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All dunes within a dunefield usually show a similar response to the wind regime. However, in the late‐Holocene coastal dunefield in NW Poland the surface topography suggests that slipface orientation may vary significantly with distance from the coast, which is rarely reported in the literature. The dunefield was stabilized with forest in the mid‐19th century, preserving a unique record of atmospheric circulation in the South Baltic region at the end of the Little Ice Age. To elucidate the Holocene processes occurring along the study site a pseudo‐3D GPR data set was collected. Six grids of parallel GPR lines combined with 400 m of GPR profiles (2D) were collected across the dunefield and displayed using GOCAD for interpretation and geostatistical analysis. The geophysical data revealed that the larger dunes almost entirely consist of steeply laminated facies. Most importantly the pseudo‐3D data, supported by geostatistical estimates of strata dip directions, revealed the existence of three zones parallel to the coastline with the mean dip direction almost perpendicular to the coast in the northern coastal strip and almost parallel to it in the southern part. Spreads of the dip directions in pseudo‐3D GPR data sets recorded on the stoss slopes of dunes and crests suggested initial deposition on transverse dunes, which later were transformed into barchanoid dunes. This can probably be linked to changes in the wind regime, i.e. reduction in velocity of the northern and northwestern winds leading to reduced sediment supply from the coast. While the data provide a new interpretation of Holocene dunefield dynamics at this site, they also suggest that the minimum number of pseudo‐3D GPR grids required to establish general trends using geostatistical analysis should be at least 10, with even more data needed at larger, or more complex dunefields.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of the studies of aerosol optical properties measured using lidars and sun photometers. We describe two case studies of the combined measurements made in two coastal zones in Crete in 2006 and in Rozewie on the Baltic Sea in 2009. The combination of lidar and sun photometer measurements provides comprehensive information on both the total aerosol optical thickness in the entire atmosphere as well as the vertical structure of aerosol optical properties. Combination of such information with air mass back-trajectories and data collected at stations located on the route of air masses provides complete picture of the aerosol variations in the study area both vertically and horizontally. We show that such combined studies are especially important in the coastal areas where depending on air mass advection directions and altitudes the influence of fine or coarse mode (in this case possibly sea-salt) particles on the vertical structure of aerosol optical properties is an important issue to consider.  相似文献   
Spotless days (i.e., days when no sunspots are observed on the Sun) occur during the interval between the declining phase of the old sunspot cycle and the rising phase of the new sunspot cycle, being greatest in number and of longest continuous length near a new cycle minimum. In this paper, we introduce the concept of the longest spotless segment (LSS) and examine its statistical relation to selected characteristic points in the sunspot time series (STS), such as the occurrences of first spotless day and sunspot maximum. The analysis has revealed statistically significant relations that appear to be of predictive value. For example, for Cycle 24 the last spotless day during its rising phase should be about August 2012 (± 9.1 months), the daily maximum sunspot number should be about 227 (± 50; occurring about January 2014±9.5 months), and the maximum Gaussian smoothed sunspot number should be about 87 (± 25; occurring about July 2014). Using the Gaussian-filtered values, slightly earlier dates of August 2011 and March 2013 are indicated for the last spotless day and sunspot maximum for Cycle 24, respectively.  相似文献   
A new marine vertebrate assemblage from the Late Jurassic (late Kimmeridgian) at Krzy?anowice near I??a in the NE margin of the Holy Cross Mountains in Poland is described. This new locality is rich in fossils of coastal and pelagic reptiles. The most frequent fossils are plesiochelyid turtle shell fragments and pliosaurid skull bones and teeth. The Krzy?anowice vertebrate assemblage is similar to the Late Jurassic Boreal/Sub-Boreal localities of the Kimmeridge Clay in Great Britain and Svalbard Archipelago in the Arctic, in the presence of pliosaurids and long-necked plesiosaurids. However, plesiochelyid turtles and crocodylomorphs are similar to those from the Mediterranean/Sub-Mediterranean sites of the northern border of the Tethys Ocean, as, for example, in the Swiss Jura Mountains and Southern Germany. This unique composition of the Krzy?anowice vertebrate fauna demonstrates that, during the Late Jurassic this new locality was located in the transitional palaeobiogeographic line referred to in this paper as the “Matyja-Wierzbowski Line”. The new palaeobiogeographical reconstructions of Late Jurassic of Europe are based on the composition of the Krzy?anowice locality and other sites with similar turtle-pliosaurid faunas which formed a long-term, stable ecological sympatry in marine ecosystems of the European Archipelago.  相似文献   
This study aims to determine the relationships between local meteorological conditions,proglacial river discharge and biogeochemical processes operating in a periglacial basin located in the Polar Ural mountain range, Russia. Fieldwork was conducted in the catchment of Obruchev Glacier(13 km2) during the summer peak flow period in 2008. River discharge was dominated by snowmelt and changed from 3300 l s-1 to less than 1000 l s-1. The mean daily air temperatures of stations situated in the mountain tundra and near Obruchev Glacier from July 11 th to August 1st 2008 were 14.4°C and 10.3°C, respectively. The glacial river had low total dissolved solids varying from 4.5 to 9 mg l-1 and coefficients of correlation between Na+ and Cl-, K+ and Cl-, as well as NH4+ and Cl- were 0.94, 0.90 and 0.84, respectively. Rainfall events affected the snowmelt initiation and provided an essential part of the discharge during the intense snowmelt period, which occurred from July 11 th to July 18 th 2008. Data showed that Na+ and K+ in the surface water derived from snowmelt rather than chemical weathering of silicates. Also, it was obtained that NO3- derived from the melting snowpack, whereas ammonification occurring under the snowpacks was the primary source for NH4+.  相似文献   
Theoretical and Applied Climatology - Strong global warming has been observed in the last three decades. Central Europe, including Poland, is not an exception. Moreover, climate projections for...  相似文献   
Utilizing topographic models of Saturn's F-ring shepherd satellites Prometheus (S16 1980S27) and Pandora (S15 1980S26), derived by Stooke (1994), and supposing that their mass density is constant, we derived basic geometrical and dynamical characteristics of the moons. They include the volume and mass, the mean radii, the tensor of inertia, and Stokes coefficients of the harmonic expansions of external gravitational potential. The best fitting ellipsoid approximations of the topography were calculated. A simple method of determining the gravitational potential on the surface of an irregular satellite is presented. Examples of equipotential surfaces of the satellites are shown  相似文献   
The general role of river water input in shaping the basic morphometric parameters of floodplain lakes has been previously investigated. However, the process has not been quantitatively described in detail. This study is the first attempt in the literature to determine the allometric relation between fluvial impulse, expressed as Fluvial Connectivity Quotient, and morphometric parameters of six floodplain lakes of Bug River valley in the period 1952–2014. This relationship is given by Y = aXb, from which the value of b exponent was analysed to determine the strength of the allometric relation. Extreme values of allometric compounds during the time period under study ranged from 5.99 to ?4.91. Volume was the morphometric parameter showing the highest variability in all the lakes. General similarity in allometric relations was observed in the lakes under study. During analysis, no long‐term trends were observed in the relationship between the Fluvial Connectivity Quotient and morphometric parameters. The results obtained show that fluvial impulse was the factor determining the variability of morphometric parameters of the lakes. Direct catchments topography of lake has periodically (during limnophase periods) played a significant role in shaping the morphometry of floodplain lakes. The most stable allometric relations occurred in a confluent lake, with a low limnological effective rise value and consequently, relatively long potamophase periods.Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
During 2003–2006, a pilot project of alternating water and CO2 injection was performed on a limited part of the Upper Miocene sandstone oil reservoir of the Ivani? Field. During the test period oil and gas recovery was significantly increased. Additionally 4,440 m3 of oil and 2.26 × 106 m3 of gas were produced. It has initiated further modelling of sandstone reservoirs in the Ivani? Field in order to calculate volumes available for CO2 injection for the purpose of increasing hydrocarbon production from depleted sandstone reservoirs in the entire Croatian part of the Pannonian Basin System. In the first phase, modelling was based on results of laboratory testing on the core samples. It considered applying analogies with world-known projects of CO2 subsurface storage and its usage to enhance hydrocarbon production. In the second phase, reservoir variables were analysed by variograms and subsequently mapped in order to reach lithological heterogeneities and to determine reliable average values of reservoir volumes. Data on porosity, depth and reservoir thickness for the “Gamma 3” and the “Gamma 4” reservoirs, are mapped by the ordinary kriging technique. Calculated volume of CO2 expressed at standard condition which can be injected in the main reservoirs of the Ivani? Field at near miscible conditions is above 15.5 billion m3.  相似文献   
Changes in the supply of water and sediment to high‐latitude rivers related to contemporary climate change and glacier fluctuations largely determine the activity of fluvial processes. This study reconstructs fluvial dynamics since the end of the Little Ice Age (LIA) in two small, partially glaciated basins in the southern part of Spitsbergen, Svalbard Archipelago. We use a combination of aerial photograph interpretation, field mapping and dendrochronological analysis. Sequences of abandoned channels and glacifluvial terraces are distinctly visible in middle and lower parts of the Brattegg and Arie basins in this area. The advance of glaciers during the LIA in the upper part of the basins led to the development of a braiding pattern and to channel aggradation corresponding to the highest glacifluvial levels. The decreasing activity of these braidplains occurred at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, immediately prior to a significant incision period. A second generation of braided channels developed during the first half of the 20th century. Ice‐marginal lake development, less input of fine‐grained sediment to the river channel, and fast incision began from the second half of the 20th century onward. During the last two decades, the main fluvial response to the climatic warming has been contraction of flow within a narrower channel and the abandonment of braidplains. The increased lateral erosion and rate of downcutting and the formation of the most downstream reaches of the modern valley bottom occurred in the 1980s and 1990s. This process was intensified under flood conditions generated by extreme rainfall events. These micro‐scale (small partially glaciated basins) observations concerning the changes of the activity of fluvial processes since the end of LIA may be helpful for the reconstruction of past fluvial changes over longer time scales.  相似文献   
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