accuracy is developed to forecast the monthly effective DI (EDI). The EDI is an intensive index that considers water accumulation with a weighting function applied to rainfall data with the passage of time in order to analyze the drought-risk. Determined by the autocorrelation function (ACF) and partial ACFs, the lagged EDI signals for the current and past months are used as significant inputs for 1 month lead-time EDI forecasting. For drought model development, 97 years of data for three hydrological stations (Bathurst Agricultural, Wilsons Promontory and Merredin in Australia) are partitioned in approximately 90:5:5 ratios for training, cross-validation and test purposes, respectively. The discrete wavelet transformation (DWT) is applied to the predictor datasets to decompose inputs into their time–frequency components that capture important information on periodicities. DWT sub-series are used to develop new EDI sub-series as inputs for the W-ELM model. The forecasting capability of W-ELM is benchmarked with ELM, artificial neural network (ANN), least squares support vector regression (LSSVR) and their wavelet-equivalent (W-ANN, W-LSSVR) models. Statistical metrics based on agreement between the forecasted and observed EDI, including the coefficient of determination, Willmott’s index, Nash–Sutcliffe coefficient, percentage peak deviation, root-mean-square error, mean absolute error, and model execution time are used to assess the effectiveness of the models. The results demonstrate enhanced forecast skill of the drought models that use wavelet pre-processing of the predictor dataset. Based on statistical measures, W-ELM outperformed traditional ELM, LSSVR, ANN and their wavelet-equivalent counterparts (W-ANN, W-LSSVR). It is found that the W-ELM model is computationally efficient as shown by a faster running time with the majority of forecasting errors in lower frequency bands. The results demonstrate the usefulness of W-ELM over W-ANN and W-LSSVR models and the benefits of wavelet transformation of input data to improve the performance of drought forecasting models.  相似文献   
Groundwater is an especially important freshwater source for water supplies in the Maku area of northwest Iran. The groundwater of the area contains high concentrations of fluoride and is, therefore, important in predicting the fluoride contamination of the groundwater for the purpose of planning and management. The present study aims to evaluate the ability of the extreme learning machine (ELM) model to predict the level of fluoride contamination in the groundwater in comparison to multilayer perceptron (MLP) and support vector machine (SVM) models. For this purpose, 143 water samples were collected in a five-year period, 2004–2008. The samples were measured and analyzed for electrical conductivity, pH, major chemical ions and fluoride. To develop the models, the data set—including Na+, K+, Ca2+ and HCO3 ? concentrations as the inputs and fluoride concentration as the output—was divided into two subsets; training/validation (80% of data) and testing (20% of data), based on a cross-validation technique. The radial basis-based ELM model resulted in an R 2 of 0.921, an NSC of 0.9071, an RMSE of 0.5638 (mg/L) and an MABE of 0.4635 (mg/L) for the testing data. The results showed that the ELM models performed better than MLP and SVM models for prediction of fluoride contamination. It was observed that ELM models learned faster than the other models during model development trials and the SVM models had the highest computation time.  相似文献   
The use of electrical conductivity (EC) as a water quality indicator is useful for estimating the mineralization and salinity of water. The objectives of this study were to explore, for the first time, extreme learning machine (ELM) and wavelet-extreme learning machine hybrid (WA-ELM) models to forecast multi-step-ahead EC and to employ an integrated method to combine the advantages of WA-ELM models, which utilized the boosting ensemble method. For comparative purposes, an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) model, and a WA-ANFIS model, were also developed. The study area was the Aji-Chay River at the Akhula hydrometric station in Northwestern Iran. A total of 315 monthly EC (µS/cm) datasets (1984–2011) were used, in which the first 284 datasets (90% of total datasets) were considered for training and the remaining 31 (10% of total datasets) were used for model testing. Autocorrelation function (ACF) and partial autocorrelation function (PACF) demonstrated that the 6-month lags were potential input time lags. The results illustrated that the single ELM and ANFIS models were unable to forecast the multi-step-ahead EC in terms of root mean square error (RMSE), coefficient of determination (R2) and Nash–Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient (NSC). To develop the hybrid WA-ELM and WA-ANFIS models, the original time series of lags as inputs, and time series of 1, 2 and 3 month-step-ahead EC values as outputs, were decomposed into several sub-time series using different maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform (MODWT) functions, namely Daubechies, Symlet, Haar and Coiflet of different orders at level three. These sub-time series were then used in the ELM and ANFIS models as an input dataset to forecast the multi-step-ahead EC. The results indicated that single WA-ELM and WA-ANFIS models performed better than any ELM and ANFIS models. Also, WA-ELM models outperformed WA-ANFIS models. To develop the boosting multi-WA-ELM and multi-WA-ANFIS ensemble models, a least squares boosting (LSBoost) algorithm was used. The results showed that boosting multi-WA-ELM and multi-WA-ANFIS ensemble models outperformed the individual WA-ELM and WA-ANFIS models.  相似文献   
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