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The structure and mechanism of cation sorption at the (0 0 1) muscovite-water interface were investigated in 0.01 and 0.5 m KCl, CsCl, and CaCl2 and 0.01 m BaCl2 solutions at slightly acidic pH by high-resolution X-ray reflectivity. Structural relaxations of atom positions in the 2M1 muscovite were small (?0.07 Å) and occurred over a distance of 30 to 40 Å perpendicular to the interface. Cations in all solutions were sorbed dominantly in the first and second solution layers adjacent to the mineral surface. The derived heights of the first solution layer in KCl and CsCl solutions, 1.67(6)-1.77(7) and 2.15(9)-2.16(2) Å, respectively, differ in magnitude by the approximate difference in crystallographic radii between K and Cs, and correspond closely to the interlayer cation positions in bulk K- and Cs-mica structures. The first solution layer heights in CaCl2 and BaCl2 solutions, 2.46(5)-2.56(11) and 2.02(5) Å, respectively, differ in a sense opposite to that expected based on crystallographic or hydrated radii of the divalent cations. The derived ion heights in all solutions imply that there is no intercalated water layer between the first solution layer and the muscovite surface. Molecular compositions were assigned to the first two solution layers in the electron density profiles using models that constrain the number density of sorbed cations, water molecules, and anions by considering the permanent negative charge of the muscovite and average solution density. The models result in partial charge balance (at least 50%) by cations sorbed in the first two layers in the 0.01 m solutions and approximately full charge balance in the 0.5 m solutions. Damped oscillations of model water density away from the first two solution layers agree with previous X-ray reflectivity results on the muscovite (0 0 1) surface in pure water.  相似文献   
The Chalk Group of the Central Downs of the Isle of Wight forms a relay ramp between two major inverted extensional faults. Mortimore (2011) presented a structural model of this key area based on a geological map constructed from detailed logging of a limited set of exposed sections. The area has been recently mapped at 1:10,000 scale by the British Geological Survey. Our interpretation of the geological structure differs significantly from that proposed by Mortimore, and suggests that Chalk has relatively uniform dips that progressively steepen towards the hanging wall of the E-W oriented basement faults. However, a suite of mapped extensional faults indicates an element of differential movement or transpression along the main basement structures.  相似文献   
The Sepik River is a major contributor of water, sediment and associated organic loads to the coastal waters of northern New Guinea and the Bismarck Sea. We compare dissolved and particulate organic carbon data from September 1997 during an extremely dry El Nino year with those from 1996, 1999 and 2000 during La Nina wet season discharges. Estimated Sepik River flux of DOC is 3.2×1010 mol yr−1 and POC is 1.1×1011 mol yr−1. The estimates for total river nutrient fluxes to the sea are 1.1×1010 mol yr−1 for nitrogen and 4.6×108 mol yr−1 for phosphorus. The Sepik DOC flux is about equal to that combined from all four major rivers that enter the Gulf of Papua on the south coast of PNG. The Sepik inorganic PIC flux is low (1.4×108 mol yr−1) as the river does not drain carbonate soils. With a narrow continental shelf, and strong coastal currents, much of this exported material is available for long distance transport into the coastal Bismarck Sea and beyond.  相似文献   
Geological mapping of Elysium Planitia has led to the recognition of five major surface units, in addition to the three volcanic constructs Elysium Mons, Hecates Tholus, and Albor Tholus. These units are interpreted to be both volcanic and sedimentary or erosional in origin. The volcano Elysium Mons is seen to have dominated constructional activity within the whole region, erupting lava flows which extend up to 600km from the summit. A major vent system, covering an area in excess of 75 000 km2, is identified within the Elysium Fossae area. Forty-one sinuous channels are visible within Elysium Planitia; these channels are thought to be analogous to lunar sinuous rilles and their formation in this region of Mars is attributed to unusually high regional topographic slopes (up to ~ 1.7). Numerous circumferential graben are centered upon Elysium Mons. These graben, located at radial distances of 175, 205–225, and 330km from the summit, evidently post-dated the emplacement of the Elysium Mons lava flows but pre-dated the eruption of extensive flood lavas to the west of the volcano. A great diversity of channel types is observed within Elysium Fossae. The occurrences of streamlined islands and multiple floor-levels within some channels suggests a fluvial origin. Conversely, the sinuosity and enlarged source craters of other channels suggests a volcanic origin. Impact crater morphology, the occurrence of chaotic terrain, probable pyroclastic deposits upon Hecates Tholus and fluvial channels all suggest extensive volcano-ground ice interactions within this area.NASA Summer Intern.  相似文献   
Over 400 unlithified sediment samples were collected from four different depositional environments in global locations and the grain‐size distribution, porosity, and hydraulic conductivity were measured using standard methods. The measured hydraulic conductivity values were then compared to values calculated using 20 different empirical equations (e.g., Hazen, Carman‐Kozeny) commonly used to estimate hydraulic conductivity from grain‐size distribution. It was found that most of the hydraulic conductivity values estimated from the empirical equations correlated very poorly to the measured hydraulic conductivity values with errors ranging to over 500%. To improve the empirical estimation methodology, the samples were grouped by depositional environment and subdivided into subgroups based on lithology and mud percentage. The empirical methods were then analyzed to assess which methods best estimated the measured values. Modifications of the empirical equations, including changes to special coefficients and addition of offsets, were made to produce modified equations that considerably improve the hydraulic conductivity estimates from grain size data for beach, dune, offshore marine, and river sediments. Estimated hydraulic conductivity errors were reduced to 6 to 7.1 m/day for the beach subgroups, 3.4 to 7.1 m/day for dune subgroups, and 2.2 to 11 m/day for offshore sediments subgroups. Improvements were made for river environments, but still produced high errors between 13 and 23 m/day.  相似文献   
The Villalbeto de la Peña meteorite that fell in 2004 in Spain was originally classified as a moderately shocked L6 ordinary chondrite. The recognition of fragments within the Villalbeto de la Peña meteorite clearly bears consequences for the previous classification of the rock. The oxygen isotope data clearly show that an exotic eye‐catching, black, and plagioclase‐(maskelynite)‐rich clast is not of L chondrite heritage. Villalbeto de la Peña is, consequently, reclassified as a polymict chondritic breccia. The oxygen isotope data of the clast are more closely related to data for the winonaite Tierra Blanca and the anomalous silicate‐bearing iron meteorite LEW 86211 than to the ordinary chondrite groups. The REE‐pattern of the bulk inclusion indicates genetic similarities to those of differentiated rocks and their minerals (e.g., lunar anorthosites, eucritic, and winonaitic plagioclases) and points to an igneous origin. The An‐content of the plagioclase within the inclusion is increasing from the fragment/host meteorite boundary (approximately An10) toward the interior of the clast (approximately An52). This is accompanied by a successive compositionally controlled transformation of plagioclase into maskelynite by shock. As found for plagioclase, compositions of individual spinels enclosed in plagioclase (maskelynite) also vary from the border toward the interior of the inclusion. In addition, huge variations in oxygen isotope composition were found correlating with distance into the object. The chemical and isotopical profiles observed in the fragment indicate postaccretionary metamorphism under the presence of a volatile phase.  相似文献   
An extensive suite of hydrothermally altered rocks were recovered byAlvin and dredging along the MARK [Mid-Atlantic Ridge, south of the Kane Fracture Zone (23–24°N)] where detachment faulting has provided a window into the crustal component of hydrothermal systems. Rocks of basaltic composition are altered to two assemblages with these characteristics: (i) type I: albitic plagioclase (An02–10)+mixed-layer smectite/chlorite or chlorite±actinolite±quartz±sphene, <10% of the clinopyroxene is altered, and there is no trace metal mobility; (ii) type II: plagioclase (An10–30)+amphibole (actinolite-magnesio-hornblende) +chlorite+sphene, >20% of the clinopyroxene is altered, and Cu and Zn are leached. The geochemical signature of these alteration types reflects the relative proportion and composition of secondary minerals, and the degree of alteration of primary phases, and does not show simple predictive relationships. Element mobilities indicate that both alteration types formed at low water/rock ratios. The MARK assemblages are typical of the greenschist and transition to the amphibolite facies, and represent two distinct, albeit overlapping, temperature regimes: type I-180 to 300°C and type II-250 to 450°C. By analogy with DSDP/ODP Hole 504B and many ophiolites, the MARK metabasalts were altered within the downwelling limb of a hydrothermal cell and type I and II samples formed in the upper and lower portions of the sheeted like complex, respectively. Episodic magmatic and hydrothermal events at slow-spreading ridges suggest that these observed mineral assemblages represent the cumulative effects of more than one hydrothermal event. Groundmass and vein assemblages in the MARK metabasalts indicate either that alteration conditions did not change during successive hydrothermal events or that these assemblages record only the highest temperature event. Lack of retrograde reactions or overprinting of lower temperature assemblages (e.g., zeolites) suggests that there is a continuum in alteration conditions while crustal segments remain in the ridge axis environment. The type II samples may be representative of thereaction zone where compositions of hydrothermal fluids actively venting at the seafloor today become fixed. This prediction necessitates interaction between hydrothermal fluids and intersertal glass and/or mafic phases, in addition to plagioclase, in order to produce the observed range in vented fluid pH.  相似文献   
Kathryn A Whaler considers the opportunities and challenges arising from the greatly enhanced geomagnetism data sets now available, in her 2006 Presidential Address.  相似文献   
The occurrence of micron to millimeter size globular heterogeneities in igneous rocks is frequently explained by processes of liquid immiscibility. However, such textures have also been documented in miscible magmatic pairs. In this study, the ability of miscible magmas to develop transient surface tensions and mimic the behavior of immiscible liquids is tested for the whole spectrum of magmatic compositions. We implemented a numerical model that includes the effect of gradient stresses (namely Korteweg stress) in order to investigate the role of such stresses in the evolution of diffusive interfaces. The results show that an initially elongated heterogeneity surrounded by a miscible and compositionally diverse magma will tend to minimize its contact surface by relaxing to a spherical shape, advected by a Korteweg stress driven flow. If the initial aspect ratio of the heterogeneity exceeds a critical value, surface minimization may be achieved by drop breakup. In addition, it is shown that two neighboring heterogeneities may coalesce to a single spherical drop. These results imply that even for fully miscible magmas, rheological barriers may prevent efficient mechanical intermingling and induce the formation of small-scale globular textures, analogous to those commonly observed in immiscible liquids. A better understanding of the role of Korteweg stress may be of the utmost importance for deciphering the textures generated by the interaction of compositionally diverse magmas.  相似文献   
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