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A suite of sulfate minerals were characterized spectrally, compositionally, and structurally in order to develop spectral reflectance-compositional-structural relations for this group of minerals. Sulfates exhibit diverse spectral properties, and absorption-band assignments have been developed for the 0.3-26 μm range. Sulfate absorption features can be related to the presence of transition elements, OH, H2O, and SO4 groups. The number, wavelength position, and intensity of these bands are a function of both composition and structure. Cation substitutions can affect the wavelength positions of all major absorption bands. Hydroxo-bridged Fe3+ results in absorption bands in the 0.43, 0.5, and 0.9 μm regions, while the presence of Fe2+ results in absorption features in the 0.9-1.2 μm interval. Fundamental SO bending and stretching vibration absorption bands occur in the 8-10, 13-18, and 19-24 μm regions (1000-1250, 550-770, and 420-530 cm−1). The most intense combinations and overtones of these fundamentals are found in the 4-5 μm (2000-2500 cm−1) region. Absorption features seen in the 1.7-1.85 μm interval are attributable to HOH/OH bending and translation/rotation combinations, while bands in the 2.1-2.7 μm regions can be attributed to H2O- and OH-combinations as well as overtones of SO bending fundamentals. OH- and H2O-bearing sulfate spectra are fundamentally different from each other at wavelengths below ∼6 μm. Changes in H2O/OH content can shift SO band positions due to change in bond lengths and structural rearrangement. Differences in absorption band wavelength positions enable discrimination of all the sulfate minerals used in this study in a number of wavelength intervals. Of the major absorption band regions, the 4-5 μm region seems best for identifying and discriminating sulfates in the presence of other major rock-forming minerals.  相似文献   
Landslides are one of the most damaging natural hazards and have killed tens of thousands of people around the world over the past decade. Slow-moving landslides, with surface velocities on the order of 10−2–102 m a−1, can damage buildings and infrastructure and be precursors to catastrophic collapses. However, due to their slow rates of deformation and at times subtle geomorphic signatures, they are often overlooked in local and large-scale hazard inventories. Here, we present a remote-sensing workflow to automatically map slow-moving landslides using feature tracking of freely and globally available optical satellite imagery. We evaluate this proof-of-concept workflow through three case studies from different environments: the extensively instrumented Slumgullion landslide in the United States, an unstable lateral moraine in Chilean Patagonia and a high-relief landscape in central Nepal. This workflow is able to delineate known landslides and identify previously unknown areas of hillslope deformation, which we consider as candidate slow-moving landslides. Improved mapping of the spatial distribution, character and surface displacement rates of slow-moving landslides will improve our understanding of their role in the multi-hazard chain and their sensitivity to climatic changes and can direct future detailed localised investigations into their dynamics.  相似文献   
Vector data are not uncommon in geography, and include examples such as transportation flows, particulate transport, and cartographic distortion. The directional and vector means and variances of these types of data are easily computed using a complex-arithmetic extension of the equations for scalar mean and variance. The January surface wind field over the contiguous United States provides an example with which to compare the information provided by scalar, directional and vector-based statistics. Spatial patterns of the mean and variance of January wind velocity (the wind vector) resemble patterns of wind speeds and directions but are not a simple superposition of the two, and one cannot necessarily infer the nature of the velocity field from separately computed salar and directional statistics. However, scalar and directional means and variances can lend insight into the features contributing to the velocity mean and variance. Scalar, directional, and vector-based analyses thus provide complementary methods with which to examine the spatial patterns of wind, or of any flow field that can be represented as a vector.  相似文献   
The relationship between surface bubble composition and gas flux to the atmosphere was examined at five large seeps from the Coal Oil Point seep field (Santa Barbara Channel, CA, USA). The field research was conducted using a flux buoy designed to simultaneously measure the surface bubbling gas flux and the buoy’s position with differential GPS, and to collect gas samples. Results show that the flux from the five seeps surveyed a total of 11 times ranged from 800–5,500 m3 day?1. The spatial distribution of flux from the five seeps was well described by two lognormal distributions fitted to two flux ranges. The seafloor and sea surface composition of bubbles differed, with the seafloor bubbles containing significantly more CO2 (3–25%) and less air (N2 and O2). At the sea surface, the mole fraction of N2 correlated directly with O2 (R 2 = 0.95) and inversely with CH4 (R 2 = 0.97); the CO2 content was reduced to the detection limit (<0.1%). These data demonstrate that the bubble composition is modified by gas exchange during ascent: dissolved air enters, and CO2 and hydrocarbon gases leave the bubbles. The mean surface composition at the five seeps varied with water depth and gas flux, with more CH4 and higher CH4/N2 ratios found in shallower seeps with higher flux. It is suggested that the CH4/N2 ratio is a good proxy for total or integrated gas loss from the rising bubbles, although additional study is needed before this ratio can be used quantitatively.  相似文献   
The potential effects of global climate change on coastal ecosystems have attracted considerable attention, but the impacts of shorter-term climate perturbations such as ENSO (El Niño-Southern Oscillation) are lesser known. In this study, we determined the effects of the 1997–1998 ENSO-related drought on the hydrology and salinity of a Micronesian mangrove ecosystem and an adjacent freshwater swamp. A network of 9 piezometer clusters installed at the study site served as sampling points for continuous and manual measurements of salinity and water level. During the drought period from January through April 1998, mean water table levels in the mangroves and freshwater swamp were approximately 12 and 54 cm lower, respectively, than during May through December when precipitation returned to near normal levels. At the peak of the drought (February 1998), the most dramatic result was a reversal in groundwater flow that sent groundwater from the mangroves upstream toward the freshwater swamp. Flow nets constructed for this period and immediately after illustrate the strong hydrological linkage between the two systems. This linkage was also illustrated by measurements of groundwater salinity in the piezometer network. Ninety-six percent of the salinity measurements taken in the mangroves during the study were at least 10‰ less than the salinity of sea water, indicating that the mangroves were consistently receiving freshwater flows. An analysis of variance of groundwater salinity measurements during and after the drought showed that salinity levels in the 0.5 and 1.0 m depth piezometers were greater during than after the drought. In a comparison of salinity values in 0.5-m wells during low tide, mean salinity was approximately twice as high during the drought than after (14.7‰ versus 6.2‰, respectively). This study demonstrates that short-term climate perturbations such as ENSO can disrupt important coastal processes. Over repeated drought cycles, such perturbations have the potential to affect the structure and function of mangrove forests and upstream ecosystems.  相似文献   
Finite-difference methods with high-order accuracy have been utilized to improve the precision of numerical solution for partial differential equations.However, the computation cost generally increases linearly with increased order of accuracy.Upon examination of the finite-difference formulas for the first-order and second-order derivatives, and the staggered finite-difference formulas for the first-order derivative, we examine the variation of finite-difference coefficients with accuracy order and note th...  相似文献   
The feasibility of surface application for remediating monoaromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes — termed BTEX as a croup) dissolved in ground water under field conditions was investigated at a site within Canadian Forces Base. Borden. Ontario. The surface area was 25 m2 and underlain by 3 to 3.5 m of unsaturated sands soil. For periods of at least 216 hours, between 43 and 72 cm/d of water containing BTEX at concentrations that averaged between 8 and 11 mg/L were continuously applied by drip irrigation. Nitrogen was added to the soil as a nutrient for the final third of the investigation.
Before the applied water reached the water table. BTEX mass losses ranged from of to essentially KM) percent. Less than 6 percent of the BTEX mass losses could be attributed to volatilization from the unsaturated soil. The remaining BTEX mass losses were attributed to biodegradation, mostly in the top 50 cm of the soil, which contained more inorganic nitrogen and organic carbon than the deeper soil. Biodegradation rates increased with applied concentration, nitrogen addition, and exposure to BTEX. Benzene concentrations in ground water attained compliance with Canadian and American drinking water standards only after nitrogen application.  相似文献   
The Northwest Africa (NWA) 2996 meteorite is a lunar regolith breccia with a “mingled” bulk composition and slightly elevated incompatible element content. NWA 2996 is dominated by clasts of coarse‐grained noritic and troctolitic anorthosite containing calcic plagioclase (An#~98) and magnesian mafic minerals (Mg#~75), distinguishing it from Apollo ferroan anorthosites and magnesian‐suite rocks. This meteorite lacks basalt, and owes its mingled composition to a significant proportion of coarse‐grained mafic clasts. One group of mafic clasts has pyroxenes similar to anorthosites, but contains more sodic plagioclase (An#~94) distinguishing it as a separate lithology. Another group contains Mg‐rich, very low‐titanium pyroxenes, and could represent an intrusion parental to regional basalts. Other clasts include granophyric K‐feldspar, disaggregated phosphate‐bearing quartz monzodiorites, and alkali‐suite fragments (An#~65). These evolved lithics are a minor component, but contain minerals rich in incompatible elements. Several anorthosite clasts contain clusters of apatite, suggesting that the anorthosites either assimilated evolved rocks or were metasomatized by a liquid rich in incompatible elements. We used Lunar Prospector gamma‐ray spectrometer remote sensing data to show that NWA 2996 is most similar to regoliths in and around the South Pole Aitken (SPA) basin, peripheral regions of eastern mare, Nectaris, Crisium, and southern areas of Mare Humorum. However, the mineralogy of NWA 2996 is distinctive compared with Apollo and Luna mission samples, and is likely consistent with an origin near the SPA basin: anorthosite clasts could represent local crustal material, mafic clasts could represent intrusions beneath basalt flows, and apatite‐bearing rocks could carry the SPA KREEP signature.  相似文献   
Lunar regolith breccias are temporal archives of magmatic and impact bombardment processes on the Moon. Apollo 16 sample 60016 is an “ancient” feldspathic regolith breccia that was converted from a soil to a rock at ~3.8 Ga. The breccia contains a small (70 × 50 μm) rock fragment composed dominantly of an Fe‐oxide phase with disseminated domains of troilite. Fragments of plagioclase (An95‐97), pyroxene (En74‐75, Fs21‐22,Wo3‐4), and olivine (Fo66‐67) are distributed in and adjacent to the Fe‐oxide. The silicate minerals have lunar compositions that are similar to anorthosites. Mineral chemistry, synchrotron X‐ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES) and X‐ray diffraction (XRD) studies demonstrate that the oxide phase is magnetite with an estimated Fe3+/ΣFe ratio of ~0.45. The presence of magnetite in 60016 indicates that oxygen fugacity during formation was equilibrated at, or above, the Fe‐magnetite or wüstite–magnetite oxygen buffer. This discovery provides direct evidence for oxidized conditions on the Moon. Thermodynamic modeling shows that magnetite could have been formed from oxidization‐driven mineral replacement of Fe‐metal or desulphurisation from Fe‐sulfides (troilite) at low temperatures (<570 °C) in equilibrium with H2O steam/liquid or CO2 gas. Oxidizing conditions may have arisen from vapor transport during degassing of a magmatic source region, or from a hybrid endogenic–exogenic process when gases were released during an impacting asteroid or comet impact.  相似文献   
圣安德烈斯断层(美国加州)南段最后一次大地震距今已有153年了,而其平均震间间隔却仅为~100年.如果大地震的复发具有周期性,而并非随机发生或群集发生,则这个时间长度是很值得关注的,而且通常意味着概率意义上的地震危险性增大.遗憾的是,多数地震记录都很简单,这就限制了对单条断层上地震复发的分布特征的描述.本文利用加州Wr...  相似文献   
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