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煤的显微煤岩学特征与焦炭强度的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘 要  为探讨煤的煤岩学特征与焦炭强度之间的关系‚对北京焦化厂所用华北地区26个矿 点的原料煤的煤岩学特征进行了研究‚并对10kg 小焦炉焦炭的强度进行了测定。通过对 M 40 ≥80%矿点煤的统计分析‚表明活性成分含量的最佳范围是63∙40%~69∙40%‚镜质组 平均反射率基本处于1∙12%~1∙36%之间。镜质组反射率分布图谱不仅可以直观地反映活性 成分的大致分布状况‚而且也可以反映原料煤的混合程度。  相似文献   
刘亢  李岩峰  郭辉文  张迎峰 《地质学报》2021,95(8):2346-2360
1948年川西理塘M 7.3地震是川滇菱形块体内部近一个世纪以来发生的震级最大的走滑型地震。在对此次同震地表破裂进行详细调查基础上,利用差分GPS对同震地表破裂带进行了精确测量与统计分析。结果揭示该地表破裂的现存长度为36 km,北端始于无量河以北,往东南沿藏坝盆地北东缘、德巫盆地东南缘,延伸至德巫乡北,分为南、北两段,而在交德附近存在约3 km长的地表破裂空区。对同震地表破裂的线密度和同震水平位错量进行分段统计后揭示,此次地震的宏观震中应位于德巫盆地中部交德东南约4~5 km处。对理塘同震地表破裂的Riedel剪切分析结果指示,该破裂带主要由R剪切组成,以发育雁列状排列的挤压鼓包(Push-up)为主要特征,伴有少量R′剪切与T裂缝,缺少P型与X型剪切。其中R剪切占95%以上,其在藏坝段(北段)的优势方向为318°,德巫段(南段)为315°,整条地表破裂带的R剪切平均方向为316°。同时发现,此次地震形成的雁列状挤压鼓包主要以平缓的"弧形"为主,这与1981年道孚MS 6.9地震和2010年玉树MS 7.1地震地表破裂带中出现大量反"S"形...  相似文献   
影响我国北方冬半年气旋的气候特征及年际变率   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
符娇兰  董林  康志明 《大气科学》2013,37(3):679-690
本文首先对气旋进行了客观定义,实现了气旋的自动识别与跟踪算法,利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料建立了近60年(1951~2010)我国北方冬半年气旋活动数据集。对气旋的气候特征与年际变率进行了探讨。结果表明:蒙古国中西部、雅布洛诺夫山脉东麓等为主要气旋源地;蒙古国东南部、内蒙古东南部、松嫩平原是气旋活跃区;内蒙古东南部、东北地区中北部为气旋消亡区与快速填塞区;初春、仲秋季节气旋较活跃,冬季气旋最少;随季节推移,气旋活动区域向南、向东推进;气旋移动以偏东路径居多,其次是东南、东北路径;700 hPa风场对气旋移动趋势具有较好的指示意义;24 h标准加深率大于0.5 Bergeron的快速发展气旋,位于内蒙古东部、东北地区中北部、日本海中部等地;爆发性气旋则主要位于日本海附近,我国大陆极少;极端最强气旋主要集中在1980年代以前的仲秋与初春;1980年代以来,气旋频次相对较少,强气旋有逐渐增加的趋势;气旋频次减少与东亚中高纬度大气低层斜压性减弱有关。  相似文献   
Ammonia has a short residence time in the atmosphere and rapidly neutralizes acid gases that occur near its source, requiring a rapid measurement system for ammonia and particulate ammonium concentrations to better understand their sources, temporal variation of ammonia emissions, and the formation of secondary ammonium aerosols. A semi-continuous measurement system, consisting of a diffusion scrubber, a particle growth chamber, an air-liquid separator, and a fluorescent detector, was developed to determine both gaseous ammonia (NH3) and particulate ammonium (NH 4 + ) in PM2.5 in the ambient atmosphere of Gwangju, South Korea, during the months of March, April, July, and September of 2007. During the sampling periods, the average concentrations of ammonia and ammonium were found to be 2.33?±?1.29 μg/m3 and 1.89?±?0.99 μg/m3, respectively. Although the average gaseous ammonia concentration was highest in March, the particulate ammonium concentration was higher during the warmer season, reaching 2.08?±?1.07 μg/m3 and 2.32?±?0.94 μg/m3 in April and July, respectively, while only 1.68?±?0.61 μg/m3 in March and 1.24?±?0.99 μg/m3 in September. It is proposed that the higher availability of acid species during the warmer months produced a significant amount of particulate ammonium sulfate. Diurnal fluctuation of ammonia and ammonium during the warmer months showed that their peak time occurred at approximately 10:00 am. Both ammonia and ammonium concentrations were better correlated during the warmer months than during the cooler months. Further, the data suggest that the ammonia and ammonium were measured under well dispersed conditions, and multiple sources contributed to the ammonia at the sampling site.  相似文献   
Although there is a substantial amount of research on households’ hurricane evacuation decision making, there is much less research on the logistical issues involved in implementing those evacuations. The limited research on household evacuation logistics has consistently shown that most evacuees stay in the homes of friends and relatives or in commercial facilities rather than in public shelters. However, evacuation logistics—which can be defined as the activities and associated resources needed to reach a safe location and remain there until it is safe to return—encompasses a much broader range of behaviors than this. The present study extends previous research by reporting data on other aspects of evacuation logistics such as departure timing, vehicle use, evacuation routes, travel distance, shelter type, evacuation duration, and evacuation cost. Hurricane Lili evacuation data at the county level are generally consistent with the data from previous hurricanes, but there is notable variation across counties studied here. There were only modest correlations of demographic and geographic variables with the evacuation logistics variables, a result that indicates further research is needed to better understand what happens between the time an evacuation decision is made and the time re-entry is begun. Moreover, research is needed to understand the logistics of evacuation by special populations such as transients and households with disabled members.  相似文献   
利用多源气象资料,对台风“温比亚”引发豫东降水的极端性特征及极端降水产生机制进行分析,提炼预报着眼点。此次降水是河南继驻马店“75·8”暴雨之后的又一次罕见特大暴雨,表现为过程雨量极大、破极值站数最多、降水强度极大、强降水时段集中的特征。结果表明:(1)高低空系统耦合为特大暴雨的发生发展创造了良好的环境条件,极端降水的产生主要受台风北侧螺旋云系影响,并有持续不断的强回波单体在同一个地点移动,冷空气与台风环流相互作用是重要的预报着眼点,重点分析台风和副热带高压的相对运动及西风带对台风的引导作用。(2)河南东部水汽输送条件一直处于较好的状态,这是降水维持较长时间的重要因素,急流中心区域和强度的变化对降水量多少有指示意义。(3)豫东地区对流不稳定和斜压不稳定均比较明显,低层MPV1<0、MPV2>0的区域与强降水落区有较好的对应关系。(4)强辐合中心位于台风中心的北侧,降水强度与辐合强度有较好的对应关系,螺旋度大值区分布对强降水的分布区域有较好的指示意义。  相似文献   
为了对广西合浦盆地干热岩资源成热条件及其潜力进行评价,利用广西航磁勘查数据,采用Parker-Oldenburg法反演计算了居里面深度。在此基础上进行大地热流密度值和不同埋深地温计算,发现计算结果与现有测温资料吻合,合浦盆地内西场凹陷和常乐凹陷具有干热岩资源成生条件。结合合浦盆地内基础地质调查资料和油气钻孔资料,分析了合浦盆地干热岩资源的储层和盖层条件。初步圈出2个位于西场凹陷和常乐凹陷的干热岩勘查靶区C1和C2,面积分别为167.10和72.90 km2,干热岩资源量分别为182.48×1015、77.59×1015 J。按20%的采收率,合浦盆地干热岩资源量可开采量为52.01×1015 J,折合标准煤177.48×104 t,占2018年广西全区能源生产总量3 756.69×104 t标准煤的4.72%。在资源量评价基础上,可优先考虑位于合浦盆地西场凹陷的C1靶区开展进一步的勘探工作。  相似文献   
Present studies on the coupling relationship and hydrology mechanism between basin ecosystem and hydrological process has become an international research frontier in hydrology. This paper investigates this coupling relationship, and also summarizes research and presents a method of combining isotopic technology with hydro-chemical methods, for the study of eco-hydrological process and function in different landscape zones. We then examine research trends for future direction and development of this field.  相似文献   
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