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In the Rocky Mountains, the association of increases in acidic deposition with increased atmospheric loading of sulfate and direct changes in surface water chemistry has been well established. The importance, though, of increased nitrogen (N) deposition in the episodic acidification of alpine lakes and N saturation in alpine ecosystems is only beginning to be documented. In alpine areas of the Colorado Front Range, modest loadings of N in deposition have been associated with leakage of N to surface waters. On the Colorado western slope, however, no leakage of N to surface waters has been reported. A 1995 study that included early season under-ice water samples that were not available in earlier studies showed that there is, in fact, N leakage to surface waters in some western slope basins. Under-ice nitrate (NO- 3) concentrations were as high as 10.5 μeq L-1 and only decreased to detection limits in September. Landscape type appears to be important in leakage of N to surface waters, which is associated with basins having steep slopes, thin soils, and large amounts of exposed bedrock. NO- 3 leakage compounds the existing sensitivity to episodic acidification from low acid neutralizing capacity (ANC), which is less than 40 μeq L-1 in those basins. [Key words: episodic acidification, nitrogen deposition, nitrate, alpine ecosystems, landscape type, Rocky Mountains.]  相似文献   
Slow changes in the magnetic field are believed to originate in the core of the Earth. Interpretation of these changes requires knowledge both of the vertical component of the field and of its rate of change at the core-mantle boundary (CMB). While various spherical harmonic models show some agreement for the field at the CMB, those for secular variation (SV) do not. SV models depend heavily on annual means at relatively few and poorly distributed magnetic observatories. In this paper, the SV at the CMB is modelled by fitting 15-year differences in the annual means of the X, Y and Z components (from 1959 to 1974). The model is made unique by imposing the constraint that ?CMBB?r2dS be a minimum, using the method of Shure et al. (1982). If SV is attributed to motions of core fluid, then this model will yield, in some sense, the slowest core motions. The null space is determined by the distribution of observations, and therefore, to be consistent, only those observatories have been retained which recorded almost continuously throughout the interval 1959–1974.The method allows misfit between the model and the observations. The best value for the misfit can be derived from estimates of errors in the data, or alternatively, because larger misfit leads to smoother models (i.e., smaller ? B?r2dS), the best value can be estimated subjectively from the final appearance of the model. Both procedures have their counterparts in the conventional spherical harmonic expansion approach, when smoothing is achieved by lowering the truncation level. The new proposal made in this paper is to use objective criteria for determining the misfit, based on the assumption that diffusion is negligible, in which event all integrals B?r2dS will vanish when Si is a region on the CMB bounded by a contour of zero vertical component of field. For the 1965 definitive model which is adopted here, and for most other contemporary models, there are six such areas, giving five independent integrals (the integrals over the six regions must sum to zero if ? · B = 0). Tabulating these integrals for various choices of the misfit gives minimum values near 2 nT y?1. It is impossible to achieve this good a fit to the data using a reasonable model derived by truncating the spherical harmonic expansion. The value 2 nT y?1 corresponds to errors of ~ 20 nT in individual annual means, which is rather larger than expected from the scatter in the data.  相似文献   
Preferential suprapermafrost groundwater flow was observed in deepened channels lying between raised frost mounds. Here, saturated hydraulic conductivity, k, ranged from 90 to 1000 m/day but was only 0·1–1·0 m/day in the mound centres. A high proportion of fines occurs in the frost mound centre due to particle sorting, while channels contain gravels. Three approaches of areal weighting of k and groundwater flow, Q s, across a wetland–upland boundary were explored. When percentage area covered by channels, mounds or gravel was considered, estimates of water flow on a daily and seasonal basis fell by 30 to 50 per cent. This study is of relevance to northern scientists who require reliable estimates of groundwater flow across patterned ground landscapes. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Larson  Sarah M.  Pegion  Kathy 《Climate Dynamics》2020,54(3):1507-1522
Climate Dynamics - Prospects for El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) predictability at long lead-times lie in the subsurface oceanic memory along the equatorial Pacific. Long considered...  相似文献   
The endangered Western population of the Steller sea lion declined for three decades for uncertain reasons. We present baseline data of metal concentrations in pups as a first step towards investigating the potential threat of developmental exposures to contaminants. Seven metals were investigated: arsenic, cadmium, silver, aluminum, mercury, lead and vanadium. Vanadium was detected in only a single blubber sample. Mercury appears to be the most toxicologically significant metal with concentrations in the liver well above the current action level for mercury in fish. The concentrations of aluminum, arsenic, silver, cadmium and lead were present in one-fourth to two-thirds of all samples and were at either comparable or below concentrations previously reported. Neither gender nor region had a significant effect on metal burdens. Future work should consider metal concentrations in juveniles and adults and toxicological studies need to be performed to begin to assess the toxicity of these metals.  相似文献   
The peat-forming systems of the Okefenokee Swamp are viewed as modern progenitors of coal. Taxodium and Nymphaea-derived peat-forming systems were characterized in terms of (1) organic fractions and (2) the distribution of organic/inorganic sulfur in each organic fraction (water soluble, benzene/methanol soluble, humin, humic acid, fulvic acid). The humin fraction is the largest organic fraction in both environments, approaching 70% of the total organic matter in the Nymphaea-derived environment. Humin origins are discussed in terms of a humic acid precursor, and undecomposed plant material. It is suggested that each depth of peat represents a diagenetic history of events which the authors believe occurred primarily when the currently buried peat was at the surface. The sulfur content of both peat-forming areas is low (0.23–0.27%); organic sulfur is the dominant sulfur form. Humin contains 50–80% of the total sulfur and of this, 80% is organic sulfur. Ester-sulfate appears to be especially prevalent in the fulvic acid fraction. The sulfur content of freshwater-derived peats is similar in quantity and distribution to that found in low sulfur coals.  相似文献   
American Indian and Alaska Native tribes are uniquely affected by climate change. Indigenous peoples have depended on a wide variety of native fungi, plant and animal species for food, medicine, ceremonies, community and economic health for countless generations. Climate change stands to impact the species and ecosystems that constitute tribal traditional foods that are vital to tribal culture, economy and traditional ways of life. This paper examines the impacts of climate change on tribal traditional foods by providing cultural context for the importance of traditional foods to tribal culture, recognizing that tribal access to traditional food resources is strongly influenced by the legal and regulatory relationship with the federal government, and examining the multi-faceted relationship that tribes have with places, ecological processes and species. Tribal participation in local, regional and national climate change adaption strategies, with a focus on food-based resources, can inform and strengthen the ability of both tribes and other governmental resource managers to address and adapt to climate change impacts.  相似文献   
During the last week of June 2001, a bright apparition of Neptune's South Polar Feature (SPF) at 70°S was observed to develop and decay in less than 30 hours, displaying contrast of ∼2.5 at 619 nm. Assuming that the same SPF was observed on two consecutive rotations of Neptune, the feature moved eastward at 3.2±1.8° hr−1 (130±80 m s−1). The SPF made no obvious appearances during eight other Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations of Neptune between July 2000 and June 2001, although there was a faint feature at 70°S in one image in October 2000. A prominent SPF was present in near-IR Keck Telescope images in August 2000. Bright SPFs are seen on ∼10% of the HST images of Neptune obtained since 1994, and a fainter SPF is visible on another ∼10%. An SPF bright enough to be visible at HST resolution was present around half the time during the last week of Voyager's approach to Neptune in August 1989, with one prominent brightening, suggesting that the SPF is less visible now than in 1989.  相似文献   
We introduce a novel scheme that enables natural silicic glasses to be projected into the synthetic system Qz-Ab-Or-H2O in order to relate variations in volcanic glass chemistry to changing pressure (P) and temperature (T) conditions in the sub-volcanic magma system. By this means an important distinction can be made between ascent-driven and cooling-driven crystallisation under water-saturated or undersaturated conditions. In samples containing feldspar and a silica phase (quartz or tridymite), quantitative P-T estimates of the conditions of last equilibrium between crystals and melt can be made. Formation of highly silicic melts (i.e. >77 wt% SiO2) is a simple consequence of the contraction of the silica phase volume with decreasing pressure, such that high silica glasses can only form by crystallisation at low pressure. Resorption of quartz crystals appears to be a further diagnostic feature of decompression crystallisation. Groundmass and inclusion glasses in dacites from the 1980-1986 eruption of Mount St Helens volcano (WA) span a wide range in SiO2 (68-80 wt%, anhydrous). The compositions of the least evolved (SiO2-poor) inclusions in amphibole phenocrysts record entrapment of silicic liquids with Е.4 wt% water, corresponding to a water saturation pressure of ~200 MPa at 900 °C. The compositions of more evolved (higher SiO2) plagioclase-hosted inclusions and groundmass glasses are consistent with extensive ascent-driven fractional crystallisation of plagioclase, oxide and orthopyroxene phenocrysts and microlites to low pressures. During this polybaric crystallisation, plagioclase phenocrysts trapped melts with a wide range of dissolved water contents (3.5-5.7 wt%). Magmas erupted during the Plinian phase of the 18 May 1980 eruption were derived from a large reservoir at depths of ̈́ km. Subsequent magmas ascended to varying depths within the sub-volcanic system prior to extraction. From glass chemistry and groundmass texture two arrest levels have been identified, at depths of 0.5-1 and 2-4 km. A single dome sample from February 1983 contains groundmass plagioclase, tridymite and quartz, testifying to temperatures of at least 885 °C at 11 MPa. These shallow storage conditions are comparable to those in the cryptodome formed during spring 1980. The corresponding thermal gradient, А.2 °C MPa-1, is consistent with near-adiabatic magma ascent from ~8 km. We argue that the crystallisation history of Mount St Helens dacite magma was largely a consequence of decompression crystallisation of hot magma beyond the point of water saturation. This challenges the conventional view that phenocryst crystallisation occurred by cooling in a large magma chamber prior to the 1980-1986 eruption. Because the crystallisation process is both polybaric and fractional, it cannot be simulated directly using isobaric equilibrium crystallisation experiments. However, calculation of the phase proportions in water-saturated 910ᆣ °C experiments by Rutherford et al. (1985) over the pressure range 220-125 MPa reproduces the crystallisation sequence and phenocryst modes of Mount St Helens dacites from 18 May 1980. By allowing for the effects of fractional versus equilibrium crystallisation, entrained residual source material, and small temperature differences between nature and experiment, phase compositions can also be matched to the natural samples. We conclude that decompression of water-saturated magma may be the dominant driving force for crystallisation at many other silicic volcanic centres.  相似文献   
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